"Victory to the Gods!": Hilo sobre Bronze Age Pervert

Caring too much about food, nutrition, and especially health can be considered something unmanly...a kind of neurotic, hypochondriac fretting more suited to spinsters. On the other hand, in the past the world was not as full of poison as it is now. Nearly all the food is centrally produced, stored in warehouses, and poisoned with mycotoxins and many other things that slowly destroy your essence. Therefore it’s important to take measures to protect yourself against this as far as you can. Although it’s expensive, the probiotic Gastrus has been of great use to many of us.

Something else I can recommend is
coconut oil, and staying in the sun. If you are not a bogjig whose ancestors evolved under permanent cloud cover in northwest Europe, you will usually be able to tan, and the effects of sun are many and very good. You have no excuse! (Those who can’t tan must supplement with vitamin D3, but also some other things.) You begin with ten minutes in mid-day sun, and work up from there. Usually thirty minutes a day is enough, when you can get there. There’s much propaganda about tanning, but once you live in tropical areas you can see that even brown people begin to look sickly and have a kind of sallow tonalidad if they avoid the sun. You’re meant to worship the sun. Remember the song of New Order!

It goes without saying that you must lift weights, and for this there are many different programs, all suited to a different body, different biology, and different aims. In general it’s better to lose fat and cut body fat before growing in muscle, but it depends on many things.

a regime of sun and steel is absolutely required, for your mood, your aesthetics, for getting the attention of women and the respect of men, and above all for preparation for struggle and war. In ancient Greek cities, only the citizens were allowed to lift weights and work in the gym: slaves were forbidden. It’s no wonder that the robots of Babylon seek to ban gyms for men in our time. The pathetic failure of the “swole-left,” an entirely artificial construct promoted in a pre-planned and coordinated way by formal organs of the left, all of this is very instructive: the occasional exception aside, it’s not possible to be “swole-left” today. Any man who improves his body through sun and steel will drift away from the modern left, a program of decrepitude and resentful monstrosity. They know this and are afraid.

I have to make this restatement now at the end of this brief manifesto: Many are domestic animals and happy that way. I speak instead to the men who feel stifled by this bug world.

People at all times try to domesticate each other
. Language is used to clobber and deceive others into submission and domestication. Ideas and arguments and stories are manufactured for the same. The modern world is no different in this regard from any wretched tribal society. I'm sure that Europe prior to the Bronze Age, before the coming of the Aryans, was similar to modern Europe. People lived in communal longhouses and were likely browbeaten and ruled by obese mammies who instilled in them socialism and feminism.
Most of those so-called males of the longhouse age were probably similar to the modern leftist "herb" who doesn't lift. Which is why those societies were so easily conquered.

The left realizes they look weak and lame—because they are. They know they have nothing to offer youth but submission and lectures. They know they're unsexy and staid. If indeed young leftist men will start lifting and worshiping beauty, they will be forced to leave the left.
The bugman pretends to be motivated by compassion, but is instead motivated by a titanic hatred of the well-turned-out and beautiful. The bugman seeks to bury beauty under a jovenlandesass of ubiquitous ugliness and garbage. So much of the Pacific and the pristine oceans are now full of garbage and plastic. This garbage is flowing out of cities built on piles of unimaginable filth. The waters are polluted with birth control pills and mind-bending drugs emitted by obese high-fructose-corn-syrup-guzzling beasts. Then of course there is the ugliness of the people. And it's only getting uglier with the crowded, unhygienic new cities of our age, populated by hordes of dwarf-like zombies that are imported for slave labor and political agitation from the fly-swept latrines of the world.

People feel they can't escape this, they know this is an aggressive method to demoralize and oppress. When I post my images of vitality in the clear sun of a long noon, they feel a weight lifted off them. Many feel as if they've escaped the gravity of this trash world and returned to a time when the natural beauty of man could be displayed, indicating this is a form of life free to develop its powers.
I believe in the right of nature. I'm bored by ideology and by wordchopping. The images I post speak for themselves and point to a primal order that is felt by all, in a physical sense.

When I or my ***owers post powerful, beautiful images of male models of unbelievable vitality and youth, our enemies gnash their teeth in envy and hatred, while we are exalted and inspired.
The superior, like the handsome Alexander, exert an almost magical effect that draws others to them. Some are drawn to higher action, others to other tasks, but all petty cares are forgotten. There is nothing that needs to be said or elaborated, no need to intellectualize this any more than the natural attraction wolves on the move have for their king, or bees in a hive for their queen.
When I post images of godlike men like Pietro Boselli, many are in awe and drawn to emulate. I have inspired many to develop their bodies and physical and spiritual power.

I have nothing to say to the frivolous people
who have found themselves, maybe bewildered, in positions of influence in media or government, or to the many superfluous who ***ow them. In the next hundred years and even before, barbaric piratical brotherhoods will wipe away this corrupt civilization, as they did at the end of the Bronze Age.

Tremendísima penúltima entrada del libro, que toca casi todos los puntos de las visiones de BAP:

BAP os da unos cuantos consejos vitalistas: cuidad la nutrición (sin preocupaciones excesivas propias de un neurótico o hipocondríaco, atributos que no son viriles). Recomienda el probiótico Gastrus, y el aceite de coco. También tomad el Sol, o al menos un suplemento de vitamina D3. Empezad con 10 minutos al Sol de mediodía, e id aumentando la exposición hasta al menos 30. Recordad la canción de New Order!

Ni que decir tiene, debes levantar hierros: hay muchos programas, cada uno más adecuado a cada fisionomía, pero en general es mejor perder grasa y definir antes que ponerse en volumen

En cualquier caso, un régimen de sol y acero es absolutamente obligatorio para tu carácter, tu estética, para captar la atención de las mujeres y el respeto de los hombres y por encima de todo, como preparación para las dificultades y la guerra. En las antiguas ciudades griegas, sólo a los ciudadanos se les permitía levantar hierros y entrenar en la palestra, y se les prohibía a los esclavos. No es de extrañar que los robots de Babilonia intenten prohibir los gimnasios para los hombres de nuestro tiempo

BAP debe hacer esta reformulación ahora al final de este breve manifiesto: muchos son animales dométicos y son felices así. BAP habla, en cambio, para los hombres que se sienten asfixiados por este mundo de insectos

Continuamente, la gente trata de domesticarse los unos a los otros. El lenguaje se utiliza para golpear y arrestar a los demás a la sumisión y a la domesticación. Las ideas y los razonamientos y las historias se diseñan para lo mismo. El mundo moderno no es diferente en este aspecto de cualquier perversos sociedad tribal. BAP está seguro de que la Europa anterior a la Edad del Bronce, antes de la llegada de los Arios, era similar a la Europa moderna. La gente vivía en casas largas comunales, y era probablemente intimidada y dominada por mamás obesas que les inculcaban socialismo y feminismo

Casi todos de los denominados "hombres" de la casa comunal eran similares al moderno y menso progre que no levanta. Lo cual es el porqué esas sociedades fueron tan fácilmente conquistadas

La izquierda se da cuenta de que se les ve débiles y estúpidos - y es porque lo son. Saben que no tienen nada que ofrecer a la juventud salvo sumisión y reprimendas. Saben que no son sexys, y que son aburridos. Sin duda, si un joven izquierdoso comienza a levantar hierros y a adorar a la Belleza, obligatoriamente dejaría de ser de izquierdas. El bugman finge estar motivado por la compasión, pero en realidad lo es por un titánico repruebo hacia lo bello. El bugman pretende enterrar la Belleza bajo un cenagal de antiestéticaldad y sarama ubicuas. Porque el Océano está lleno de sarama y de plástico, que fluyen de las ciudades construidas sobre pilas de inimaginables inmundicias. Las aguas están contaminadas con píldoras anticonceptivas y psicofármacos emitidos por esas bestias obesas que engullen sirope de maíz alto en fructosa. Luego está por supuesto la antiestéticaldad de la gente. Y sólo va a peor con las nuevas ciudades de nuestro tiempo, masificadas, antihigiénicas, pobladas por hordas de bajitos como zombis que son importados desde las letrinas del 3er mundo para desempeñar trabajos de esclavo y provocar agitaciones políticas

La gente siente que no pueden escapar de esto, saben que es un agresivo método para desmoralizar y oprimir. Cuando BAP postea sus imágenes de vitalidad en el claro sol de un largo mediodía, ellos se sienten aligerados. Muchos se sienten como si hubieran escapado de la gravedad de este mundo de sarama y hubieran vuelto a un tiempo en el que la belleza natural del hombre podía desplegarse, coo una forma de vida libre para desarrollar sus poderes. BAP cree en el derecho, el acierto, de la naturaleza. Está aburrido de ideologías y de palabrerías. Las imágenes que postea hablan por sí solas y apuntan hacia un orden primario que es sentido por todos, en un sentido físico

Cuando él o sus seguidores posteamos poderosas, bellas, imágenes de modelos masculinos de increíble vitalidad y juventud, nuestros enemigos rechinan los dientes de envidia y repruebo, mientras nosotros nos exaltamos e inpiramos
El superior, como el guapo Alejandro, ejerce un efecto casi mágico que arrastra a los demás hacia ellos. Algunos son llevados a grandes acciones, otros a otras tareas, pero todas las preocupaciones mezquinas se olvidan. No hay nada que necesite ser dicho o argumentado, no hay necesidad de intelectualizar esto más allá de la atracción natural que los lobos en movimiento tienen por su rey, o las abejas de la colmena por su reina
Cuando BAP postea imágenes de hombres semejantes a dioses como Pietro Boselli, muchos se asombran y tratan de imitarlo
BAP ha inspirado a muchos a desarrollar sus cuerpos y su poder físico y espiritual (Nota de Gurney: Me incluyo)

BAP no tiene nada que decir a la gente frívola que se encuentra en posiciones de influencia en los medios o en el gobierno, o a los muchos superfluos que les siguen. En los próximos 100 años e incluso antes, hermandades piráticas y bárbaras barreras esta civilización corrupta, como hicieron al final de la Edad del Bronce

I used to think that the day would never come

I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun

My morning sun is the drug that brings me near

To the childhood I lost, replaced by antiestéticar

I used to think that the day would never come

That my life would depend on the morning sun
Al hilo de los eventos en Israel y el ataque de los palestinos, aquí está la visión de BAP:


Retweeteado por BAP, es una visión excepcional sobre la movida en Israel

No escucharéis nada similar en medios masivos, y dudo que en Burbuja alguien escriba algo así:


The Middle East in antiquity, since the peak of the Assyrian empire in the 7th century BC, was largely ruled by a series of pagan warrior aristocracies. The Assyrians, then the babylonians, then the Persians, then the Greeks, then the romans/parthians
With the ascendancy of Islam over the region in the 8th century AD, this marked the effective extinction of all paganism and the introduction of a “genetic sieve” so to speak on the entirety of the population.

In a post-Abrahamic Middle East, it was historically taboo to marry outside of one’s religion: even with the different sects of Christianity and Islam, to wed another outside of one’s subdivision was deeply frowned upon, even punishable by death.

What this means is that, in the Middle East, gene pools and religions have been and still largely are effectively indistinguishable (although this is changing but I digress), as the habits/beliefs/rituals and overall structure of a given religion are optimised for a certain genetic type, and more than this, the continued survival of and adherence to any given sort of Abrahamism further perpetuates this genetic type

This is a profound point, and one of *only two* overall points that one needs to understand the illusory complexity of the Middle East (the second being that unlike Europe, due to geography, the region can only be stable under a singular, centralized govenrment
(I will return to the second point later)

Anyways back to genes, we can see this starkly in Sunni Jovenlandeses for example. Sunnis enjoy claiming that a return to the caliphate will return the region to a “golden age” similar to that under the Abbasid caliphate…but all evidence points to the “golden age” being an aberrant side effect of Islam, one in which not only Persians and Christians heavily contributed to, but also one that was bound to occur in that region regardless at that given time period, and also one which was allowed to occur because the full dysgenic impact of Islam had not yet been felt.

Islam, while at first glance seeming to be heavily manly, horonable, and practical, is the reduction of humanity to a fanatical, dysgenic, NPC ratmass slum
If you disagree, you need only look at the largest Muslim cities today: Cairo, Lahore, Jakarta, are all the proof one needs that the ultimate end result of islam is the unchecked proliferation of dysgenic life and the destruction of all beauty and higher aim, which would never have occurred in the ancient world, where eugenic warrior aristocracies routinely cleansed it of such filth and provided checks and balances on the expansion of lower orders life.
There is much to say on this subject, for example what customs and aspects of Islam necessarily force this to occur, and counter arguments Muslim NPCs will provide such as Dubai. which is of course a synthetic monstrosity funded entirely by a transient petrodollar system

But regardless, zooming out and zooming back in, a separate sieve was placed on Jews: as their ideology was inherently one of racial supremacism, they could not replenish their numbers through conversion and as such had to survive through parasitism and Machiavellianism, and *not* through direct force of arms. This has led to a people highly intelligent and capable of building advanced civilization, yet cowardly and incapable of waging war in an honorable, eugenic manner, relying on jovenlandesalisms and manipulation of powerful foreign entities to defend itself.

So now we can see the reality of the situation: the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not a war of “who deserves what”: that is totally absurd.
It’s absurd because any land any government on the planet currently controls was at one point or another owned by a different people, and a different government, and taken by force.

Instead, the real war here is over what form of dysgenics win out.
So on the one hand, you have Palestinians, who, if they win, would turn the entire region to a toxic sewer.
And on the other, you have the Israelies, who’s most potent entities are either satanic Ashkenazis that worship the inversion of natural dominance hierarchies, or inbred Orthodox Jews who believe all other races are piglike, despite the fact that their own gene pool is littered with more congenital deformities than any other, who live in a lalaland of autistic line by line interpretation of ancient desert dwelling fairy tales
Both of these jewish groups would turn the entirety of humanity to radioactive dust if they could but rule over the ashes.

So ultimately, there are no winners in this conflict and, furthermore, it can only end in violence and a singular winner.
The reason for this is the second overarching point I mentioned earlier: that the Middle East, due to its lack of natural geographical barriers, is a region that on the whole can only be stable under one ruler.
This can be seen time and time again in history, most recently under the ottomans, under whom there was peace for 300+ years.
So the reason why there is so much war in the Middle East today vs historically, is that an artificial demarcation of territory has separated it from its natural state: one large, centralized empire.
And there is no getting around this: nature abhors a vacuum, and war will continue until the natural centralized equilibrium is reached and the vacuum filled.

This is why I find all calls for peace in the region so cringe: not only is peace impossible, but even if it were to be achieved, it would be some abhorrent amalgamation of fanatical Abrahamic desert dwelling cults, both of which would continue the slow slide towards dysgenic destruction of the region, and oblivion

I have yet to mention the Christians (maronites Assyrians Greek orthdoox etc) in the region because they have become politically irrelevant, but to my mind they, along with a few other groups such as many Iranians, are the true genetic descendants, of the ancient and therefore natural rulers of the Middle East. Their issue is similar to that of Europe: that Christian slave jovenlandesality has totally castrated them, that they have been incapable of replenishing their numbers from endless conflict with Islam, and are too noble to stoop to the survival tactics employed by Jews. But there is a reason Lebanon was the pinnacle of the region prior to its islamization, that Europeans and Arabs alike would flock to there, and that reason goes beyond culture and happenstance, and that reason is genetic. That reason, is the peculiarities of the genetic selection Christianity applied to the population vs Jewish and Muslim ones. Whether anyone has the balls to admit it or not.

So to conclude: my opinion on the conflict? Israel and Palestine can go to hell, what matters is beauty and biological quality.

The Levant is rightful Byzantine clay.
Listado de libros recomendados por BAP en su podcast Caribbean Rhythms:

Caribbean Rhythms Book Recommendations


Author: Abdullah Yousef.

Episode 1

Episode 2
The Last Byzantine Renaissance by Steven Runciman (History)

Episode 3
The Ordeal of Civility by John Murray Cuddihy (Sociology)

No Offense by John Murray Cuddihy (Religion)

Indo-European Origins by John Day (Anthropology)

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6
The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946 by Steven Runciman (History)

Alexiad by Anna Comnena (History)

Heartise: On Game by Roissy (Game)

Episode 7
The Greeks and Greek Civilization by Jacob Burckhardt (History)

The Bell Curve by Charles Murray (Sociology)

Episode 8
Anabasis by Xenephon (History)

The Western Way of War by Victor Davis Hanson (History)

The Wars of The Ancient Greeks by Victor Davis Hanson (History)

Episode 9
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Psychological Fiction)

The Double by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Psychological Fiction)

Episode 10
The Radetzky March by Joseph Roth (Historical Fiction)

The Confusions of Young Torless by Robert Musil (Historical Fiction)

The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil (Fiction)

The Good Soldier Schweik by Jaroslav Hasek (Historical Fiction)

Episode 11
Chaos and Night by Henry de Montherlant (Fiction)

Eros: The Myth of Ancient Greek Sexuality by Bruce Thornton (History)

Episode 12

Episode 13
Journey to the End of the Night by Louis Ferdinand Celine (Fiction)

Death on Credit by Louis Ferdinand Celine (Fiction)

Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger (Memoir)

Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

Forbidden Colors by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

The Outlaws by Ernst von Salomon (Memoir)

Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima (Historical Fiction)

The Politics by Aristotle (Political Philosophy)

Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan (History)

Eumeswil by Ernst Junger (Science Fiction)

On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger (Fiction)

The Dwarf by Par Lagerkvist (Fiction)

Episode 14

Episode 15
The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe (Art History)

Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant (Fiction)

My Life by Benvunito Cellini (Memoir)

Artful Partners by Bernard Berenson (Art History)

Episode 16
The European Civil War by Ernst Nolte (History)

The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine (History)

Nostromo by Joseph Conrad (Fiction)

Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Fiction)

Episode 17
Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire by Edward Luttwak (History)

The Sicilian Vespers by Steven Runciman (History)

Episode 18
The Hungry Brain by Stephan Guyenet (Health and Nutrition)

The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy by Carl Schmitt (Political Philosophy)

Episode 19
The Medieval Manichee by Steven Runciman (History)

Two Nations in Your Womb by Israel Yuval (History)

Episode 20

Episode 21
The Coming of the Greeks by Robert Drews (History)

Episode 22
A History of Venice by John Julius Norwich (History)

Episode 23

Episode 24
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite by Peter Schweiger (Politics)

The Seychelles Affair by Mike Hoare (Memoir)

Suicide of The West by James Burnham (History)

War Dog: Fighting Other People's Wars by Al Venter (History)

Congo Warriors by Mike Hoare (Memoir)

Episode 25
America Alone by Mark Steyn (Politics)

The Quiet American by Graham Greene (Fiction)

Episode 26
Godfather of The Kremlin by Paul Klebnikov (History)

Episode 27

Episode 28
The Unheavenly City by Edward Banfield (History)

Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov (Fiction)

Immigration Economics by George Borjas (Economics)

Episode 29
The Ethnic Phenomenon by Pierre van den Berghe (Sociology)

Episode 30
History of the Peloponneasian War by Thucydides (History)

Episode 31
Life of Timoleon by Plutarch (History)

Episode 32
Erik Jan Hanussen: Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant by Mel relleniton (History)

An Accursed Race by Elizabeth Gaskell (History)

The Last Days of the Cathars by Mike Hoare (History)

Episode 33
The Questionnaire by Ernst von Salomon (Politics)

Episode 34
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Political Philosophy)

The Fabrication of Aboriginal HIstory by Keith Windschuttle (History)

On Aggression by Konrad Lorenz (Sociology)

Episode 35
The Golden Bough by James Frazer (Religion)

Episode 36
The Red and the Black by Stendhal (Fiction)

A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov (Fiction)

Episode 37
The Histories by Herodotus (History)

Theogeny by Hesiod (Religion)

Episode 38
From Major Jordan's Diaries by George Racey Jordan (Memoir)

The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ by Roger Stone (History)

Episode 39
Egypt Since Cromer by Lord Lloyd (History)

The Rise and Fall of the Elites by Vilfredo Pareto (Politics)

The Ruling Class by Gaetano Mosca (Politics)

Episode 40
A History of the Crusades by Steven Runciman (History)

Episode 41
Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook by Edward Luttwak (Military Strategy)

The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler (History)

Episode 42

Episode 43

Episode 44
Wolfszeit um Thule by Wilhelm Landig (Mythology)

Barlaam and Josaphat: A Christian Tale of the Buddha by Gui de Cambrai (Fiction)

The Shadow of the Dalai Lama by Victor and Victoria Trimondi (Religion)

Episode 45

Episode 46
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson (History)

Episode 47
The Comedians by Graham Greene (Fiction)

Passage of Darkness by Wade Davis (Anthropology)

South Africa's Brave New World by R. W. Johnson (History)

The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk (History)

Episode 48

Episode 49
After the Banquet by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

Episode 50
Fragments by Heraclitus (Philosophy)

Episode 51
The Israel Lobby by John Mearsheimer (Politics)

The Glass Bees by Ernst Junger (Science Fiction)

Episode 52
America's Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama's Story of Race and Inheritance by Steve Sailer (Politics)

America's Inadvertant Empire by William Odom and Robert Dujarric (Politics)

Episode 53

Episode 54
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (Fiction)

Njal's Saga by Unknown (History)

Episode 55
Rienzi, The Last of the Roman Tribunes by Edward Bulwer Lytton (History)

The Life of Cola di Rienzo by John Wright (History)

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon (History)

Episode 56

Episode 57

Episode 58

Episode 59
Discourses on Livy by Niccolo Machiavelli (Political Philosophy)

Episode 60
The Satyricon by Petronius (Fiction)

Episode 61
Dumping Iron by P. D. Mangan (Health and Nutrition)

Episode 62
The Normans in the South by John Julius Norwich (History)

The Kingdom in the Sun by John Julius Norwich (History)

Episode 63
St Petersburg Dialogues by Joseph de Maistre (History)

On Pain by Ernst Junger (Memoir)

The Worker: Dominion and Form by Ernst Junger (Political Philosophy)

Episode 64

Episode 65
The 10,000 Year Explosion by George Cochran and Henry Harpending (Biology)

Episode 66
Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies by Ian Buruma (Politics)

Episode 67
The Republic by Plato (Political Philosophy)

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Western A. Price (Health and Nutrition)

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Fiction)

Episode 68
Parallel Lives by Plutarch (Biography)

The Kennan Diaries by George F. Kennan (Politics)

Episode 69
My Life as an Explorer by Sven Hedin (Memoir)

From Pole to Pole by Sven Hedin (Travel)

The Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron (Travel)

Episode 70
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek (Economics)
Episode 71
Sun and Steel
by Yukio Mishima (Memoir)

The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom (Politics)

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (Fiction)

Episode 72
The Pussy
by Delicious Tacos (Anthology)

Finally Some Good News by Delicious Tacos (Fiction)

Savage Spear of the Unicorn by Delicious Tacos (Anthology)

The Ice Cream Man and Other Stories by Sam Pink (Anthology)

Episode 73
The Inequality of the Human Races
by Arthur de Gobineau (Sociology)

A History of France by John Julius Norwich (History)

Germania by Tacitus (Ethnography)

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville (Politics)

Episode 74
A Disease in the Public Mind
by Thomas Fleming (History)

The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945 by John Toland (History)

Deadly Dialectics | Sex, Violence, and Nihilism in the World of Yukio Mishima by Roy Starrs (Biography)

Patriotism by Yukio Mishima (Fiction)

The Life and Death of Yukio Mishima by Henry Scott-Stokes (Biography)

Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography by John Toland (Biography)

A Troublesome Inheritance by Nicholas Wade (Biology)

Episode 75
The Sotadic Zone
by Richard Burton (Sociology)

Foucault's Virginity by Simon Goldhill (History)

Episode 76
On Power
by Bertrand de Jouvenel (Political Philosophy)

The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham (Politics)

The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS by Michael Fumento (Biology)

Episode 77
Lord Jim
by Joseph Conrad (Fiction)

sensual Personae by Camille Paglia (Art History)

In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust (Fiction)

Episode 78

Episode 79

Episode 80
Breakfast With The Dirt Cult
by Samuel Finlay (Fiction)

The Power and The Glory by Graham Greene (Fiction)

Mine Were of Trouble by Peter Kemp (Memoir)

Episode 81
Frederick the Second: Wonder of the World
by Ernst Kantorowicz (Biography)

Episode 82

Episode 83
The Twelve Caesars
by Suetonius (Biography)

Back to Blood by Tom Wolfe (Fiction)

Episode 84

Episode 85
On War
by Carl von Clausewitz (Military Strategy)

Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula (Military Strategy)

On Guerrilla Warfare by Mao Zedong (Military Strategy)

The Art of War by Mao Zedong (Military Strategy)

Episode 86
Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family
by Stephen Baskerville (Law)

Episode 87
Jack Kerouac and the Decline of the West
by Semmelweis (Literary Critique)

Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressfield (Historical Fiction)

The Profession by Stephen Pressfield (Fiction)

Dune by Frank Herbert (Science Fiction)

Episode 88

Episode 89
Background to Betrayal
by Hillaire du Berrier (History)

Stalin's War by Sean McMeekin (History)

Shanghai Conspiracy by Charles A. Willoughby (History)

Episode 90

Episode 91
by Thomas777 (Science Fiction)

Episode 92
Why Race Matters
by Michael Levin (Sociology)

Episode 93
Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture
by Johan Joachim Winkelmann(Art History)

Cosmogonic Reflections by Ludwig Klages (Philosophy)

Episode 94

Episode 95
The Master and Margarita
by Mikhail Bulgakov (Fiction)

The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius (Biography)

Episode 96
The End of the Bronze Age
by Robert Drews (History)

Oceanic Migration by Charles and F. M. Pearce (Anthropology)

The Boy in the River by Richard Hoskins (Crime)

Passovers of Blood by Ariel Toaff (History)

Episode 97

Episode 98
Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
by Giorgio Vasari (Biography)

Episode 99
by Juvenal (Poetry)

Agricola by Tacitus (Biography)

Episode 100

Episode 101

Episode 102

Episode 103
The Shock of History
by Dominique Venner (Political Philosophy)

Episode 104
Dark Shamans: Kanaima and the Poetics of Violent Death
by Neil Whitehead (Anthropology)

Episode 105

Episode 106
Fighting Power
by Martin van Creveld (Military Strategy)

4th Generation Warfare by William S. Lind (Military Strategy)

Episode 107
An Experiment With Time
by J. W. Dunne (Science)

The Woman in the Dunes by Kobo Abe (Fiction)

Episode 108
The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women: Exploding the Estrogen Myth
by Barbara Seaman(Biology)

Three Lives of Golden Age Bodybuilders by Raw Egg Nationalist (Biography)

Raw Egg Nationalism in Theory and Practice by Raw Egg Nationalist (Health and Nutrition)

The Eggs Benedict Option by Raw Egg Nationalist (Health and Nutrition)

Episode 109
The Art of Love
by Ovid (Erotica)

Ancient Greek: A New Approach by Carl A. P. Ruck (Language)

Ibn Fadlan's Journey to Russia: A Tenth-Century Traveler from Baghad to the Volga River by Ahmad ibn Fadlan (Travel)

Episode 110
Italian Journey
by Johann von Goethe (Travel)

Episode 111
by Xenephon (Philosophy)

Episode 112
The Nomos of the Earth
by Carl Schmitt (Political Philosophy)

Clash of Civilizations by Sam Huntington (Politics)

Episode 113
An Outcast of the Islands
by Joseph Conrad (Fiction)

Episode 114
Divine Comedy
by Dante (Poetry)

The Song of Roland by Turold (Poetry)

Episode 115

Episode 116

Episode 117
The Age of Em
by Robin Hanson (Technology)

They Had No Deepness of Earth by Zero HP Lovecraft (Fiction)

That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis (Science Fiction)

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy (Fiction)

1001 Arabian Nights by Richard Burton (Anthology)

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Gustave Le Bon (Political Philosophy)

Neuromancer by William Gibson (Science Fiction)

Episode 118

Episode 119

Episode 120
sensual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization
by F. Rodger Devlin (History)

Episode 121

Episode 122

Episode 123
Discourses Book 1
by Niccolo Machiavelli

by Plato

A History of Venice
by John Julius Norwich

The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right. Book II Chapter VII The Legislator
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Episode 124
The World as Will and Representation
by Arthur Schopenhauer

The Satyricon
by Petronius

The Populist Delusion
by Neema Parvini

by Aristotle

Twilight of the Idols
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Episode 125
Parerga and Paralipomena
by Arthur Schopenhauer

Episode 126
The 10,000 Year Explosion
by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending

Parallel Lives
by Plutarch

Daybreak/Dawn of the Day
by Friedrich Nietzsche

How to Kill a Dragon
by Calvert Watkins

History of Greek Culture
by Jacob Burckhardt

Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
by Diogenes Laërtius

Episode 127
On the Genealogy of jovenlandesals
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Twilight of the Idols
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Beyond Good and Evil
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Friedrich Nietzsche

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Histories Book Five
by Tacitus

The Man Without Qualities
by Robert Musil

The Betrothed
by Alessandro Manzoni

Episode 128
The Black and the Red
by Stendhal

by Guy de Maupassant

A Disenchantment of the World
by Marcel Gauchet

The World as Will and Representation
by Arthur Schopenhauer

Episode 129


Episode 130
OSS the secret history of America's first CIA
by Richard Harris Smith

Episode 131
Master Margarita
by Mikhail Bulgakov

Darkness at Noon
by Arthur Koestler

Episode 132
Season of the Sun/Seson of Violence
by Shintaro Ishihara

Histories Book Three
by Herodotus

Politics Bookk Five
by Aristotle

The Inequality of Human Races
by Arthur de Gobineau

Episode 133
On War
by Carl von Clausewitz

Charter house of Parma
by Stendhal

Episode 134
The Iliad
by Homer

The Mighty Dead: Why Homer Matters
by Adam Nicolson

Breakfast with the Dirt Cult
by Samuel Finlay

Episode 135
The Comedians
by Graham Greene

A Handbook for Dissidents
by Dominique Venner

by Werner Jaeger

Meditations on the Peaks
by Julius Evola

by Edward W. Said

Episode 136
The Concept of the Political
by Carl Schmitt

A Crisis of Parlimentary Democracy
by Carl Schmitt

Principles of Parliamentarism
by Carl Schmitt

Liberty or Equality
by Eric von Künelt-Ledin

Revolte of the Masses
by Ortega E. Gasset

Human All Too Human
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Political Theology
by Carl Schmitt

Episode 137


Episode 138
by Athenaeus

by Sleep Deprivation

Episode 139
The French Intifada
by Andrew Hussey