España uno de los paises mas racistas del mundo para el turista Afrodescendiente

Armando la Gorda

7 Feb 2011
He encontrado un articulo de una profesora de Ingles afromearicana que vivio en España durante 1 año. Para explicarlo en pocas palabras, el articulo te deja a entender que el racismo que sufren los afroamericanos en USA es un juego de niños en comparación con lo que ha vivido en España. Esta en Ingles, pero como aqui todos tienen un CI de 200 y hablan 6 idiomas, no creo que tengan problemas en leer esta joyita.

The Truth about Racism in Spain. What Black Travelers Need to Know
Última edición:
Claro porque si no existe un problema, lo mejor es crearlo.
Si no, no hay paguitas, chiringuitos ni discriminaciones "positivas."

Por cierto, España es uno de los paises con menos niveles de racismo a nivel mundial.
He encontrado un articulo de una profesora de Ingles afromearicana que vivio en España durante 1 año. Para explicarlo en pocas palabras te deja a entender que el racismo que sufren los afroamericanos en USA es un juego de niños en comparación con lo que ha vivido en España. Esta en Ingles, pero como aqui todos tienen un CI de 200 y hablan 6 idiomas, no creo que tengan problemas en leer esta joyita.

The Truth about Racism in Spain. What Black Travelers Need to Know
Claro porque si no existe un problema, lo mejor es crearlo.
Si no, no hay paguitas, chiringuitos ni discriminaciones "positivas."

Por cierto, España es uno de los paises con menos niveles de racismo a nivel mundial.

No me jorobes, en españa a los neցros se les lanza platanos desde los balcones. Lee el articulo y despues los comentarios. Te lo
cuelgo para que no te cueste mucho.

Como vas a saber si los españoles son racistas o no si tu no eres neցro. Los peces tampoco saben si estan mojados o no.


I am a graduate student from the Caribbean who is living in Barcelona and I am just about ready to pack my bags and go home. Prior to my coming to Spain I had never experienced racism. In fact, it annoyed me when Blacks, specifically Black Americans as I am more familiar with their stories, would latch on to the issue of racism and would make every issue about race. Yes, I’ve had stares when visiting places like Singapore or Indonesia for example but at the very worst they amounted to mere curiosity, but never racism. Like you, I do enjoy the fact that Spain does have a lot of beauty and character and can bring about wonderful experiences but unlike you, I don’t know if I can drum up the courage to go out and enjoy it. Spain is making me into a very bitter and angry person. On my way home from school yesterday as I walked by a few high rise buildings, there were “objects” (a yellow looking fruit) thrown at me. At first, I wondered what was falling from the trees, but then as I looked up and realized there were no trees, another object whooshed past within an inch of my ears. I turned to see who the miscreant was but I did not see who was doing it and as I continued walking the objects continued flying through the air all aimed at me. Now, I do not wish to be lengthy in my post so will not talk about my numerous other bouts with racism here. Suffice it to however that what annoyed me most was when I shared my experience with someone today how she tried to negate the experiences I have been having. I must concede though that she was right about one thing that as a Christian I do need to find ways to cope better because truth be told, I was so angry yesterday that I would have fulfilled the stereotype that blacks are some kind of savages, as I might have climbed that person like a monkey on a tree and ripped them to pieces. Now that I’ve had time to think it through, I have come to realize how racism in Spain could have cost me everything that I have been working so hard to build, my unblemished reputation and especially now when it is of utmost importance as I am transitioning to a professional field where character of good fit is everything, I could have lost it because yesterday my proverbial cup started running over. Then today when someone told me that as a Christian I should try to find out why the objects were pelted at me as it could have been a child or a crazy person, I realized that even worse that these overt acts of racism is relaying your story to people who have no capacity to understand being black in Spain. Imagine, she is a native Spanish born and over 30 years my senior and yet no child nor crazy person ever pelted objects at her but it so happen that I have been here for less than a year, and is over 30 and for the first time in my life I’ve had people pelting objects at me. Go figure. Now I know this person is really trying to be nice, she is a great human being and a beautiful soul but honestly I’m so upset right now that I cannot be around people who are so insensitive to my plight. Now I am not looking for sympathies, but what Idont want is to be patronizedand or be surrounded by people who cannot relate to the fact that the most hurtful experiences I’ve had thus far in life have been here in Spain. That being said, I hope to channel all the negative emotions into something positive and I do wish to be part of the solution rather than add to the problem.
No me jorobes, en españa a los neցros se les lanza platanos desde los balcones. Lee el articulo y despues los comentarios. Te lo
cuelgo para que no te cueste mucho.

Como vas a saber si los españoles son racistas o no si tu no eres neցro. Los peces tampoco saben si estan mojados o no.


I am a graduate student from the Caribbean who is living in Barcelona and I am just about ready to pack my bags and go home. Prior to my coming to Spain I had never experienced racism. In fact, it annoyed me when Blacks, specifically Black Americans as I am more familiar with their stories, would latch on to the issue of racism and would make every issue about race. Yes, I’ve had stares when visiting places like Singapore or Indonesia for example but at the very worst they amounted to mere curiosity, but never racism. Like you, I do enjoy the fact that Spain does have a lot of beauty and character and can bring about wonderful experiences but unlike you, I don’t know if I can drum up the courage to go out and enjoy it. Spain is making me into a very bitter and angry person. On my way home from school yesterday as I walked by a few high rise buildings, there were “objects” (a yellow looking fruit) thrown at me. At first, I wondered what was falling from the trees, but then as I looked up and realized there were no trees, another object whooshed past within an inch of my ears. I turned to see who the miscreant was but I did not see who was doing it and as I continued walking the objects continued flying through the air all aimed at me. Now, I do not wish to be lengthy in my post so will not talk about my numerous other bouts with racism here. Suffice it to however that what annoyed me most was when I shared my experience with someone today how she tried to negate the experiences I have been having. I must concede though that she was right about one thing that as a Christian I do need to find ways to cope better because truth be told, I was so angry yesterday that I would have fulfilled the stereotype that blacks are some kind of savages, as I might have climbed that person like a monkey on a tree and ripped them to pieces. Now that I’ve had time to think it through, I have come to realize how racism in Spain could have cost me everything that I have been working so hard to build, my unblemished reputation and especially now when it is of utmost importance as I am transitioning to a professional field where character of good fit is everything, I could have lost it because yesterday my proverbial cup started running over. Then today when someone told me that as a Christian I should try to find out why the objects were pelted at me as it could have been a child or a crazy person, I realized that even worse that these overt acts of racism is relaying your story to people who have no capacity to understand being black in Spain. Imagine, she is a native Spanish born and over 30 years my senior and yet no child nor crazy person ever pelted objects at her but it so happen that I have been here for less than a year, and is over 30 and for the first time in my life I’ve had people pelting objects at me. Go figure. Now I know this person is really trying to be nice, she is a great human being and a beautiful soul but honestly I’m so upset right now that I cannot be around people who are so insensitive to my plight. Now I am not looking for sympathies, but what Idont want is to be patronizedand or be surrounded by people who cannot relate to the fact that the most hurtful experiences I’ve had thus far in life have been here in Spain. That being said, I hope to channel all the negative emotions into something positive and I do wish to be part of the solution rather than add to the problem.
Jajajja la estaban acusando de mesetaria y se pusieron a tirarle lazos
Esta parte es la ostra, recalco en neցro algunas cosas:

Spaniards don’t see anything wrong with blackface. During Christmas, Los Reyes Magos (the three wise men) are the star of the show. Forget Papa Noel (Santa Claus). Balthazar, one of the three wise men, is an Arab but for some reason Spaniards think he’s black. Every Christmas, Spanish men in every corner of the country put on blackface to portray Balthazar.

On a popular TV show, Tu Cara Me Suena (Your Face Looks Familiar), Spanish celebrities regularly dress up as black artists and perform their hit songs in front of judges. It’s like The Voice, Blackface style. I watched impersonations of Ne-Yo, Stevie Wonder, and Celia Cruz. My gosh, they were beyond cringe-worthy!

The reasons Spaniards often give for using Blackface are:

1) It’s a harmless tradition that is not meant to be racist.

Their intentions may be harmless, but blackface is deeply offensive and racist. Period. Full stop. End of story.

2) They can’t find black people to portray Balthazar.

This may be the case in some small towns where there are no black people. What about in bigger cities like Sevilla, Madrid, and Barcelona? They can’t find a single black man in those places?

3) Spain doesn’t have a historical connection to Africa like America does – no history of slavery.

Really? Hmm…I wonder why there are black people in countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Colombia. Did the Spanish not enslave Africans in their former colonies? Under the order of the Spanish Crown, African slaves were shipped to the Americas, via the Iberian Peninsula, in the early 16th century. The Spanish didn’t abolish slavery in their colonies until the end of the 19th century, behind other colonial powers. Just a little recap of history for those with historical amnesia.

And let’s not forget that the Moors ruled Spain for nearly 800 years. They built Spain’s most famous landmarks, like La Alhambra and La Mesquita de Córdoba. Spaniards seem to want to forget that part of their history. It must be a source of shame to acknowledge the irreversible influence that Africans have had on their culture and language. Case in point: sixth-grade history books at my school in Madrid briefly mention the Moors in a couple of pages and then expound on the glorious reconquest of Spain by the Catholic kings. The fact of the matter is that Spain has had centuries of relations with Africans, both as the rulers and the ruled. To claim innocence due to ignorance just doesn’t work. Next excuse…

1. Los 3 reyes magos son árabes (no 1 de ellos), posiblemente del oeste de Omán o este de Yemen, y digo esto basándome en el relato y los objetos que portaban como regalos (venían de Oriente atravesando el desierto y portando oro, mirra y olíbano)
2. Será ofensivo y racista para ella y para la comunidad afroamericana.
3. Esta debe de pensar que en España quienes gobernaban eran los jovenlandeses, prácticamente en la totalidad de la ocupación fiel a la religión del amora de la península se trataba de un fenómeno patrio sin apenas extranjeros invasores. Los fiel a la religión del amores realmente han tenido poco impacto en la cultura o el lenguaje, si bien en esto último ha afectado en algunas palabras, el grueso de nuestra cultura y lenguaje proviene de la antigua Roma, que ocupó la península durante menos tiempo que esos fiel a la religión del amores que esta señora cree que fueron tan importantes. Debe de pensar que nos dominaban los jovenlandeses y habla de ignorancia. Debería saber que quienes nos invadieron fueron los omeyas (Siria) y que a las escasas décadas se formó el Emirato de Córdoba, que era una entidad autóctona de la península Ibérica (rompieron con el exterior). Luego posteriormente hubo 2 invasiones provenientes de jovenlandia, pero que sólo llegaron a ocupar la mitad de la península, por lo que poca influencia pudieron tener estos jovenlandeses (que por cierto: no eran neցros).
No me jorobes, en españa a los neցros se les lanza platanos desde los balcones. Lee el articulo y despues los comentarios. Te lo
cuelgo para que no te cueste mucho.

Como vas a saber si los españoles son racistas o no si tu no eres neցro. Los peces tampoco saben si estan mojados o no.


I am a graduate student from the Caribbean who is living in Barcelona and I am just about ready to pack my bags and go home. Prior to my coming to Spain I had never experienced racism. In fact, it annoyed me when Blacks, specifically Black Americans as I am more familiar with their stories, would latch on to the issue of racism and would make every issue about race. Yes, I’ve had stares when visiting places like Singapore or Indonesia for example but at the very worst they amounted to mere curiosity, but never racism. Like you, I do enjoy the fact that Spain does have a lot of beauty and character and can bring about wonderful experiences but unlike you, I don’t know if I can drum up the courage to go out and enjoy it. Spain is making me into a very bitter and angry person. On my way home from school yesterday as I walked by a few high rise buildings, there were “objects” (a yellow looking fruit) thrown at me. At first, I wondered what was falling from the trees, but then as I looked up and realized there were no trees, another object whooshed past within an inch of my ears. I turned to see who the miscreant was but I did not see who was doing it and as I continued walking the objects continued flying through the air all aimed at me. Now, I do not wish to be lengthy in my post so will not talk about my numerous other bouts with racism here. Suffice it to however that what annoyed me most was when I shared my experience with someone today how she tried to negate the experiences I have been having. I must concede though that she was right about one thing that as a Christian I do need to find ways to cope better because truth be told, I was so angry yesterday that I would have fulfilled the stereotype that blacks are some kind of savages, as I might have climbed that person like a monkey on a tree and ripped them to pieces. Now that I’ve had time to think it through, I have come to realize how racism in Spain could have cost me everything that I have been working so hard to build, my unblemished reputation and especially now when it is of utmost importance as I am transitioning to a professional field where character of good fit is everything, I could have lost it because yesterday my proverbial cup started running over. Then today when someone told me that as a Christian I should try to find out why the objects were pelted at me as it could have been a child or a crazy person, I realized that even worse that these overt acts of racism is relaying your story to people who have no capacity to understand being black in Spain. Imagine, she is a native Spanish born and over 30 years my senior and yet no child nor crazy person ever pelted objects at her but it so happen that I have been here for less than a year, and is over 30 and for the first time in my life I’ve had people pelting objects at me. Go figure. Now I know this person is really trying to be nice, she is a great human being and a beautiful soul but honestly I’m so upset right now that I cannot be around people who are so insensitive to my plight. Now I am not looking for sympathies, but what Idont want is to be patronizedand or be surrounded by people who cannot relate to the fact that the most hurtful experiences I’ve had thus far in life have been here in Spain. That being said, I hope to channel all the negative emotions into something positive and I do wish to be part of the solution rather than add to the problem.
Relajate primo, que igual no puedes respirar con la ansiedad

España, entre los países menos racistas de Europa

Los comentarios que acompañan a ese tipo de noticias vienen provocados por el racismo "positivo" de las administraciones.
Te puedo asegurar que aqui estaba esperando mucha gente que hubiera racismo por todos lados, policias matando neցros por todas las esquinas, y ahorcamientos tipo KKK en las plazas de los pueblos.

Como no fue asi y se hartaron de esperar sacaron el tema de la viogen y del feminista radicalsmo, que es exactamente lo mismo que el racismo pero aplicado a mujeres. De ahi, todos los chiringuitos y demas chorradas, ministerio de igualdad incluido, que se han inventado para solucionar un problema que a dia de hoy no existe.
Última edición:
¿Os estáis defendiendo de que nos acusen de racistas?
¿Ya hemos asimilado hasta tal punto que ser racista -sin violencia- es algo malo?

Nunca he ejercitado la violencia física contra nadie. Y la verbal muy pocas veces. Y jamás por el aspecto/condiciòn de una persona. No he efectuado jamás, ni creo que lo haga, "microdiscriminaciones" de ningún tipo. Pero soy racista. Cada vez, más.

De hecho, no entiendo cómo una señora que procede de un país con casi DOSCIENTOS millones de neցros, a cual más pobre, racista y violento (NIGERIA), tiene el papo de ir comparando terceros países y comete "el descuido" de no ilustrarnos sobre las condiciones de vida de su propio país y por qué no se quedan todos en él y dejan de sufrir las condiciones inhumanas de estos países occidentales tan racistas.
Relajate primo, que igual no puedes respirar con la ansiedad

España, entre los países menos racistas de Europa

Los comentarios que acompañan a ese tipo de noticias vienen provocados por el racismo "positivo" de las administraciones.
Te puedo asegurar que aqui estaba esperando mucha gente que hubiera racismo por todos lados, policias matando neցros por todas las esquinas, y ahorcamientos tipo KKK en las plazas de los pueblos.

Como no fue asi y se hartaron de esperar sacaron el tema de la viogen y del feminista radicalsmo, que es exactamente lo mismo que el racismo pero aplicado a mujeres. De ahi, todos los chiringuitos y demas chorradas, ministerio de igualdad incluido, que se han inventado para solucionar un problema que a dia de hoy no existe.

Eso es propaganda para autoconsumo. España es uno de los paises mas racistas del mundo, eso lo sabe hasta el que fundo el Ku klux klan.