*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

[B]Restitutor Orientis[/B]‏ @[B]RestitutorOrien[/B] 6 hhace 6 horas

Les autorités chinoises installent la 5G à Wuhan pour faciliter les communications et les transferts de données entres autorités sanitaires de la ville et l'extérieur. Wuhan construit un second hôpital en toute urgence d'une capacité de 1300 lits pour les malades du nCOV.

Las autoridades chinas están instalando 5G en Wuhan para facilitar las comunicaciones y las transferencias de datos entre las autoridades sanitarias de la ciudad y del exterior. Wuhan está construyendo un segundo hospital de emergencia con una capacidad de 1.300 camas para pacientes con nCOV.

Un tuit que tiene todas las imágenes con la metadata borrada. ¿De cuando son las imágenes? de ahora en cuarentena o de cuando se comenzó la instalación.

Qué diferencia hay para los sanitarios entre el 4G+ y el 5G: ¿nanosegundos en la transmisión de datos?
2 casos nuevos confirmados, otro en Tailandia (ya son siete) y uno más en Malasia (4?)

Thailand reports 7 confirmed cases of Wuhan bichito, airport continues to limit temperature scans
Alguien que sepa puñetero chino o esto ya se ha desmentido y es fake?
Dice que hay más de 90k infectados y que va 1 para cada 14 el bicho....

Ayudas naturales:

- Propoleo: antiinflamatorio, analgésica, sistema inmunitario, antiviral

- Vitamina C: ayuda al sistema inmunitario
- Ajo: efecto antibiótico
- Echinacea: fortalece sistema inmune y ayuda a combatir infecciones
- Drosera: Expectorante, antiespasmódico, antipiretico
- Saúco: antiinflamatorio y ayudante del sistema inmunitario
- Tomillo: antibiótico y antiinflamatorio
- Flores de malva: antiinflamatorio, antiséptico, antitermico, expectorante, analgésico, antitusigeno
- Jenjibre: antiinflamatorio, expectorante
- Hisopo: para la tos, antiséptico


- plata coloidal: antibiótico, germicida, antiviral. Yo la consumo con las gripes y aquí sigo.
- mms: nunca lo he probado.
- dmso: igual que anterior.

Si se me ocurre alguno más, editaré y añadiré.
Última edición:
China - 2019-nCov cases in several provinces and cities, including confirmed health care workers, at least 41 deaths - FluTrackers News and Information

from China government media

Requisition of 10,000 beds in Wuhan, 1230 medical staff across the country to help

January 25, 2020 22:38 Source: Changan Jian WeChat public account of the Central Political and Legal Committee

  Wuhan Requisitions 24 Hospitals

  10,000 beds for fever patients

  In order to ensure that the suspected and confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia are received and treated in a timely manner, Wuhan City, on the basis of two early designated hospitals and 61 sent-out clinics, requisitioned seven, three, and three, Fourteen general hospitals have been temporarily transformed into hospitals for fever patients with reference to the basic requirements of infectious disease prevention and treatment institutions. Currently, there are more than 4,000 beds for suspected and confirmed cases, and more than 6,000 beds will be available before the end of this month. According to the development of the epidemic, the fourth batch of hospitals was requisitioned in time.

  The National Health and Health Commission formed 6 branches with a total of 1,230 people

  Medical team assists Wuhan

  On the 25th, the National Health and Medical Commission dispatched critical care medical experts to strengthen clinical guidance on patient treatment, formed 6 medical treatment teams with a total of 1,230 people to assist Wuhan, and convened 6 reserve echelons at any time. Three medical teams from Shanghai, Guangdong, and the army have arrived in Wuhan to work.

  Strengthen the nationwide work deployment, revise India's case diagnosis and treatment, prevention and control programs, improve the "daily report, zero report" system, and keep close monitoring of unknown causes of pneumonia, fever pre-examination and sub-diagnosis "two nets", have been announced everywhere List of designated medical institutions for fever and pneumonia diagnosis and treatment. Launched a patriotic health campaign in winter and spring with the theme of strengthening market environmental sanitation. Completed the supervision of epidemic prevention and control in 28 provinces, and guided local governments to strictly implement various prevention and control measures.

  22 provinces initiated first-level response

  Covers over 1.1 billion people

  With the increase of new cases of new cobi19 pneumonia, as of 11:30 on the 25th, Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang, Hubei, Tianjin, Anhui, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Shandong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian , Hebei, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Hainan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Henan, Heilongjiang, 22 provinces and cities have initiated a first-level response to major public health emergencies, covering a total population of about 1.18 billion.

  According to the nature, degree of harm, and scope of public health emergencies, public health emergencies are divided into four categories: particularly significant (level I), major (level II), major (level III), and general (level IV). The first-level response was the occurrence of a particularly major public health emergency, and the provincial headquarters organized and coordinated emergency response work within its administrative area in accordance with the decision-making arrangements and unified command of the State Council.
O esto es muy rellenito o los chinos están practicando por si viene una potente de verdad.

Porque da la impresión de que van con todo pero tarde.... desde la doritocueva, claro. En pocos dias los números dirán.
Si no fuera peligroso no cerrarían ciudades enteras y gastarían cantidades de millones en intentar neutralizarlo + las pérdidas que a cada día que pasa se les van duplicando.
Si peligroso es, pero hay gente pensando ya en el fin del mundo

¿Trolleada épica en forocoches?