"Victory to the Gods!": Hilo sobre Bronze Age Pervert


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
It would be interesting to know what the “extinction” event or path is in each previous human cycle of civilization. If it is something completely random and external, like asteroids or volcanoes, or if it is something inherent to civilization as such...
some circumstance or behavior that leads to virulent disease, or some kind of great weapon or maybe even something more uncanny. I wonder if the peoples and religions that exist now also existed in past cycles under different names with slightly different superficial circumstances and appearances, but in all fundamental ways otherwise the same. And if one or a set of these, or some new belief that hasn’t even appeared yet, is the cause of the end of civilization in every cycle. A frog once suggested to me that the explosion of African populations in our time is the event that the movie Alien describes, a population bred under the most extreme pathogenic load, and that, despite its weaknesses in cold weather, can nevertheless wreak so much damage on the rest of the world that societies collapse under the march of the zombi ...I personally doubt this. Asia will shut them out without glancing twice or hearing of their suffering.
I think instead the end in previous cycles has varied but that very often, and most interesting, one cause has been the emergence of brotherhoods of savage men who have decided to purify the earth and rid it of the infestation of the human- cockroach. Because unfortunately in the long run the development of civilization and comfort leads to the proliferation of damaged life, the innovation of mankind leads to unspeakable abortions of life, and men on the periphery who want to preserve the natural order begin to plot the end of everything.
I also wonder if some ancient civilization has managed to escape all these cycles of destruction and has hidden underground somewhere. Maybe they are really eternal and live life as an experiment, detached, seeing it as a playful dream they can observe at a distance...maybe an emissary surfaces from time to time so they can amuse themselves. I shudder to think, though, that by this same reasoning the aborted robot life to which the mass of mankind inevitably degenerates in each cycle of civilization also survived, maybe in small communities of “moles,” inside dry hills of limestone, or not far underground in old networks of caves and tunnels. No doubt stories of vampires, kobold, cryptid humanoids and many others might refer to these degenerated stragglers that prey on us and terrorize us....no doubt many among the ranks of deities have come from both types, and stranger things still exist under the earth. Please see DEROs if interested. There are more things....

Sería interesante saber cómo ha sido la extinción de las anteriores eras de civilización humana: si es algo random y externo, como un asteroide o el vulcanismo, o si es algo inherente a la civilización misma, como un bichito, o armas maravillosas, o tal vez algo aún más misterioso

BAP cree que una de las causas de las varias caídas ha sido la aparición de hermandades de hombres salvajes que decidieron purificar la tierra y encargarse de la proliferación del hombre-cucaracha. Porque por desgracia a largo plazo, el desarrollo de la civilización y la comodidad condice a la proliferación de vida dañada, abortos, y los hombres de la periferia que quieren preservar el orden natural se ven obligados al final a conspirar en eses sentido

Tal vez unos y otros se escondieron bajo tierra
Hay más cosas...


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
There can be no “artificial intelligence” in the way that people really miccionan it
. If they miccionan some machine that approximates the intellect of man, this may be possible, and even very useful, although they’re very far from their goals at the moment. Success at chess is their one great achievement, but they fail still at kicking a ball, pouring ketchup, recognizing simple objects ...could one hunt, or survive being hunted? But they never miccionan just the intellect in this way, or a crude approximation of it: when people speak of “artificial intelligence” what they always miccionan is artificial life, a robot of some kind, or an artificial consciousness indistinguishable from human consciousness. There is an apparently different but in fact similar speculation that nerds love: that the universe is “logic” or information. That what constitutes matter can in fact be recorded as “information,” as relations of logic, and that therefore the universe must be precisely this—this is behind also the belief that you can “upload” your intelligence to a computer and attain immortality, and many related forms of imbecility.

The motivation for this is nerdishness and also somewhat the Jewish way of thinking, or the Judaizing tendency that promotes facility with words and number, but approaches mental deficiency and even retardation when it comes to anything visual. The Jewish hatred of matter, an ancient prejudice that precedes the Bible, and the hatred also for beauty that they share with other Semitic peoples—and many others besides—all of this comes together to promote this kind of aggressive nerdishness.
This is the origin of many of these claims, though it shouldn’t be imagined that here or elsewhere I am referring to all Jews, or that this absolves non-Jews. Because the “Judaizing” tendency I talk about is inherent to human nature, and is very common also among non-Jews, and in some degree it exists within everyone, together with the counter-acting love of vibrant matter, image, and beauty. It just exists in different degrees in different people, and peoples.
In any case, all of these delusions, that you can be “uploaded” because your “brain” can be uploaded, that “the universe is information” or that something like “artificial intelligence” actually can exist, are all at bottom the same delusion and the same power fantasy of the nerd. The nerd can be described as a person of inelegant and pedantic intelligence, often middling intelligence, who takes excessive pride in the intellect, even in the memorization of facts, the design of clumsy concepts to which reality is then expected to fit like to bed of Procrustes.... And he identifies with it. There are very rare people in history, even a few saints and martyrs, who were ashamed of their evil character and will, and sought salvation in contemplation, sought some escape in this. These are sometimes noble people, but this doesn’t describe the nerd. The nerd doesn’t hate himself, his nature, his tendencies or spirit, nor is his intellect powerful enough to over-awe his needling will and consider things without the pressure of interest or the gravity of petty desires. He never sees things like the true genius or the artist does, when the perceiving part of the intellect becomes so powerful that it really overpowers everything else...so that the fullness of the object occupies all of consciousness and an idea, or some new insight into the world, is actually grasped. No, the nerd is a creature of will, under the direction of a petty will in the everyday sense, and all of his thoughts, concepts, and designs have a forced quality because they refer always to need and desire for some kind of gain.
This very often is just material gain, but the desire for prestige is even worse. In men of intellect the desire for prestige is often the most disgusting, especially when there’s no native manliness, because this leads to cowardice and lies, to others and oneself. For this reason Nietzsche said manliness is the first requirement of the philosopher, but there’s no one farther from the philosopher than the unmanly nerd, and there’s no enemy more implacable of the human race and of the genius of the species, than just this nerd and everything he represents.

The attempt to “mimic” life through algorithms, through the brute-force of trial-and-error, will never create either life or “consciousness”—just what would such a machine be “conscious” of?—but just that, a mimicry or parody of the middling human intellect. A mirror and exaltation of the false intellect of the nerd, that never leaves the stream of words, syllogisms, motives and desire, that is always forced and contrived, because it’s under pressure of some petty need. And it’s really grotesque. It’s as if you have a girl you desire, she dies but using Big Magic you reanimate her corpse, put makeup on her, re-teach this zombi to speak, force her to copy all of her old habits, condition her like you would a pigeon to act in ways you remember and that you liked. But in the end she’s just a reanimated live-action doll, and this is grotesque. This is just what “AI” is. It is a fantasy of power of the conspiracy of biological interests that unites the nerds, the intellect of “reason”—the party that believes in empty words—the middling, and the Jews of the human spirit into hoping for their golem. “AI” is the golem of those who hate life.... It is their true Messiah and their vengeance.

No puede haber inteligencia artificial en el sentido que la gente cree. Si se tratara de una máquina que se aproximara al intelecto humano, podría ser posible, incluso útil, aunque en la actualidad se esté muy lejos de esto
Pero en realidad por IA siempre entienden una vida artificial, un robot de alguna clase, o una consciencia artificial indistinguible de la consciencia humana. Hay una diferencia aparente, pero de hecho es una especulación similar a la que aman los nerds: que el universo es "lógica" o información, y esto es lo que subyace a la creencia de que puedes subir tu inteligencia a un ordenador y obtener la inmortalidad (y otras formas similares de poca falta de cultura)

La motivación de esto es el nerdismo y también el modo judío de pensar, o la tendencia judía que promueve la facilidad con las palabras y los números, pero que es próxima a la deficiencia mental e incluso al retraso cuando se refiere a algo visual
El origen de esto viene del repruebo de los judíos a la materia y a la belleza (como se ve en la Biblia), algo que comparten también con otros pueblos

Esta tendencia judaizante es inherente a la naturaleza humana, común en no-judíos y existente en todos en cierto grado
Son ilusiones de nerd: un ser de inelegante, pedante, y frecuentemente mediocre, inteligencia, que no se odia a si mismo por ello, y que nunca ve las cosas como lo hace el verdadero genio o el artista, cuando la percepción se vuelve tan poderosa que sobrepasa a todo lo demás, de modo que la plenitud del objeto ocupa toda la consciencia, y una idea o una nueva visión del mundo se agarra.
No, el nerd es un ser dominado por una pequeña voluntad siempre mirando por alguna clase de ganancia: muchas veces es puro beneficio material, pero el ansia por el prestigio es aún peor, sobre todo cuando no hay hombría, porque lleva a la cobardía y a la mentira. Por eso Nietzsche consideraba la hombría como el primer requisito para el filósofo. Pero no hay nada más alejado del filósofo que el nerd emasculado, que es también el mayor enemigo de la raza humana y del genio de las especies

La IA es el golem de los que odian la vida: su verdadero Mesías, y su venganza


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Youth and beauty are universally hated in almost all human societies in history. These societies are run by decrepit, sclerotic old men
. Sometimes they use image of fat woman “Earth Mother” to beat the young men over the head with and make them submit. Other times they promote ugliness in all ways: ugliness and perversity in custom, scarification, circumcision, self-mutilation. Customs and religious authorities that concern themselves with how you should wipe your ass, brush teeth, how many fingers to insert in anus to achieve such and such “magical-medical” goal, petty legalisms of all kinds—the Shiite sect among Jovenlandeses and rabbinical Judaism are most like this. All of this smothers genuine religious enthusiasm and the true oracular science, from which can evolve arts of great beauty. Often their food is unappetizing and looks like boiled rocks. Their languages—most human languages are so hard to listen to! Tagalog is almost torture to hear, though I don’t miccionan to single out this culture, it’s hardly the worst in terms of love of ugliness (actually the Filipinos can be a pleasant people with an impish sense of humor inherited from the long-lost jovenlandeses now absorbed in their population). Their people are ugly: millennia of arranged marriages, for financial gain, among the Indians—originally a noble people—led to a nation now, of one billion, that almost never wins any athletic contests, that has won fewer gold medals since its inception than tiny Croatia has since 1992, where both the men and the women are inbred, ugly, unsexy, and almost deformed. I don’t miccionan to pick on them, because they’re hardly the only ones, and this ugliness, physical ugliness, is almost universal in the human race. Beauty is the very rare and precious preserve of tribes that have striven to promote child-making for something other than financial, social and political gain.

No, the promotion of ugliness is nearly universal and the love of beauty is so rare: among the great civilizations, only the ancient Greeks, the French, the Japanese, and somewhat the Italians are true lovers of beauty and refinement, and have based their existence exclusively on the promotion of beauty. How many times in history have cultures become ugly and petty because financial interest overrode eugenics in marriage—and free love, though not perfect, is somewhat more eugenic than letting fathers trade daughters for personal gain.

In their hatred and distrust of beauty one feels such societies live under a tremendous pressure of needs. Their true ruler is the god of gravity and they are dominated by antiestéticars of the future, unspeakable anxieties about money and matter, and importune, brutish behaviors all motivated by need, by the desire to grasp, by the feeling they all nourish that they’re being taken advantage of. They always feel they’re being disrespected. The desire for respect is the true mark of the forever-slighted. The distrust of beauty is sometimes sold as the high-minded rejection of material desire by the saintly or the kind or the contemplative. But that’s just nonsense, and you can see it in this way. Beauty-hating cultures have one other peculiarity they all share, which is very revealing. They hate also privacy and personal space, they hate also beauty in good and refined manners. These societies are based on such popular solidarity that it’s considered normal to barge in on other people, absurd to demand to knock; they make animal sounds when eating—or, the way such people are often said to smell in history whenever such societies are encountered—all of this tells you what the hatred of beauty is really about. Freud refers to the inner pain many of his clients experienced trying to shift from this kind of medieval, collective, smothering culture of ugliness to one where personal space and distance, refinement and beauty, were instead valued. It’s about the hatred of distinction or superiority, hatred of the principle of difference and distance between individuals, that is by contrast so prized in those very few beauty-loving cultures. And the hatred of superiority comes from the suspicion the many in such beauty-hating societies feel, that, in not being subject to the horrible pressures of need and anxiety under which they themselves live, that the beautiful and carefree make a mockery of what they take most seriously. The beautiful threaten to unravel the regimentation under which they must subject their constant crude need for things.

This is why such societies descend to the lowest types of faggotry whenever their native laws are even slightly relaxed. Islam is most like this. Jews, when devoid of their religion, as well as Persians who live under the tyranny of Shiite law, and most of all the people of the Gulf States, all revert to a crude animal condition without their rigid laws and become completely dissolute, as the Arabs were said to have been before Islam. And they will soon return to this. I don’t need to add notes for spergs and pedants: men like John Milius are excepted from such judgments, but their existence has nothing to do one way or another with my point here, which is about general types and the ways these generate.

I am speaking of two opposing views of life that are based in two very different needs of two very different biological orientations. There can be no compromise between those who live under the pressure of need and of material increase, who are the walking shadows of the dead, and on the other side, those who are carefree, joyous, pleasure-loving and worship beauty. One seeks the preservation and expansion of mere life, the other seeks the exaltation of life.

Éste es uno de mis parágrafos favoritos de todo el libro, porque apunta hacia una interpretación de todo lo que nos pasa hoy:

La juventud y la belleza son universalmente odiadas por casi todas las culturas. Esas sociedades son dirigidas por decrépitos, escleróticos, hombres viejos. Eso se manifiesta en todo tipo de síntomas culturales y religiosos. Sólo en unas pocas civilizaciones esto no ha sido así: los griegos clásicos, los Japoneses, los Franceses y también los Italianos han basado su existencia en la promoción de la belleza

Las sociedades que odian la belleza están sometidas por el principio de necesidad: el dios de la gravedad, del temor al futuro, ansiedades inexpresables sobre el dinero y la materia. Se manifiesta en unas maneras vulgares, en el ansia de "ser respetados", en los matrimonios concertados en base a cálculos meramente económicos
Y tienen otra peculiaridad: odian la privacidad y el espacio personal, y la belleza de los buenos modales, así como la distinción y la superioridad. Y en no pocas ocasiones ello viene de que sospechan (bien fundadamente, jajaja) que los bellos y despreocupados se ríen de todo lo que ellos se toman en serio
Culturas de esa clase caen en la depravación más extrema en cuanto sus normas se relajan mínimamente: los judíos, los árabes y demás eran así antes de sus rígidos preceptos impuestos por la religión. Y pronto volverán a ello

Se trata de dos puntos de vista opuestos que están basados en muy diferentes necesidades de dos muy diferentes orientaciones biológicas. No puede haber compromiso entre ellos: unos buscan la preservación y expansión de la vida simple, mientras que otros persiguen la exaltación de la vida



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014

Está por ver si Bronze Age Pervert es estadounidense o anglófilo en general

El libro que comentas tiene cierto tufo a leyendanegrismo y a mito del buen salvaje de la guano de Rousseau

"Prurito de adolescente"....es una expresión de viejo esclerótico

End of line



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Among the Greeks the man of power was called aner
, who was different from the other word used, anthropos, which referred just to some shadow-being, indistinct, some kind of humanoid shape. The real man was rare, and most males were not and are not real men! The word in beginning was used only for demigods and superhumans like Achilles or Diomedes or Odysseus. In the Iliad Diomedes in his moment of glory is compared to lion whose spirit has been aroused by anger at wound, and scatters the shepherds and dogs before him. Athena kindled a fire on his head and shoulders and marked him as one possessed by the true inner force inside all things. This burst out of him now and made itself light up above all others. The real man was a man filled by courage and daring that all came from an excess of being.
This idea was shared also by other Aryan cultures; the Roman vir, the Sanskrit and Avestan nar, the Welsh ner, the Proto-Indo-European Hner all ultimately refer to a kind of vital life-force capable of superhuman strength.

There is other word, related, having to do with manly youth: ayu; ayu refers to the youthful life-force that renews itself in each generation, that moves from life to life without end, forever persisting. It is behind all the Indo-European words for youth, and youthful strength and power. It appears in Latin iuuenis, in Sanskrit, and all the Germanic and English forms.
But most of all it is this same word, this same idea that is behind the Latin aetas and aeternus, behind the vision of an age, a cyclical age, of eternity. How pregnant in meaning that youth and eternity are the same word and idea in these languages! The Gothic and Germanic words are the same. This idea very vivid in Greek! In this the words aiei, meaning forever, and the word aion, both contain at their root this meaning: of life-span, life-force, youthful strength.

These peoples saw the vigor of youth as the true driving force behind life and behind all things, forever renewing itself, reincarnating itself anew in each generation in full force, though the memories of men and of societies may disappear. If you want the most beautiful poetic expression of this view, you must see in the Iliad when Homer describes the death of Euphorbus. His death is compared to young tree in its prime blown down by strong wind. Pythagoras, looking on Euphorbus’ shield in Sicily, broke into tears, remembering that he had been this man. He knew of what was hidden on the other side of the shield. This view persists: and this is why someone like D.H. Lawrence could look on the sarcophagi of the ancient Tuscans and see in this pleasure-and beauty-loving people a celebration of something very similar. They put on their funerary objects images of reveling, and antiestéticasting, and abundant flourishing life and great joy, wine parties, leaping dolphins, to remind themselves that this irrepressible force, nature, youth continues anew in each generation and is never defeated by death. In same way when I poast physiques of beautiful and handsome youths I do so because in contemplating them I am filled with a deep calm and joy—I see in them the persistent rejuvenation of this same eternal force, that is inside all things. I see in this force the hidden design and intention of nature, its reaching beyond itself.

Its designs are unspeakable and what it reaches and wants is mysterious to us, can only be understood imperfectly and through metaphor. Its “plan” and design is beyond human comprehension, but it is without doubt that it is striving, against numerous other “factions” and centrifugal forces, for the production and creation of a superior creature of some kind, a specimen of terrible beauty and power. I have no doubt that the gods, if they exist, would look only like perfected and improved versions of beautiful physiques of young men, just like they showed themselves to the Greek oracles in dreams. They were the first to discover the true biological and physical form of the man, the correct form, the true proportions. I have no doubt also that this force, in being inside us together with others, has made human history, life, and our own minds the battleground and stage of its action, and that passivity in the face of its power is therefore absurd: it calls on us to allow ourselves to be possessed by it, and to wage war on its behalf against its enemies. If you want to understand the true power of aion, of the eternal youthful energy that is the universe, you must study what remains from Heraclitus when he uses this word, and how he connects it to the idea of fire that is the essence of all things and all action. And he is very right when he says, “The best desire one thing above all, ever-flowing eternal fame among mortals; but the many glut themselves like cattle.”

This is what I believe in!

Entre los griegos, el hombre de poder era llamado "aner", en contraste con "anthropos", palabra con la que se referían a un ser de sombra, indiferenciado, una especie de humanoide. El hombre real era raro, y la mayoría de hombres no eran reales! Al principio eran semidioses y héroes: Aquiles, Diomedes, Odiseo...El hombre real estaba lleno de coraje y atrevimiento que venían de un exceso de ser
Esta idea es común a otras culturas arias

Hay otra palabra relacionada: "ayu". Se refiere a la joven fuerza vital que se renueva a sí misma eternamente en cada generación, que se mueve de vida a vida sin fin, siempre persistente. Está en todas las palabras arias referidas a youth, juventud
La misma idea está en la palabra latina "aetas" y "aeternus": una edad, una edad cíclica, eterna
Qué preñado de significado es que juventud y eternidad sean la misma palabra y la misma idea en esas lenguas! Así sucede en lenguajes germánicos y góticos; y del mismo modo, en griego: "Aiei", significa "para siempre"; y "Aion": duración, impulso vital, fuerza juvenil (Nota de Gurney: leed el libro de Jung, "Aion", es la leche)

Estos pueblos veían el vigor de la juventud como la verdadera fuerza conductora de la vida y presente en todas las cosas, renovándose a sí misma por siempre, reencarnándose de nueve en cada generación llena de fuerza, mientras que la memoria de los hombres y de las sociedades podía desaparecer

Sus planes son inefables, y lo que pretende y alcanza es misterioso para nosotros, y sólo puede ser entendido imperfectamente y a través de la metáfora. Pero sin ninguna duda busca, frente a otras fuerzas y facciones, es la producción y creación de una criatura superior de alguna clase, un espécimen de terrible fuerza y poder

Debéis estudiar a Heráclito y su idea del fuego, como esencia de todas las cosas y de toda acción: "Los mejores desean una cosa por encima de todas, la eterna fama entre los mortales; pero la masa se sacia a sí misma como el ganado"



ตะวันฉาย พี.เค.แสนชัย
2 Jul 2022
Muy paco todo


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Empezamos la Parte II: La parábola de la prisión de hierro

Part Two: Parable of Iron Prison

If you recognize pathology, brokenness, denatured life as what it is, it can teach you a lot about life in healthy state. There is nothing wrong with looking in life under distress, if you no confuse it for life in ascent and freedom. When you put some kind of working dog, like terrier, even cute Jack Russell in city apartment, they will start to try to dig through the floor. This mode is inborn to them, they seek the development of their powers, and there are very few sadder things than to see animal thwarted like this. Playing at becoming itself, but reduced to a doll and useless acting. Carl Schmitt said, “They’ve put us out to pasture.” This is the condition of life in modern world.

Una idea importante de Bronze Age: la vida es diferente según esté bajo presión, o bien en ascenso y libertad. Está bien estudiar ambas, pero es un error el confundirlas
Carl Schmitt dijo "Nos han puesto a pastar"
Ese estado de frustración, de actuación inútil sin desarrollo de los poderes innatos, es la condición de la vida en el mundo moderno


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Modern world not bad just because modern; and it is better than some ages in the past
. Many parts of past were as bad, or worse, than our situation, and for the same reasons. The modern is “nothing new”: it is the return of a very ancient subjection and brokenness under new branding, promoted by new concepts and justifications. If you want to see our future look to Europe as it existed before 1600 BC, or much of the world as it was until recently and still is....the communal life of the longhouse with its young men dominated and broken by the old and sclerotic, by the matriarchs, the blob and yeast mode in human life overtaking and subjecting all higher aspiration. Aztec “cities” with twenty morons sleeping and eating off the floor, demagogued in the masses by blood- hungry priests with dead eyes. It is no different if they use the doxies of Reason and Logos to cart us off to this life.

El mundo moderno no es malo sólo por ser moderno; y es mejor que muchas épocas del pasado. Pero no es nada nuevo: es el retorno a un sometimiento y una fractura muy antiguas, con un nuevo diseño, y promovido a través de nuevos conceptos y justificaciones
Es la vida comunal de la casa de una sola estancia, con los hombres jóvenes dominados y rotos por los viejos y los escleróticos, por las matriarcas
Es la vida de la masa, como si fueras una levadura, asfixiando y suprimiendo cualquier aspiración elevada

Puede hacerse a través de la brutalidad, o bien a través de las doctrinas de la Razón y del Logos
No hay diferencia


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Hilo muy esclarecedor sobre el politeísmo y su repruebo por los judeocristianos:



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014

A history of modern brokenness

So many different things have been written about the evils of modernity, or the crisis of our situation. Both on left and right many, maybe most, feel something has gone terribly wrong. Even those who love some aspects of the new age, like technology, look away from our banal time and instead hope for a futuristic flourishing that is not yet here. I’m a little tired of all this! I don’t want to just repeat more aspersions of modernity, which many of you already know. Most of these are footnotes or commentaries to Nietzsche’s Prologue from Zarathustra, where he describes the Last Man. The Last Man has been wrongly confused for the bourgeois, though Nietzsche says it’s something much worse. Houellebecq, whose explanations of the sensual problem of modernity, of the incel —all of these explanations are amazing and true, but even he is just amowing Nietzsche. If you want to understand true problem of our time, you can read that, then, and I won’t dwell on it.

I want only to deal with one particular case of domestication, brokenness, of potentially high life that has been thwarted, to illustrate modern problem. The peculiar “history” of how the queen develops, the modern effeminate gays, is very telling. The problem of the modern gays is revealing because it is the model according to which many other kinds of higher life have been thwarted and warped into something else. Don’t be fooled by propagandists: the modern homo has nothing to do with ancient “predatory bisexuality” or with the pederastic rites found in many societies. On one hand such people as the modern queen have always existed but on the other, there are many specimens now who become this, who would not have before. It is very unfortunate event in life of animal. Camille Paglia says that the modern gays is the product of the pressures of post-industrial life. Her model for this is that a very sensitive young boy, open to aesthetic experience of all kinds, maybe the kind of slightly neurotic and artistic boy that a century ago would have experienced synaesthesia; such boy is turned off by the horseplay and “rough” masculinity of his brothers and father and other boys his age. The distancing from this masculinity is concurrent with his becoming over-close with his mother, idolizing the feminine: upon puberty, the distance or antiestéticar from masculinity leads him to eroticize it, while he turns away from women, either because of too much familiarity, or too much awe. In this she is only half right, and the other half of the story I discovered from an alien mind whose teachings have been spread among some of the frogs. His name Harro MJ, but I think this is false name. I tell some of his ideas here as best I understood. He tells I believe his own story, or someone he knows: he tells of how modern world corrupted his nature through stricture and turned him into a homo. But I think his story speaks to many others, who didn’t turn into ghey, but who have nevertheless been disfigured in some other way... by the same force. Now, Paglia’s restatement of Freud is correct, but she misses an important element of the story, which is why such a boy turns away from the masculinity of his peers in the first place. It is not horseplay or the roughness of male competition as such that makes him turn away, but the utterly fake or artificial character of such displays, usually, in our time. Such boy perceives what his peers don’t, the conditional and entirely dependent character of life in our age. It is not the masculinity, the competition for status among men, the physical roughness, that makes him turn away... but the fact that all such play is happening in already owned space. It is this aspect of our time that is crucial to understand. When I speak of something like owned space, it must not remain mere word. When you understand something: I miccionan you must see and feel it like you would a landscape you know from youth, how to navigate all its nooks, the different heights of earth, the banks of streams, where the trees are and how it feels inside them, how long it takes walking from this or that group of beech to the abandoned factory, so that the map is already in your body. This is only way to really understand something. I believe boy like this is one of the types that sees through the charade the lords of lies have dangled in front, the shadow-play to dazzle the many, and he is turned off, maybe not by manliness, but the buffoonish, deluded character of modern masculinity. The defeated male that is turned into a peon and a neutered beast for women and hidden masters is a terrible thing to see. The jockeying for status, the physical fights, the adventures boys are supposed to have in a state of nature...all of this is in nature meant as preparation for life, for a life of conquest and expansion. Roman teenagers of patrician class were sent already on missions on behalf of Empire abroad. Modern adult Western male seeks permission to watch other men playing sports, quaff vegetable oil relish, beg for “coochie” in simulated intercourse, masturbation with plastic on dick. Precisely a character born for conquest, for expansion, a precocious type of boy who seeks real development and the real domination of the space around him, who understands in his blood that play and manliness are to this end, precisely such a boy will have his expectations about life crushed and thwarted as soon as his eyes open. This may be around the age of six or seven, but it sometimes happens earlier. Such boy then comes to have only contempt for those among his peers who, not seeing the subjection we are in, continue under their delusion and accept the breaking that the lords of shadows begin on the human spirit around this age of awakening—by nine or ten, the “education” is almost already complete in our time. They submit to the yoke and their sham simulated masculinity is now a parody of the true manliness, which in a state of ascent develops into the will to actually dominate space around oneself, not into a caricature for the benefit of women. But this domination is not possible when space is already owned. This intuition of owned space comes on one very early: with eyes open, it’s like an evil spirit inhabits everything. I think there are many types of energetic and perceiving boys who reach this stage, who are turned off by the moral and biological self-castration of their conventional peers, who sense the suffocating limitations of modern space. The rest of this story is more particular to the boy who as response becomes a homo or trap, and Paglia is right about that part— masculinity rejected simply because of distance from other boys in general, mostly as a result of a certain native over-sensitivity. But then there is the added observation that when, late in adolescence or some time in youth, such boy decides he is “lgtb,” that is but the final act of self-misunderstanding. The drama of his spirit is reinterpreted on sensual terms. He has convinced himself that the feeling of suppression and dread that had accompanied him his whole life was because his sensual desires or “sexuality” had been repressed by “society.” He forgets how these sensual desires developed in the first place, that these desires themselves were a circuitous result of the truth that dawned on him in silence, the truth of the utter subjection and domestication of the space in which he found himself. In becoming “lgtb” he believes he is escaping that sense of primal limitation and subjection that he felt as a small boy: he has reinterpreted his entire drama as a maudlin story of sexuality suppressed or oppressed by retrograde social and political norms. In this he becomes an unwitting pawn himself of the very power that as a young boy he had intuited to be the enemy, the great and suffocating shadow of our time, that smothers all higher life out. The lgtb is the spiritual foot-soldier of the new regime, when he is born to be its enemy. This is the unusual part of this realization, that some of the most sensitive and perceptive youths, those maybe imbued with spark of inspiration and a conquering, expanding spirit, end up becoming the vanguard of that which has smothered and broken them. In a previous age they wouldn’t have been lgtb at all in the first place. The story of such boy is story of all higher types in our time.

Not all gays are of this origin—there is Jeffrey Dahmer, there are others. And of course not all higher types become lgtb, only a tiny minority. But all higher types in our age are afflicted by a similar drama of the spirit—what happens later, the sexualization of this alienation particular to this case, I use only as the most vivid example. Now in all this you see this idea of space or territory that is already closed and owned. And this brings up the question of who or what this force is. I think the answer to this problem isn’t so simple, but one antiestéticature of this new condition in modern age is that the masters are hidden. That is even why this condition of subjection seems so suffocating, because they hide, and so there is no opportunity for open and manly challenge.

This problem is then to be understood through example of a different type...and I miccionan that of the spook. Vivid and instructive is the matter of the lgtb underworld, which no longer really exists in our time. But in the 1950’s and a little before then, when the system of global tyranny was being firmly erected, it should not be a surprise from everything that has been said, that the lgtb underworld was the “negative” of the new world order, its sieve and pressure valve. The lgtb underworld was part of “the remainder.” The phenomenon of “gaysity” in the modern world reaches up to the most profound of political and social problem: it was always the ghost world, the underworld left over that the engineers of our time couldn’t manage or account for in the erection of the Leviathan. This underworld included far more than the gays of that time, of course: that’s the point. But the gays formed a kind of “bulk population” that allowed an easy bridge between this world and ours. They made it far more permeable to others as well: if you had girlfriend, maybe artsy girlfriend, she had ghey friend; you could go with them to lounge of this half-world, and there would be there...maybe two social contacts removed...there would...one of them. But now that this world has disappeared, you have no easy way of even knowing where to start. Its boundaries were policed, its entry points were surveilled, but it always existed as a space of freedom outside the pervasiveness of domestication in post-industrial civilization. Let’s not forget, I repeat, that the “lgtb underworld” was hardly just the gays, but precisely that world penetrated by all types of deviants, perverts, whores, pimps, impresarios, night club owners, mafia, gangsters, spooks, intelligence services of all kinds—just see the Dark Ocean Society and you will understand. The Dark Ocean Society of Japan is the key to understanding all modern political and social organization because underneath the pervasiveness of the domestication and management of modern civilization, underneath its superficial orderliness, there remained the “floating world,” the free world as a still and dark ocean in which moved monsters, including the lords and crafters of this new civilization themselves. They still live in that world, not in ours. Our world is the house of subjection, they live in the estate of freedom and power. It is only that, with the relatively large number of gays that exist, this world was much larger than it is now, and more varied, its entry points more penetrable.
The space of night that gays created for themselves, in which such types could at least feel they had new opportunity to expand and act, was nuked in the 1980’s with AIDS first of all, and then at the same time with the “lgtb rights” and “lgtb identity” movement, through which they came “into the open,” and became the worst and most merciless enforcers of the global slave state.

But enough about them: you must understand! I use this as illustrative and true example of what happens to all higher types in our time. The vast majority don’t become lgtb, but the plight of the lgtb is the most simple and therefore instructive example of this. Anyone born with a will to conquest and expansion, any specimen born to courage and the expansion of boundaries, will feel thwarted now, will awaken at a young age to find themselves in a world pervaded by an evil and smothering shadow that seeks to blot out their spirit and break them. How one responds to this...that is different. And the responses are various. Look at litter of pups, of whatever species, some will be inquisitive, playful, seek to experiment, to push boundaries, to leave gaze of parents and the old, to conquer space; others will be far more docile and will lack curiosity. The only ones who survive the modern education “whole,” not to speak of the regime of modern medication, are precisely those in the litter who are born docile. And more to the point; who can look at the beaten-down males of today and think that a boy who inside him has the spark of conquering spirit won’t have anything but disgust for their clownish parody of masculinity! What matters here is which way the spirit turns, and if it can survive the obstacle course of domestication that modern life and the modern education imposes on the best. “gaysity” in our age, in any case, is unlike any behavior in the past: as a total phenomenon, it represents one of the characteristic ways that some of the most unusual specimens respond to domestication and are broken by it.

Modern gaysity is a form of vacuum behavior and stereotypy.

Gran entrada de BAP, muy reveladora

Muchas cosas han ido mal en la modernidad, y tanto la gente de izquierda como de derecha se dan cuenta de ello, de algún modo. Sobre esto Nietzsche ya habló del Último Hombre, que fue confundido con el burgués, cuando en realidad es algo mucho peor. En nuestro tiempo, y siguiendo al loco del martillo, está Houellebecq y sus escritos sobre incels y demás

Pero BAP trata aquí un caso particular de domesticación, el del afeminado moderno, el gays, que es un caso muy revelador de cómo la modernidad frustra y deforma una vida superior y la convierte en otra cosa

Y que no os engañen los propagandistas: esto no tiene nada que ver con la bisexualidad o la pederastia de la Antigüedad

Camille Paglia dice que el gays moderno es el producto de las presión de la vida post-industrial; Harro MJ (probable pseudónimo) afirma que fue convertido en homo a través de la constricción. A partir de estas ideas BAP elabora la suya sobre los gheeys: devienen a ello al ser conscientes de la falsedad de la masculinidad, el hecho de que todo el espacio en el que se desarrolla está ya dominado y apropiado por otros

Cuando un chico se da cuenta de ello, y en su adolescencia decide que "es lgtb", eso es el acto final de ese mal entendimiento de sí mismo, y el drama que acontece en su espíritu se reinterpreta (erróneamente) en términos sensuales

No todos los gays tienen este origen, y por supuesto, no todos los tipos superiores que se dan cuenta de la falsedad de la masculinidad devienen en gays
Pero sí todos los tipos superiores viven ese drama de percibir el espacio dominado por otros, que en la época moderna permanecen ocultos. Eso hace esta sujeción particularmente sofocante, porque no se manifiestan abiertamente ni se les puede combatir de forma directa

El homo se convierte así en un peón involuntario del mismo sistema que ha robado esa posesión del espacio y que le ha convertido en eso: en el soldado espiritual del nuevo régimen, cuando por nacimiento debería ser su enemigo

El mundo lgtb no siempre fue así: antes era verdaderamente underground (hoy no, es sistémico, opuesto a aquél). Una vía de escape
No es la única: por ejemplo, la Dark Society de Japón (la Genyosha, pero tal vez BAP se refiera a la Yakuza)
El espacio de libertad nocturna que los gays crearon para ellos, y en el que existían otros tipos fue destruido a partir de 1980: primero, con la bomba atómica del SIDA; luego con el tema de los derechos de los gays y de la identidad sensual. Eso lo trajo a campo abierto, no clandestino, y los convirtió en los peores y más despiadados ejecutores del sistema global de esclavitud

En resumen: la gaysidad ya no es lo que era en el pasado, sino que es un fenómeno total, una de los caminos característicos en los que los especímenes más inusuales responden ante la situación de domesticación y rotura psicológica