Siria XX: Octubre 2016

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Izat Savetheplanet ‏@AbuHantala 1 hHace 1 hora

Reports that about 2,000 militants have expressed willingness to abandon east Aleppo. Many are being threatened and intimidated by Nusra.
Informes de que alrededor de 2.000 militantes han expresado su voluntad de abandonar al este de Alepo. Muchos están siendo amenazados e intimidados por Nusra.

---------- Post added 14-oct-2016 at 20:47 ----------


Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ 6 minhace 6 minutos

Breaking || Report by Lewaa AL -Quds Syrian Army & Lewaa alquds advance now into Baabdin Square
Breaking || Report by Lewaa AL -Quds: Syrian Army & Lewaa alquds avanzan ahora hacia Baabdin Square

Si ese número es cierto poco puede hacer nusra para amenazarlos, son gran parte de las fuerzas que hay dentro de Aleppo en estos momentos.

Al final seguramente alepo se rendirá y se podrá evitar el combate urbano que desgastaría bastante al EAS.
¿Están "recogiendo velas"?,

Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ 13 minHace 13 minutos

#واشنطن: التعاون مع روسيا لا يزال على الطاولة في حال استمرار العملية السياسية في سوريا
# Washington: La cooperación con Rusia está todavía sobre la mesa en el caso de la continuación del proceso político en Siria
Si ese número es cierto poco puede hacer nusra para amenazarlos, son gran parte de las fuerzas que hay dentro de Aleppo en estos momentos.

Al final seguramente alepo se rendirá y se podrá evitar el combate urbano que desgastaría bastante al EAS.

Pues tendrá que hacer todo lo que pueda, incluido el acabar desertores, o rendirse junto con ellos.

Si solo se quedan los irreductibles, ofrecerán menos defensa, y el combate urbano serviría para exterminarlos.

Que los fusilamientos en masa quedan muy feos.
Entrevista muy extensa al Presidente al-Assad.
Menciona el tema turco.
Publicada en el Ministerio de Información Sirio.

Aviso: traducida desde el google.
Puede contener errores de transcripción.
Si alguien ve algún fallo, por favor me lo indique.

President al-Assad to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Russia: Russia is fighting terrorism for the entire world .. There is no contradiction between "Israel" and "victory" and "Daesh"

Ministry of Information
President Bashar al-Assad stressed that Syria views the new Russian-Turkish relationship positively in the hope that Russia be able to make some changes in Turkish politics and in particular to stop the attack on Syrian territory and to stop supporting terrorists.

President al-Assad said in an interview with the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Russia today that the Turkish incursions into Syrian territory invasion inconsistent with international law and jovenlandesality and purpose of the exchange of the mask worn by the Turks and whitening their page and cover their true intentions of supporting "Daesh" and "victory," he said that the goal of the invasion also packaging "Daesh" a new cover to be able to talk about a new basis of moderate forces in fact the same basis as "Daesh."

President al-Assad pointed out that witnessed by Syria and the region over the past few months, more than a cold war, and less than the actual war and the essence of this war, regards the US attempts to maintain the dominance of the world and not allow anyone to be a partner in the political arena or international.

President al-Assad pointed out that Russia wants to fight terrorism, not for the sake of Syria and Russia, but also for the region and the entire world, while the United States has always believed that he could use terrorism as a bargaining can play them and put them on the table.

President al-Assad pointed out that the Western media of false campaign seeks to change the form of "Front victory" terrorist and put it under the title of the white hats and the imaging elements that they are good people.

The amowing is the full text of the interview ...

The first question:

Thank you very much, Mr. President, I am very happy and proud Balkaia you, I'll start with the question, the situation in Syria has become more dangerous and more difficult to predict Pttorath, why? Because of this conflict attracts the largest number of participants and players, for example, it is now involved in the war in Syria? There Iran and Lebanon, namely Hezbollah, Russia, Turkey and the large coalition led by the United States, China is also interested in this war, do you antiestéticar that result from this conflict a third world war or that the third world war has already begun?

President Assad:

If we want to talk about this problem we have to address the substance and its source which is terrorism, and regardless of who intervenes in Syria now the most important thing is, of supporting terrorists on a daily basis and over time, this is the main issue, if we can solve this complex picture that I have described will not be a big problem and we can solve them, if it's not about the number of countries that intervene now, but the number of countries that support terrorists, such as Russia, Iran and Hezbollah allies, and came to Syria legally, they support us against terrorists while other countries that Thdtta about and that intervenes in Syria to support those terrorists, so the question is not number but the core issue of terrorism.

Secondly, with regard to the third world war, this expression used a lot lately, especially after the recent escalation in the situation in Syria, we can say that what we are seeing now, what we have seen in the weeks and possibly the last few months, it is more of a cold war, and less than a war real, I do not know how to call it, but it's not something recent afternoon, according to because I do not think that the West and especially the United States stopped the cold war, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Yes, he is still continuing.

President Assad:

Thus, for these several stages of the case, and represents Syria one of these milestones, you see the biggest escalation than ever, but the whole issue relates to maintaining American hegemony over the world and not allow anyone to be a partner in the political arena or international, whether or even one's allies Russia America Westerners, this is the essence of this war, which she described as a third world war, it is a world war but it is not a military war, part military and part on terrorism, security and the other part political, and therefore what you are saying is true, but differently, it's not just in Syria regard, Syria is part of the this war.

second question:

But I said, that Syria has become the scene of this war, why Syria? I know that Syria is a big country, you have the oil, but not like Saudi Arabia, Syria, why, exactly?

President Assad:

The so several facets, face first, if you want to talk about the regional conflict, Syria has a good relationship with Iran, and Saudi Arabia wanted to, say, the destruction of Iran fully perhaps in a political sense and perhaps practical sense for different reasons, and therefore they wanted Syria to stand against Iran, so the the destruction of Syria can affect Iran negatively according to what I think, for the West, Syria and Russia are allies for decades, if undermined Syria site then they may negatively impact on Russia, as there is something else about the historical role of Syria, Syria has played that role in the the region over the centuries, it has always been the focus of dynamics of geopolitics in the Middle East, so the control of Syria since the time of pharaohs before the birth of Christ was a geopolitical goals have been fighting the Pharaohs and Alhtyon to achieve this goal, this is a historical basis, so the Syrian geopolitical role and also because its location on the Mediterranean and because of her community, where Syria is located on the fault seismic line between different cultures in this region, and all what is happening in Syria will affect the region positively and negatively, so the control of Syria is very important, despite the fact that Syria is a small country but it is very important to control the the rest of the region. Secondly, Syria is an independent state, and the West does not accept any independent state whether Syria as a small country, and Russia as a superpower, what is their problem with the Russians? Because you say, yes, and you say, no, we should always say, yes, so this is the problem of the West, for these reasons were targeting Syria.

The third question:

Some Western media and found that the war in Syria has become a direct conflict between Russia and the United States, do you agree with this view?

President Assad:

Yes, for the simple reason related to what I said at the outset that the case is terrorism, Russia wants to fight terrorism, for various reasons, not for the sake of Syria and by not for Russia, but also for the whole region and for Europe and the whole world, because they are more or less understand the meaning of that is rampant terrorism in a certain way, the United States has always been since the war in Afghanistan in the early eighties and even today believes that the use of terrorism as a bargaining can play them and put them on the table.


President Assad:

The paper put it in their pocket and bundled whenever they wish, if you are talking about two different entities, two different ideologies and different Slukin two different two approaches, and therefore it is natural that there is such a conflict, and even if there was a dialogue, they are incompatible.

the fourth question:

Now we have a new player in this region, the Turkish intervention, while not talking about this one now intervene as if nothing had happened, what do you think of the role played by Turkey in this war? And what about intervention?

President Assad:

If we start talking about what is happening today, it is an invasion.


Invade !

President Assad:

This incursion is an invasion, whether on a small or a large part of the Syrian territories, that the invasion and inconsistent with international law and jovenlandesality and constitutes a violation of Syrian sovereignty, but what does he want the Turks of this invasion, apart from the mask who wear it to cover their true intentions, they want to whiten their page and cover their true intentions of supporting "Daesh" and "victory."


Do you think they do not Adamonhma now?

President Assad:

No, they are still Adamonhma, but they come up to say, "We fight," Daesh "It will be for us."


It is absurd, ridiculous what they're saying, I miccionan when they say, "We are fighting" Daesh "," they have made "Daesh."

President Assad:

Completely, of course, they made "Daesh" They supported "Daesh" They make them all the logistical support and allow them to sell our oil through their borders and across their lands with the participation of the son of Erdogan and his entourage, all of whom were involved in a relationship with "Daesh," The whole world knows this, but, this invasion, they wanted to Aglfoa "Daesh" a new cover to be able to talk about a new moderate forces, which are in fact the same grounds "Daesh", transferring control of the area from "Daesh" to these forces, they say, "Daesh" defeated in that region thanks to Turkish shelling and thanks to the Turkish troops and their customers, it's just being theatrical representation of the whole world to see, and the second reason is that they wanted to provide support to victory in Syria.


He wanted to support the "victory"?

President Assad:

As he wanted, I miccionan Erdogan specifically, have a role in the solution in Syria, regardless of the nature of this role, he felt isolated because of last year's "Daesh."


But he still feels that Syria is part of the Ottoman Empire, for him it is their land.

President Assad:

Completely ideology constitutes a blend between the ideology of the Brotherhood Banfea and extremism and the Ottoman Empire or the Sultanate.


He has ambitions, yes.

President Assad:

Thus, it is believed that these two ideologies can making a combination that can take control of this region, which is why the support of the Muslim Brotherhood in all countries, including Syria, You are right.

The fifth question:

After the overthrow of Russian aircraft by the Turks Russia suspended its relations with Turkey, now and then apologized went again and it seems that the friendship has been renewed in terms of tourism, diplomatic relations, and everything, in the past, pilinguin described what Erdogan did as a "stab in the back" when the plane was shot down by the Turks Do you think that we, the Russians, make the mistake to trust Erdogan again after his infidelity?

President Assad:

No, in fact I look at this relationship positively.


Look at it positively?

President Assad:

Yeah, sure, why not?



President Assad:

We are talking about the parties, taking into account the fact that these two parties do not have the same vision, and they have different positions, Russia adopt a policy on international law and respect the sovereignty of other countries and understand the implications of the spread of terrorism anywhere in the world while the other party of the Turkish party builds its policy on ideology the Muslim Brotherhood, they do not respect the sovereignty of Syria and their support of terrorists, and therefore you can see the state of polarization, you find the two on opposite sides in full, thus through this rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, the only hope we are in Syria that Russia is able to bring about some changes in Turkish politics , this is our hope and I'm sure that this is the first goal of Russian diplomacy towards Turkey these days to be able to reduce the damage that has occurred because of the excesses of the Turkish government on Syrian territory, I hope to be able to convince them that they must stop supporting terrorists and to prevent the flow across borders and get the money to them.


But for Erdogan, these terrorists are the tools of influence, it will not prevent anything from this tool because these his group will try to fight with them and they will begin Baltharb with him, I miccionan that there is a big risk in rejecting the sponsorship of terrorism, if it poses a threat to his authority.

President Assad:

Yes, and for this reason I did not say that the Russians will change its policy, but said they Siqlson damage because a person belongs to a violent and extremist Muslim Brotherhood's ideology can not be a person straight Strictly frankness and realism, so what are you talking about a very realistic and I agree one hundred percent of opinion, but the nutshell you try If one percent change, this is good and if the change of ten percent, that would be better, a complete change will not happen necessarily, and we do not have such hopes, we do not raise much of the roof of our expectations, particularly with regard to a person Kordogan and his cohorts, but any change at this moment will be good and I think we partner with Russian officials now hope that through this relationship and I think that here lies the wisdom of the Russian government's move toward the Turkish government not because the Russians have confidence in this government, but they need good relations with the people and this is absolutely true.

Question Six:

This is strange for me not to organize "Daesh" Boediologith threat "Israel" never, and that "Israel" did not threaten "Daesh," It looks as if there is an agreement that probably is not on friendship but on the fence, why do you think so? What is the role of "Israel" in this war?

President Assad:

Not "Daesh" and by not "victory" and by, every person and every terrorist carrying a gun and began with death and destruction in Syria received the support of "Israel" either indirectly through logistical support on the border or sometimes through direct intervention by the "Israel" against Syria from various fields in Syria. Why?

Because "Israel" our enemy and because they are occupying our land and they see Syria as an enemy, of course, and for them, they believe that if they undermined the Syrian site and made weaker in general as a society and the army and the state, it will give "Israel" a pretext for not moving toward peace because the price of peace is re Heights Golan Heights to Syria.

If for them, Syria will be busy new issue will not be interested in talking about the Golan Heights or the peace process, or even that you do anything to regain its territory, which is why support "Israel" every terrorist, there is no contradiction between "Israel" and any organization such as the "victory "or" Daesh "or any organization linked to al Qaeda.

The seventh question:

Army lost a lot of blood, that's clear, but on the other hand, when I am in Damascus and I see a large number of young people in cafes drinking coffee in the morning, wondering, "Who are these young people and why are not there in the front," they tell me they are students, after this I see centers physical fitness is full of muscular youth, what do they here? Sent them all to the front, I do not understand why you have not a general mobilization of the army, as we did in the Patriotic War? In general, when we had a major war we sent all the men to the front.

President Assad:

What we have now is what might be called a partial mobilization, why partial or partial What is the meaning? That is, they are not the highest level, the higher packing levels miccionan the participation of everyone in the fighting on various military fronts, and that means not to be a university and be no teachers in schools and staff are doing anything and even trucks and cars will be used by the government and everything else will be part of this war, it would be acceptable if this war will continue for a few weeks or perhaps only a few months but for the ongoing war for nearly six years now, this means paralysis of society and the paralysis of the state will not Taatmkny to win the war if you have paralyzed the community, so there should be balance between the war and the basic needs of the community, the university and the services to be provided to the people for this reason it is vital to achieve that balance? This is our point of view.

Question Eight:

But even your programs of television, it is true that I do not understand the Arabic language, but when I watch TV it seems to me as if I were in a country in time of peace, and there is little, suggesting that there is a war, and then there are programs for sport and for children and schools, I watch it and think, oh my God I in a country I hear it on how the mine explosion in the cities, and here I see if something does not happen, it seems to me as if this is exaggerated, if you want to send the national spirit in people should also explain to them and say: "Hey guys we are in a big war," and this exactly what you're doing all the countries, I do not like this image of peaceful life, this is not here.

President Assad:

Our media are not separate what happens, but again should achieve a balance between the extent of what brings you closer to the natural life, is not a complete normal life, so you need this balance, of course, there are many different points of view with respect to the media, because the media respect to perceptions, and what you are saying what are we talking about now we hear in Syria, "How do they do this?"

On the other hand if I went too much about the war they say: "Not everything is in a state of war, we need to live a normal life," or "should maintain the continuity of life", say, is not a normal life, but maintaining the continuity of life, achieving this balance is not easy, there are different points of view, but a nutshell, the main challenge is not only the war but also how to enable you to live on a daily basis, if not try to live this life, the terrorists Sézmonak because this is their destination.


We used to live in this way, when the Great Patriotic War took place, all the cities empty was not the only women and there was, of course, doctors and some teachers, but everyone else was on the front, give you an example from my family, it was my father and brothers, four on the front, Abi school leaving at the age of thirteen, he went to a factory for the manufacture of bombs and it was normal, we would not win this war if we do not we send all our men to the front.

President Assad:

Yes, but when you are talking about the war, the war is not military, and by, the war include everything, the most important part of our war is not about terrorists and by, the part that parallels the terrorist cause important is the economy, we run the blockade and therefore we must do everything in our power to maintain this rotation of the wheel and progress forward.


I understand.

President Assad:

For this you have to Turkzi all your effort on this life because without this natural life can not have the economy, if everyone sat in their homes and have lived the life of the war in that case stop production.

Question Nine:

Why requested assistance from Russia almost at the most critical moment? When almost everything was in a state of collapse and even your life was in danger.

President Assad:

First, there is the traditional relationship between Syria and Russia, during the worst times of the relationship after the collapse of the Soviet Union was a good relationship, were not bad but they were not warm.


For this reason, your best had to ask for help in more early.

President Assad:

No, we asked for help from the start but the escalation was not at the level it was last year, because before that it was the Syrian army moves forward and our enemies, let's use that term, when they saw that we are progressing on the ground began to escalate through the recruitment of more terrorists from abroad more foreigners who are coming from more than one hundred countries, nutshell, Syria is a small country and its population is not very large, and therefore we needed to help our friends, intervened Iran and Hezbollah, and it was the intervention of Russia as a superpower decisive in changing the balance of power on the ground for this reason it is natural that ask for Russian help, they have helped us by perhaps not directly through the air force and they sent us all, all logistical support Ahtjnah of that war, but they live with us, Experts of Russian military personnel living in Syria for four decades, I have seen on the ground that during the then in 2014 it began balance changed in favor of the terrorists with the support of the West and other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, and the Russians were prepared to intervene directly, for this reason invited them, and because we trust them, of course, we trust Bsiasthm Vsaasthm based on jovenlandesality before interest, trust them because we know they wanted to support us because they wanted to get rid of the terrorists and not because they wanted to ask us anything in return this is what I never do, until this moment did not ask us anything in return, all these factors encouraged by the government and the Syrian Almaeadssat the request of Russian assistance.

Question Ten:

Before the so-called revolution, I am sure you have received bids from current enemies, some kind of offers or deals, what they want from you, I heard, for example, that Qatar wanted to extend a pipeline through Syria, is this true or not? Did you receive an offer that before?

President Assad:

Performances began after the crisis.



President Assad:

Because they wanted to use the crisis, in the sense that we will help you if I did.


But what they wanted from you already?

President Assad:

But before the crisis, it was not for their offer, but they wanted to use Syria indirectly, did not submit an offer, but they wanted to convince us to do something, when that was the key issue in all the world is the Iranian nuclear file, and it is required from Syria to persuade Iran to act against its interests then, France tried and Saudi Arabia wanted us to move away from Iran without reason just because they hate.


But what about this tube? Is it true that they wanted to extend a gas pipeline through Syria?

President Assad:

No, did not talk about it, but I was supposed to go through a tube from the East, from Iran, Iraq Syria to the Mediterranean and another pipeline from the Gulf to Europe to become Syria so is to place in the field of energy in general, I do not think that the West would accept Syria this, Syria, which has refused to be a puppet of the West does not allow her to enjoy this privilege or influence, and therefore I think this is one of the factors that did not talk to them directly, after the war, the offer came directly from Saudi Arabia in the sense if you ..


Directly from the people.

President Assad:




President Assad:

If you depart from Iran and announced cut any form of relations with Iran, we will help, and so very simply and directly.

Question atheist ten:

I said in one of your interviews that this war is difficult because the terrorists killed a simple command, while the ideology of murder is very difficult, and when I talked to your officers on the front told me: "How can Tharba people do not antiestéticar death," For him, death was happy because the seventy-two virgin will be waiting for him in paradise, but people are natural, they are afraid of death, of course, and therefore in this case, where the sentiment was much higher jovenlandesale of terrorists is different, how do you kill this ideology?

President Assad:

You are right if you talk about those ideological fighters or terrorists who are fighting our army, the only way is to fight and get rid of them, there is no other way, they are not ready for any dialogue, nor the time to have a dialogue, you have to protect your fellow citizens, and therefore you kill them, but that is not enough because there regenerate Koab video process where it can be re-generate anything Tredenh, Tguetlin people, shows a dozen people others and therefore there is an end to the issue, the most important in the medium and long term it is to fight this ideology through similar ideology but moderate, can not fight extremism in Islam to any other ideology only moderate Islam, if this is the only way but it takes time and requires the young generations, and work on the younger generations and to work on the means of drying the money paid by the Saudi government and organizations Saudi non-governmental Saudi Arabia and the institutions that promote Wahhabi ideology around the world. not Tsttiein say .. "I will fight this ideology," at the same time you allow for sheikhs or imams promoted the ideology of obscurantism in the schools, this is impossible, and this is what is happening in Europe, talking about generations, the third generation or fourth now lives in Europe, and they send us terrorists Europe now, we did not live in our region do not speak Arabic, and probably do not read the Koran, but they are extremists because they allowed the ideology of Wahhabism to penetrate Europe.

If we handle a lot of things, you have to deal with the media, dealing with the media Strong funded Bpetrodolarat Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries that promote extremism, how do you deal with that? This requires many facets and many parallel tracks at the same time, this is the only way to defeat him, but dealing with terrorists constitute the last part this is a compulsory part, it can not be avoided, but it is not a solution.

XII question:

Yes, but I always feel that there is something of a mystery, fighting to Damascus and I understand why many of the mercenaries here, one of the professors of Islamic jurisprudence explained to me that they believe actually in glutinous come and that it will mark the end of the world, and the main battle between good and evil, which is why they are ready now, I was in Bosnia, for example, and there were many of the mercenaries who cross Bosnia and say .. "We're going to glutinous," for them, the so spiritually meaningful, how can kill this? I can not imagine it.

President Assad:

Quite completely.


Because there is a big propaganda campaign in the form of: "Go to the glutinous, just go to Syria because it is the main place that will make the end of the world."

President Assad:

It has become a holy place now to fight.


Yes it becomes as a sacred place.

President Assad:

In the sense that if you want to go to heaven, you have to go through Syria Maybe if you die in another place you will not go to paradise, this part of the ideology, which is why they ...


They are sure that if they died in Syria, they will go straight to paradise?

President Assad:

So they think, and some of them thought that if they killed more innocent they Seatonolun breaking the Ramadan fast with the Prophet, for example, that's what they think, is completely brainwashed Therefore Tsttiein do not blame them, they are ignorant and most of them are young and they are used.


Yes, sometimes they are children.

President Assad:

Exactly, but it comes to a machine has been working for decades to wash the drain and the publication of this extremism in the Islamic world and in Muslim communities outside the Islamic world.

XIII question:

Are you satisfied with the Russian intervention over the past year? Have we achieved something serious here?

President Assad:

Briefly before that intervention, despite the presence of the so-called "American alliance," which for me alliance misleading did nothing, she was "Daesh" and "victory" Taatmdeddan, now have a larger number of fighters and the volume of recruitment and recruitment of terrorists, they get more oil for export from through Turkey etc ...

After the Russian intervention shrunk under the control of terrorists areas of space, so the fact speaks for itself, this is the main effect of any impact last longer marginal to it, they've changed the balance of forces on the ground to the detriment of the terrorists.

Question XIV:

With respect to the Kurdish question, I was in Qamishli and heard them because they want a federal establishment, they said: "the perfect model of the state is to be the pattern of Russia, Russia's many nationalities that make up the Russian Federation, why can not for Syria to become a federal"? Frankly, none of the Kurds in Syria with me did not talk about secession or the establishment of an independent state, they said, "We want to be in Syria, but we want autonomy"? Do you agree with that or not? I say this because they are good fighters against "Daesh."

President Assad:

Let me explained various aspects of the issue, first, we can not talk about that particular group or a whole group in Syria want something, you are also talking about the Kurds or the Turks or the Arabs or Chechens or Armenians or any other group we have, and therefore can talk about the part of the Kurds need for this, an important part of all of them, but the majority of them not so demanding, never ask ..


I'm not talking of course about the Kurds in Damascus, they live here.

President Assad:

Yes, I miccionan, even in the north, part of them just talking about this, the first, second, when you are talking about federalism or any other system similar should be part of the Constitution, and the Constitution does not belong to the government but also reflects the will of the Syrian people, and if they need a special political system in Syria, they have to convince the Syrians so, no point in discussing it with me, even if I said, "Yes, it is a good idea not mind occurrence" as president or as an administrator or as a government, I can not grant it to them. I do not I own, I do not have the political system in Syria , everything should be ...


Through a referendum?

President Assad:

Completely, you should call a referendum of the Syrian people to say yes or no, Second Some people talk about a Kurdish federation in the north, regardless of what I talked about and that most Kurds are not clamoring for this, but if they wanted, the majority in that region are Arabs, so how can there is a Kurdish federation, while the majority are Arabs?


But do you communicate with them?

President Assad:

Yes, of course, we are dealing with them and negotiate, and we are always ...


They negotiate with them?

President Assad:

Of course, always, we have provided them with support during the war against the "Daesh," We sent them weapons, the army knows all these details.

The fifth question ten:

But honestly, when I was wandering in your country have not seen any kind of opposition, without weapons, I miccionan, with those who can you talk? Do you have a real partner in the negotiations, or is it an impossible task?

President Assad:

This question is very important, but they should know that the word opposition, now most of the world uses the word opposition here to talk about those who carry guns and kill people, they should not be naming the opposition, the opposition politician term may not be a military term.


Yes, this is the problem, but everyone have guns, with whom you are talking?

President Assad:

Completely, if you want to talk about the political opposition, of course, our opposition, our personalities and I am reminded of the names now, but our figures, you can look for names, we have streams or political movements.


Any currents? What are these names?

President Assad:

There are new parties, and we can provide you with a spade and we have a large number, it may not hold all of the seats in parliament, for example, but during the crisis and even before that there was a large number, we can give you a list of all of them, there are new parties declared themselves opposition parties recently, and once again we can given a list of all of them, but the question here is if we are negotiating and that is the pivotal question point, the issue is not related to the parties that I will negotiate with them, but those who have the influence and influence, who can change the situation on the ground, if you will sit with all these oppositions, whether inside or outside Syria, whether objections national or opposition linked to other countries, and not the Syrian people let's assume that we sat down with them and we have agreed on anything and we said, "what we have agreed upon is good for the future of Syria," the question is, which will affect the terrorists on the ground? We all know that the majority of those terrorists belonging to groups linked to al-Qaeda, "Daesh" and "victory" and "Ahrar al-Sham" and other organizations, it does not belong to any political movement, they do not care about any ideology, but ideology ideology of Wahhabism, and therefore even if we negotiated with the opposition political, we can not change the situation, then, this is the most important part of the problem, and therefore, you are right, with the Sotaaml?


Yes, with whom?

President Assad:

The most important thing is to change the situation with me? As a government, we have our means, we can change, we are fighting the terrorists, what can those oppositions to do? This is a question I can not answer it, they are the answer. They have to say we can do this and do that.

Question XVI:

All the Western media derive information about the situation in Syria of these so-called "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" organization strange, but I understand that this observatory consists of a group of one person.

President Assad:

One person lives in London.


I do not understand this, I was shocked when I found out, I miccionan, how can you use this as a source of information?

President Assad:

Yes, because this is what the West wants, they are not looking for virtually anything, they need someone who promotes any information that fit their agenda, and they are promoting him as real as a fact, and as you know, most people in the West have been subjected to brainwashing in relation to what is happening in Syria, this is what happened to the subject of Ukraine, I miccionan that the case is the same with respect to Russia tried and succeeded wash brain public opinion they have on this issue, and this is one of the tools, then, is not the only tool, but they have many similar tools, such as the white hats recently.


What of them?

President Assad:

In fact they are working with "Front victory" in the area controlled by, how can work in the same area that were not under the control of "victory"? The most important thing is that many of their members and there are videos and pictures of them celebrating the death of the Syrian army soldiers, who were celebrating on their bodies.


Not long ago, when the means America bombed the Syrian army, do you miccionan this case?

President Assad:

No, no, but in different areas in Aleppo.


In different areas?

President Assad:

In Aleppo, there were battles and photographed themselves on the bodies of Syrian soldiers were white caps with a "victory" and therefore this represents an attempt to change the form of "victory" and put it under the title of the white hats and portray them as good people and sacrificed their lives to help others and help children and on the basis that this image emotional influence on public opinion in the West.


And you do not even know where they came from these pictures?

President Assad:



Where did these pictures?

President Assad:

No, they do not realize how something, it is important to them, now you can find anything on the Internet but you can not check anything on the web, you Watching and Tantabk emotional feelings because the image in Syria should be black and white, people good men do nothing against bad or bad, or bad, or bad government officials, military President, this is the only image that they wanted to get them to convince public opinion should be to continue to pressure and they support the Syrian people, the good against the bad government and so on, you know this propaganda campaign.

Question XVII:

But what Saattiykm him edit Aleppo from a strategic perspective?

President Assad:

We call Aleppo twin Damascus, for a number of reasons, it is the second largest city in Syria, Damascus is the political capital, while the Aleppo are in fact the economic capital of Syria.


But there is no industry far, I've been there and everything collapsed?

President Assad:

Altogether, most laboratories do not work in Aleppo, I have been stolen and taken to Turkey.


But if Astdm Aleppo What has changed in the war?

President Assad:

Because it is the second ...


Second City, but you can isolate the "victory" for ...

President Assad:

First and foremost, this is a political gain, at the strategic level, politically and gain gain nationally and from a strategic and military perspective, it does not isolate the "victory" even Aleppo big as a city will be a springboard to move to other areas and liberate them from the terrorists, here lies the importance of Aleppo now .


Well, it's the process of liberalization, but what is the next Khtotkm? How Stqton this link between Turkey and Idlib? Because this is the main source of the main corridor for money and soldiers and everything?

President Assad:

Can not cut that link because of Idlib bordering Turkey, it is entirely on the Syrian-Turkish border, and therefore can not be separated from that region, but should be cleaned, it should continue to clean up the area and pay terrorists to Turkey to return to where they came or killed, there is no other choice but Aleppo will be a very important platform to do this move.

Question XVIII:

What is the approximate number of foreign mercenaries who crossed into your country during the past five years?

President Assad:

No one can promise, because we do not have regular borders now, they do not cross the border as a regular course, but estimates published by a German research centers a few weeks ago talking about hundreds of thousands of terrorists.


Hundreds of thousands?

President Assad:

Hundreds of thousands, are talking about more than 300 thousand, which I do not know if it was?


More than 300 thousand?

President Assad:

Yes, I do not know if the number is accurate or not, right or wrong, even if I talked about the hundreds of thousands or even if I talked about a hundred thousand, that is a complete army.


It's the Army, the whole army.

President Assad:

Completely, which is why you continue to get rid of them but there are still bringing in more from the outside, if you're talking about hundreds of thousands come from all regions of the world and this is very realistic because there are hundreds of thousands of terrorists throughout the world espouse the same ideology, which is the ideology of Wahhabism, that's very realistic, It is not an exaggeration.

The question of the nineteenth:

I talked to the opposition in Istanbul in 2012 to young people told me, "We want human rights", they were people who secular natural without beards and they were the way they drink beer in Ramadan, but within a few years became fanatics, this is weird for me, they were completely secular, then, are leaders "Daesh"? They colonels and former astronauts in Saddam Hussein's army, they are also secular people, how they became an army of fanatics? Not understand?

President Assad:

Part of this has to do with what happened in Iraq after the invasion in 2003, where he became the US military or the Americans in general control of everything in Iraq, including prisons and was the leader of "Daesh" and most of his entourage in the same prison, if established organization "Daesh" in Iraq under American supervision.


Maybe it was not "Daesh" in that period, but al-Qaeda?

President Assad:

Yes, it was called the Islamic State in Iraq.


Islamic country?

President Assad:

Because they were not present in Syria at the time, for this reason called the Islamic State in Iraq, it was in "2006".



President Assad:

"2006," of course.


There was already an Islamic state in 2006.

President Assad:

Of course, in 2006, of course, before the withdrawal of the Americans, that's why they played a direct role or indirectly in the founding of "Daesh," Now when it comes to Syria, when talking about the beginning of the problem, before one speaks of "victory" or "Daesh" They were they call it "free army" as a secular fight the government and the military, in fact, from the beginning if I went back to the internet Vstagdin video clips and images, and everything, beheadings began in the first weeks, if the very beginning was an extremist movement, but they call it "free army", but when it became bigger and bigger is no longer possible to hide the beheadings they had to admit there was a "victory", but in fact are the same, "victory" are the same "free Syrian army", the same "Daesh," it's the same rules passed down from one region to another for different reasons , one of these reasons is the ideology the other reason is the antiestéticar that if they did not move from place to place may be killed, the third reason is money, were "Daesh" pay the highest salaries at a given time, a year or two ago, and before that, a large number of members of "victory" and "free Syrian army" has joined "Daesh" for the money, and thus there are a number of different factors, but the main factor ...


But intolerance ...

President Assad:

But the foundation is the same radical which is a common factor among all these names and different organizations.

Question XX:

May I ask you a personal question?

President Assad:

Yes of course.


In 2013 when it was your life is in great danger when America was on the verge of doing bombed Syria Why not send your family to a safe place?

President Assad:

How can Tguenaa Syrians to stay in their country, while you urge your family to leave the country, do not Tsttiein, it should not his first, in every sense, with respect to the national title, one should be the first president, and with respect to his family and all who surround him in the government and his staff , can not Tguenaa people in your country that you Tsttiein defend your country while you trust Bjeick in the defense of your family.


I understand.

President Assad:

For this reason, what I did was natural, in fact I never think about this.


Thank you very much for this interview.

President Assad:

Thank you for coming to Syria.
Última edición:
Este barquito está poniendo nerviosos a algunos,

H I Sutton ‏@CovertShores 12 oct.

Update #Russia spy ship Yantar. Now 2 days over undersea cable in Med. ret to pickup spot
Actualización #Russia barco espía Yantar. Ahora 2 días más de cable submarino en Med. ret al punto de recogida

H I Sutton - Covert Shores




Es la segunda vez que hoy me “cruzo” con este mensaje.

Oficialmente es un buque oceonografico.
Según ellos está cortando la conexión de Internet.
Posiblemente este espiando las lineas.

Una explicación mucho más lógica es el estudio del fondo marino para futuras tuberías de gas.

---------- Post added 14-oct-2016 at 21:03 ----------


Pues tendrá que hacer todo lo que pueda, incluido el acabar desertores, o rendirse junto con ellos.

Si solo se quedan los irreductibles, ofrecerán menos defensa, y el combate urbano serviría para exterminarlos.

Que los fusilamientos en masa quedan muy feos.

Si los fusilan ahora no tendrán que enfrentarse a ellos en un futuro próximo.

Chelsea4Life ‏@LegitCFCPundit 26 minHace 26 minutos

Chelsea4Life Retwitteó John Arterbury

Ahrar trying to increase its number of fighters for a possible upcoming war vs Nusra?
¿Ahrar tratando de aumentar su número de combatientes para una posible próxima guerra con Nusra?

John Arterbury ‏@JohnArterbury

Orient News suggests Ahrar al-Sham, Noureddin Zenki, and Faylaq al-Sham merger could be imminent
Orient Noticias sugiere Ahrar al-Sham, Noureddine Zenki, y Faylaq al-Sham fusión podría ser inminente

3 main Northern Front opposition factions to merge

---------- Post added 14-oct-2016 at 21:13 ----------


Más mapas de Alepo,

Vasto ‏@v4st0 47 minHace 47 minutos

#Syria #Aleppo map update: Government forces are closing to the Haydariya & Hanano districts.
actualización de mapas #Syria #Aleppo: Las fuerzas del gobierno están cerrando a los distritos de Hanano y Haydariya.



Detalle de la zona norte,



Este otro autor muestra de manera más simple donde están las ofensivas para aumentar el colchón de seguridad.

Axis of Resistance ‏@Syria_Hezb_Iran 24 minHace 24 minutos

EXCLUSIVE #Aleppo: #SAA controls most of Ard al-7amra' which overlooks #Hanano & opened new front in east focussed on Jabal Badro & ADVANCED

Última edición:
Peto Lucem retwitteó
Tutomap ‏@Tutomap 9 minHace 9 minutos
#SAA/#NDF+Liwa' al-Quds advance in N #Aleppo city & now in Ba'bdin RA & reach YHC N Hanano
#Syria #حلب
map in Syria, Iraq & Lebanon War Map

Última edición:
Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 16 min


Otra bolsa en Damasco que ya está más que madura, y además en Aleppo no paran de sucederse avances.....
No me puedo creer que estemos tan cerca de poder ver un final al conflicto, y además con victoria lealista.
Me emociono al pensar en la merecida paz que el pueblo sirio está ya tan cerca de conseguir
Izat Savetheplanet ‏@AbuHantala 17 minHace 17 minutos

The hashtag tweeted by jihadist accts calling for the fall of the rebel leaderships of E. Ghouta means that they feel a relocation is coming
El hashtag twitteado por cuentas yihadistas que piden la caída de los líderes rebeldes de E. Ghouta significa que sienten una reubicación está llegando

I can confirm that there are negotiations with Jaish Al-Islam.Have been ongoing for a while. They're in a tough spot with the recent defeats
Puedo confirmar que hay negociaciones con Jaysh Al-Islam.Have estado en curso durante un tiempo. Están en una situación difícil con las recientes derrotas


So a good portion of Jaish Islam rebels will just escape to Turkey, get their livelihoods back while X0,000s of Syrian troops will be freed.
Así que una buena parte de los rebeldes Jaish Islam se acaba de escapar a Turquía, obtener sus medios de vida hacia atrás mientras X0,000s de soldados sirios serán liberados.
Al revés de lo que vemos habitualmente.
Otro autor, otra versión.

---------- Post added 14-oct-2016 at 20:31 ----------

Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ 2 minHace 2 minutos

الجيش السوري من داخل بلدة الديرخبية بعد بسط السيطرة المطلقة عليها

SAA insid Aldarkbia
El Ejército sirio desde el interior de la ciudad Alderkhbayh después de la extensión del control absoluto

SAA dentro de Aldarkbia



---------- Post added 14-oct-2016 at 20:33 ----------


Axis of Resistance ‏@Syria_Hezb_Iran 24 minhace 24 minutos

#Aleppo | #SAA & Liwa al-Quds continue advance in NE Aleppo & CAPTURED a number of terrorists ♥️
#Aleppo | #SAA & Liwa al-Quds continuan el avance en el noreste de Alepo y capturaron a un número de terroristas

Harman, un mapa se dispone con el Norte en la parte superior por convención internacional. Más que nada por que resulta extremadamente lioso interpretarlo si no tienes claro donde quedan los puntos cardinales. Si se ha hecho con ese o no, lo ignoro, pero de romper la convención, lo correcto es adjuntar un signo (o los 4) que posicione este.

off topic,

Que yo recuerde :pienso:, llevan 3 o 4 años diseñando un sistema que proteja a los USA de las tormentas solares, como la tormenta solar de 1859, conocida también como evento Carrington por el astrónomo inglés Richard Carrington, primero en observarla.

De ocurrir tendría efectos inmediatos y catastróficos a largo plazo.

A cortos: una tormenta solar como la de 1854, se supone que freiría todos los transformadores de las centrales electricas, dejando al país sin electricidad y como problemas secundarios con centrales nucleares posibles explosiones de las mismas. lo único cierto que se sabe es que en 1854 el telégrafo dejó de funcionar y se observaban auroras boreares por media USA y Europa. En Canadá tienen algo más de experiencia con los transformadores fritos con pequeñas tormentitas solares.

A largos: no podrían sustituir todos los transformadores al mismo tiempo, solo una ínfima cantidad de ellos. La mayoría de la población se quedaría sin electricidad un periodo laaaargo de tiempo.

Solución (super sesuda): cuando se detecta una tormenta solar de grandes proporciones bastaría con "desenchufar" los transformadores. Con desconectarlos ya no se "fríen".

En los que llevan trabajando unos años es en un sistema que desconecte automáticamente la mayoría de los transformadores en poco tiempo o muy poco tiempo ( 24 o 48 h desde que se detecta la llamarada, si no me falla la memoria).

Paralelamente supongo, de esto no he leído nada, que un sistema de parada de los reactores nucleares.

Lo realmente preocupante es el momento exacto en que se aprueba la citada ley . :ouch: :pienso: :8:

Te quedas corto. En aquellos tiempos, las líneas de telégrafo que nominalmente portan una baja tensión, se cargaron con millones de voltios e hicieron arder los puestos telegráficos en las latitudes altas. Hoy día tenemos cables por todas partes. Estos funcionan como antenas. Siendo así, las casas, fábricas, toda la infraestructura urbana, el alumbrado, los semáforos, las líneas de internet, todo se cargará con millones de voltios, pues hemos sido tan re-necios de no utilizar conductos metálicos conectados a tierra para derivar corrientes peligrosas como esas.

Si se produce un evento como el de Carrington, perdón, cuando se produzca, pues es un hecho que cada cierto tiempo sucede, en las latitudes altas el escenario excederá con mucho cualquier película de desastres. Será apocalíptico. Y más por que el campo magnético terrestre ya ha perdido cerca de un 15% de su potencia desde que se comenzaron a tomar mediciones de este, que más o menos fue por esas fechas.

Que nadie se tome a guasita esto por que es muy grave. Tenemos cables en nuestras casas por todas partes y son antenas potenciales.
¿Están "recogiendo velas"?,
# Washington: La cooperación con Rusia está todavía sobre la mesa en el caso de la continuación del proceso político en Siria

Están recogiendo lo que han sembrado largos años. Corregido y aumentado.

Mientras la economía occidental corría enloquecida hacia la especulación como modelo y la oligarquía tomaba al asalto los Estados mediante la domesticación de toda la clase política, la sociedad en general se iba depauperando y perdiendo fondo. Al engendro político-económicop de devastadores consecuencias sociales le llamaron 'Globalización' para dotar de un tinte ideológico al mero imperio de la especulación-deuda como sustituta del valor del trabajo.Y para ello se articularon los mecanismos políticos supranacionales que castraran de raíz países, estados y sociedadesl.

El recurso fue sustituir valores de trabajo, ideas y solidaridad por falsos conceptos fácilmente vendibles y llevados al paroxismo como las cuestiones de género o la falsa solidaridad de acogida a pagapensiones sacados a punta de bayoneta de sus países. Que a la vez se convertirían en una quintacolumna laboral de perfil bajo o en un arma arrojadiza para defender falsos valores humanistas olvidando que la principal caridad empieza por uno mismo y la defensa de sus valores.

A la vez, los Estados-Nación que no cedían a los impulsos globalizadores (cuyo fin último es la imposición de una gobernanza mundial neototalitaria) velaron armas y resistieron el tirón para conseguir que en la batalla de Siria se esté revirtiendo ese 'orden' de cosas para presentar 'otros' valores que luchan con los caducos, que creyeron que exportando la guerra cubrirían las miserias de su rápida quiebra social, política económica y jovenlandesal, consecuencia de la sustitución de un modelo productivo por otro esopeculador con herramientas demoledoras de la soberanía como el €.

Siria, esa batalla donde todos nos jugamos tanto está aflorando como el escenario donde el irresistible e imparable ascenso de un nuevo orden económico y político, con conceptos como 'Estado', 'patriotismo' o insumisión militante a esa oligarquía caduca que en 25 años acabó con el colapso del modelo de sociedad occidental al imponer sin freno los intereses de una minoría al conjunto de la sociedad, ya sin el freno del Estado.

La prueba de tensión fue máxima cuando se bombardearon tropas Sirias en Deir-Ezzor en plena tregua. La resuelta respuesta con el lanzamiento de los Kalibr llevó al griterío histérico máximo en foros amigos como la ONU por parte de un occidente que ya era incapaz de retener entre sus puños los resortes de su agresión. Era más fácil inducirla y teledirigirla con mercenarios. Cuando estos vieron parada en seco su progresión por la intervención Rusa. occidente, tarde o temprano tuvo que mojarse los pies. Y la inexorable y bien medida respuesta rusa en los planos diplomático y militar ha puesto sobre el tapete la extrema vulnerabilidad (eso si, bien camuflada) de un occidente que, desde Siria tendrá que elegir dejar de ser lo que ha sido en el plano económico o militar, 'plegar velas' ante un nuevo orden multipolar o enrocarse en una guerra que también perderá.

Las reglas ya no serán impuestas unilateralmente. La oligarquía occidental deberá acostumbrarse a un decrecimiento y a una cesiones que no harán sino acompasar el paso a una realidad en la que dará las gracias si puede hablar de igual a igual ante unos emergentes que perfectamente podrían pagar con la misma moneda que occidente ha utilizado.
loomis ‏@loomisroberto 4 minHace 4 minutos

Rebels in North Aleppo city, so Turkmen, Zenki, and Fastaqem, are absolutely exhausted, today's massive advance is just the beginning
Los rebeldes en la ciudad del norte de Alepo, Turkmen, Zenki, y Fastaqim, están absolutamente agotados, el avance masivo de hoy es sólo el principio
Circulos gente de izquierdas, indica el nuevo control de Fuego del EAS a partir de hoy en Aleppo
No está abierto para más respuestas.