SDR, La nueva moneda mundial?

uy es verdad, ayer vi un video del 2008, de leo zagami, hablando de economia con unos amijos, y hablando del SDR este...

La verdad que estaba medio dormido, asi que no me entere de mucho.

Como curiosidad me parecio entender que el nombre pronunciado, es una vieja moneda alubia* o algo asi el "shedr" o algo asi.

Si vuelvo a localizar el programa de radio, lo pongo
en realidad ya existe desde 1969
FMI aprueba marco de trabajo para la emisión de bonos a países miembros

El comité ejecutivo del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) comunicó este miércoles que había aprobado un marco de trabajo para la emisión de bonos a los países miembros de la institución y sus bancos centrales.

"Este innovador marco de trabajo fortalecerá la capacidad del FMI para facilitar asistencia rápida a sus miembros cuando sea necesario", afirmó el director del FMI, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, en un comunicado.

"Esta nueva herramienta de financiación y nuestras otras iniciativas de financiación demuestran el compromiso del FMI y sus miembros para afrontar de cara los efectos de la crisis financiera y económica internacional", añadió. "Al mismo tiempo, los bonos del FMI ofrecen una inversión segura para nuestros miembros".

Conforme a este marco de trabajo, los miembros del FMI podrán firmar acuerdos para la adquisición de bonos del FMI hasta un límite establecido por cada miembro. Muchos miembros ya han expresado su interés por comprar bonos del FMI; China ha manifestado su intención de invertir hasta 50.000 millones de dólares USA, y Brasil y Rusia hasta 10.000 millones de dólares cada uno.

La emisión de bonos podría empezar cuando se haya concluido el primer acuerdo de compra de bonos con un miembro. El FMI emitirá bonos en momentos en los que se efectúen desembolsos de préstamos a miembros que están recibiendo ayuda financiera del FMI. Una vez adquiridos por los gobiernos o bancos centrales de los países miembros, los bonos serán comercializados dentro del sector oficial, que incluye a todos los miembros del FMI, sus bancos centrales y 15 instituciones multilaterales, todos aquéllos definidos como poseedores de los Derechos Especiales de Giro (SDR, siglas en inglés).

El capital de los bonos se denominará en SDR, la unidad de cuenta del FMI, que es una cesta compuesta por dólares, euros, yenes y libras esterlinas. Los intereses se pagarán trimestralmente, conforme a la tasa de interés oficial del SDR, que es el promedio ponderado de las tasas de interés a 3 meses de las cuatro monedas.

Los bonos tienen una madurez máxima de cinco años, que concuerda con la madurez máxima del préstamo del FMI conforme a los Acuerdos de Derecho de Giro y a los Acuerdos de Línea de Crédito Flexible. Los compromisos del FMI bajo dichos acuerdos de préstamo ascendieron a más de 100.000 millones de SDR (unos 150.000 millones de dólares) el año pasado, dado que el FMI ha respondido con flexibilidad a las necesidades de financiación de sus miembros durante la crisis global.

"Este marco de trabajo para la emisión de bonos del FMI es un paso importante en nuestra carrera continua por asegurar que el FMI puede responder con eficiencia a las necesidades de los países miembros en estos momentos de cambio e incertidumbre", manifestó Strauss-Kahn. (Xinhua)

FMI aprueba marco de trabajo para la emisión de bonos a países miembros
uy es verdad, ayer vi un video del 2008, de leo zagami, hablando de economia con unos amijos, y hablando del SDR este...

La verdad que estaba medio dormido, asi que no me entere de mucho.

Como curiosidad me parecio entender que el nombre pronunciado, es una vieja moneda alubia* o algo asi el "shedr" o algo asi.

Si vuelvo a localizar el programa de radio, lo pongo

se sabe más o menos que porcentaje ocuparía el oro en la cesta?

No tengo ni idea Carlos.
Que casualidad que la siguiente revisión será en el 2010,justo cuando China y Rusia están fomentando su utilización, curioso al menos, no?

Derechos especiales de giro (DEG)

La composición de la cesta se revisa cada cinco años, a fin de velar por que refleje la importancia relativa de cada moneda en los sistemas comerciales y financieros mundiales. En la revisión más reciente (noviembre de 2005), las ponderaciones asignadas a las monedas en la cesta del DEG fueron revisadas en base al valor de las exportaciones de bienes y servicios y al monto de las reservas denominadas en las respectivas monedas que eran mantenidas por otros países miembros del FMI. Estos cambios entraron en vigor el 1 de enero de 2006. La próxima revisión del Directorio Ejecutivo tendrá lugar a fines de 2010.

Mira lo que dice respecto al Oro

La política actual del FMI con respecto al oro

La segunda enmienda del Convenio Constitutivo del FMI (abril de 1978) eliminó el uso del oro como denominador común del sistema de tipos de cambio posterior a la segunda guerra mundial y como base para la valoración de los derechos especiales de giro (DEG). Con la enmienda se eliminó también el precio oficial del oro y se suprimió el uso obligatorio del oro en las transacciones entre el FMI y los países miembros. También se dispuso que, cuando operara en oro, el FMI evitaría controlar su precio o establecer un precio fijo.

¿No estarán intentando, tanto Rusía como China, buscar un sistema que este compuesto por la cesta actual, mas la inclusión del yuán, respaldada por un porcentaje en oro, al quererlo incluirlo de nuevo?
Última edición:
China officials call for displacing dollar, in time

BEIJING (Reuters) - The financial crisis has laid bare defects in the dollar-led global economy and the world should look to displace the U.S. currency, even if that will take many years, Chinese officials said in comments published on Monday.

The push for fundamental, if gradual, reform of the international financial system comes just before the Group of Eight summit in Italy, where China's willingness to question the dollar's role could fuel debate.

The Special Drawing Right (SDR), a unit of account used by the International Monetary Fund, presents a viable alternative to the dollar as a global reserve currency, said Li Ruogu, chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, a major state-run bank.

"It is a antiestéticasible plan to reform the present SDR and make it into a real settlement currency, a universally accepted 'currency basket' that would replace the dollar at the heart of the monetary system," Li was cited as saying in Financial News, a newspaper published by the central bank.

The People's Bank of China made waves in March when it first suggested that the SDR, whose exchange rate is determined by a mixture of dollars, euros, sterling and yen, was better suited than any single currency to be a yardstick for global trade and a reliable store of value.

"The financial crisis caused the global economy to suffer heavy losses and it also let us clearly see how unreasonable the current international monetary system is," Li, a former central bank vice governor, said.

"But it would be difficult to find and implement a antiestéticasible replacement plan in the short term, so we will still have to travel a relatively long road for reform of the international monetary system."

Li's warning was echoed by Wang Xin, a central bank economist, who said it would be impossible "to get there in one step."

Wang, head of the central bank's financial research department, said that China was inching toward the internationalization of the yuan with the launch of a pilot programme to allow companies to settle some goods trade in the Chinese currency.

"Only when the yuan has achieved basic convertibility and when domestic financial markets are fully opened can the yuan truly become an international trade settlement currency and store of value," he said, also in comments carried by the Financial News.


The tension between China's vision for a radical overhaul of the global financial system and its big stake in the existing order has been on display in the run-up to the G8 summit, which starts on Wednesday in Italy.

China holds an estimated 70 percent of its $1.95 trillion in official foreign exchange reserves in the dollar and is wary of saying anything that would undermine the value of its investments.

On Sunday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said the dollar would stay the world's dominant currency for "many years to come" and that talk of creating a super-sovereign alternative was confined to academic circles.

Officials from other countries who will attend this week's G8 summit have said that Beijing has asked for discussion there about the future of reserve currencies. He Yafei has said that he was unaware of China making such a *********

Giving a sense of the extended timeframe that China might have in mind, Li Yang, a former central bank adviser, said over the weekend that the process of building up the SDR could take 30 to 50 years.

But Li, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the government's leading think tank, did not mince his words in passing a verdict on the dollar.

"When a country that issues a reserve currency has a long-term trade deficit, then that currency is no longer suitable to be a reserve currency and the process to replace it should start," he was quoted as saying by local media.

"Up until now there has been no currency strong enough to replace it, so while the process to replace it has begun, it is far from complete," he said.

Chinese President Hu Jintao has steered clear of any statements that could roil financial markets in the G8 lead-up. The closest he has come to the dollar has been to say that countries which issue reserve currencies should submit to closer oversight.

Sources involved in preparation of the meetings said Brazil and India backed Beijing's call for debate but there was consensus among the G8 countries, at least, that nothing of significance could or should materialize at this stage.

China officials call for displacing dollar, in time | Reuters
Creo que los movimientos de China van en esta dirección,no buscan la desestabilización del dolar, lo que buscan es, un mayor peso del Yuán en el panorama internacional que haría posible la inclusión de este, en la nueva cesta.La revisión se llevará a cabo el año que viene y será efectivo en 2011

The currencies included in the SDR shall be the four currencies issued by Fund members, or by monetary unions that include Fund members, whose exports of goods and services during the five-year period ending 12 months before the effective date of the revision had the largest value and which have been determined by the Fund to be freely usable currencies in accordance with Article XXX (f). In the case of a monetary union, trade
between members of the union is excluded from the calculation.

Review: The currencies and their weights in the valuation basket shall be reviewed every five years in order to keep the composition of the basket stable for at least that period of time, unless the Executive Board decides otherwise.

Weighting: The percentage weight of each currency selected shall reflect (i) the value of the balances of that currency held, at the end of each year of the relevant five-year period ending 12 months before the effective date of the revision, by the monetary authorities of other members or, in the case of the currency of a monetary union, by the monetary authorities of members other than those forming part of the monetary union; and (ii) the value of exports of goods and services of the members or monetary unions asdefined in the method for selection (Appendix IV).

The four currencies used in the SDR basket currently account for the majority of international banking and financial transactions. These four currencies represent almost 92 percent of external banking liabilities, 95 percent of amounts outstanding on international bonds, notes, and money market instruments, 92 percent of outstanding amounts in over-thecounter interest rate and foreign exchange rate derivatives markets, and 82 percent of the global foreign exchange turnover

It is proposed that the next review of the SDR valuation basket take place in2010, with any changes to become effective January 1, 2011. Thus, there would be no change in the 2000 Decision with respect to the five-year frequency for reviewing the SDR valuation basket and adjusting weights as necessary. The regular frequency, with a significant period of stability between reviews, has provided certainty and predictability to the benefit of users of the SDR and SDR-denominated assets.

Currency Weight (in percent)
U.S. dollar 44
Euro 34
Japanese yen 11
Pound sterling 11
IMF backs US$250b one-off plan to bolster crisis-hit members' reserves

The International Monetary Fund will soon vote on a proposal to tap a resource that has not been used in 30 years in order to bolster the reserves of its 186 member countries by US$250 billion (HK$1.95 trillion) to help them weather the global economic crisis.

The one-off, unconditional allocation of US$250 billion worth of IMF special drawing rights, an international reserve asset and the fund's internal unit of account, will boost liquidity to emerging and poorer economies by US$100 billion.

Some US$18 billion will be disbursed to poor countries, representing a 20 percent increase on average in their reserves and much more than some receive in aid each year.

The SDRs are disbursed in proportion to each member's IMF quota and can be exchanged for hard currency such as US dollars, yen, euros or pounds.

SDRs gained prominence this year when China proposed they could be used as an alternative to the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

The vote by IMF member countries will close on August 7, and countries can receive their allocation on August 28. Approval will require backing by 85 percent of IMF members, and that is expected to happen.

IMF backs US$250b one-off plan to bolster crisis-hit members' reserves - The Standard

The Chinese must hurry to establish the Yuan currency in global trade more broadly and deeply, so as to increase its recorded volume before 2010. They intend to win a higher weight in the new Intl Monetary Fund basket calculus set for revision next year. The Chinese Govt and bankers have a project, a goal, and a deadline. They wish to pursue a path to establish the Yuan as a global reserve currency, the third alongside the USDollar and the Euro. Their chosen path in execution is to enable the Yuan to be used on a broader basis in global commerce. During the year 2010, the Intl Monetary Fund will recalibrate the Special Drawing Rights, and reset the weights for the basket pseudo-currency according to actual global trade.

Abandoned USDollar & Paradigm Shift
Se sabe ya si esta nueva divisa estará respaldada en oro?
Se sabe ya si esta nueva divisa estará respaldada en oro?

Los únicos que han abierto la boca al respecto son los rusos.

Russia Makes the First Call for the Monetization of Gold

Russia is proposing the inclusion of the ruble, yuan and gold as a part of a revised basket of currencies to form the valuation of the IMF’s special drawing rights seen as the coming new alternative global reserve currency, reported AP.

That gold should be included in SDRs is a new proposal
El FMI ha dicho que inyectará 250 billones para proveer liquidez al sistema.Hay que recordar que en el G-20 se acordó, dar mayor poder al FMI triplicando sus recursos.

Stimulus plans - IMF to inject USD 250 billion

India, otro de los que se sube al carro..........

India will get the equivalent of about $4.78 billion as its share of International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) worth $250 billion to provide liquidity to the recession hit global economic system.

India to get higher IMF Special Drawing Rights
Esto es lo de siempre, las monedas "existen" (son reconocidas) por sus usuarios. Si un día (hipotéticamente) todos deciden que el dólar no les sirve como moneda, el dólar no valdría nada, por lo menos en el mercado internacional.

Lo ideal sería que no hubiese una sola moneda dominante, al igual que tampoco es bueno que exista un monopolio energético del petroleo para los transportes.
Probablemente haya más estabilidad geopolítica si se eliminan esos dos problemas, pero estas cosas son tan complejas y tienen tantas ramificaciones que vete tú a saber.