Terremoto y tsunami escala 9 en Japón (III)

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Vaya cosa de posts ....La bolsa subiendo a tope ... mañana, Viernes neցro ... ¿ sí ustedes fueran inversores, se irían tranquilos el fín de semana dejando sus inversiones al albur de una central nuclear cascá ... que puede rugir por cualquier parte y cualquier cosa ? ... Yo, no ... mañana mismo lo vendería todo ... estos días les ha costado mentener la calma ... pero mañana cundirá el pánico ...

No se,pero el pánico no es buen consejero en bolsa...de todas maneras para eso estan los stop loss...cada uno sabe muy bien cuanto está dispuesto a asumir como pérdida.

Y no ....ponerse cortos...tampóco es una buena historia por el tema del sentimiento contrario y tal..con tanta volatilidad en los mercados..tanto por osos como toros pueden salir bien escaldados..y el que va apalancado le pueden crujir pero bien.Ahora está el tema para mirar y no tocar.
AUSTRIA: - "All Austrians, especially families with children in the greater Tokyo/Yokohama area, are advised to leave the country temporarily or leave the greater Tokyo/Yokohama area," the Foreign Ministry website says.

-- Austrian diplomatic staff have moved to the consulate in Osaka from the embassy in Tokyo, which is being operated by local staff for now.

AUSTRALIA: -- Australia urged its citizens with non-essential roles in Japan to consider leaving Tokyo and the eight prefectures most damaged by the earthquake due to problems with infrastructure rather than nuclear concerns.

BANGLADESH: -- Bangladesh has instructed its mission in Tokyo to relocate its citizens to a safer place free from radiation, the government said on Tuesday.

BELGIUM: -- Belgium recommends that people avoid traveling to Japan.

-- Belgium said on Wednesday it was sending an army plane to Japan to evacuate Belgian nationals from the country. The plane will arrive in Japan on Friday, the foreign ministry said. Before the crisis there were around 1,000 Belgian nationals in Japan, but some have already left.

* BRITAIN: -- Britain has advised its citizens in Japan to stay at least 80 km (50 miles) from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Britain had advised its citizens on Wednesday to consider leaving Tokyo and the area north of the capital.

-- "The UK government is also chartering flights from Tokyo to Hong Kong to supplement commercially available options for those wishing to leave Japan," the Foreign Office said.

CANADA: -- Canada warned its citizens to avoid all travel within 20 km (12 miles) of the Fukushima nuclear plant, and avoid non-essential travel to areas of northern Japan that were near the quake and hit by the subsequent tsunamis.

-- Canadians were also warned to "exercise a high degree of caution" in traveling to the Tokyo region because of damage suffered by its transport, power and telecommunication systems.

CROATIA: -- The Croatian foreign ministry recommended Croatian citizens leave the country or move south if their stay is essential. The Croatian embassy will be temporarily transferred to Osaka.

* FINLAND: -- The Finnish foreign ministry recommends that Finns staying in Japan's capital Tokyo or north of it, leave the area and go to the south. Finland said on Tuesday all travel to Japan, especially to Tokyo and northeastern Japan, should be avoided.

* FRANCE: The Foreign Ministry said in addition to Air France ramping up its capacity to Japan, the government was sending two planes to repatriate its nationals.

-- France urged its citizens in Tokyo to leave the country or head for southern Japan. The French ambassador, Philippe Faure, said he was staying in Tokyo for now with a reduced staff of 30 to 40 people, but will decide later if they need to move.

GERMANY: -- "Non-essential travel to Japan is inadvisable," the Foreign Ministry website says.

ITALY: -- The Italian Foreign Ministry has issued a notice advising Italians to leave Japan. Officials are meeting Alitalia to work out plans for extra flights if existing capacity is insufficient.

NETHERLANDS: -- The Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry is advising its citizens not to travel to the Kantei region, including Tokyo, and areas to the north and northeast, and to leave this part of Japan if currently there.

NEW ZEALAND: -- New Zealand's foreign ministry continues to advise avoiding all non-essential travel to Tokyo and the affected northeastern regions.

NORWAY: -- The Norwegian foreign ministry put out a bulletin on Tuesday advising against travel to Japan.

PHILIPPINES: -- Non-essential embassy personnel and dependents are being sent home, said the Philippines' ambassador to Tokyo, Manuel Lopez. Lopez said Filipinos in Japan who want to go home can do so, with the embassy helping them make arrangements for their flights home.

POLAND: -- The Polish Foreign Ministry has issued a statement urging Polish citizens to avoid all unnecessary travel to Japan at present.

PORTUGAL: -- Portugal's Foreign Ministry website said on Wednesday "given the situation in Japan, all Portuguese citizens without essential reasons to remain in the country are advised to consider the possibility of leaving Japan temporarily or moving to the south of the country, especially families with children and pregnant women. All non-essential trips to Japan are inadvisable."

SERBIA - Serbia called on all nationals to leave Japan on regular flights, or contact the embassy in Tokyo and amow local emergency procedures.

SLOVAKIA: -- Slovakia has recommended citizens not to travel to affected regions in Japan and delay planned trips to other regions, including Tokyo.

* SLOVENIA: -- Slovenia has warned its nationals not to travel to Japan unless necessary. Prime Minister Borut Pahor said on Thursday that Slovenia plans to move its diplomats from Tokyo to Osaka.

SOUTH KOREA: -- The South Korean foreign ministry has issued a travel advisory advising against travel to the Fukushima area and other areas north of Tokyo.

* SPAIN: -- The Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that over the next 24 hours, it will make flights available to Spaniards who wish to leave Japan. The ministry also recommended that nationals in Japan, around 2,000 in total, should stay at least 120 kilometers from Fukushima.

SWEDEN: -- Sweden has put out a bulletin advising against any non-essential travel to Japan. The foreign ministry bulletin highlighted travel to Tokyo and northeastern Japan and expanded a previous recommendation cautioning against voyages to the Japanese prefectures hardest hit by the quake and tsunami.

SWITZERLAND: -- Switzerland has issued an advisory recommending that all Swiss nationals should temporarily leave the crisis areas in the northeast of Japan as well as the wider Tokyo/Yokohama area.

-- Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey said on television on Wednesday that authorities had informed most of the estimated 1,900 Swiss nationals registered in Japan that it stood ready to repatriate them. "We await the responses," she said.

TAIWAN: -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday that elderly, children and female Taiwanese expatriates should consider leaving Japan due to rising radiation risks, though it is not offering charter flights out as yet. The ministry also urged people to avoid non-essential trips to Japan for the time being.

TURKEY: -- Turkey warned its citizens against non-essential travel to Japan.

UNITED STATES: -- The United States recommended on Wednesday that its citizens living within 80 km (50 miles) of the Fukushima plant evacuate the area or take shelter indoors.

-- The State Department earlier urged U.S. citizens to avoid tourism and non-essential travel to Japan.
1740: Reuters is also reporting that the IAEA says that Japan plans to reconnect power to unit 2 of the Fukushima's nuclear plant once the spraying of water on unit 3 has been completed.

Al reactor 2 lo quieren medio resucitar.Supongo para ver que sistemas todavía les funcionan.
A mí esta idea de que importa algo lo que hagan los yankees me parece ridículo y propia de Hollywood. Como perdemos la fe en unos seres de luz, pues ahora les toca el turno a otros. Mira que como al final los que acaben arreglando esto sean los "chapuceros" de Chernobil, será toda una oda a la ironía.

Los americanos no pueden hacer mucho más de lo que se está haciendo, excepto que estén dispuestos a enviar soldados (a punta de arma, presumo) a construir sarcófagos.

Esto solo se soluciona como lo hicieron los soviéticos, pero la URSS ya no existe para enviar gente a tirar hormigón...
Los reactores iran cayendo conforme se desintegra el estado japones.

Calma. Una cosa es estar razonablemente preocupado e indignado y otra dar por hecho el Apocalipshit :D

¿ sí ustedes fueran inversores, se irían tranquilos el fín de semana dejando sus inversiones al albur de una central nuclear cascá ... que puede rugir por cualquier parte y cualquier cosa ? ... Yo, no ... mañana mismo lo vendería todo ... estos días les ha costado mentener la calma ... pero mañana cundirá el pánico ..

Si hombre, yo confío en la veracidad de los mensajes de tranquilidad de TEPCO, ,del gobierno japonés y en los videos y fotos de terrazas llenas de los Kirai&Cia
1740: Reuters is also reporting that the IAEA says that Japan plans to reconnect power to unit 2 of the Fukushima's nuclear plant once the spraying of water on unit 3 has been completed.

Asi que conecta a la red el nº2 y el rociado de agua al 3 ha sido completado.
increible en ondacero el Dr Lozano Leyva, al final pretenderan convencernos de que la radiacion no pasa nada. Ha sido bastante patetico su discurso, "no no no nono nono NO, eso no puede pasar", esto varias veces. han pasado ya tantas cosas imposibles en una semana...
Incluso le pregunta la simplona sencillalaba de la otero que si por lo menos los habitantes no van a poder volver a sus casas a plantar lechugas y tal... Si si sisi sisisi sisi, en semanas, y la presentadora: pero a plantar lechugas tambien? si sis sisisisisisi, en unos meses... "no no no no no, nada nada, cuando digan las autoridades"

pero que fuerte. Es preocupante que si llegara aqui la radiacion por pequeña que sea no nos lo dirian, eso tenerlo por seguro, y si ya no se pudiese ocultar, nos dirian que no pasa nada, que eso es un cuento catastrofista.

El colega argumentando que ha habido miles de pruebas nucleares y termonucleares y la tierra ha aguantado y que la radioactividad se disuelve en unos dias.
Por algo las prohibieron. Hay una historia muy poco conocida de unas pruebas britanicas que mandaron una "pequeña" nube de esas que no hacen nada a australia.

para terminar le ha dicho la otero que si sabia que habia estudios de que el cancer habia aumentado mucho desde chernobyl en el mediterraneo. "no no no no no, pero que va, que estudio ha dicho eso? me gustaria hablar con el porque son unos incompetentes y tal..."

Tambien ha cargado muy duro y muy indignadisimo contra el que dijo lo del apocalipsis, en fin, resultan pateticos y para reirse de ellos toda la vida si no fuera un tema tanchungo.

en fin, el mundo entero es una grandisima cosa y nos merecemos extinguirnos.

Yo también lo he oido y no daba crédito a lo que estaba escuchando, estaba yo solo en el coche y me ha salido de dentro un grito monumental: MENTIROSO!!!

Ha tachado de indigente mental al comisario de la energia por lo del apocalipsis, lo negaba todo, decía que estaba muy contento porque estaba todo controlado, pero, por favor, hasta la Otero no daba crédito a lo que oía y venga a preguntarle pero y si pasa lo peor? y el otro evadiéndose y al final muy escuetamente le contesto "pues nada una nube que se diluye en el tiempo y a otra cosa" jorobar, vergüenza ajena es lo que he sentido y pensar que los muchos oyente se habrán llevado esa información falsa, a esto no hay derecho, este tío tiene que estar en nómina del estado, pagado para difundir tranquilidad, que está todo controlado, para que no cunda el pánico y no como Merkel, que toma buena nota ( le va tambine las elecciones en ello) y cierra centrales y modifica protocolos de seguridad, en fin, tenemos un grado de manipulacion bochornoso...
AUSTRIA: - "All Austrians, especially families with children in the greater Tokyo/Yokohama area, are advised to leave the country temporarily or leave the greater Tokyo/Yokohama area," the Foreign Ministry website says.

-- Austrian diplomatic staff have moved to the consulate in Osaka from the embassy in Tokyo, which is being operated by local staff for now.

AUSTRALIA: -- Australia urged its citizens with non-essential roles in Japan to consider leaving Tokyo and the eight prefectures most damaged by the earthquake due to problems with infrastructure rather than nuclear concerns.

BANGLADESH: -- Bangladesh has instructed its mission in Tokyo to relocate its citizens to a safer place free from radiation, the government said on Tuesday.

BELGIUM: -- Belgium recommends that people avoid traveling to Japan.

-- Belgium said on Wednesday it was sending an army plane to Japan to evacuate Belgian nationals from the country. The plane will arrive in Japan on Friday, the foreign ministry said. Before the crisis there were around 1,000 Belgian nationals in Japan, but some have already left.

* BRITAIN: -- Britain has advised its citizens in Japan to stay at least 80 km (50 miles) from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Britain had advised its citizens on Wednesday to consider leaving Tokyo and the area north of the capital.

-- "The UK government is also chartering flights from Tokyo to Hong Kong to supplement commercially available options for those wishing to leave Japan," the Foreign Office said.

CANADA: -- Canada warned its citizens to avoid all travel within 20 km (12 miles) of the Fukushima nuclear plant, and avoid non-essential travel to areas of northern Japan that were near the quake and hit by the subsequent tsunamis.

-- Canadians were also warned to "exercise a high degree of caution" in traveling to the Tokyo region because of damage suffered by its transport, power and telecommunication systems.

CROATIA: -- The Croatian foreign ministry recommended Croatian citizens leave the country or move south if their stay is essential. The Croatian embassy will be temporarily transferred to Osaka.

* FINLAND: -- The Finnish foreign ministry recommends that Finns staying in Japan's capital Tokyo or north of it, leave the area and go to the south. Finland said on Tuesday all travel to Japan, especially to Tokyo and northeastern Japan, should be avoided.

* FRANCE: The Foreign Ministry said in addition to Air France ramping up its capacity to Japan, the government was sending two planes to repatriate its nationals.

-- France urged its citizens in Tokyo to leave the country or head for southern Japan. The French ambassador, Philippe Faure, said he was staying in Tokyo for now with a reduced staff of 30 to 40 people, but will decide later if they need to move.

GERMANY: -- "Non-essential travel to Japan is inadvisable," the Foreign Ministry website says.

ITALY: -- The Italian Foreign Ministry has issued a notice advising Italians to leave Japan. Officials are meeting Alitalia to work out plans for extra flights if existing capacity is insufficient.

NETHERLANDS: -- The Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry is advising its citizens not to travel to the Kantei region, including Tokyo, and areas to the north and northeast, and to leave this part of Japan if currently there.

NEW ZEALAND: -- New Zealand's foreign ministry continues to advise avoiding all non-essential travel to Tokyo and the affected northeastern regions.

NORWAY: -- The Norwegian foreign ministry put out a bulletin on Tuesday advising against travel to Japan.

PHILIPPINES: -- Non-essential embassy personnel and dependents are being sent home, said the Philippines' ambassador to Tokyo, Manuel Lopez. Lopez said Filipinos in Japan who want to go home can do so, with the embassy helping them make arrangements for their flights home.

POLAND: -- The Polish Foreign Ministry has issued a statement urging Polish citizens to avoid all unnecessary travel to Japan at present.

PORTUGAL: -- Portugal's Foreign Ministry website said on Wednesday "given the situation in Japan, all Portuguese citizens without essential reasons to remain in the country are advised to consider the possibility of leaving Japan temporarily or moving to the south of the country, especially families with children and pregnant women. All non-essential trips to Japan are inadvisable."

SERBIA - Serbia called on all nationals to leave Japan on regular flights, or contact the embassy in Tokyo and amow local emergency procedures.

SLOVAKIA: -- Slovakia has recommended citizens not to travel to affected regions in Japan and delay planned trips to other regions, including Tokyo.

* SLOVENIA: -- Slovenia has warned its nationals not to travel to Japan unless necessary. Prime Minister Borut Pahor said on Thursday that Slovenia plans to move its diplomats from Tokyo to Osaka.

SOUTH KOREA: -- The South Korean foreign ministry has issued a travel advisory advising against travel to the Fukushima area and other areas north of Tokyo.

* SPAIN: -- The Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that over the next 24 hours, it will make flights available to Spaniards who wish to leave Japan. The ministry also recommended that nationals in Japan, around 2,000 in total, should stay at least 120 kilometers from Fukushima.

SWEDEN: -- Sweden has put out a bulletin advising against any non-essential travel to Japan. The foreign ministry bulletin highlighted travel to Tokyo and northeastern Japan and expanded a previous recommendation cautioning against voyages to the Japanese prefectures hardest hit by the quake and tsunami.

SWITZERLAND: -- Switzerland has issued an advisory recommending that all Swiss nationals should temporarily leave the crisis areas in the northeast of Japan as well as the wider Tokyo/Yokohama area.

-- Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey said on television on Wednesday that authorities had informed most of the estimated 1,900 Swiss nationals registered in Japan that it stood ready to repatriate them. "We await the responses," she said.

TAIWAN: -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday that elderly, children and female Taiwanese expatriates should consider leaving Japan due to rising radiation risks, though it is not offering charter flights out as yet. The ministry also urged people to avoid non-essential trips to Japan for the time being.

TURKEY: -- Turkey warned its citizens against non-essential travel to Japan.

UNITED STATES: -- The United States recommended on Wednesday that its citizens living within 80 km (50 miles) of the Fukushima plant evacuate the area or take shelter indoors.

-- The State Department earlier urged U.S. citizens to avoid tourism and non-essential travel to Japan.
Rogaría que tú o algún otor moderador hiciera un poco de limpieza en el hilo. Hay alguna gente que entra sólo a decir chorradas o magufadas.
El Gobierno español aconseja a sus ciudadanos que se busquen la vida y lgtb el último.
A ver, magufos varios, hinjinieros de Civ II, y demas... este hilo no es para aportar teorias descabelladas ni caricias mentales de como arreglar el tinglado que hay montado, para eso abrir un hilo tipo: " A Tepco, solucion hinjinieros,fiziokos de Burbuja".

Este hilo es basicamente un medio de conseguir informacion lo mas veraz posible con enlaces, fuera de toda la intoxicacion sesgada de los mass media en general, no estamos para intentar buscar soluciones, sino para estar lo mejor informados posibles.... no estropear el hilo.

PD.- AYN, Petardazo y demas, gracias por seguir asi de irreductibles! A pilinguin tambien, su nivel de critica es excelente!
Propongo que todos los pro-nucleares se ofrezcan a ir a hacerse fotos delante de las centrales nucleares con escapes radiactivos,que vayan con los gastos pagados y que se queden 2 semanas a gastos pagados alrededor de las centrales.
Valientes mentirosos .
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