Es como si aquí cuando la peseta estaba devaluada, a fuerza de llorar y amenazar con suicidarse, se recuperase. Ver para creer. Ojalá toda la economía fuera asín.
Mi perro cuando se golpea con un objeto por accidente le ladra y en siguientes ocasiones lo esquiva
Con otros animales también ocurre según cuentan. Pero veo que con los inversores en shitcoins no es así
Interesante video. Básicamente dice que hay que resetear LUNA a 1 billón (americano) de tokens y repartirlo a 40% a los que tenían LUNA y UST antes de la caida y 10% a los que han comprado después:
Validators should reset the network ownership to 1B tokens, distributed among:

  • 400M (40%) to Luna holders before the depegging event (last $1 tick before the depeg on Binance should be reasonable), bLuna, LunaX and Luna held in contracts should also be recipients, minus the Terraform Labs account at terra1dp0taj85ruc299rkdvzp4z5pfg6z6swaed74e6. The new chain should be community owned. Preserving decent ownership of the network in its strongest believers and builders is important.
  • 400M (40%) to UST holders pro-rata at the time of the new network upgrade. UST holders need to be made whole as much as possible
  • 100M (10%) to Luna holders at the final moment of the chain halt – last minute marginal luna buyers should be compensated for their role in attempting to provide stability for the network
  • 100M (10%) to the Community Pool to fund future development.
  • All Luna besides the third tranche should be staked at the network genesis state.
  • The network should incentivize its security with a reasonable inflation rate, say 7%, as fees will no longer be enough to pay for security without the swap fees.

Osea que los trillones de tokens que se han generado estos días solo equivaldrán al 10% de los tokens finales.

Pues no suena mal

Puede recuperar la confianza con un mercado alcista si tiene a los exchanges detrás

Habra que ver cómo recuperan el peg y que no se pongan a imprimir otra vez como locos
Esto me recuerda a citigroup en la crisis subprome
Interesante video. Básicamente dice que hay que resetear LUNA a 1 billón (americano) de tokens y repartirlo a 40% a los que tenían LUNA y UST antes de la caida y 10% a los que han comprado después:
Validators should reset the network ownership to 1B tokens, distributed among:

  • 400M (40%) to Luna holders before the depegging event (last $1 tick before the depeg on Binance should be reasonable), bLuna, LunaX and Luna held in contracts should also be recipients, minus the Terraform Labs account at terra1dp0taj85ruc299rkdvzp4z5pfg6z6swaed74e6. The new chain should be community owned. Preserving decent ownership of the network in its strongest believers and builders is important.
  • 400M (40%) to UST holders pro-rata at the time of the new network upgrade. UST holders need to be made whole as much as possible
  • 100M (10%) to Luna holders at the final moment of the chain halt – last minute marginal luna buyers should be compensated for their role in attempting to provide stability for the network
  • 100M (10%) to the Community Pool to fund future development.
  • All Luna besides the third tranche should be staked at the network genesis state.
  • The network should incentivize its security with a reasonable inflation rate, say 7%, as fees will no longer be enough to pay for security without the swap fees.

Osea que los trillones de tokens que se han generado estos días solo equivaldrán al 10% de los tokens finales.
Osea que yo tengo 900000. Me quedaría con 90000. No está mal, dependiendo el precio vaya.
Un halo de esperanza para el pavo de reddit que ha palmado 450k, que alguien le diga que hodlee un poco mas. tragatochos