*Tema mítico* : WALLSTREETBETS TO DA MOON! Hold Paco, Hold.


4 Abr 2020
42% del float en corto, segun bloomberg
Hay una desinformación y manipulación bestial.

Segun dicen en reddit el dato de 42% que dio bloomberg a los pocos minutos de cerrar, es sospechoso.El dato que tenía que dar el organismo oficial se retrasó varias horas, algo que por lo visto nunca antes había pasado.

Los datos que manejan por allí son:

72% del total de flotación media
117% del flotador disponible

No se si son ciertos ni lo que significan.



16 Nov 2017
Madre de dios!

Pero como dejan apalancarse así a la gente


Repito por enésima vez: son mundos donde ves lo peor del ser humano. Pero en serio, lo peor, sin alma. Te puedes preguntar cómo es posible que dejaran a cualquiera el jugar en ese casino de esa manera, te puedes preguntar como pueden impedirte jugar en cualquier momento, te puedes preguntar sobre los CM me gusta la fruta mintiendo arrastrando a los foreros solitarios a sus hezs, te puedes preguntar mil cosas.

Pero es cuando realmente lo sientes cuando un escalofrío recorre tu espalda. Tu vida no vale nada. Nada. Para ellos eres solo alguien a quien devorar, no hay empatia alguna, es algo muy oscuro, muy orate.

Yo lo he visto en el mundo corporativo. Ni los etnianos que me venden la drojaina son asi.


16 Nov 2017
Si yo fuera vosotros me centraría ya en Robin Hood, pidiendo la cabeza de ese me gusta la fruta, porque hicieron su agosto permitiendo a todo niñato el hacerse trader, pero solo mientras perdieran. Como se ha podido ver, en pleno short squeeze del fondo que les paga, cortaron el juego de un tajo. Porque podian haber limitado el número de acciones a comprar, o el capital a invertir, etc.., el Lobo de Wall Street lo explicaba muy bien, hay muchas opciones para evitar que nadie meta ahi hasta los calzoncillos, soluciones intermedias, pero cortar de raiz las compras fue muy feo.

Porque las cortaron de raiz. Sin embargo, a estos pobres desgraciados y otros tantos que no saldrán en las noticias, les permitieron apalancarse todo lo que quisieron. Ahora que les lloren sus familias.


16 Nov 2017
Si, con la subida que ha pegado mi cartera en cryptos me van a preocupar mucho los poco más de 600 eur. que llevo palmados en GME.... meparto:

Los videojuejos tienen un gran futuro, y por lo menos cobraré un buen dividendo.

Así que continuo HODLeando y LOLeando.

A mí me parece muy bien mientras no engañes a nadie. No va a haber otro short squeeze to the moon, ya pasó, y el que entre debe saber que no ha ocurrido nada extraordinario salvo que el squeeze ha sido iniciado desde un foro de Reddit, o ha adquirido potencia desde Reddit, nunca sabremos quien estaba realmente detrás.

Si no engañas, si te mantienes por los motivos personales que quieras, me parece muy bien.

Israel Gracia

2 Oct 2019
Investigador CNI
Stormer diario

Familia de inversionista de 20 años demanda a la aplicación Robinhood y los culpa por el suicidio
Andrew Anglin 10 de febrero de 2021

Es casi como si estos teléfonos pudieran dominar la voluntad humana.
RT :
La familia de un inversionista de Robinhood que se quitó la vida el año pasado demandó a la plataforma, alegando que engañó al joven de 20 años haciéndole creer que tenía una deuda de casi $ 1 millón y que "tácticas imprudentes" lo llevaron directamente a su muerte.
Presentada en la Corte Superior del Condado de Santa Clara en California el lunes, la demanda de 30 páginas de la familia de Alex Kearns acusa a la aplicación de comercio en línea de atraer a un inversionista joven e inexperto a transacciones que "no entendió" y engañarlo haciéndole creer que había incurrido. cientos de miles de dólares en obligaciones a través de la plataforma.
“'¿Cómo pudo un joven de 20 años sin ingresos recibir un apalancamiento por valor de casi $ 1 millón?' Estas fueron las últimas palabras escritas conocidas de Alex Kearns, de 20 años, antes de que montara su bicicleta hasta un cruce de ferrocarril y corriera frente a un tren que se aproximaba ”, escribió la familia Kearns en el expediente judicial, agregando“ Los únicos con el La respuesta a la pregunta de Alex son los demandados Robinhood Markets Inc., Robinhood Financial LLC y Robinhood Securities LLC ".
La conducta imprudente [de Robinhood] causó directa e inmediatamente la muerte de una de sus víctimas. La angustia y el suicidio de esta víctima era previsible. De hecho, era casi inevitable que un evento como este ocurriera como resultado de un comportamiento tan imprudente ".
¿Te preguntas sobre la frecuencia de parpadeo de la iluminación de los teléfonos?
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si podría usarse para hipnotizar a alguien?
¿Qué pasa con las ondas electromagnéticas que los teléfonos emiten constantemente?
¿Podría eso afectar nuestras ondas cerebrales?
Este es un titular de Scientific American en 2008:

Este es el primer párrafo:
Los hospitales y los aviones prohíben el uso de teléfonos móviles porque sus transmisiones electromagnéticas pueden interferir con los dispositivos eléctricos sensibles. ¿Podría el cerebro caer también en esa categoría? Por supuesto, todos nuestros pensamientos, sensaciones y acciones surgen de la bioelectricidad generada por neuronas y transmitida a través de complejos circuitos neuronales dentro de nuestro cráneo. Las señales eléctricas entre las neuronas generan campos eléctricos que se irradian fuera del tejido cerebral como ondas eléctricas que pueden ser captadas por electrodos que tocan el cuero cabelludo de una persona. Las mediciones de tales ondas cerebrales en los EEG proporcionan una visión poderosa de la función cerebral y una valiosa herramienta de diagnóstico para los médicos. De hecho, las ondas cerebrales son tan fundamentales para el funcionamiento interno de la mente que se han convertido en la definición legal definitiva que marca la línea entre la vida y la muerte.
Quizás investiguemos esto más a fondo en el futuro.
El hecho es que la forma en que todos se han vuelto completamente locos de una vez y solo unos pocos de nosotros somos conscientes de ello es simplemente incomprensible.

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Red Star

19 Ene 2020

TLDR: Naked shorting appears prevalent in GME, and if true was likely aided by DTCC, whom by extension may have shut down the short squeeze on 1/28 because it would've caused a massive scandal had the squeeze happened. I know ape can't read but I implore you to read the whole thing (originally wasn't going to add a TLDR but decided to add it just so more people will read even just a little bit)
I was doing some research on naked shorting in the context of GME which led me down a rabbit hole of pieces connecting with each other as it relates to GME. I was taking notes while reading and below are the results of my notes. This is still a hypothesis and theory but appears supported by numerous pieces of the puzzle, I could be wrong but personally the pieces seem clear to me now:
One of the interesting things about GME and a big part of what triggered the short squeeze happening is the extraordinarily large short interest percentage reported by Finra to be 226%, and later in the range of 150% percent of total float. Another interesting factor is the extraordinarily high number of FTIDs (Where are the Shares?). Both are strong indicators of the practice of naked short selling which in general is illegal. In addition there have been many indications that there are far more shares out there then should exist (there are many analysis and data points pointing to this but just one example: ). Where do these shares come from? One potential explanation is synthetic long shares (created via a loophole described here ) or counterfeit shares caused by naked shorting.
I’m an entrepreneur, not a finance expert, so I started doing some more digging on naked short selling to educate myself more on the subject. I started with this Key Points About Regulation SHO. “Failures to deliver may result from either a short or a long sale. There may be legitimate reasons for a failure to deliver. For example, human or mechanical errors or processing delays can result from transferring securities in physical certificate rather than book-entry form, thus causing a failure to deliver on a long sale within the normal three-day settlement period. A fail may also result from “naked” short selling.”
Interesting. We have a consistent and very high rate of FTIDs dating from 2020 and beyond, an indicator that the stock has potentially been naked shorted for a long time.
According to former Chairman of the SEC Christopher Cox, “Abusive naked short sales... can be used as a tool to drive down a company's stock price to the detriment of all of its investors. The Commission is particularly concerned about persistent failures to deliver in the market for some securities that may be due to loopholes in the Commission's Regulation SHO, adopted just two years ago… Selling short without having stock available for delivery, and intentionally failing to deliver stock within the standard three-day settlement period, is market manipulation that is clearly violative of the federal securities laws… We are particularly concerned about the potential negative effect that substantial and persistent fails to deliver may be having on the market in some securities. Specifically, these fails to deliver can deprive shareholders of the benefits of ownership - voting, lending, and dividends from issuers. Moreover, they can be indicative of abusive naked short selling, which could be used as a tool to drive down a company's stock price. (Source: https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/2006/spch071206cc2.htm)
In a different speech Mr Cox re-iterated that short selling helps prevent "irrational exuberance and bubbles. But when someone fails to borrow and deliver the securities needed to make good on a short position, after failing even to determine that they can be borrowed, that is not contributing to an orderly market – it is undermining it.” Mr Cox also “referred to "the serious problem of abusive naked short sales” as “a tool to drive down a company's stock price" and that the SEC is "concerned about the persistent failures to deliver in the market for some securities that may be due to loopholes in Regulation SHO" (which reminds me of this piece I wrote ) (source for SEC Chairman’s words: Public Statement by SEC Chairman: Naked Short Selling Is One Problem a Slumping Market Shouldn't Have (Op-Ed for the Investor's Business Daily, July 18, 2008))
As another datapoint, Robert J. Shapiro, former undersecretary of commerce for economic affairs has claimed that naked short selling has cost investors $100 billion and driven 1,000 companies into the ground. (Source: This was originally in a time magazine article from 2005 which was deleted https://time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1126706-3,00.html but the statement still exists in record in an SEC Filing from 2008 https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-170.htm)
I also read ‘One complaint about naked shorting from targeted companies is that the practice dilutes a company's shares for as long as unsettled short sales sit open on the books. This has been alleged to create "phantom" or "counterfeit" shares, sometimes going from trade to trade without connection to any physical shares, and artificially depressing the share price’”. Shortly after, I read that Matt Taibbi contended the use of naked shorting and counterfeit shares was the tactic used to help kill both Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers. Taibbi said that the two firms got a "push" into extinction from "a flat-out counterfeiting scheme called naked short-selling". (Source: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/30481512/wall_streets_naked_swindle)
All these sources above seem to support the theory that GME stock was wildly naked shorted, which put funds in the risk of being badly short squeezed. If investing on the basis of the extraordinarily high short interest percentage, GME was a prime candidate for a short squeeze to happen -- potentially even an infinite short squeeze. On 1/26 Elon tweeted about Gamestop and that was the day the stock entered the mainstream for a lot of people and retail investors began to really pile on to the stock outside of WSB. The goal of this was to push the stock price up and trigger a short squeeze, the theorized losers would be the funds that naked shorted and would be stuck in the squeeze.
On 1/28 Thursday when the stock had immense momentum from the moment pre-trading started (the stock shot up to 513 in pre-trading) and it looked like the squeeze was going to happen that day, the momentum was suddenly shut down when Robinhood (where many or potentially majority of retail investors were on) were shut off from the ability to buy GME stock and only allow selling, amowed by several other brokers. Many believe this was a result of collusion and that this shut down allowed badly besieged hedge funds to close some positions while the public was shut out of buying (but funds were not.) When this happened people were upset at Robinhood suspecting it was a result of potential collusion between Robinhood and Citadel (which along with Point72 invested a lifeline of 2.5 billion to Melvin Capital, one of the short side funds, and is also responsible for something like 40% of Robinhoods entire revenue by buying their order books), but many also speculated collusion with DTCC itself. Now, personally speaking, its kind of crazy to think about DTCC being complicit in something like this. However, looking into the details of what happened, a skeptical part of me became suspicious.
Apparently what triggered the shut down on trading GME on that day was DTCC sending a letter at 4 am to Robinhood requiring them to come up with 3 billion dollars (The real story behind Robinhood's decision to restrict GameStop trading—and that 4am call to put up $3 billion) . So it sounds like it was essentially this DTCC letter that led to the shut down of the momentum on GME and the short squeeze happening. On that day, there were theories thrown out that DTCC was potentially complicit in the naked short selling of GME and intentionally did this to stem the massive blow back/scandal if an infinite short squeeze did happen. Assuming the price of share of the price rocketed to 1000 or beyond (which would be likely in the event of a short squeeze or infinite short squeeze), hedge funds would likely go bankrupt as financially speaking there would be no way they would be able to cover all their shorts, and presumably entities that lent the short side hedge fund the shares to short would be holding the bag. Worse, DTCC would be exposed for being complicit in this entire thing, I imagine it would be an incredible scandal to say the least.
Then I read something that caught my eye… DTCC has had a history of being at the center and source of naked shorts. From an article dating back to 2007, “Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. is a little-known institution in the nation's stock markets with a seemingly straightforward job: It is the middleman that helps ensure delivery of shares to buyers and money to sellers. About 99% of the time, trades are completed without incident. But about 1% of the shares -- valued at about $2.5 billion on a given a day -- aren't delivered to the buyer within the requisite three days, for one reason or another. These "failures to deliver" have put DTCC in the middle of a long-running fight over whether unscrupulous investors are driving down hundreds of small companies' share prices.” (Source: Blame the 'Stock Vault'?)
Apparently the DTCC has been known to be allowing or complicit in this action for a very long time. According to Wall Street Journal “There is no dispute that illegal naked shorting happens. The fight is over how prevalent the problem is -- and the extent to which DTCC is responsible. Some companies with falling stock prices say it is rampant and blame DTCC as the keepers of the system where it happens. DTCC and others say it isn't widespread enough to be a major concern.” (Source: Blame the 'Stock Vault'?).
"It has been alleged in tens or hundreds of lawsuits that the DTCC and its Prime Broker owners have abused their monopoly position to create numerous techniques that allow for the creation of counterfeit shares through naked shorting that facilitate stock manipulation by hedge funds. Law suits have been brought against Merrell. Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, UBS, other market makers and also the DTCC. The Prime Brokers and DTCC have fought back ferociously against these lawsuits with great success and have been largely successful in blocking attempts to gain access to their transaction data bases. The information that they do release is incomplete, self-serving and misleading. (Source: Part 3 in Series on Illegal Naked Shorting’s Role in Stock Manipulation – Prime Brokers and the DTCC Have a Troubling Monopoly on Clearing and Settling Stock Trades | Expert Financial Analysis and Reporting | Smith on Stocks)
As a thought experiment, lets say naked shorting is rampant in GME (many many indicators point to this) and lets say DTCC was ultimately responsible for allowing a wide scale naked shorting campaign on GME, wouldn’t it be in their best interest to make sure this doesn’t get out and blow up in their faces? Something to consider. Because had they not done what they did on 1/28 Thursday, many traders believe the squeeze would’ve happened that day.
From the Wall Street Journal: “The Securities and Exchange Commission has viewed naked shorting as a serious enough matter to have made two separate efforts to restrict the practice. The latest move came last month, when the SEC further tightened the rules regarding when stock has to be delivered after a sale. But some critics argue the SEC still hasn't done enough… Some delivery failures linger for weeks or months. Until that failure is resolved, there are effectively additional shares of a company's stock rattling around the trading system in the form of the shares credited to the buyer's account, critics say. This "phantom stock" can put downward pressure on a company's share price by increasing the supply… Critics contend DTCC has turned a blind eye to the naked-shorting problem.” (source: Blame the 'Stock Vault'?)
From everything I’ve seen, as someone who has been an observer and a participant of this saga starting from 1/26, many things look very fishy and there are a lot of red flags people have documented. I personally hold the amowing hypothesis:
  • GME shorts engaged in rampant naked shorting which lead to the short interest of the stock being 221% and 150% at various times, and as late as 1/28 reported by S3 to be 122%
  • GME shorts potentially hid their positions via a loophole of generating synthetic longs (https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreet...ence_points_to_gme_shorts_not_having_covered/) and using those to “cover” their positions but not truly covering, which is illegal to cover using this particular method, and which has the effect of delaying the short needing to be closed, potentially betting on retail investors to lost interest and price to go back down before they truly close
  • As a result of naked shorting a large amount of counterfeit shares are floating in the market leading to there being far more GME shares then the actual float
  • The counterfeit shares can/have been used in aggressive naked short attacks to further drive down the price of GME, which may have led to the precipitous price drop starting last Monday and which may have also been aided by if they were able to artificially cover their shorts using synthetic long shares
  • Due to the widespread naked shorting that all signs are pointing to, DTCC which has had history of being accused of turning a blind eye to naked shorts, may’ve turned a blind eye to the rampant naked shorting happening in GME
  • There was potentially collusion on 1/28 to stop the short squeeze from happening whereby DTCC may be involved and may be implicated had the squeeze happened due to the position of naked shorts, it would have been an unbelievable scandal if exposed.

Edit 1: Someone asked "so what’s the current short position? Looks like they some how covered?"
Pasting my response below because I'd like people to see:
I've heard people say 78%, thats still a high number, but personally I made the decision not to care about this percentage from the short interest report released today. Correct me if I'm wrong, that number is generated from data hedge funds submit and hedge funds in this context have every incentive to submit data that would favor their current position. Apparently the fine they get for submitting false is nothing more than a slap on the wrist/a small fine. I also believe hedge funds may have covered some shorts illegally using a loophole to generate synthetic longs to cover with, more on that on my post here. In addition, there seems to have been some fuckery (I recommend you give this a read) with short interest numbers lately so for those reasons I don't place much trust in the current reported short number, and believe the real short interest percentage could be much higher.
Edit 2: A compelling theory put forth by someone on what the 800 dollar calls were for and how they could be used to cancel out naked shorts includes data/graphs, recommend giving it a read
Edit 3: If you want to read more about counterfeiting stock this is a good place to start http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html


Será en Octubre
6 Sep 2006
La aplicación de bolsa estadounidense Robinhood ha sido demandada por la familia de un joven de 20 años que se suicidó el año pasado al pensar que había acumulado una deuda de más de 730.000 dólares en la plataforma y no obtener ayuda del servicio de atención al cliente, informaron este martes medios locales.

Alex Kearns se suicidó el pasado verano tras invertir sus ahorros en opciones apalancadas en Robinhood y ver un gran saldo negativo, sin entender la información financiera de esta popular aplicación de corretaje sin comisiones e intentando proteger a su familia, según la demanda interpuesta por sus padres y hermana en un tribunal de California.
Pobre muchacho. Ni siquiera entendía lo que eran las opciones (perdía lo pagado pero no tenía que ejecutar el saldo negativo).

Esto de "democratizar" la Bolsa suena muy bonito pero es en realidad un chupadero de dinero de gente -muchas veces humilde- a manos de los poderosos.

Propio de EE.UU. dicho sea de paso, donde no tienen ningún empacho en sacarte el dinero que llevas en la billetera.

Un síntoma de épocas desordenadas y absurdas. Parecen "graciosas" pero no lo son.

Aquí todas son bromas y chascarrillos porque nadie perdió mucho dinero y se dan por bien pagados con las risas de estos días... pero no duden que en EE.UU. ha de haber unos cuantos que si han perdido un dinero "que duele".

Puede que algún Fondo haya perdido algo de dinero (cosa que dudo porque tuvieron TIEMPO DE SOBRA gracias a los "holders" de calzar operaciones y enjugar sus pérdidas), pero lo cierto es que, cuando pase todo este baile, lo que tenemos es un montón de millonarios con MAS MILLONES y cientos de miles de personas con mil dólares menos (promedio) en el bolsillo.

¿De cuánto habrá sido la transferencia total de dinero de los bolsillos de "holders" a los de los millonarios ?

No menos de 200 millones de dólares y puede que mucho más. Quizás 500 millones.

Si hubieran comprado juegos en GameStop por ese monto al menos hubieran mejorado los fundamentales de la empresa. Hoy ese dinero está en manos de "tiburones" de Wall Street y les servirá para pagar más pilinguis y champagne.

Al menos las pilinguis caras también se harán su Agosto. :rolleyes: