"Victory to the Gods!": Hilo sobre Bronze Age Pervert


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Sí, frends, la hora suprema ha llegado

En estos tiempos oscuros de Kali Yuga, una voz clama en el desierto: es nuestro amigo Bronze Age Pervert, o simplemente BAP, pseudónimo bajo el que se esconde una inteligencia misteriosa y salvaje, muy inspirada en Homero, Dostoievsky y Nietzsche

Su libro de 2018 ha devenido en un clásico, "Bronze Age Mindset", y tiene un canal en Telegram (Bronze Age Revival), y aunque por supuesto fue baneado en Twitter, parece ser que postea con esta cuenta (https://twitter.com/bronzeagemantis)
También hay muchos artículos con su firma, algunos de ellos apócrifos pero casi todos sí son de su autoría

Con su cohorte de seguidores, BAP exhorta a la vuelta a la visión de la Edad del Bronce, una era soñada en la que los hombres eran libres y llenos de fuerza y valor. De modo que la estética, la fuerza, el arrojo, el soñar despierto, el animismo y el politeísmo son algunos de los caminos.
En todo caso su perspectiva no es filosófica, sino de acción, y no pretende convencer a nadie, sino simplemente exhortar

Sin prisa pero sin pausa iré comentando aquí su libro, el citado Bronze Age Mindset, y también alguno de sus artículos
Pero sabed que tampoco yo voy a hacer filosofía ni proselitismo de ningún tipo


PS: El libro de BAP: www.amazon.es/Bronze-Age-Mindset-Pervert/dp/1983090441

Es buena compra, y es costumbre entre los simpatizantes de BAP el hacerse fotos leyendo el libro en algún sitio exótico

PPS: En Pdf: https://pdflake.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Bronze-Age-Mindset-PDF.pdf
Última edición:


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
(destaco en negrita lo principal)

This is not book of philosophy. It is exhortation. I hardly have anything to say to most who aren’t like me, still less do I care about convincing. This is account of my reveries. I tried to put, as brief and simple as I could, the thought that motivates me and the problem faced by life in ascent and decline.

I was convinced to write this book by certain frogs who told me, “Is it not a shame that hucksters are multiplying lies, and jizzing their filthy doctrines into receptive minds everywhere? Perversions—lame ones—are born by the thousands and haunt, like myriad cripplette midgets in halls of mirrors, they haunt the world, books, the internet. Minds are lost. If you wait any longer everything will be pounded to garbage, there will be nothing left—it will all turn, the whole world will turn to a Bulgarian rest stop lavatory. But have you seen the movie Midnight Express...and...and how did it make you feel?”
I was roused from my slumber by my frog friends and I declare to you, with great boldness, that I am here to save you from a great ugliness.

2 de las ideas principales de BAP:

-No hacemos filosofía, sino exhortaciones, afirmaciones porque somos poderosos, acciones

-La antiestéticaldad es un síntoma, y la Belleza es una de las vías de superar esta degeneración postmoderna



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Seguimos en el Prólogo:

If you look around eyes of some people you see a kind of demented energy. It’s pure anger or lust for power with nothing more. I hate to dirty these pages with mention of names of nobodies in our time. But if you see photo of Hillary Clintong or Adam Schiff with his eyes bugged out on stims and antidepressants or who knows what, you know what I miccionan. There is a crease around the eye that tells it, it looks like cyborg gone off-script, these people have an inhuman gaze and are vehicles for something else. You see this also in the chiefs of the EU bureaucracy with tiny moleman eyes behind small glasses, and the tiny lenses that reflect light. You see it in the dead robot eyes of the new hue-man automatons running government departments, the DMV, the brutal zombies running the security in airports or hospital “health care” rooms under vicious yellow fluorescent lights.

I wanted to expose the grim shadow of a movement that is hidden behind events of our time and from before. This is a great power that acts like a ghost. It hides in its own darkness and it has been absorbed by the lands and the peoples so that you can’t really see it anymore. There is just an eldritch quality embedded in things and on some faces. The same was said of Hades. Some said he would feel a great shame when some other god drew back the veil on the underworld so all the vile things that are there could be seen. Is this Hades of our time capable of shame? I heard also of such things being under the sea, the disgusting and frightful things revealed when the sea recedes before a great storm. I will draw back the curtain on this Iron Prison and show you where it is you really live...

Hay un gran poder que actúa como un fantasma, oculto en los eventos de nuestro tiempo y desde antes aún. Puedes verlo en los ojos de guano como Hillary, o los burócratas de la UE, la seguridad de los aeropuertos, los sanitarios...Es similar a Hades
Es un velo que oculta esta Prisión de Hierro en la que vivimos


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Seguimos en el Prólogo:

The secret things show in dreams. Heraclitus say, “All the things you see awake are death, all the things you see asleep are sleep.” He was trying to be coy! In his day many gods, clove-footed satyr, and other things showed themselves to men in dreams.

Spiritually your insides are all wet, and there’s a huge hole through where monstrous powers are fucking your brain, letting loose all your life and power of focus. You don’t see yourself as you really are, but maybe some nightmare can show it to you. I am here to show you the way out.

Los sueños como vía de conocimiento. Pero no en un sentido freudiano, ni siquiera junguiano, sino como expresión de poderes superiores


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014

There was Empedocles, a philosopher, man of high vision. He jumped into volcano Aetna in Sicily because he knew he would be reborn as a god. Now imagine yourself in front of rim of Aetna. It’s dry and sandy. You feel the heat but is not like you thought it might be. Is not Romantic. Is just hot, dry, you can’t breathe, and the smell of infernal sulfur and wet earth and even worse things triggers an old memory or instinct in you to run. You’re brought to face with a vehemence and brutality of rock and you start to feel dizzy staring in. Molten rock in your nostrils and it’s not just that it scares you. If it were great antiestéticar, that could be a spur to action. But it fills your nostrils with banality and dullness of plain molten dust, you see gray and black. It reminds you of torrid summer afternoon by abandoned gas station, you are stranded on dirt road, choked by heat and so much dust. You see flames in the hole but it lacks the romance of fire as you imagined it. Is this it? It seems like nothing to you, because to your eye it’s nothing. So you pull away from it. You’re not reborn as a god, you remain a mule. Your lying mind now comes up with many thoughts about why it’s right to pull back. Why, of course! There’s a nice meal to have, a glass of wine. Maybe there’s a girl waiting. Her pussy is warm and inviting. Empedocles was deluded.

No, don’t jump in Aetna or Mauna Loa or Puyehue or Eyjafjallajökull, Titans of the world, even if you get yourself to do it, it won’t work now. These portals are closed for ages. But! Other doors are closed to you too. What Mount Aetna was to Empedocles—is there something like that to you? Is there something like that at all anymore?

La historia de Empédocles (Holderling escribió sobre él)
Hay portales que están cerrados por mucho tiempo. Pero más adelante, BAP anuncia que sí que hay otros portales


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Continúa el Prólogo:

Life has a thing inside it that reaches beyond itself. This is intergalactic worm, I can’t say here, you must wait. But if you don’t reach beyond yourself you are dead! Most of mankind is the walking dead.

Una de las ideas fundamentales de BAP: el misterio de la Vida, con una fuerza que está en todo

Una aproximación a su visión animista: Old And New Paganism — Chadnet

After Trump won there were left wing Witch Covens that tried to place a hex on him or Pence. The altright warlocks, those who roleplay Himmler, meanwhile wish people hokey “Happy Yule to You” and such things. Didn’t you know Christmas was really Teutonic and only belongs to Are People? I know many of you enjoy Ted Kaczynski, I myself haven’t studied him deeply, but I think he made fun of the pagans of our time. They don’t seem to believe it, but to be playing a part, and not very well. Someone else—or was it him?—mentioned they all like only the nice and tame female deities. But the male gods and demons who ask for blood and sacrifice? Well it’s like with the Carpocratians that I mentioned before: were you to promote this in public you’d be quickly crushed by the feds. Same also with the decaf Satanists who have tamed and edited their antiestéticarsome god into new age self-help. So neopaganism as understood now seems to many a joke, or to others an embarrassment.

I know the theories of Alex Jones and others, we all want them to be true…at least it’s more flattering to think we’re being fleeced by an international cabal of sexcrazed child-eating real Satanists than what we actually see. The sexless husks who run the American and European permanent states…there has to be something more, or a more antiestéticarsome power behind them, no? But what if there isn’t. What if there is no pagan conspiracy thousands of years old, but instead only the gray and beige subhuman species of today, the hueman bred for centuries by Christianity for subjection, just like Nietzsche said? What if this dour atheist detritus is the legacy of historical Christianity, that has receded only to leave behind this rat-being?

And on this matter, the believing Christians of now have little to be proud of as a group when they compare themselves to the neopagans. No I don’t believe pope faggot has any genuine belief in the truth of his own religion: he refuses the red shoes…the red shoes that would signal his readiness for martyrdom, which is the surety of faith. Well, he’s a Jesuit. The Lutherans and many of the Protestants have churches that are just as debased, Anglican churches are nothing but LGBT community centers for exhibitions of Hindoo dance and so on. How is the roleplaying about Jesus being a lame modern ghey pacifist, and Christianity being “noble” spiritual cuckoldry, any less embarrassing than the neopagans? And among the online “Trad Cath” brigades there are just as many embarrassing roleplayers, and as many active feds, as among the neopagans. Many of you have hope for the Orthodox, not knowing that this church has always been submissive to the state: if change in regime in Russia as the globalists want, church would switch its beliefs.

As for the many altright Jews reading this, you know very well that your religion and the Jewish nation as a whole is less cohesive and more pozzed than amowers of Kevin MacDonald claim. The Reform sect is a lgtb social club, the chief of Conservative variety declared that being a homo is cool if there’s no buttsex (his daughter is a dyke). Orthodox grils believe that sodomy with personas de color is OK before marriage because of rules and loopholes. For now the only hope for you is with the Haredi, just like among the Christians it is with the Amish, the Mennonites and similar hermit peoples. But Ron Unz says he hired student to verify Israel Shahak’s claims, and that they are true: such people worship multiple deities and use spells. So they may be after all the real pagans.

What then? Among all this confusion and degradation of modern sects I make brief explanation of old paganism and neopaganism, so that you see the real thing, and the varieties, and don’t judge it by the embarrassing things you see around us and online.

For all the jokes about it, there is a reason many, and many on the right are attracted to it, who seek rejuvenation of the West, or who seek a new path. And in history it comes back, in real and luminous form, at certain times…so…it will not go away…

The spiritual father of neopaganism of the true and powerful variety is Nietzsche. He had many amowers in the first part of 20 th Century all across Europe. They understood what he said, where the academics and idiots after 1950 mostly do not, but try to obfuscate. In our own time there are men like Dominique Venner who also understood what Nietzsche said, and the meaning of neopaganism. The scholar Karl Lowith, who was Jewish but a Nietzschean (as many were), said somewhere that neopaganism is exoteric Nietzscheanism. And it was so in his time. What this means?

In suicide note Dominique Venner speaks of our European memory that goes back to Homer. And this is what means, both him, and Nietzsche. It is what meant also for ancient Greeks, who used Homer as traditional Christians have used the Bible. Homer and his heroic and luminous vision of the Bronze Age is the hope of this kind of neopagan. Such men reject the small-souled liberal and democrat and the spiritual shopkeeper and Last Man and slave of modern age. They admire the great men of antiquity and see various periods—Archaic Greece, republican Rome, parts of imperial age Rome—as the apex of mankind. The time when the highest human specimens and happiest human life was possible. They see Caesar and Alexander and Scipio and all the great heroes of antiquity, both of history and from Homer—how can they not be amazed! And how is such life possible now? But maybe it’s possible. This is their guide, and its regeneration in their own time is their task. The best among such neopagans know that a full revival of this vision is impossible, at least not directly, so they try to adjust what is possible in their own age. This is the true meaning of “neopaganism” and it has nothing to do with pretending to scream to Wotan in forest, roleplay worship of a piece of holy dung, or any such things; those are at most an occasional cosmetic flourish or affectation. When you see the glory of Diomedes and his transfiguration into lion of divine light in Iliad, then question comes to neopagan, how to recapture this height in our time.


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
La otra parte del artículo de BAP sobre el paganismo:

This is what might be called moral-political neopaganism and it has a long tradition in the West. It is not just modern phenomenon. What else is the Renaissance? And if you don’t believe this, see Machiavelli:

In thinking, therefore, of whence it should happen that in those ancient times the people were greater lovers of Liberty than in these times, I believe it results from the same reason which makes men presently less strong, which I believe is the difference between our education and that of the ancients, founded on the difference between our Religion and the ancients. For, as our Religion shows the truth and the true way [of life], it causes us to esteem less the honors of the world: while the Gentiles [Pagans] esteeming them greatly, and having placed the highest good in them, were more ferocious in their actions. Which can be observed from many of their institutions, beginning with the magnificence of their sacrifices [as compared] to the humility of ours, in which there is some pomp more delicate than magnificent, but no ferocious or energetic actions. Theirs did not lack pomp and magnificence or ceremony, but there was added the action of sacrifice full of blood and ferocity, the killing of many animals, which sight being terrible it rendered the men like unto it. In addition to this, the ancient Religion did not beatify men except those full of worldly glory, such as were the Captains of armies and Princes of Republics. Our Religion has glorified more humble and contemplative men rather than men of action. It also places the highest good in humility, lowliness, and contempt of human things: the other places it in the greatness of soul, the strength of body, and all the other things which make men very brave. And, if our Religion requires that there be strength [of soul] in you, it desires that you be more adept at suffering than in achieving great deeds.
And he says many other similar things. (Of course he goes on to say that Christianity has been “misinterpreted” in his time according to weakness and wickedness, and so to excuse real Christianity from that practiced in his age. His abuse is directed mostly against the priesthood and the priestly type and priestly spirit, not the religion itself. But whether he believed this, or whether he couldn’t go so far as to embrace Hellenism fully, who knows?) And in any case you see how Schopenhauer mentions the examples of Giordano Bruno and Spinoza, men who as he says “had their home on the Ganges,” ancient pagans reborn in their time, abused and burned or persecuted by vulgar and bigoted priests. I miccionan to say that there were many like Machiavelli and Bruno, on various points of this spectrum, who sought a revival of the spirit of antiquity. And all the paintings and sculptures of Venus and the other gods and goddesses and heroes of Homer and the other Greeks, what else was this?

Well that’s real neopaganism, not the kind that can be attacked as roleplay or kitsch. If you are truly inspired by Wotan, work to be Wagner or Botticelli, don’t try to replicate rituals to which you have no direct connection. It is great artists who can awaken this luminous vision and who can rekindle heroism and beauty in its right forms.

This moral-political-artistic neopaganism is often accompanied by a kind of philosophical neopaganism. And you see the first of this variety among the ancient pagans of Roman time who were reacting against Christianity. Its main public figure was Emperor Julian, called “the Apostate,” but there were a few others. Emperor Julian grew up a Christian but rejected this new religion in favor of the old gods of Rome and Greece. He was maybe the “first” neopagan. But he could never actually return to that primal faith in any innocent way. Instead he reinterpreted the gods in a philosophical sense, you can think of, as “symbols” of various physical phenomena or psychological states, or you can think of as “archetypes.” This is what Jungians and people like Peterson also do, of course in very different way.

I am not too fond of this kind of neopaganism. But it can work to make it “understandable” and “respectable” to people who are secular and also actually to believing Christians and those of other religions, who can now appreciate a kind of philosophized or psychologized version of pagan belief. The reason I don’t like this kind of neopaganism is because it’s rationalized and therefore in embracing it you miss both the full aesthetic and direct experience that an ancient pagan might have had, the spiritual aspect is actually completely gone. And also because this approach can be uncoupled entirely from the very potent moral-political revival I mentioned above. In fact Emperor Julian attempted, with full political and military force, to reestablish paganism as the state religion. And if you read his writings you see he also believed in what I have called the moral-political neopaganism: he extols the great men and generals of Greco-Roman antiquity, and contrasts this to the small men and slaves of the Old and New Testaments. But as to this approach of reinterpreting the gods rationally by itself, this “philosophical and rational neopaganism,” this can in principle be compatible with almost any other religion (as historical “oddity”) or political arrangement. Even the modern liberal bugman can embrace this charming vision. Why of course “Apollo” only represents order and measure and self-restraint, and Kronos is just the force of “Time”… and so everything becomes a toothless allegory and symbol.

Thus you see three attempts at neopaganism: the very ancient, starting with Emperor Julian and some others. The Renaissance itself. And the early 20 th Century and late 19 th Century where various artists and men of action amowed Nietzsche and a couple of others (it had already begun before Nietzsche, with Wagner musics and others, but he made it explode). And all three were primarily a moral-political force, an attempt to reestablish the moral vision of Homer, and also an artistic and aesthetic force, an attempt to reestablish the luminous and brilliant art of Archaic and Classical Greeks, or to establish new art forms based on the pagan sense of heroism, speed and action. There was also a philosophical component that was very serious, but it wasn’t the part about trying to find rational explanations for the gods and myths, or to reinterpret them as allegories and life stories. No, the philosophical vision of Nietzsche and others sought to reestablish the pagan sense of time as cyclical, and to find the very primal ideas of matter and thought unmolested by the strains that had led to modern decay. To rediscover again unspoiled nature.

As part of this concern with modern decay the neopagans of all three periods I mentioned have great hostility to Christianity. They don’t see how Christianity can offer a different path from the decay they see around them. Many like Nietzsche and Venner have great respect for Christianity of Europe in its time of ascent. But the modern bugman in some sense “triumphed” over Christianity while in another sense he was not its negation but its son and child. The medieval European military aristocracy, the knighthood was Christian but as Venner and Nietzsche and many others never tire of saying, they had very deep quarrel with the priests and their role in this religion was very uncomfortable. We like to roleplay about Deus Vult. But look at how the priest Bartolome de las Casas throws abuse on the Spanish knighthood for their conquest of the New World. Well that attitude was very common and the quarrel between king and church, knighthood and priesthood ran deeper than the “jocks vs. nerds” meme. There is then the feeling among the many neopagans that Christianity favors the dumb, the small in spirit, the bugman and that it hates and wants to corrupt and destroy the higher specimens. This is why they’re hostile. But I’m not here to beat this old path. Neopagans reject Christianity, but reject it for very different reasons than the atheist or liberal does.

I believe that in this last point may be found basis for a truce. As the neopagan vision of Nietzsche and Venner hasn’t completely conquered the right and the youth, and since the majority of men who stand for manliness and excellence are believing Christians, I believe it is foolish for neopagans or those who seek the revival of Greece to continue anti-Christian diatribe. But also on the other side the Christians must recognize a cousin in the neopagan and an ally in fight against common enemy. True traditional Catholics must learn to hate the atheist, the liberal, and the bugman more than the bogeyman of “the pagan.”

There is in this also personal story. I grew up without any religion. It is hard for Americans to understand this, because all Americans, especially atheist, grow up with very strong religious moral code. Or, I don’t know where they think “human rights” and their morality, to which they have fanatic devotion, comes from. But I grew up without any of this. Some time around when I was thirteen I began to read Plato and others, and later Nietzsche. I never had any feeling for or against Christianity to begin with, from my upbringing. I was simply indifferent to it, and its theology and ideas and imagery never appealed to me. I became hostile to an idea of Christianity from reading Nietzsche and the other writers I named. But this hostility was never personal. Then I was shocked when later I met people, most of them Jews, who expressed similar ideas as Nietzsche, or somehow glommed on to this neopagan sensibility, or some of its varieties. But then I found out such people were not genuine, but only hated Christianity out of ethnic animus and resentment, because they had grown up that way. Theirs was not a genuine and objective position, but a carry-over of a childhood family teaching and parochial bigotry. I found this highly disgusting and sought to distance myself from this. Therefore I have a personal dislike and distrust of anti-Christianity. And in our time when Christians are attacked by the Last Man, I think it is important for neopagans not to join in such attack…whatever we may believe about the historical origin of the Last Man.

It is also true that Christianity itself preserved much of ancient pagan aesthetics and sensibility in the Middle Ages. Even today Catholic festivals continue pagan festivals, and the devotees and days of saints are much like ancient antiestéticasts to various gods and their cults; especially in the Mediterranean, where the warm climate made the demands of life easy so the people had plenty of time to beautify life this way. Also the faith is somewhat versatile, and at least in theory open to a reinterpretation.

I now mention a third variety of “neopaganism,” which is one that I myself hold dear, but which is hardly ever mentioned in these fights. Maybe because so few have access to it and because it’s not easily propagandized one way or the other. And the people who do have access to it are often too shy to talk about it, for good reason. I’ll try not to be too indiscreet.

You could call this an innocent apprehension of the hidden demons and gods inside nature and things. Maybe it is the precursor, this feeling, to the artistic revival of paganism, I don’t know. But it is an innate sensation, a natural animism. I tried briefly to discuss it in book. I have had images appear to me in daydreams since I was small boy, that were very vivid and specific. I know others who have had the same. Then also a sensation of spirits inhabiting animals and inanimate objects too, with a reverence for some, and a pity when others are mistreated — Houellebecq mentions his pity for a line of coats. This is not a sensation informed by any rational doxy or theoretical or theological belief. And I’ve always firmly rejected any such interpretations of these events because I found they didn’t fit. So to such sensibility it is very offensive or stupid when people try to actually go to forest and pretend they worship Wotan or Hermes or whoever…nor have I seen those old gods or any other such specifically that I can name. Those gods are dead or asleep. If you want to see what this feeling is like, watch some of David Lynch. I believe that is what this natural, innocent and innate paganism looks like in our time, when presented naïvely: he simply shows the demons and acknowledges them, doesn’t pretend to know who they are, what they want, or even how to worship or assuage them. And they look terrifying and surreal for us, and not at all like what you’d expect.

I have seen some things like this since I was small boy, and have felt the presence of one in particular. I feel that he will make a great show one day and erupt into the world.

But for any old paganism to be restored, one must let go of the hokey opinions about what real pagans believed in, and what they thought important. When Diocletian was convinced to wipe out Christianity, why did he do it? The Oracle at Delphi told him the god could no longer give direction and no longer answer: because the world was too full of the impious. Then if you read Mishima and other genuine pagans with true understanding of how this natural religion works, you see the great attention he pays to oracles and divination and augury. It is the foundation also of the highest and most sacred rites in Shinto, as of every other natural faith. The first step then, for genuine neopagans, if they seek actually the religious aspect, would be the reestablishment of a genuine and accurate oracle. The establishment of genuine oracle is first step to any new faith.

Then much later the demons and gods will show themselves, but not in any way you would expect, nor by any names you recognize. And it will be they, not you, who will make signs and establish the proper form of worship, and even the meaning and purpose of such worship.


23 Sep 2021
Sí, frends, la hora suprema ha llegado

En estos tiempos oscuros de Kali Yuga, una voz clama en el desierto: es nuestro amigo Bronze Age Pervert, o simplemente BAP, pseudónimo bajo el que se esconde una inteligencia misteriosa y salvaje, muy inspirada en Homero, Dostoievsky y Nietzsche

Su libro de 2018 ha devenido en un clásico, "Bronze Age Mindset", y tiene un canal en Telegram (Bronze Age Revival), y aunque por supuesto fue baneado en Twitter, parece ser que postea con esta cuenta (https://twitter.com/LatinxPutler)
También hay muchos artículos con su firma, algunos de ellos apócrifos pero casi todos sí son de su autoría

Con su cohorte de seguidores, BAP exhorta a la vuelta a la visión de la Edad del Bronce, una era soñada en la que los hombres eran libres y llenos de fuerza y valor. De modo que la estética, la fuerza, el arrojo, el soñar despierto, el animismo y el politeísmo son algunos de los caminos.
En todo caso su perspectiva no es filosófica, sino de acción, y no pretende convencer a nadie, sino simplemente exhortar

Sin prisa pero sin pausa iré comentando aquí su libro, el citado Bronze Age Mindset, y también alguno de sus artículos
Pero sabed que tampoco yo voy a hacer filosofía ni proselitismo de ningún tipo


PS: El libro de BAP:
Es buena compra, y es costumbre entre los simpatizantes de BAP el hacerse fotos leyendo el libro en algún sitio exótico

PPS: En Pdf: https://pdflake.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Bronze-Age-Mindset-PDF.pdf
Fue interesante en su momento, me gusta el tono vitalista y la glorificación de la barbarie.

Pero sus seguidores a estas alturas me parecen muy ridículos, todos chiquillos con poca experiencia en la vida cortados por el mismo patrón, no hay mas que verlos en Twitter...


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Fue interesante en su momento, me gusta el tono vitalista y la glorificación de la barbarie.

Pero sus seguidores a estas alturas me parecen muy ridículos, todos chiquillos con poca experiencia en la vida cortados por el mismo patrón, no hay mas que verlos en Twitter...

Si una regla general es que el artista como persona es irrelevante, que lo único importante es su obra, aún más con los seguidores

Y en este mundo post-Edad del Bronce, en el que la masa está en todas partes, aún más

Sigo con el Prólogo:

I tell you other story. In Stone Age man appears, very strong shoulders, with club in hand. He is believed by the people to be a son of some god...of a mortal woman who cucked her husband with a god. As child he already displays superhuman strength. When he grows he goes into the deepest wild to fight great cave lion. He emerges from cave with skin of lion on his back. Lion had been eating and working terror in the people, but now he wears this terror on his shoulders. He carries lion mane on head, lion pelt on back and a great club in the hand. This man comes to be worshiped by the people: his progeny become lines of kings, of Sparta and many other places. What was his act of foundation? He slaughtered monsters, he made the seaways known to man and tamed the rock- face. But don’t forget the lion-skin on his shoulders. This was lion of Nemea.

Do you understand what Nemesis is? There is in nature a great purgative function. You know about monkeys who switch sex in certain times. In lake of some reptiles, when they overpopulate it and there is a surplus of refuse, there is trigger in nature: a monster is born to them. A lizard many times the size of a normal one is born, who deals out destruction and culls the lake. The Greeks believed in this great power and worshiped its justice. In Bible it appears as allegory of the Flood, which in fact refers to the irrepressible spirit of the Sea Peoples, and the divine justice they brought to cities whose life had grown pointless, and a great ugliness on the world. You bring lion cub into the house, but Aeschylus say, it will become a priest of doom when it reaches age: in nature there is irrepressible force. Its violence against the surfeit of populations is divine justice. Its destruction of the feeble designs of reason, the pointless words of man—this is beautiful. This what the power of Nemesis means: few are chosen to wield it, fewer realize they are chosen or know what to do with it. When Hercules puts on the power of Nemesis on his shoulders he becomes hero who makes the world tame and safe for cities of real men. But that was in his time, and ours is an age of surfeit. It is different function. The star of Nemesis is sure to return, and it must already be burning inside some of you.

Son los ciclos de ascenso y caída, inspirados por una fuerza sobrenatural y que tiende a un cierto equilibrio: irresistible, justicia divina, destrucción llena de belleza
BAP predice la vuelta de Némesis, y tal vez su estrella brille dentro de alguno de nosotros
Última edición:


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Y el Prólogo termina con esta joya, completamente tatuable:

In the Bronze Age men had life and force, and I already see, far on the horizon of our world, but the glimmer is surely there—may it not be a mirage!— I see this spirit returning surely in our time. Piratical bands and brotherhoods will take to the seas, and not just to the seas. The enemies of Western man and the enemies of beauty are to learn just what was meant by a piratical race, a nest of pirates like the Chinese thought of the Dutch on first meeting them. I want to prepare you to receive this old spirit—old spirits are moving, from behind the reeds... the silhouette shimmers against a river in late summer, and I see already men who know how to honor such uncanny old friends.

May they inhabit us again and give us strength to purify this world of refuse!

La fuerza y vitalidad de la Edad del Bronce es un viejo espíritu que va a regresar, en bandas de piratas y hermandades, y que enseñará a los enemigos del hombre occidental y a los enemigos de la belleza




Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Part One: The Flame of Life 1


What if you’ve been misled about what is life? They do this by showing you two red marionette and shake them in front, then you stay mesmerized and clap like trained seal. Is like in politics before last year. You had in years before Trump, the fat bald gluttons of the Right put in a fighting ring against the Janet Renos, the womyn with pickup trucks, the thin-lipped transnumales of the Left. You had good people mesmerized even by this show: and it’s funny to see a fat bald man try to tear out the eyes of woman of strong forearm with mullet, both frothing at mouth. Both saying nothing, but grunts of pigs and pre-made platitude, formula. But meanwhile the nation suffered and the future of youth was given away. When they trick you about what is life, this even worse because you don’t see problem right away... but then comes out sixty years later and your grandchildren don’t exist, or they are 56% humanoid shifting about between shadows, or they are of noble power but have to hide under half- finished buildings because are hunted. But you must understand both left and right have been fooled about what is life.

El juego político es una estafa, una dicotomía falsa que nos engaña sobre qué es realmente la vida


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Group of horses in broad plain, and the lead stallion is captured by a wild spirit, starts to gallop this way and that, and the whole herd amows in a great rush of power and freedomNietzsche talks about this. I’ve seen many things like this myself: was at big waterfall, gathering place of many birds and other animal. Through all the cycles of history this place remains and birds who witnessed the coming and going of human civilizations remember it through the aeons and always return there. I saw many group of small birds, when the weather slightly changed, this waterfall so big that a small wind would make spray of water everywhere. Sun came from behind clouds and spread many small rainbows, birds would become excited, come out from crevasses in rock face and would glory in the sprays of water and the rainbows, they swoon doing acrobatics this way and that. Like when Homer says that on some Asian meadow tribes of geese, and crane and long-necked swans glory in the power of their wings above it, then land between the rivers, in Skamandrian plain, with a great clang. Is not enough just to say, what is purpose of this to survival or reproduction? Surely some pedant can make a story. But when you see this behavior, is not so alien. Maybe, in happiest moments you were free to act and feel the same: what anything to do with survival or reproduction! That kind of heavy necessity is the spirit of gravity, and this is opposite. That petty and cramped view of life...but in truth, life as it is, when free, life in abundance knows luxury, surfeit and waste...survival and reproduction are side effects of something else...

El poder y la libertad, la vida en abundancia, en lujo, en derroche...la supervivencia y la reproducción son lo contrario a ello, son el espíritu de la pesadez, algo que es un efecto lateral de otra cosa diferente


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
The most noble animals refuse to breed in captivity.
Many animal, not just man, choose death when trapped. But I thought all life strove for mere survival and reproduction; but this not enough? But if not enough then must understand animal in some other way. Very much when thinkers talk about “evolutionary psychology” they abstract from way of yeast to way of animals and man, but this is backward.

La esclavitud es una condición biológica (como el comunismo y otras ideologías para bugmen)