Territorio Lovecraft, Nueva Serie de HBO con contenido y mensaje absoluto NWO

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Precisamente. El nuevo Lovecraft NOM. Si pusieran a un Lovecraft neցro seria el golpe definitivo para ajustarle las cuentas, sometiendo su obra. La verdad sea dicha, los blancos también salen vapuleados en varias de sus historias maduras. En esta versión parece que aprovechan esta veta. Pero esta ambientada cómo en finales de los años cuarenta o primeros 1950.

Y yo diría que anglofilo. A los alemanes por la propaganda de la Primera Guerra Mundial los caricaturiza bastante en "El Templo", aunque en algún momento deje traslucir admiración.

Sí, sobre todo era angófilo, pero desde la perspectiva de considerar a los anglos como parte de lo germánico. Y especialmente en su aristocracia, en la que veía la máxima pureza de su raza (siguiendo a Gobineau).

Quédate con este pequeño párrafo de Lovecraft publicado en The Conservative ("The crime of the century") de 1915.


That the maintenance of civilization rests today with that magnificent Teutonic stock which is represented alike by the two hotly contending rivals, England and Germany, as well as by Austria, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium, is as undeniably true as it is vigorously disputed. The Teuton is the summit of evolution. That we may consider intelligently his place in history we must cast aside the popular nomenclature which would confuse the names "Teuton" and "German", and view him not nationally but racially, identifying his fundamental stock with the tall, pale, blue-eyed, yellow-haired, long-headed, "Xanthochroi" as described by Huxley, amongst whom the class of languages we call "Teutonic" arose, and who today constitute the majority of the Teutonic-speaking population of our globe.

Though some ethnologists have declared that the Teuton is the only true Aryan, and that the languages and institutions of the other nominally Aryan races were derived alone from his superior speech and customs; it is nevertheless not necessary for us to accept this daring theory in order to appreciate his vast superiority to the rest of mankind.

Tracing the career of the Teuton through mediaeval and modern history, we can find no possible excuse for denying his actual biological supremacy. In widely separated localities and under widely diverse conditions, his innate racial qualities have raised him to preeminence. There is no branch of modern civilization that is not of his making. As the power of the Roman empire declined, the Teuton sent down into Italy, Gaul, and Spain the re-vivifying elements which saved those countries from complete destruction. Though now largely lost in the mixed population, the Teutons are the true founders of all the so-called Latin states. Political and social vitality had fled from the old inhabitants; the Teuton only was creative and constructive. After the native elements absorbed the Teutonic invaders, the Latin civilizations declined tremendously, so that the France, Italy, and Spain of today bear every mark of national degeneracy.

In the lands whose population is mainly Teutonic, we behold a striking proof of the qualities of the race. England and Germany are the supreme empires of the world, whilst the virile virtues of the Belgians have lately been demonstrated in a manner which will live forever in song and story. Switzerland and Holland are veritable synonyms for Liberty. The Scandinavians are immortalized by the exploits of the Vikings and Normans, whose conquests over man and Nature extended from the sun-baked shores of Sicily to the glacial wastes of Greenland, even attaining our own distant Vinland across the sea. United States history is one long panegyric of the Teuton, and will continue to be such if degenerate immigration can be checked in time to preserve the primitive character of the population.