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El NIH enumera la ivermectina como antivírico de interés para el el bichito-19

https://trialsitenews.com/nih-lists-ivermectin-as-targeted-antiviral-of-interest-for-el bichito-19/

Me he mantenido al margen del tema de Ivermectina, debido a que soy in idealista de esos que creen que que aparecerá la cura del cáncer en el veneno de algún bicho, o de una planta de las selvas de Borneo. Además, soy un fiel creyente de la marihuana y sus cualidades medicinales.

Me he puesto a investigar el link del forero, leer y buscar información. Y he llegado a la tabla, actualizada a 19 de julio de 2021, con todos los estudios realizados con Ivermectina, y sus resultados. De la web que el forero trae: NIH

Mi conclusión: Los resultados actuales, de momento, no parece que sean mejores que los de tomarse un paracetamol.

Os pongo la tabla y resultados por país. Un par de estudios si parecen favorables. Otros incluso supuso mas riesgo de fin e ingresar en UCI.

Observational Study on the Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Ivermectin Among Hospitalized Patients With el bichito-19. Perú
Compared to SOC, IVM alone was associated with increased risk of death and/or ICU admission. Using IVM in combination with AZM was not associated with effects on mortality, ICU transfer, or oxygen prescription compared to SOC.
Retrospective Study of Ivermectin Versus Standard of Care in Patients With el bichito-19. Bangladesh
Compared to SOC, IVM use was associated with faster rates of viral clearance and better clinical outcomes, including shorter hospital stay and lower mortality.
Ivermectin Versus Placebo for Treatment of Mild el bichito-1917. Colombia:
A 5-day course of IVM did not improve time to resolution of symptoms in patients with mild el bichito-19.
Ivermectin Versus Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline Versus Placebo for Treatment of el bichito-1918. Bangladesh
A 5-day course of IVM resulted in faster virologic clearance than placebo, but not a faster time to resolution of symptoms (fever, cough, and sore throat). Because time to virologic clearance is not a validated surrogate marker for clinical efficacy, the clinical efficacy of IVM is unknown.
Effectiveness and Safety of Adding Ivermectin to Treatment in Patients With Severe el bichito-19. Turquia
A 5-day course of IVM in hospitalized patients with severe el bichito-19 did not result in clinical improvement at the end of treatment, and no reduction in mortality was observed.
Faster improvement of oxygenation and more pronounced reduction in inflammatory markers were observed in IVM arm
Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, or Ivermectin in Patients With Severe el bichito-19. Brasil
Use of IVM did not reduce risk of oxygen requirement, ICU admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, or death in hospitalized patients with severe el bichito-19.
Ivermectin Versus Placebo for Outpatients With Mild el bichito-19. Pakistan
IVM showed no effect on symptom resolution in patients with mild el bichito-19.
Ivermectin in Patients With Mild to Moderate el bichito-19. Bangladesh
Compared to SOC, use of IVM did not lead to faster recovery from mild to moderate el bichito-19. The small sample size and large number of comparisons make it difficult to assess the clinical efficacy of IVM in this population
Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline Versus Hydroxychloroquine Plus Azithromycin for Asymptomatic Patients and Patients With Mild to Moderate el bichito-19. Bangladesh
In this small study with a young population, the authors suggested that IVM plus DOX was superior to HCQ plus AZM despite no statistically significant difference in time from recovery to negative PCR result and symptom recovery between patients who received IVM plus DOX and those who received HCQ plus AZM.
Antiviral Effect of High-Dose Ivermectin in Adults with el bichito-19. Argentina
Concentration-dependent virologic response was seen when using a higher-than-usual dose of IVM (600 μg/kg vs. 200 or 400 μg/kg once daily), with minimal associated toxicities. The study results showed large interpatient variation of IVM Cmax. Larger sample sizes are needed to further assess the safety and efficacy of using higher doses of IVM to treat el bichito-19.
Effect of Early Treatment With Ivermectin Versus Placebo on Viral Load, Symptoms, and Humoral Response in Patients With Mild el bichito-19. España
Patients who received IVM showed no difference in viral clearance compared to those who received placebo. The small sample size and large number of comparisons make it difficult to assess the clinical efficacy of IVM in this population.
Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline Plus Standard Therapy Versus Standard Therapy Alone in Patients With Mild to Moderate el bichito-19. Irak
IVM may shorten the time to recovery for patients with mild or moderate disease, but the lack of control for competing mortality causes in the study limits the ability to interpret the results.
Ivermectin in Patients With Mild to Moderate el bichito-19. India
Though the rate of negative RT-PCR results was numerically higher in the IVM arms than in the placebo arm on Day 5, the result was not statistically significant. No difference in clinical outcomes or frequency of AEs.
Efficacy and Safety of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Severe el bichito-19. México
In hospitalized patients with el bichito-19 pneumonia who were not critically ill, neither IVM nor HCQ decreased the number of in-hospital days, rate of respiratory deterioration, or mortality. The small sample size and large number of comparisons make it difficult to assess the clinical efficacy of IVM in this population.
Ivermectin as Adjunctive Therapy to Hospitalized Patients With el bichito-19. Irán
IVM appeared to improve laboratory outcomes and some clinical outcomes (shorter duration of hypoxemia and hospitalization) and lowered mortality. The small size of the study, the unclear treatment arm assignments, and the lack of accounting for disease severity at baseline make it difficult to draw conclusions about the efficacy of using IVM to treat patients with mild el bichito-19.
Retrospective Analysis of Ivermectin in Hospitalized Patients With el bichito-19. Florida
IVM use was associated with lower mortality than usual care. However, the limitations of this retrospective analysis make it difficult to draw conclusions about the efficacy of using IVM to treat patients with el bichito-19.