¿Es la seguridad social un esquema Ponzi?


28 Mar 2007
Princesado de Asturias
Interesante reflexión del Bussinesweek sobre la viabilidad del sistema nacional de pensiones totalmente trasladable al modelo Español. Sobre todo me interesaron las conclusiones finales:

Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?

Posted by: Michael Mandel on December 28

(This is the first in a series on technology and the crisis)

In the aftermath of the Madoff implosion, quite a few people have pointed out the parallels between a Ponzi scheme and Social Security. Arnold Kling, whom I respect, has written:

I’ve been thinking that Madoff is a perfect analogy for the public sector. The government gives people money, which it expects to obtain by taking the money from people in the future. Even the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities, not known as a right-wing organization, sees the U.S. fiscal stance as unsustainable (pointer from Ezra Klein via Tyler Cowen)—in other words, a Ponzi scheme.​

Other people have gone farther. Paul Mulshine of the New Jersey Star Ledger wrote a column entitled “The Ponzi scheme that Baby Boomers are waiting to cash in on.” And Jim Cramer has called Social Security the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.

Superficially, these critics have a point, and there is a parallel between Social Security and a Ponzi scheme. But on a fundamental level, they are very wrong, and it’s worth explaining why.

First, the parallel. Social Security taxes current workers to pay Social Security benefits for current retirees. In other words, the new entrants into the Social Security system, the young workers, pay off the previous entrants, the older workers. And despite the fact you have a Social Security “account”, there is no necessary link between what you paid into the system in taxes, and what you receive.

That’s very similar to the structure of a Ponzi scheme, where new investors pay off the original investors. As long as enough new ‘victims’ are brought into the scheme, it keeps growing and growing. But when the new investors runs out, the Ponzi collapses. Analogously, the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances.

But there is one enormous difference between Social Security and a Ponzi scheme: Technological change. Over the past century, new technologies have enabled the output of the country to grow much faster than its population. To be more precise, the U.S. population has more than tripled since the early 1900s, while the U.S. economic output has gone up by more than 20 times.

This long track record of technology-powered growth has enabled the enormous rise in living standards in the U.S. and other developed countries. In fact, this increase in productivity—output per worker—is the key fact which gives us our way of life today.

Assuming that technological progress continues over the next 70 years, and output productivity growth continues over the next 70 years, the finances of Social Security are relatively easy to fix. A fairly minor cut in benefits, combined with a relatively small increase in taxes, will bring the system back into balance again. (the latest Social Security report projects a 75-year deficit of $4.3 trillion. That sounds like a lot of money, but over 75 years it’s roughly $60 billion a year…not chicken feed, but not overwhelming).

But here’s the rub. Ultimately our ability to make good on the “Ponzi-like” nature of Social Security depends on the continued march of technological progress—and in particular, innovation which boosts output and living standards. If we leave the younger generation a good legacy—a sound scientific and technological base, combined with an innovative and flexible economy and an educated workforce—then Social Security is not a Ponzi scheme. The economy grows, and there’s more than enough resources for everyone.

But if instead we—the current generation—invest in homes, flat-screen televisions and SUVs, then we don’t leave the next generation with the technological “seed corn” they need. If the technological progress slows, then Social Security does turn out to be Ponzi-like—with unfortunate consequences for everyone.

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La SS no es un esquema ponzi por la razón fundamental que he comentado mas arriba.
Además, La SS no puede quebrar NUNCA.
En el caso de que las aportaciones a la base disminuyan, por razones económicas o poblacionales, los que están en la "cúspide" de la supuesta pirámide, no pueden exigir el reintegro de su capital, lo que desmoronaría el sistema, sino que tienen que aceptar que se les remunere en la cuantia que la SS determine.
Puede haber un descenso de las prestaciones, incluso dramático, pero siempre habrá alguna y el sistema seguirá funcionando. En precario, pero funcionando.

Perdona y sin ánimo de ofender a estas horas de la mañana, ¿pero has leído lo que has escrito?

"tienen que aceptar que se les remunere en la cuantia que la SS determine"

Explícale eso a una pensionista de 65 años cuando su jubilación pase de 400€ mensuales a 150€ en 10 años más, a ver si lo entiende.

Es un esquema Ponzi como una catedral. El sistema se nutre de las aportaciones de los nuevos afiliados siguiendo un principio de solidaridad intergeneracional.

Este sistema, siendo un logro del Estado de Bienestar, es insostenible actualmente a largo e incluso a medio plazo me atrevería a afirmar. La solución: más endeudamiento público...espiral disoluta donde las halla.

Los Estados quiebran no veo porque la SS no pueda hacerlo en un futuro y no me digas que lo pone la ley, por favor, que ya somos mayorcitos.