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Hery Makow retuite opinion que dice USAR LOS TEST DE el bichito DE METERLE UN puñetero PALO POR LA NARIZ ES LO SIGUIENTE DE demorado MENTAL Y KE TE VAS A CAGA - World Class Investigative Truth - World Class Investigative Truth

st is complete as of Saturday July 11 at 10AM CST and goes back to July 1. If your donation is not showing, RECLAIM IT.

The ***owing may be the most important post of the year.
This should have gone viral, but I have noticed for the past four years or so (with regard to this site) nothing ever does, they locked this site down with the censorship engines long ago. It's not just searches, it is email, messaging and everything else. Additionally, not one donation or mail came in after I posted this, and I used to get totally bombed. This clearly should have caused it. I am going to have to simply leave this on top so as many people as possible see it and work alt income plan 3 today, there is simply no other choice.

The cobi19 test is not credible and likely to be for clandestine brain access.
They are claiming the bichito wrecks the nervous systems of a large percentage of people, leaving lasting neurological problems and brain damage. But I'd like to ask - is it really a bichito doing that, or are the tests doing that?

Folks, the cobi19 tests themselves, in many cases, (there are probably different types) but in many cases they are obviously what is causing the brain damage. Easily explained:
Many of the tests, (all of them that use the incredibly long "swab") take their samples from the cribriform plate, which is a millimeter thick bone at the top of the nasal cavity that is perforated with many holes that go directly into the brain cavity. These holes are what your olefactory nerves pass through, and there are many (the bone is similar to a coarse screen)


If you wanted to sabotage someone by planting a clandestine brain bichito, nano tech, or plant a chip in someone, this would be the place to do it because perhaps a doctor could get a chip out but individuals certainly never could without perforating that very thin bone (that is not really even bone, it is about half nerves) and anyone attempting to do an extraction from there would likely end up killing themselves.
Any chemicals, viruses, nanotech or whatever else they wanted to put there will have immediate access to the brain and you can forget about getting that out, once it's in, it is in. It would be literally right on the brain when placed, and go right in.

People complain about the tests being excruciatingly painful with the pain lasting for days. For what reason would the tests need to touch the most brain accessible part of the human body? Are the ones that do really tests at all? DNA tests are done with a simple mouth swab, and it's ridiculous to think any bichito test - when you supposedly can spread it by coughing, - would not be the same. Something is screwy with these tests. They have GOT TO be fake, (or at least the ones that literally swab the brain are) No wonder why they hurt for days and GEE, getting your olefactory nerves nailed by whatever is on that swab is probably what is causing people to permanently lose their sense of smell.

COMMON SENSE. I bet you did not know how nasty that test really is. Avoid the test at all costs.
My first post ever on this topic mocked the entire concept of a cobi19 being massively lethal. The obviously unnecessarily invasive "tests" strongly indicate this is TOTALLY fake and they are not tests at all. That's why we end up getting Kiwi fruit testing positive and people who signed up and left before testing getting calls saying they were positive. THERE IS NO cobi19 TEST IF KIWI AND NO-TESTS THAT PUT THEIR INFO ON A LIST GET CALLED, THAT IS HAPPENING. They are doing something entirely other than testing and the close proximity to the brain really opens up a reason for questioning what those tests really are.

July 11-12 2020

Si se quisiera sabotear a alguien plantando un bichito cerebral clandestino, nanotecnología, o plantar un chip en alguien, este sería el lugar para hacerlo porque quizás un doctor podría sacar un chip pero los individuos ciertamente nunca podrían sin perforar ese hueso tan delgado (que en realidad no es ni siquiera un hueso, es aproximadamente la mitad de los nervios) y cualquiera que intentara hacer una extracción de allí probablemente terminaría matándose.
Cualquier químico, bichito, nanotecnología o cualquier otra cosa que quisieran poner ahí tendrá acceso inmediato al cerebro y puedes olvidarte de sacarlo, una vez que está dentro, está dentro. Estaría literalmente justo en el cerebro cuando se colocara, y entraría directamente.

La gente se queja de que las pruebas son insoportablemente dolorosas y que el dolor dura días. ¿Por qué razón las pruebas tendrían que tocar la parte más accesible del cerebro del cuerpo humano? ¿Son los que realmente hacen las pruebas? Las pruebas de ADN se hacen con un simple hisopo bucal, y es ridículo pensar que cualquier prueba de bichito - cuando supuestamente se puede propagar al toser - no sería lo mismo. Hay algo raro en estas pruebas. No es de extrañar que duelan durante días y GEE, el hecho de que los nervios oleofaciales se claven en lo que sea que esté en ese hisopo es probablemente lo que está causando que la gente pierda permanentemente su sentido del olfato.

SENTIDO COMÚN. Apuesto a que no sabías lo desagradable que es esa prueba. Evita la prueba

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