SDR del FMI, moneda del NWO

Un patrón oro con reserva fraccional y descalce de plazos nos llevaría, tarde o temprano, a la misma situación en la que nos encontramos ahora.
Pistas sobre el NWO. Frase misteriosisima de pilinguin: pilinguin also said China and Russia will consider further steps in order to use national currencies in bilateral transactions.

  • Va a ligar las monedas nacionales al oro? China eso no se lo puede permitir y dudo que pilinguin quiera yuanes fiduciarios.
  • Va a presentar su nueva divisa conjunta China/Rusia respaldada en oro? Por ahi deberian ir los tiros..... y si entonces China se quita de encima sus dolares?

pilinguin Says Russia and China Must "Secure Gold" and FX Reserves | Zero Hedge

Russia and China need to ensure their gold and currency reserves are secure, Russia's President Vladimir pilinguin told journalists at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum according to Reuters.

"For us (Russia and China) it is important to deposit those (gold and currency reserves) in a rational and secure way," pilinguin said. "And we together need to think of how to do that keeping in mind the uneasy situation in the global economy."

pilinguin also said China and Russia will consider further steps in order to use national currencies in bilateral transactions.
Última edición:

info sobre la fuente


parece entrar a hacer analisis de este cambio monetario, un analisis que parece que nadie quiere hacer (mas alla de pilinguin compra oro y vende dolares) y deberia ser necesario para entender las consecuencias de hacia donde vamos.... no solo a nivel de "precio del oro".

La confrontación iniciada por Occidente y Japón contra los BRICS promete ser destructivo para la mayoría de los activos financieros, el oro en particular, excepto en un primer momento para los bonos del gobierno EE.UU. que podría recuperar gradualmente su nivel más alto niveles históricos

EE.UU., se convierten en una economía de la especulación y la manipulación generalizada beneficiando sólo un pequeño número de sus nacionales, mientras que la gran mayoría de ellos pobres, y la Unión Europea, se ha convertido en un mecanismo para la destrucción de su Naciones Unidas, sin ofrecer a sus ciudadanos una nueva oportunidad para la integración democrática o el crecimiento económico sostenible hundió lo que sus líderes dicen que la deflación, la caída de los salarios, la deuda, la parálisis económica y el desempleo masa, en definitiva, una crisis estructural tiene grandes posibilidades de acabar en una recesión global, ya que Japón no sale, se encuentra en un proceso de confrontación contra los BRICS. Que no encontrar una manera de estabilizar sus modelos dentro y fuera del desarrollo, tras asegurar a retirarse, se quedó sin fuerzas, o para inculcar en ellos las democracias representativas estables, exigiendo el reconocimiento de sus esfuerzos para aliviar la presión Interior de su pueblo.

Así que Occidente vio su liderazgo mundial para escapar, y los BRICS, incapaz de imponer sus demandas de una mejor distribución de la "torta" global no están de acuerdo sobre varios sujetos en lugar de negociar que les permite construir un consenso para su coexistencia pacífica. Sobre todo que el radicalismo religioso y el desplazamiento masivo de la población para mantener tanto en el Norte y el Sur, el Este y el Oeste, nueva inestabilidad crónica. Todo esto constituye la columna vertebral de un conflicto global entre Occidente y Japón, por un lado, y los demás BRICS, ya sean cuestiones geopolíticas y monetarias, económicas y sociales, sino también los valores de la civilización, que promete ser destructivo.

EE.UU., manteniendo una avances tecnológicos y militares y que se instala Mecanismos de manipulación global y globalizado de espionaje en su propio beneficio, sin embargo, luchan por mantener su dinero de monopolio y aumentar su participación en los mercados internacionales de comercio. Pero también su máximo control de las fuentes de energía y formas de extraer y luego ruta a través de sus principales empresas petroleras, que históricamente han sido los factores de la guerra. Para ello, los EE.UU., ya no es desde hace tiempo un estado democrático o un factor del orden internacional, no dude en crear y mantener todas las formas posibles de desestabilización y de conflicto con aliados como su adversarios, lo cual es también una constante en su historia. El problema es que ahora tienen frente a ellos China y Rusia, y pronto la India y otros países emergentes convertido en verdaderos poderes que están determinados a mantener su cabeza mientras la Unión Europea y Japón dijeron por vasallos EE.UU. fuera de la historia.

En Europa, la mayoría de los ciudadanos de la UE se abstuvieron en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo o, poniendo en práctica el adagio de que "Los políticos y los pañales tienen una cosa en común que debe ser cambiado regularmente, y por las mismas razones ", que votaron a favor de los separatistas-eurocritiques sólo están decididos a poner fin a la disminución de sus Estados-nación y el fracaso completo e irreversible de la integración europea y la moneda única la que intervienen, como antes la URSS ya no ser reformado, por lo que es importante para desmantelar sin perder más tiempo. Francia, por ejemplo, está en un estado de implosión entre la corrupción y la impotencia de su personal político llamado "gobierno" ( UMP-PS, UDI-Modem, verdes, etc.) cuya credibilidad ha llegado a cero, tal como lo fue en 1958, al final de la Cuarta República, pero no es el hombre más providencial como Charles de Gaulle a enderezar.

Si los franceses no volver a los fundamentos nacionales que hicieron de su tamaño y fuerza en su historia, que serán barridos ... porque en realidad su crisis no es ni económica ni social, es político y jovenlandesal (confiscación de la democracia y la independencia nacional, en particular, por su dinero falso "elite" que constituye la "parte extranjera", porque de haber renunciado a la dominación estadounidense de origen alemán, interesado sólo en su beneficio personal a corto plazo ). Esto no ocurriría sin convulsiones extremas para ellos y sus vecinos. Sin embargo, la "revolución" de los franceses frente al euro-globalización comienza no se limita a la aparición de la FN como "primer partido de Francia" (por cierto más sintomático que lleva verdadera alternativa sostenible debido a la falta de preparación actual de sus ejecutivos), pero sobre todo por la demanda de un archivo de valores nacionales de restauración de históricos por la mayoría de los franceses (y los votantes soberanistas juntos). Esto podría poner Francia de nuevo en marcha, siempre y cuando la clase llamado "gobierno" ahora, el hecho de que se demuestre la política, ser objeto de caza y encontró uno que reemplazará el sentido de interés nacional y los valores jovenlandesales. Además, en general, los que hacen la revolución no son los que corren a continuación (después de Robespierre, Napoleón allí ...). Holanda no va a terminar su presidencia y la mayoría de los actuales dirigentes de la UMP-PS (Sarkozy incluido) desaparecer debido a la creciente rechazo popular golpear o eliminación de los procesos judiciales.

Abstention, vote FN : pourquoi le peuple fait sécession
François Hollande ou l'ère du vide
Pour Bayrou, Hollande n'ira pas au terme de son mandat
UMP : menace juridique sur le triumvirat Fillon-Juppé-Raffarin - Le Nouvel Observateur
Bygmalion : nouvelles charges contre Copé, "impliqué jusqu'au cou" - Le Nouvel Observateur
Affaire Bygmalion: Copé charge Sarkozy - Challenges
UMP : Guillaume Peltier et ses formations à 20.000 euros - Le Nouvel Observateur
Volviendo a los mercados financieros, es un par de años que el dólar de EE.UU. se habría derrumbado si Japón y Suiza, del 2011-2012, ya que la zona euro ahora, no se había organizado Falls yen, franco suizo, y Ahora el euro, que dijo que el dólar EE.UU. apoyó artificialmente y continúan haciéndolo. Pero si la Reserva Federal de EE.UU. no había convencido a los otros bancos centrales occidentales para organizar la supresión de los precios del oro a fin de excluir el único activo que puede poner en peligro el sistema de monedas fiduciarias de papel flotando. Estos son los bancos centrales de Japón, Suiza y el dólar de EE.UU., que permiten mantener su valor monetario y su monopolio mundial. Y estos son los BRICS que quieren acabar con el exorbitante monetaria excepto EE.UU., donde el "frío" guerra sin cuartel que los EE.UU. entregarlos. El actual SMI podría durar, los bonos del gobierno poursuivrent EE.UU. a subir y el oro seguirá al colapso, pero un día se acabará todo. En nuestra opinión, todavía estamos muy lejos y que primero hay que pasar por un episodio violento que el doom-hiperinflacionaria (quien no entendió que estamos en año de deflación) tiene por fin la razón (siempre antes no se han arruinado en caso de un colapso del oro y otros activos supuestamente seguros).
Wednesday Report…Precious Metals..What Everybody Wants Nobody Gets | Rambus Chartology for Subscribers

General Market Chartology Mania
Barrick Gold Corporation's Future Looks Bleak - DailyFinance
Barclays Manipulated Gold as Soon as It Stopped Manipulating Libor - Bloomberg View
Barclays Fined For Manipulating Price Of Gold For A Decade; Sending "Bursts" Of Sell Orders | Zero Hedge
Como se muestra en el siguiente gráfico publicado por Rambus Chartology, oro, independientemente de la manipulación de la que es el objeto aumenta mecánicamente cuando el dólar de EE.UU. cayó y mecánicamente cuando el dólar EE.UU. se eleva. En el caso de que el BCE comenzaría una política cambiaria activa con el fin de reducir de manera significativa y sostenible el euro / dólar de EE.UU. (el principal paridad moneda global), el oro podría caer aún más para 1000 ... o incluso 700 USD a la oz (el costo promedio de producción)! Mientras que las acciones de las empresas mineras (la mayoría de ellos se han convertido en no rentable) colapsarían debido a sus sucesivos fracasos ...
Croissance : les illusions perdues de la zone euro.
l Draghi Convenes Retreat as ECB Contemplates New Horizon - Bloomberg
Moody's abaisse à «*négative*»* la perspective de 82 banques européennes

Chinese Currency Tumbles To 19-Month Lows As Bad Debts Hit 5 Year Highs | Zero Hedge

Investing for a China Crisis - Bloomberg View


Oro en dólares estadounidenses: opción gol 700 (diciembre de 2014) que descomponen el 1200 ... En esta ruptura de 1200, repostar pone que expira en diciembre de COMEX.


Se espera que las acciones de las compañías mineras a caer a 150 en el índice HUI (o incluso romper este apoyo lo que luego daría lugar a una situación de caos).


La pregunta ahora es cuánto tiempo va a gestionar los EE.UU. para evitar el desplome de sus mercados de valores sobrevaluados aumentado sus bonos del gobierno EE.UU. anuncio hace varios meses? Sobre todo a medida que más y más inversores de renta variable de Estados Unidos para entrar en bonos.

Over-heating stock markets raise crash antiestéticars - Telegraph
Kimble Charting Solutions Blog » 7-Year cycle suggest an important high in 2014?

Wall Street: 98 Risk of Crash This Year

When, Not If | Zero Hedge

Here Is The Mystery, And Completely Indiscriminate, Buyer Of Stocks In The First Quarter | Zero Hedge
What’s Propping-Up The Market? Behold, The Corporate Stock Buyback Ponzi—And Nearly All Borrowed! | David Stockman's Contra Corner

Thank You Record Stock Buybacks: Median CEO Comp Rises Over $10 Million For First Time | Zero Hedge

Goldman’s Cohn Says Inactive Trading Environment Is Abnormal - Bloomberg

'Great Rotation' Isn't From Bonds to Stocks, It's From Stocks to Bonds
Durante o después del accidente y acciones cuando el precio de los bonos del gobierno EE.UU. han alcanzado niveles tan altos que nadie va a querer comprar, entonces es probable que los EE.UU. se desató y el riesgo de que causen guerra "caliente" en vigor, tal como ocurrió en la guerra de 1930 ... que esta vez tendría todas las razones para perder (por dos razones, entre otras, la debilidad demográfica y la fragilidad inherente de su infraestructura electrónica e informática agrandada), pero el único progreso, aun si no se materializa, podría tener consecuencias dramáticas sobre todo el "mundo de las finanzas" nadie sabe lo que pasa ... es n "Desde hace tiempo no activo seguro, ni más ni manera de estar seguro de no arruinar colocando sus fondos, la inestabilidad y la manipulación de los precios se han convertido en global, de modo que es necesario, en términos de inversión, actuar en el corto plazo y ser tan móvil como sea posible.

Acerca de los bonos del gobierno EE.UU. (TLT o EE.UU. Bonos del Tesoro): se levantan mecánicamente (sin tener en cuenta el caso de acciones de choque que siguen siendo la mejor manera de protegerse a sí mismo), cuando los tipos de interés a medio y largo plazo declive EE.UU. Después de la instalación de un crecimiento económico cero y deflación. Para el caso de ultra probable donde los principales bancos centrales mantendrán (deflación requiere) su interés en corto plazo negativas o cercanas a cero, incluso durante las tasas de largo (no aunque sólo sea para reducir la carga de pago de las deudas del Estado), está claro que las tasas de interés en el mediano y largo plazo EE.UU. podría caer a niveles similares de la tasa de interés de corto plazo EE.UU.. Incluso podríamos ver una inversión de la curva de rendimiento ... Y en este caso, las obligaciones de Estados Unidos podría subir muy por encima de sus máximos de 2012 ... sobre todo si el BCE para bajar el euro impulsó al dólar EE.UU. bruscamente ...

Otras dos consideraciones abogan por menores tasas de interés en el mediano y largo plazo (bonos y, por tanto, más altas):

1 / debido a la globalización y la creciente apertura de las economías, los precios de los factores de producción (salarios, costos operativos e insumos, impuestos, etc). EE.UU., Europa y Japón tienden de acercarse el uno al otro y debe ser el mismo crédito de precios en estos tres jugadores para converger a un nivel medio de alrededor del 1%, de modo que la tasa de EE.UU. sigue siendo la más alta de los tres son ellos ese margen el mayor descenso (que es su más interesante para comprar bonos del gobierno);

Global Yields to 1%?
2 / FMI, el BPI y los bancos centrales EE.UU., Japón y Europa están comprometidos en una política de apoyo renovado de los bonos del gobierno EE.UU. (que son el tema principal de estas instituciones) cuando los BRICS parecen librar al favor del oro (que ni siquiera es seguro que los buenos especialistas informan a China para comprar bonos de Estados Unidos e incluso dejan sus compras-ventas-incluso sus reservas oro), debido a la alta confrontación actual entre grupos de Estados. Al principio, los actores principales siguen siendo los más poderosos, deberá llegar a garantizar estas obligaciones aumentan EE.UU. y el segundo es todavía marginal no debe ser capaz de estabilizar el precio del oro sigue siendo objeto de manipulación en hacia abajo (ya que los bancos centrales occidentales como bancos de oro).


Saxo Bank: 2014 Is The Year Of The Low | Zero Hedge

On the Future of Interest Rates | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM

Scotiabank Asks "Are Treasuries The Only Adult In The Room?" | Zero Hedge
Bond Surge Worldwide Drives Index Yield to One-Year Low - Bloomberg
Treasury 30-Year Bonds Head for Longest Winning Run Since 2006

Look to China for reasons behind strong demand for Treasuries - # axzz333DxRO12

The "Shocking" Buying Spree Of America's Mysterious Third Largest Treasury Holder Ramps Higher | Zero Hedge

Who Is The New Secret Buyer Of U.S. Debt? | Zero Hedge

They Called The Recession And Made A Killing On It -- And Say It Ain't Over Yet - Forbes
El siguiente gráfico TLT contra el reloj de oro que ha aumentado de manera constante desde 2011 (el más alto de oro) y no hay señales de cambio en esta tendencia podría continuar mucho tiempo.


Nos están invertidos principalmente en dólares de EE.UU. frente a las monedas europeas, moderadamente cortos en el oro y la plata en lingotes que los bancos centrales occidentales quieren que baje más agudamente en los índices de renta variable a corto EE.UU. muy sobrevalorados, pero con mayor fuerza a lo largo de en bonos del gobierno EE.UU. que quieren plantear.

Índice Dólar EE.UU.: Alcista (abajo cuádruple).


Bonos de Estados Unidos (TLT): Alcista (14% desde principios de 2014).


Las acciones de Estados Unidos Grandes capitalizaciones: doble techo?


Equidad Small Caps EE.UU.: bajista.


La brecha entre el crecimiento económico mundial y precios de las acciones es mayor que nunca a pesar de la contracción del comercio internacional, llevando bajo crecimiento provendrá de las instalaciones. ¿Por cuánto tiempo esta acciones sobrevaluadas puede durar?



Última edición:
Si Rusia liga el rublo al oro o al gas me monto mi negociete de rublos "blue"
Si Rusia liga el rublo al oro o al gas me monto mi negociete de rublos "blue"

Si rusia liga el rublo al oro..... no expulsa a china como partner conspiranoico contra el dolar?

no veo que ese sea el camino de rusia, a medio plazo, por mucho que se hable de ello

creo que es otro (voto mas por el descrito en este hilo)


Los usanos revolviendose contra sus estados

It's Not Just Europe; As Many As 16 California Counties May Seek Secession From The State | Zero Hedge

---------- Post added 05-jun-2014 at 04:08 ----------

The New World Order And The Rise Of The East | Zero Hedge

The New World Order And The Rise Of The East

Submitted by Brandon Smith of,

“Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge, which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it amowed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible…” – George Orwell, 1984

Nations, cultures and populations are best controlled through the use of false paradigms. This is a historically proven tactic exploited for centuries by oligarchs around the world. Under the Hegelian dialectic (the very foundation of the Marxist and collectivist ideology), one could summarize the trap of false paradigms as amows:

If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom, then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.

In other words: problem, reaction, solution. Two sides are pitted against each other in an engineered contest. Each side is led to believe that its position is the good and right position. Neither side questions the legitimacy of the conflict, because each side antiestéticars this will lead to ideological weakness and disunity.

The two sides go to war, sometimes economically, sometimes militarily. Both governments demand that individuals relinquish freedom, independence and self-reliance, a sacrifice that “must be made” so that victory can be achieved. In the end, neither nation nor society has truly won. The only winners are the oligarchs, who sing words of loyalty to their respective camps, while acting in league from the very beginning. The oligarchs, who never intended to target each other in the first place. Their target, their ONLY target, was the citizenry itself — the dumbfounded masses now mesmerized with shock, awe and terror.

The false paradigm method and the Hegelian dialectic are in full force today. Only a few years ago, Russia, China and the United States were considered close economic and political allies. Today, those alliances are being quickly scrapped in order to make room for conflict, a conflict useful only to a select international elite. As I have outlined in numerous articles, including Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too and False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency, when one looks beyond all the theatrical rhetoric being thrown around between Barack Obama and Vladimir pilinguin, the ultimate reality is that the relationship of both governments to the global banking elite is the same.

During both of Obama’s Presidential terms, he has flooded his cabinet with current and former employees of Goldman Sachs, a longtime proving ground for elitist financiers with globalist aspirations.

And who is the primary economic adviser to Vladimir pilinguin and the Russian state? Why Goldman Sachs, of course!

U.S. and European elites have been calling for a centralization of economic power under the control of the International Monetary Fund, as a well as a new global currency.

Not surprisingly, pilinguin also wants a new global currency under the control of the IMF.

Obama is closely advised by globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinski, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and cofounder of the Trilateral Commission, who in his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era states:

"The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty …[F]urther progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position…"

As long as he has been in power, pilinguin has been closely advised by Henry Kissinger, yet another member of the CFR and proponent of the Trilateral Commission, who has said:

"In the end, the political and economic systems can be harmonized in only one of two ways: by creating an international political regulatory system with the same reach as that of the economic world; or by shrinking the economic units to a size manageable by existing political structures, which is likely to lead to a new mercantilism, perhaps of regional units. A new Bretton Woods kind of global agreement is by far the preferable outcome…"

Both Kissinger and Brzezinski refer to this harmonized global economic and political structure as the “New World Order.” The fact that the political leaders of Russia and the United States are clearly being directed by such men should not be taken lightly.

China, too, has made demands for a restructuring of the global monetary system into a centralized currency basket under the dominance of the IMF.

China’s ties to the banking elite of London are well documented.

The call on both sides for a new monetary system and the end of the dollar as world reserve seems to greatly contradict the fantasy that the East and West are fundamentally at odds. The progression towards a world currency and/or economic governance also appears to be growing along with the consolidation of economic and military ties between Eastern nations. This would suggest that the rise of the East and the crippling of Western elements is actually advantageous to global bankers in the long term.

While disinformation agents and media shills have attempted to downplay any danger to the strength of America and the dollar, Eastern governments have been swiftly establishing alliances and decoupling from U.S. influence.

The historic 30-year Russia/China gas deal has, of course, been finalized. This deal is already eating up market space and influencing the way in which the energy trade traditionally behaves.

China and Russia have also expanded on their bilateral agreements made in 2010, which remove the dollar as the reserve currency in transactions between the two nations.

China’s thirst for gold continues, while the country is now building its own gold exchange to rival the U.S. Comex.

Russia has recently established what pilinguin calls the “Eurasian Economic Union,” a deal which includes Kazakhstan and Belarus, two countries that hold large, freshly discovered oil fields.

In response to the engineered conflict over Ukraine, as well as the “Asian-Pacific Pivot” by the U.S., China has openly called for a new security pact with Russia and Iran.

Let’s also not forget that China is set to surpass the U.S. as the world’s largest economy by 2016, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

While the rise of the East is being painted in Western circles as a threat to U.S. and NATO dominance, the bigger picture is being ****** from view. Yes, indeed, the consolidation of the East is a considerable threat to the dollar and the U.S. economy — most importantly in the event that China refuses to accept dollars as payment on exports and debts. With the world’s largest exporter/importer refusing to take dollars as a reserve, most nations will inevitably amow their lead. The argument against this development is, of course, that there is no rational trigger for such a violent fiscal attack. I would remind skeptics that there was no rational trigger for the current strengthened relations between Russia and China until the Ukraine crisis. Is anyone really foolish enough to bet against another direct or indirect conflict between NATO and the East? And is anyone really ignorant enough to assume that said event would not be used as an excuse to cut the legs out from under the dollar completely?

The New World Order players have positioned the East and West for just such a scenario. Why? In my article Who Is The New Secret Buyer Of U.S. Debt?, I give evidence indicating that the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF are preparing the financial world for a new global monetary system, brought into existence by a second Bretton Woods conference. The debasement of the dollar and the rise of the East are NOT obstacles to this plan. Rather, they are required factors. There can be no truly global economic system without “harmonization”, the demise of the dollar's world reserve status, and the end of sovereign economic governance.

For those who doubt this scenario, read Paul Volcker’s latest statement, as reported by Zero Hedge.

Volcker, the same man who was directly involved in the destruction of the first Bretton Woods agreement and the final death rattle of the gold standard, is now promoting a NEW Bretton Woods-style agreement in which currencies are pegged to a controlled market system — in essence, a centralized international monetary system. Volcker also suggests that a single nation-based reserve currency like the dollar may be a danger to overall fiscal health.

Volcker is right. The dollar-dominated forex casino and fiat fraud is a danger to the world. Volcker helped make it that way! And what a surprise, the former Federal Reserve chairman has a solution on a silver platter for the American people — all we need is GLOBAL centralization and bureaucratic oversight.

The propaganda is being carefully planted within the mainstream. Christine Lagarde of the IMF now spends the whole of her media interviews inserting the phrase “global economic reset” without explaining exactly what that would entail, while central banking elites like Volcker suggest a Bretton Woods II conference leading to a global monetary authority. In the meantime, Russian government-funded media outlets like RT produce pieces accusing the U.S. of being a nuclear menace while we Americans get to watch manipulative Hollywood films like “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit,” which depicts a Russian plot to collapse the U.S. economy. China and U.S. representatives squabble with each other at geopolitical meetings fueling antiestéticars of diplomatic breakdown, while the Pentagon "suggests" they may have to revamp their military strategies in consideration of yet another World War. Just as in Orwell's book, 1984, old enemies become allies and then enemies once again, and at the top of the pyramid, it's all a farce.

The best lies contain elements of truth. The truth here is that the East is forming alliances in opposition to the West, the West is involved in underhanded covert operations all over the planet, and both “sides” are in fact on the verge of a catastrophic battle for supremacy. The great lie is that important details have been left out of our little story. Both sides are merely puppet pieces in a grand game of global chess, and any conflict will ultimately benefit the small group of men standing over the board. They include the international financiers who have influenced the very policy fabric of each government toward a climactic crisis which they hope will finally give them the “New World Order” they have always dreamed of.
Última edición:
una de numeros sobre como esta el dolar:

12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Everyone Should Know | Zero Hedge

-$1,280,000,000,000 - Most people are really surprised when they hear this number. Right now, there is only 1.28 trillion dollars worth of U.S. currency floating around out there.

-$17,555,165,805,212.27 - This is the size of the U.S. national debt. It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$48,611,684,000,000 - This is the total exposure that Goldman Sachs has to derivatives contracts.

-$59,398,590,000,000 - This is the total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system. 40 years ago, this number was just a little bit above 2 trillion dollars.

-$70,088,625,000,000 - This is the total exposure that JPMorgan Chase has to derivatives contracts.

-$71,830,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the GDP of the entire world.

-$75,000,000,000,000 - This is approximately the total exposure that German banking giant Deutsche Bank has to derivatives contracts.

-$100,000,000,000,000 - This is the total amount of government debt in the entire world. This amount has grown by $30 trillion just since mid-2007.

-$223,300,000,000,000 - This is the approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world.

-$236,637,271,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the total exposure that the top 25 banks in the United States have to derivatives contracts. But those banks only have total assets of about 9.4 trillion dollars combined. In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 25 to 1.

-$710,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives contracts generally fall within this range. At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives exposure to global GDP is about 21 to 1.
pilinguin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad | Zero Hedge

Lo vi de casualidad en un tweet de Unai Gaz. Vale la pena leerlo
The Next Eleven

The Next Eleven

This article was written by JC Collins and originally published at

The expectations of the BRICS Development Bank being in direct competition with the World Bank is the largest argument made to support the case of the overthrow of the banking cabal and the implementation of a multipolar world leading to chaos and a huge surge in the price of gold and silver.

It has been my contention all along that the division between east and west has been illusionary and that all countries and financial institutions are reading from the same script as written by the Bank for International Settlements.

The BIS is the centralized organization which sets and enforces all central banks policies for all central banks in the world. The governor for the People’s Bank of China is on the executive board of the BIS and has openly called for the implementation of a multilateral financial system structured around a supra-sovereign SDR.

Make no mistake about it, this is what will happen. Which is why the World Bank has offered its full support to the BRICS Development Bank and Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov referred to the BRICS Bank as a “mini-IMF”.

The structure of the multilateral system is becoming more visible and is starting to look exactly like what has been described in the SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods series. Economic zones will be determined and new alliances with currencies regrouping into regional currency baskets with the supra-sovereign SDR acting as the macro of the currency baskets.

And with all eyes now focused on the BRICS and its official announcement of the Development Bank and currency stabilization fund, it is time to introduce another economic partnership which hasn’t yet been widely discussed.

This partnership is called the Next Eleven, or N11.

N11 is considered to be the next BRICS and include the amowing countries:

Bangladesh , Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea and Vietnam.

Within the micro N11 there is another partnership called MIKT. This macro partnership to the micro N11 consists of the amowing countries:

Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey.

Together the MIKT countries make up 73% of the total GDP of the N11.

Most readers will quickly recognize that all the countries, including BRICS and N11 are all countries which are moving aggressively or subtly away from the US dollar. And yet, all the countries have central banks which are controlled by the Bank for International Settlements and are being supported by the so-called western financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The French bank BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Bank along with BNP Paribas Asset Management have created an equities firm called EasyETF BNP Paribas. Easy ETF’s main purpose is to provide equity access to the markets of the N11 countries.

Of course BNP Paribas is the bank which America has attempted to charge with an absurd fine for doing business with Russia. As I’ve stated before these are only skirmishes along the road to the ultimate outcome of the multilateral system and SDR supra-sovereign currency.

Both groups of BRICS and N11 share the same purpose of balancing wealth around the world to ensure a true multilateral system is achieved. No new multilateral financial system can be effectively implemented if the majority of the wealth stays in the western world. The wealth most be balanced and shared but the people of the western world cannot awaken to the reality that the wealth they obtained on the backs of the undeveloped world will be willingly given back to the developing world. It must appear like the shift and transition happened as a natural flow of events and modernization.

The countries which make up the “opposing” organizations, BRICS and N11, were chosen for their macroeconomic stability, political maturity and openness with the rest of the world and each other.

America and its dollar funded war machine was used to establish central banks in all the countries of the world and now that that job has been completed America has become the problem and will be integrated into the larger socioeconomic world.

The fundamentals of base economics and the trending of financial data is no longer functioning on any level that is understood by analysis. But the world economy is not a ship lost at sea either. The chaos is orchestrated with masterful strokes and planning.

The BRICS Summit next week will offer some fantastic drama and ultimately the official announcement of the development bank and currency market stability fund. The currencies of all countries, including the Next Eleven, will benefit greatly from this stability fund and the New Exchange Rate System will begin to take shape.
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