
El cobi19 son los padres
Señores!!!! Estamos viviendo el comienzo del RESET FINANCIERO!!!

No dejéis que el árbol os haga perder de vista el bosque!! ( O en este caso, que el bichito no os deje ver el RESET FINANCIERO)
No se que juegan los chinos,pero teniendo en cuenta que se limpian en ojo ciego con su poblacion y los derechos humanos,tienen que estar muy acojonados para seguir con esas cuarentenas dantescas y media.economia.paralizada.
China CDC has published a fascinating paper describing the outbreak, based on ~72K cases (confirmed, suspected, clinically diagnosed & asymptomatic). 44,672 of them are lab confirmed, making this the biggest data set seen from this outbreak.

They report that there have been no superspreaders, or superspreading events recorded in health care facilities to date. That suggests the earlier reports of 1 patient infecting 14 health workers may have been misunderstood?

Despite the good news on the lack of superspreading, 1716 HCWs had been infected with the bichito by Feb. 11, & 5 had died. They include an epi curve of those infections. While confirmed HCW cases have dwindled, clinically diagnosed & suspected ones continue.

The paper includes the most detailed breakdown I've seen of ages of cases & deaths by age group. 1 teenager has died. But deaths really tick up from 50 yo and older. The fatality rate among confirmed cases 80 & older is unsettling.

The gender breakdown is interesting. Early on it seemed like men were more likely to be infected, but that isn't true. However, men do make up about 2/3s of the fatal cases. There is no indication of whether there are age differences in the male vs. female cases.

The authors say the case data suggest multiple jumps from an animal source to people in the beginning of the outbreak, with the bichito taking off human-2-human after. The genetic sequences don't support this, do they

El paper cmrivers/ncov
