Antonio Garamendi: Si no te banderillas no trabajas.

Bueno, ya que han sacado el nuevo miembro de la patronal es Pfizer, no nos equivocabamos con los sobres de las farmacéuticas


Por Un Puñado de Dolares

En conclusión, podemos afirmar sin duda, con base en la prueba de comparación de
proporciones y su intervalo de confianza, así como las pruebas pareadas donde utilizamos
el Wilcoxon - Mann - Whitney prueba ( α: 95%), que los datos en la mayoría de las variables
( P < 0.05) obtenidos

indican que el dióxido de cloro es efectivo en el tratamiento de

cobi19, haciendo RT-PCR negativa en el cien por ciento de los casos a los 7 días,



modificando significativa y rápidamente los síntomas de la enfermedad, reduciendo
significativamente los parámetros de laboratorio a la normalidad dentro de 14 a 21 días.
Recomendamos realizar estudios aleatorizados doble ciego y profundizar en estudios de
seguridad toxicológica y eficacia terapéutica del dióxido de cloro en patologías de impacto
epidemiológico en un futuro próximo.
Queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento por su colaboración y aportes al
Mitchell B. Liester, Doctor en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de
Colorado, sucursal de Colorado Springs por sus contribuciones conceptuales y su apoyo
desinteresado en la búsqueda de nuevas opciones para los pacientes.
Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a Ingeniero Victor Yela por su asistencia
permanente en temas de informática, tabulación y datos de investigación; a los médicos de los
once países que forman parte de nuestro equipo de investigación, y a los miles de médicos de
todo el mundo que nos acompañan en este proceso de investigación del dióxido de cloro, a
quienes agradecemos su apoyo y aportes testimoniales, conceptuales, así como Tienen una voz de
aliento para permanecer en esta investigación a pesar de las inmensas dificultades del camino.

Determinación De La Eficacia Del Dióxido De Cloro En El Tratamiento De el bichito 19


En diciembre de 2019, surgió una nueva enfermedad respiratoria en Wuhan, China. La fuente de esta infección se identificó como un nuevo cobi19, relacionado con otros cobi19 que previamente habían causado brotes de Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo (SARS) entre 2002 y 2004 y Síndrome Respiratorio de Oriente Medio (MERS) en 2012 (National Institutes of Health, 2020)
Este bichito se denominó “cobi19 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo” (SARS-CoV-2) y la enfermedad resultante de la infección por este bichito se denominó “el bichito-19”. El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró al el bichito-19 una esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo. Los cobi19 son un grupo de bichito de ARN envueltos que pueden dañar múltiples sistemas de órganos.
Como otros cobi19, el bichito SARS-CoV-2 es una partícula esférica con picos de glicoproteína en su superficie. Los cobi19 entran en las células huésped cuando una región del pico, conocida como “dominio de unión al receptor”, se une a la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (hACE2) en las células humanas. La membrana viral luego se fusiona con la membrana de la célula huésped, permitiendo que el genoma viral entre en la célula huésped.
Se ha sugerido que el dióxido de cloro (ClO2) es un agente potencial en la lucha contra el el bichito-19 y se han propuesto tres ensayos clínicos para examinar la capacidad del ClO2 para tratar el el bichito-19. Sin embargo, este agente no es muy conocido, no se comprende e incluso se demoniza en la comunidad médica, asumimos que por confusión conceptual con hipoclorito de sodio.
Por ello, nos propusimos verificar la efectividad del uso oral del dióxido de cloro en cobi19 a través de este estudio, revisando en profundidad la historia del ClO2, su perfil de seguridad / toxicidad y sus posibles aplicaciones en la lucha contra el bichito-19. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar si el dióxido de cloro es eficaz en el manejo de cobi19 [1-65].

Ver estudio completo
Determinación De La Eficacia Del Dióxido De Cloro En El Tratamiento De el bichito 19​



Blondie (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)



Determinación De La Eficacia Del Dióxido De Cloro En El Tratamiento De el bichito 19
https://laplumaylaverdad.wordpress....-de-cloro-en-el-tratamiento-de-el bichito-19/

film, the good, the bad and the ugly


Los problemas cardíacos tras la banderilla el bichito siguen aumentando sobre todo en adolescentes pero los CDC's no ven relación
Estudio de 7 adolescentes banderilleados con miocarditis
18 adolescentes ingresados por problemas cardíacos tras vacunarse
En estudio docenas de informes de miocarditis en adolescentes banderilleados
Se reportan múltiples casos de miocarditis en banderilleados, sobre todo en adolescentes ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas?
Casi 800 informes de inflamación cardíaca tras la vacunación
EEUU convoca una reunión de urgencia por los casos de miocarditis en adolescentes banderilleados
El ex-futbolista Nelson Marcenaro se banderilla / Nelson Marcenaro muere de un paro cardíaco

Los problemas cardíacos tras la banderilla el bichito siguen aumentando sobre todo en adolescentes pero los CDC's no ven relación
Estudio de 7 adolescentes banderilleados con miocarditis
18 adolescentes ingresados por problemas cardíacos tras vacunarse
En estudio docenas de informes de miocarditis en adolescentes banderilleados
Se reportan múltiples casos de miocarditis en banderilleados, sobre todo en adolescentes ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas?
Casi 800 informes de inflamación cardíaca tras la vacunación
EEUU convoca una reunión de urgencia por los casos de miocarditis en adolescentes banderilleados
El ex-futbolista Nelson Marcenaro se banderilla / Nelson Marcenaro muere de un paro cardíaco
the good the bad and the ugly gif



que deben saber menos que el Losantos Iggy Pop
Ver archivo adjunto 788940

ATJ APP - square.jpg


For the past several weeks the fake news media has been in an all out rampage against a chemical compound called chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and against me because I discuss the truth about it. This media barrage was started by Will Sommer for the Daily Beast in an article called “QAnon’ers Magic Cure for cobi19: Just Drink Bleach!” and the newswires spread it internationally.
Promoters of this narrative inaccurately refer to ClO2 as an “industrial bleach” and label me as a YouTube conspiracy theorist who “promotes drinking bleach to cure everything.” Nope. Not. At. All. That’s why we call them the fake news after all, right? And if you think the news is fake, imagine how fake their science is! Media attacks against this chemical compound and those who talk about it are nothing new. This article will discuss what chlorine dioxide actually is, some of my personal experiences with it, and the misrepresentation that our media and Pharma owned medical “authorities” give us on the subject.



Let's start with basic semantics. By designating something that has the ability to decolorize and sanitize as a 'bleach' is confusing a process with a product. A verb instead of a noun. For example, lemons can bleach, the sun bleaches, but we don’t necessary label those as 'bleach'. And just like lemons and the sun, ClO2 can also decolorize and sanitize, and is used industrially to do so, but this doesn't make it harmful for humans in every capacity. Whenever a media or science talking head states that ClO2 is “essentially bleach,” either they didn’t pass high school chemistry or they’re knowingly misguiding you—trying to confuse people into thinking it’s the same as the commercial Clorox tucked away in our laundry cabinets. Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action. And what's funny is that Chlorine dioxide is a gas, so when the media says "drink bleach" they're just further revealing their ignorance. So as you can see, there's a total misrepresentation of what ClO2 actually is—a gaseous compound that works to disinfect pathogens very effectively through oxidation.
“Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action.”

Yes. ClO2 kills bacteria, viruses, cancer cells—it will selectively target anaerobic pathogens and kill them through oxidation, an electrical reaction where one chemical steals the electrons of another. Some in the health community may be familiar with the oxidative capacity of food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide oxidizes similarly. When a ClO2 molecule comes into contact with a bichito or bacteria cell, it rips electrons from the cell and destroys it. Because of its sterilization ability and relative cheapness, this compound is commonly used in a variety of industries such as hospitals and restaurants. The Environmental Protection Agency has it registered for these purposes. However, ClO2 isn't just used as an industrial cleaner, a stabilized version is commonly used by hikers and campers to kill waterborne pathogens for clean drinking water. These potable water drops and tablets have chlorine dioxide listed as the main ingredient and can be easily purchased at any camping supply store such as REI or online shopping websites like Amazon. So, if chlorine dioxide is not a "toxic bleach," why are people like myself being ridiculed by mainstream media for discussing it? And why is there no mention of suppliers like REI and Amazon? Two reasons—one is simply shoddy and the other is downright shameful. Shoddy journalism is to blame when only the biased FDA is used as a resource. For example, the FDA puts out warning letters about ClO2, calling it a deadly bleach without explanation, citing zero science or research about the compound. Yet, the military and the EPA use ClO2 at high dosages to tackle extreme contaminants like Anthrax and Ebola, and the USDA and even the FDA itself have chlorine dioxide registered to decontaminate with. And take a look at this—studies have been done showing chlorine dioxide to be effective at killing the cobi19 too. Take that, propaganda peddlers! And it goes to note that while high dosages of most decontaminates are not safe to be around, low doses (like what hikers use for potable water and those drinking it internally to kill pathogens) can be very safe. Anything can harm or help depending on how you use it. Conscious usage is key. And the shameful part of this issue? The medical establishment is trying to suppress the sharing of any potential health benefits of ClO2 because it is inexpensive and effective.
Some folks who have used and taught about chlorine dioxide for health supporting purposes call it the “master mineral solution" and “miracle mineral supplement” or MMS for short. I prefer to call it what it is—chlorine dioxide, because it removes any preconceived notions. It’s not magically “miraculous,” it’s just reality! The most notable proponents of MMS are Daniel Smith of Project Green Life and Jim Humble, who has been heavily denigrated by Big Pharma. In 2015, Smith was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison for (basically) teaching too many people about MMS. You can find/support him at And Humble is attacked routinely by the press even though, as his name suggests, he's a very humble man. His resources are incredibly helpful in understanding chlorine dioxide protocols and can found on his website A helpful resource for information on ClO2 is an “MMSWiki” page that highlights Humble’s research in a Wikipedia style format. And on a side note, Wikileaks released an email regarding MMS/chlorine dioxide in their 2012 Global Intelligence Files data dump. It consisted of public disclosure for a number of internal emails between the employees and clients of Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence company. For some reason, a private company that works with the intelligence community on information analysis, Stratfor, had collected an email on MMS. I find that intriguing. You can read that email here. And before YouTube censors any of them, check out these interviews with European professional Andreas Kalcker. They are top notch!
Due to the viral nature of social media and with so many people waking up, information about MMS has become widespread. The FDA has attempted to counter with two press releases. The first in 2010 was then rereleased in 2019, entitled: “FDA warns consumers about the dangerous and potentially life threatening side effects of Miracle Mineral Solution." This from the FDA—a financially motivated agency that racks up millions in user fees per year (as part of their Prescription Drug User Fee Act), has approved deadly drugs like opioid painkillers, and only approved 'medical marijuana' after a man-made pharmaceutical version was created.
In April of 2017, I released a short 4 minute video about MMS on my Destroying the Illusion YouTube channel and in just over a year it had amassed 250,000 views. It was ranked #1 on YouTube’s search results for "MMS." Consequently, YouTube started censoring my video from searches and in May of 2019, they completely removed it and added a strike to my channel. This was amowed by a targeted media blitz against MMS led by Business Insider and other media outlets during the summer of 2019, culminating in the FDA warning letter. See how they operate? Censor the truth beforehand, then publish smears and lies afterward so no one can search for any real information. Then, once they print that it’s a dangerous-deadly bleach and claim people were harmed, the FDA is “forced” to take action. Information warfare.
“See how they operate? Censor the truth beforehand, then publish smears and lies afterward so no one can search for any real information. Then, once they print that it’s a dangerous-deadly bleach and claim people were harmed, the FDA is “forced” to take action. Information warfare.”
I personally don't sell it, but there are still some active vendors as well as a few different ways to make your own ClO2 gas. An easy way to make it is by combining sodium chlorite and citric acid solution in a small 1:1 ratio of drops in a clean glass and allow 30-60 seconds to activate. That’s pretty much it. When mixing the drops, it’s commonly referred to as 1 “drop of MMS/chlorine dioxide” when 1 drop of sodium chlorite is added to 1 drop of citric acid. 1+1=1 drop MMS. Easily dispensable bottles of sodium chlorite and citric acid can be purchased online at Now, let’s discuss when to take these drops and how many. One of the more well known (but intensive) regimens is Humble’s Protocol 1000, whereby one would take 3 drops of MMS (3+3) every hour for 8-12 hours a day. With a protocol like this where a small amount of ClO2 is getting into the blood for a prolonged period of time, it allows the compound to do more work on the pathogens in the body. If it were only taken twice a day, even in higher amounts, it still wouldn’t be in the body as long. I have never done this protocol myself and I rarely use MMS in general these days, but I have the bottles and the knowledge on hand, just in case. What I have done in the past are “maintenance doses” of 5-10 drops of MMS once or twice a day. I’ve also used chlorine dioxide gas to help clear and cleanse my sinuses and respiratory tract by gently inhaling, holding, and exhaling for a few repetitions. An important warning about using ClO2 is the “Herxheimer Effect”, named after the doctor who first studied it. Essentially, if the body detoxifies too fast, it can cause nausea, stomach distress, or diarrhea. As such, it's important to start slow when detoxing the body.
In 2011, I became acquainted with an individual who had medical experience but was fed up with the establishment medical system. He decided to continue helping people through natural modalities. After he taught myself and some of my colleagues about MMS, we spent a few years experimenting with it—both cleaning and using it internally. One of my favorite experiences with MMS was when I met a woman with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She refused chemotherapy and successfully healed herself with a modified regimen of MMS and the Gerson Therapy.
Be aware that many organizations have special interests and will cite their own sources to promote a particular narrative. You can believe what the fake news and fake science would have you believe, or you can research for yourself and put their narratives to the test. I’ve always found there to be no better teacher than personal experience. No source can surpass the knowledge you’ve gained from witnessing something first hand. The more knowledge you have from your research and experiences, the more you will know the truth of what’s really going on in the world, and how to manage any circumstances that may arise. I don't refer to anything as a "cure," for truly there are no cure-alls. I don’t believe in banking on one compound or pill to be our savior, which is why I don’t refer to chlorine dioxide as “magic.” Instead, I believe that we should be looking holistically at ourselves to figure out how we can practice prevention or to keep a situation from progressing. There are many powerful substances that are cheap, safe, natural, and readily available that can be used as part of this holistic regimen. It is only through our own ignorance that we don't know how to use them, let alone realize they exist. We must undo the mass programming. Knowledge is power.

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The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Just make sure you’re not getting fake news from your health professionals.




que deben saber menos que el Losantos Iggy Pop
Que dice la derecha, que hay que obedecer siempre al amo/patronal.

¡Venga, no os hagáis los remolones e ir formando cola para el pinchazo letal!


Me nutre, me nutre mucho.
Negacionistas diciendo anónimamente en Burbuja "yo prefiero quedarme sin el trabajo que ponerme el veneno".

Mañana mismos os vais a inyectar el veneno


No se a quien pretendéis engañar.
Negacionistas diciendo anónimamente en Burbuja "yo prefiero quedarme sin el trabajo que ponerme el veneno".

Mañana mismos os vais a inyectar el veneno

Ver archivo adjunto 789770

No se a quien pretendéis engañar.
Yo he rechazado trabajos simplemente por tener que estar con la mascapolla puesta de contínuo. Imagínate si me exigen un test de cosa o pincharme la baba del diablo.....