Para los que negaban la muerte de Bin Laden en Burbuja y demás ...

wingardian leviosa

17 Abr 2009
Al Qaeda ha reconocido, a través de varias páginas web, la muerte de su líder Osama Bin Laden, según ha informado SITE, una organización con sede en Washington que monitoriza el contenido de páginas de corte islamista.
Ah bueno si el señor Al Qaeda se ha registrado en un foro y lo ha dicho entonces me lo creo por supuesto, faltaría más.


13 Nov 2009
Leyendo la noticia, cada vez me da la sensacion de que AlQaeda es un intento de la EEEUU, para sembrar panico y sobre todo incertidumbre a la poblacion mundial, y así poder sacar tajada.

Ya lo dice el dicho a rio revuelto ganancia de pescadores. Vamos, aun pudiendo dar veracidad que Alqaeda, se nutre de arabes que quieren luchar contra EEUU, un % de los que dirigen la organizacion, estan a sueldo o son espias de la EEUU, que los manipulan para comentan atentados o hagan ""guerra santa" contra los yankis y asi estos vayan mas de victimas todavia.

En este AlQaeda, osea la CIA, sorpresivamente ha dado un giro en los acontecimientos, y parece que se ha fijado en hacer una campaña de acoso y derribo contra Pakistan, cuando hasta ahora el enemigo publico numero 1 era Iran. Y eso que los Pakis tiene bombas atomicas, cosa que los iranies no.

¿Alguien sabe porque de esa inquina contra Pakistan?
Última edición:


26 Oct 2008
habia una vez un jovenlandés muy buscado, que vivia en un chalet en medio de militares jovenlandeses y que no tenia un tunel para escapar, sabiendo que un jovenlandés es a un tunel/cueva lo que un yanki a un genocidio/mcdonalds... es la leche de veridico, como lo de zetaparo y la crisis
No solo no tenia plan de huida sino que en los 40 minutos que duro el asalto no se le ocurrió destruir los ordenadores e informacion sensible que han cojido los usanos.


21 Ago 2008
Parece que en nuestro Matrix ya existía algo parecido a Bin Laden hace tiempo:

Fu Manchú

Fu Manchú es un personaje ficticio creado por el escritor de misterio y novelas policíacas Sax Rohmer, haciendo su primera aparición en 1913. Es un villano chino que odia la civilización occidental y a la raza blanca. En todas las novelas en las que aparece es perseguido, derrotado y sus planes son desbaratados por el investigador inglés Sir Denis Nayland Smith junto a su acompañante, el doctor Petrie.

El personaje ha sido representado desde entonces en numerosas ocasiones en el cine, televisión, radio e historietas, convirtiéndose en el arquetipo del malvado genio criminal y del villano oriental.

Fu Manchú - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


22 Mar 2011
Insight into Al-Qaeda's Confirmation of Bin Laden's Death

Rita Katz y Josh Devon aportan nuevas revelaciones sobre la confirmación oficial de la muerte de Osama bin Laden por Al Qaeda para quienes no deseen pagar la cuota de subscripción de su web:

In a four page statement released to jihadist forums on May 6, 2011, al-Qaeda officially announced the death of its leader, Usama bin Laden, stating that he “was killed in truth in a situation of truth.”
Que quede claro que ha sido un asesinato real, no simulado.

While the message did promise revenge, threaten attacks, and pledge to continue waging jihad against the West, another of the statement's purposes appears to be demonstrate to supporters that al-Qaeda remains intact and able to continue its operations. Al-Qaeda named no new leader in the message, nor discussed how al-Qaeda would choose who would replace bin Laden. The statement itself was signed only by the “General Command” of al-Qaeda.
No hay por ahora nuevo líder substitutorio. El firmante del comunicado es, simplemente, un anónimo "Mando General".

The message appears to have been hastily crafted, likely in an attempt to illustrate to amowers that al-Qaeda is still extant amowing bin Laden's death and able to react rapidly to current events. Although the confirmation was released on May 6, it was dated May 3, indicating a lag of three days between the time the message was drafted and its distribution on jihadist forums. This lag does not appear to have been intended, as there have been repeated online requests and demands from jihadist ideologues and supporters to confirm or deny bin Laden's death, forcing the administration of the main jihadist forum to issue a statement stating that they had no information on bin Laden's status.
El comunicado fue firmado el día 3 de mayo pero no fue publicado hasta hoy a pesar de toda la inquietud y petición de información de los foristas.

Perhaps further indicating that the message was drafted very early after the news of bin Laden's death, the message demands that the United States hand over the body of bin Laden to his family, demonstrating that the authors of the message were unaware of the news that the terrorist leader's body had already been disposed of at sea.

Additionally, in order to prevent leaks, messages from al-Qaeda are typically password-protected before being distributed to jihadist forums, along with the passwords to decrypt them. In this case, however, the message was released without password-protection, indicating that the statement was published as soon as it was received by al-Fajr Center, al-Qaeda's online distribution committee.
El "Mando General" no se había enterado el día 3 de que el cuerpo de Bin Laden había sido lanzado al Índico y el mensaje no fue encriptado con contraseña.

No hay link al mensaje o al foro.
Última edición:


13 Nov 2009
Castilla Leon
Alguien puede currarse un post donde deje claro las veces que han dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita a bin laden y la manipulación de las imágenes??

Desde el móvil lo tengo muy dolido jajjaa

Se votará para chincheta y se podría actualizar el hilo. Todo sea para no ver la misma basura de hilos.
Creo que se ha muerto unas 9 veces, más vidas que un gato :roto2::roto2:

[YOUTUBE]YouTube - ¡Obama lo mató a Osama! Informe Especial. Adrian Salbuchi - 02-Mayo-2011[/YOUTUBE]

YouTube - ¡Obama lo mató a Osama! Informe Especial. Adrian Salbuchi - 02-Mayo-2011


15 Sep 2007
Leyendo la noticia, cada vez me da la sensacion de que AlQaeda es un intento de la EEEUU, para sembrar panico y sobre todo incertidumbre a la poblacion mundial, y así poder sacar tajada.

Ya lo dice el dicho a rio revuelto ganancia de pescadores. Vamos, aun pudiendo dar veracidad que Alqaeda, se nutre de arabes que quieren luchar contra EEUU, un % de los que dirigen la organizacion, estan a sueldo o son espias de la EEUU, que los manipulan para comentan atentados o hagan ""guerra santa" contra los yankis y asi estos vayan mas de victimas todavia.

En este AlQaeda, osea la CIA, sorpresivamente ha dado un giro en los acontecimientos, y parece que se ha fijado en hacer una campaña de acoso y derribo contra Pakistan, cuando hasta ahora el enemigo publico numero 1 era Iran. Y eso que los Pakis tiene bombas atomicas, cosa que los iranies no.

¿Alguien sabe porque de esa inquina contra Pakistan?
Bienvenido a la cruda realidad..


15 Sep 2007
No solo no tenia plan de huida sino que en los 40 minutos que duro el asalto no se le ocurrió destruir los ordenadores e informacion sensible que han cojido los usanos.
Ni le dio tiempo a cojer el Kalashnikov que tenia en la planta de que no hay por donde cojerlo, yo de verdad no entiendo como puede haber gente tan abducida como para seguir tragando con mentiras cada vez mas obesas.


30 Ene 2009
Han dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita a Emmanuel Goldstein porque ya nadie creía en él. Ahora se inventrán otra cosa.
Me lo ha quitado vd. del teclado.
Algunos siguen sin enterarse al grito de "Mamá, si sale en la tele tiene que ser cierto!!"

"Emmanuel Goldstein es un personaje clave en la novela de George Orwell, 1984.

En la novela se cuenta que Goldstein es uno de los fundadores del partido, y que rompió con él para formar una nueva organización llamada "La hermandad", que se dedica a promover la caída del Partido, por lo que éste y sus seguidores son considerados peligrosos y traidores a la Revolución. Siendo la antítesis al Gran Hermano, es presentado por El Partido como un gran enemigo, y es utilizado con fines propagandísticos, como es en los dos minutos de repruebo. La novela deja sin respuesta si Goldstein o la Hermandad existen.

La descripción de este personaje puede ser considerada como una clara alusión a uno de los líderes de la Revolución rusa, León Trotsky, cuyo verdadero nombre era Lev Davídovich Bronstein, y el nombre puede hacer referencia a la célebre anarquista de origen lituano y activista feminista, Emma Goldman."

Emmanuel Goldstein - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


6 Mar 2011
En medio del rebaño
En que crees que se gastan los dineros (petrodolares) los de oriente medio? en todo tipo de productos de lujo y necesidad occidentales. No tienen fabricas porque no hay razon de poner una en un desierto. Por lo demas, hace tiempo que abrazaron el sistema capitalista...
El resto de paises islamicos no tienen ni para sonarse los mocos, vamos que por no tener, no tienen ni capitalismo, ni socialismo, ni nada, simplemente son pobres. Y los que son emergentes (tipo Indonesia) ya son "capitalistas".
Asi que menuda perdida de tiempo seria el hacer "capitalista" una serie de paises que ya lo son.
La agenda de esta ralea globalista es mucho más compleja y siniestra que simplemente llevar el capitalismo al mundo entero: más bien nos están llevando a una sociedad orwelliana.


23 May 2007
"Cada mañana se levantaba e intentaba pensar en ideas de cómo atacar el territorio [estadounidense], para comunicarlas a sus subordinados", (declaró a la cadena de televisión NBC un analista de los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses).


Baquinjam Palas

28 May 2010
Por si a alguien le queda alguna duda sobre que es Al Qaeda.

Lista de webs islamicas con el servidor alojado en USA:

"Islamist/Jihadist Websites Based in the United States This blog is devoted to Jihad both inside and outside Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is the California-based Google, Inc. Devoted to Iraqi terrorist organizations, this blog is hosted by Carpathia Hosting, based in Virginia. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company Its domain name registrar is, also based in the United States. This Multaqa Al-'Awda Al-Jihadi website antiestéticatures a bulletin board for videos produced by Islamist Iraqi groups. Its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company Its domain name registrar is Network Solutions, also based in the United States. Devoted to the late terrorist leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, this jihadist website is hosted by Electric Lightwave, Inc., based in the state of Washington. This Al-Buraq forum supports the jihad in Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is SiteGenie, based in Rochester, Minnesota. During 2007, this Tampa, Florida-based website posted a communique by the al Qaeda-founded “Islamic State of Iraq” (ISI), in which ISI claimed responsibility for the recent killing of Mu'awiyya Al-Jabbara, head of the Salah Al-Din Salvation Council which opposes Al-Qaeda in Iraq; posted a video in which Osama bin Laden accused Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf of pro-American, anti-Islamic treason, and exhorted Pakistanis to “eliminate him” [Musharraf] via armed struggle; posted a video message by the Islamist group “The Arrows of God,” announcing the release of an elderly German hostage (after she agreed to convert to Islam) who had been kidnapped with her son -- but threatening to kill the latter if the German government did not promptly withdraw its forces from Afghanistan; and claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in Algeria that had killed many “apostates.” This forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is the Dallas, Texas-based SoftLayer Technologies. This Shabkat Al-Furqan Al-Islamiyya website posts communiqués by jihad groups in Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This website of Jaysh Al-Taifa Al-Mansura (“Army of the Victorious Group”) is hosted by the Virginia-based company SMV McLean. This Internet forum is hosted by NOC4Hosts Inc., an Internet Service Provider based in Tampa, Florida. This website (whose full name is Muntadayat Shabakat al-Hesbah) is hosted by RealWebHost, based in Texas. It may be the most popular jihadist forum on the Internet, boasting more than 6,100 members as of 2006. During 2007 AlHesbah posted a communique by several Iraqi jihadist groups announcing the establishment of a “Political Council of Iraqi Resistance”; posted a video about an Iraqi group dedicated to violent “resistance” against “foreign occupation”; reported that Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, the spiritual mentor of the late al Qaeda-in-Iraq commander Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, had declared an indefinite hunger strike to protest his “illegal arrest” in July 2005 by Jordanian authorities; published instructions on “How to Kill a Westerner”; and announced a month-long campaign offering members the opportunity to swear loyalty to al Qaeda leaders online. This pro-jihad blog site antiestéticatures video messages by prominent Islamist figures. Its Internet Service Provider is the California-based Google, Inc. This Jaysh Rijal Al-Tariqa Al-Naqshabandiya jihad site is hosted by Internet Services, based in Texas. This website supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Bluehost, Inc., based in Orem, Utah. Now defunct, this original al Qaeda website was based in Texas. The Al-Nour forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is eNET Inc., based in Columbus, Ohio. This Islamist website’s Internet Service Provider is the Texas-based company Select Solutions. The Al-Nusra forum has a special section devoted to messages from the jihadist Global Islamic Media Front. This Islamist website’s Internet Service Provider is the Michigan-based company Liquid Web, Inc. The Al-Saha forum posts videos produced by Al-Sahab (al Qaeda’s production company) and speeches made by al Qaeda leaders such as Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Hosted by the New Jersey-based company Interserver, Inc., this is a website of Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, spiritual mentor of the late al Qaeda commander Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi. Alsunnah antiestéticatures documents that allegedly provide ideological and religious/legal legitimacy for many Islamist terrorist organizations. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company Altaybeh’s domain name registrar is, also based in the United States. This website supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Endurance International Group, based in Burlington, Massachusetts. This blog supports the jihad in Iraq and antiestéticatures communiqués by Iraqi organizations. Its Internet Service Provider is Google Inc., based in Mountain View, California. In 2004 this jihadist website posted a threat against Australia by the Tawhid Islamic Group (TIG), a local branch of the so called “al Qaeda in Europe,” which read: “We call upon you to leave Iraq before your country turns to pools of blood ... We will shake the earth under your feet as we did in Indonesia, and lines of car bombs will not cease, God willing.” On other occasions, Ansarnet published TIG’s warnings that Italy would “see the lines of cars laden with explosives hit your towns and turn your nights to mornings,” and that Poland and Bulgaria would face “explosions ripping through [the] country” and “a bloodbath,” respectively. Ansarnet ceased operations after Polish journalists informed its server -- Micfo Group of Houston, Texas -- about the site’s contents. This pro-jihad blog is devoted to commemorating the late al Qaeda commander Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi. Its Internet Service Provider is Electric Lightwave, Inc., based in Vancouver, Washington. Inactive since September 2002, this U.S.-based website was launched in 1996 and described itself as “one of the first Islamic web-sites on the Internet and the first web-site dedicated to Jihad and Mujahideen news and information.” “Allah has enabled us,” continued Azzam, “with meagre resources and little technological experience, to provide information on the Mujahideen and to provide daily news and interviews from the Jihad in Chechnya … and the Jihad in Afghanistan.” In 2002 the hosting company shut down the site for “Terms of Service” violations. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company Interland, Inc. Bintjbeil’s domain name registrar is Intercosmos Media Group, also based in the United States. This jihadist website bills itself as “a resource guide for Muslim teenagers.” Little Green Footballs reports that ClearGuidance is “a site dedicated to luring young Jovenlandeses into the jihad lifestyle”; a site where “Muslim kids talk about school, their parents, the best way to stab Jews, and which decapitation video is the coolest.” This Islamist site is hosted by the California-based Internet Service Provider Google, Inc. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company Its domain name registrar is, also based in the United States. In August 2007 this Rochester, Minnesota-based jihadist website posted a document calling for Muslim “brothers” to “carry out blessed [suicide bombing] operations in Denmark … to strike antiestéticar in the hearts of the Danish people.” Later that same month, Ekhlass posted a video (titled “The Lions of the Philippines Are Coming”) about the Abu Sayyaf jihad organization. In September 2007 this Texas-based jihadist website published a list of names, some accompanied by photos, titled “Pictures of the Infidels and Apostates Wanted by the Islamic State of Iraq.” This Hezbollah website is hosted by
Yahoo!, based in the United States. This Hezbollah website is hosted by the U.S.-based company Fresh Lab, and its domain name registrar is Network Solutions, also based in the United States. Hosted by the California-based Internet Service Provider Google, Inc., Gldag is the unofficial blog of “Al-Furqan Media,” the production company of the al Qaeda-founded group “Islamic State of Iraq.” This pro-jihadist website is run by Julio Pino, a Muslim convert who teaches Latin American history at Kent State University. In March 2007, Global-War antiestéticatured the headline: “Are You Prepared for Jihad? IN THE NAME OF OBL [Osama bin Laden]. 2007: THE YEAR OF ISLAMIC VICTORY!” The Global-War site says: “We are a jihadist news service, and provide battle dispatches, training manuals, and jihad videos to our brothers worldwide. All we want is to get Allah’s pleasure. We will write ‘Jihad’ across our foreheads, and the stars. The angels will carry our message throughout the world.” The site also antiestéticatured an entry titled “Sister Detonates Herself to Eliminate Shia Traitors,” a de******ion of a female suicide bomber who recently had killed 41 people. Wrote Pino: “Now she lies on the Golden Couch of Paradise.” This Hezbollah website is hosted by MSN/Microsoft, based in the United States. This Hezbollah website is hosted by MSN/Microsoft, based in the United States. Hosted by the U.S.-based Microsoft Corporation, this group posts speeches by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, information on Hezbollah operations, and links to other Hezbollah websites. This Hezbollah website is hosted by MSN/Microsoft, based in the United States. Calling itself “Supporters of Jihad in Iraq,” this group is hosted by the California-based Internet Service Provider “Yahoo!” Now defunct, this discussion group included links to guides for the production and use of conventional and nuclear weapons. : Hosted by the New Jersey-based company Fortress ITX, this is the website of the pro-jihad Islamist sheikh Hamed Al-Ali. This is the website of Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiyya Hamas-Iraq. It supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Layered Technologies, based in Texas. This Hezbollah website is hosted by the U.S.-based company Network Solutions, which also serves as its domain name registrar. This Hezbollah website is hosted by the U.S.-based company, which also serves as its domain name registrar. This Islamist website is hosted by Electric Lightwave, based in the state of Washington. This is the website of Al-Jaysh Al-Islami fi Al-Iraq. It supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Zipa LLC, based in New Orleans, Louisiana. This jihadist blog site (known in English as “The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge blog”) has approximately 500 readers. It is owned by a young American named Samir Khan (born 1986), who administers the site from his parents’ home in North Carolina. According to a New York Times report, Khan “serves as a kind of Western relay station for the multimedia productions of violent Islamic groups. . . . Mr. Khan, who was born in Saudi Arabia and grew up in Queens, is an unlikely foot soldier in what Al Qaeda calls the ‘Islamic jihadi media.’” The website’s Internet Service Provider is Internet Services, based in Dallas, Texas. This is the website of the Iraqi organization Asaeb Al-Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is the Texas-based Layered Technologies, Inc. This Dawriyyat Al-Iraq website supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Performance Systems International Inc., based in Washington, DC. This forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is the San Francisco-based United Collocation Group, Inc. This blog supports the jihad in Iraq and is devoted to the al Qaeda-founded “Islamic State of Iraq.” Its Internet Service Provider is Carpathia Hosting, based in Ashburn, Virginia. This is the website of Jaysh Abu Bakr Al-Sidiq. It supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This Jund Al-Rahman forum is hosted by Layered Technologies, an Internet Service Provider based in Texas. Devoted to the Baghdad Sniper (who targeted American troops in southern Baghdad during 2005), this blog was hosted by the California-based Google, Inc. This website is associated with the terrorist organization Kata'ib Thawrat Al-'Ishrin. Its Internet Service Provider is Layered Technologies, based in Texas. Hosted by the California-based Google, Inc., this blog is dedicated to the legacy of the late al Qaeda commander Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi. Kjawd antiestéticatures a number of Al-Zarqawi’s messages and videos. Hosted by the California-based Google, Inc., this blog is devoted to the promotion of jihad in Iraq. Supportive of jihad in Iraq, this is the website of Shabkat Qawafil Al-Islam. Kwaflislam antiestéticatures a bulletin board for communiqués from the al Qaeda-founded “Islamic State of Iraq.” The website’s Internet Service Provider is Layered Technologies, based in Texas. This website of Shabkat Al-Mujahideen Al-Electroniyya posts communiqués by jihad groups in Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This is the website of the Jaysh Al-Mujahideen organization. Its Internet Service Provider is Network Operations Center Inc., based in Pennsylvania. Hosted by the Florida-based company DNS Services, this is a French-language Islamist website called “La Voix des Opprimés” (“The Voice of the Oppressed”). This Islamist site is hosted by the California-based Internet Service Provider Google, Inc. The Al-Ramadi forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This website is associated with the al Qaeda-founded “Islamic State of Iraq.” Its Internet Service Provider is SoftLayer Technologies, based in Dallas, Texas. This is the website of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), an Algerian organization ideologically close to al Qaeda. The Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that GAPC’s website “has been relatively stable, but located on a number of different addresses. … The address is [currently] situated at, a company located in the U.S. that offers web hosting with e-commerce support. The site offers, on its main page, information about the group and its ideology, as well as links to subdirectories for ‘Official communiqués’ and ‘Information about operations.’ The latter has suggestive graphics of blood dripping …” This is the website of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization. The site’s Internet Service Provider is Internet Services, based in Texas. This the official website of the terrorist group Saraya Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqas. Its Internet Service Provider is Liquid Web Inc., based in Michigan. This Islamist blog is hosted by New Dream Network LLC, an Internet Service Provider based in Brea, California. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company, Everyones Internet. Shiaweb’s domain name registrar is Intercosmos Media Group, based in the United States. This Shumukh Al-Islam forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is R & D Technologies, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. This Subhanaka forum posts communiqués by jihad groups in Iraq. Its Internet Service Provider is based in California. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based company, Everyones Internet. Its domain name registrar is, based in the United States. This Islamist website supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is AiNET Hosting Operations, based in Columbia, Maryland.

Supporters of Jihad in Iraq: Hosted in Washington state, the caption at the top of this blog reads: “Kill the Americans everywhere.” Hosted by the New Jersey-based company Interserver, Inc., this is a website of Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, spiritual mentor of the late al Qaeda commander Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi. Tawhed antiestéticatures documents that allegedly provide ideological and religious/legal legitimacy for many Islamist terrorist organizations. This 'Alam Al-Romansiyya forum supports the jihad in Iraq, and its Internet Service Provider is Layered Technologies, based in Frisco, Texas. This Hezbollah website’s network access is provided by the U.S.-based Its domain name registrar is, based in the United States. This Islamist “World News Network” forum’s Internet Service Provider is the Minnesota-based company SiteGenie. The forum posts messages by numerous organizations such as al Qaeda’s production company Al-Sahab, the al Qaeda-affiliated media company Al-Furqan, and the Iraqi terrorist organization Ansar Al-Sunna "



22 May 2006
Esta claro que todos los islamistas son trabajadores de la CIA. Solo los islamistas feministas son los autenticos islamistas.