Tambores de guerra IV

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Leon S. Kennedy

7 Jul 2011
israel contará con un mando conjunto de operaciones especiales

Analysis: 'Depth Corps' a sign of regional thr... JPost - Defense

Analysis: 'Depth Corps' a sign of regional threats
12/18/2011 02:11

New IDF command will work with special operations units, oversee their covert operations.

The lesson that can be learned from the IDF’s announcement on Thursday night that it is establishing a strategic corps for operations deep in enemy territory is an indication of the type of war Israel expects it will face – one that is long and difficult and which cannot be won by simply fighting along the borders.

The “Depth Corps” as it is called in Hebrew, will oversee operations by special forces in an effort to enable each unit – Sayeret Matkal, Shaldag and Flotilla 13 – to retain their unique capabilities, but at the same time operate in better coordination and with less competition.

Iran embarking on ambitious $1b. cyber-warfare program
Iran says it arrests another CIA spy

Head of the corps will be Maj.-Gen. (res.) Shai Avital, a former commander of Sayeret Matkal, who has been out of the IDF for over a decade. His expertise in deep covert operations as well as his friendship with Defense Minister Ehud Barak helped him land the post.

The establishment of the new corps has been under consideration for the past decade in the IDF but was repeatedly pushed off due to more pressing issues.

What has changed is the nature of the threat that Israel faces, which requires elite units to operate far from Israel and deep within enemy territory.

With a possible confrontation looming on the horizon with Iran, some in the IDF are already calling Avital the commander of the “Iran Command,” or at least something along the lines of the the US military’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) which is led by Adm. William McRaven, the officer who oversaw the operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden earlier this year.

The corps’ job will be split into two categories. It will firstly work with special forces and at times oversee their covert operations which could be against arms smuggling to Hezbollah and Hamas, or directly against Iran and its nuclear facilities.

While Israel’s special forces have had some spectacular successes in recent years – most of which cannot be publicized – there has been a feeling within the General Staff already since the Second Lebanon War that the units could do more if they worked closer together and if there was better coordination between their respective branches.

The current situation, under which the air force is in command of Shaldag, Military Intelligence in command of Sayeret Matkal and the navy in command of Flotilla 13 (also known as the Shayetet), will remain, but some of the operations will now be directed by Avital, who will be subordinate to Gantz.

The corps’ second role will be overseeing larger-scale military operations deep in enemy territory, whether in places like Lebanon and Syria.

While each of these fronts has a regional command responsible for it, the Northern Command is set up to operate until a certain line in Lebanon and Syria, and not farther. The same is the case with the Southern Command in Sinai.

The problem is that in a future war, the presence of Hezbollah’s new long-range missiles inside Lebanon could require the IDF to operate deeper inside the country, and not just in the south like it did in the summer of 2006.

If, for example, war breaks out with Syria and the IDF wants to launch a joint air force-infantry-naval operation north of Damascus, Avital and his new corps will play a key role in directing those forces.

The growing concern within the IDF about the possible regional changes that could evolve out of Syria, Egypt and even Iraq contributed to the decision to establish Avital’s new corps. As one senior officer explained: “We build capabilities to provide solutions in uncertain situations.”

Leon S. Kennedy

7 Jul 2011
Iran says it arrests another CIA... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Iran says it arrests another CIA spy
12/17/2011 14:44

Unidentified Iranian arrested for spying for US; Iran indicts 15 people for spying for US, Israel.

TEHRAN - Iranian authorities said on Saturday they had arrested an Iranian caught spying for the United States, the Islamic Republic's latest claim of success in a spying war with Washington.

State TV quoted the Intelligence Ministry as saying the arrested person had received training at US bases in neighboring Afghanistan and Iraq and was meant to feed false information to Iranian intelligence.

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"This CIA agent of Iranian nationality began his mission after receiving training in weapons use," the ministry said in a statement quoted on television.

"But he was identified by Iranian intelligence agents and his espionage missions were revealed."

He was supposed to launch his mission from Bagram base in Afghanistan, the intelligence ministry report said, but Iranian intelligence agents helped him enter Iran and later arrested him.

Current and former US officials told Reuters in November that Iran had succeeded in uncovering the identities of several CIA informants.

Iran said in May it had arrested 30 people on suspicion of spying for the United States and last Tuesday 15 people were indicted for spying for the US and Israel. Spying in Iran can be punishable by death.

On Dec. 4, Iran announced it had downed a US spy plane in the eastern part of the country, near Afghanistan. It has since shown the plane on television and said it is close to cracking its technological secrets.

The United States is leading diplomatic efforts to tighten sanctions on Iran which it accuses of seeking nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies. The US and Israel say they do not rule out making strikes on Iran's nuclear sites.


Será en Octubre
20 Feb 2008
Los iraníes, también se dedica a repartir ¿cizaña?. Por medio de PressTV, dicen que, Qatar y EE.UU. están planeando derrocar a la monarquía saudí e instalar un gobierno pro-occidental


Osease: que, al parecer, existe un audio que destaparía alguna malévola de la dirigencia qatarí. por cuanto, el primer ministro de Qatar dice, en ese audio, que las tropas ocuparían Qatif, en la provincia oriental y el régimen de Al Saud se desintegrará.
Última edición:

la mano negra

30 Dic 2007
Los iraníes, también se dedica a repartir ¿cizaña?. Por medio de PressTV, dicen que, Qatar y EE.UU. están planeando derrocar a la monarquía saudí e instalar un gobierno pro-occidental


Osease: que, al parecer, existe un audio que destaparía alguna malévola de la dirigencia qatarí. por cuanto, el primer ministro de Qatar dice, en ese audio, que las tropas ocuparían Qatif, en la provincia oriental y el régimen de Al Saud se desintegrará.

Esto es perfectamente posible. Las arcas del Imperio están vacías y el régimen saudí es inmensamente rico. Los amos del Imperio necesitan guerras rentables para cuadrar el balance y con Arabia Saudí la tienen perfectamente a tiro . La guerra de Libia les ha dado un poco de oxígeno para poder seguir respirando . Es cierto que han sacrificado posiciones para futuras jugadas y que se han metido en otro pantano sin fondo . Pero ya van a pasar el día. No tienen un horizonte más lejano ni llevan a cabo jugadas estratégicas . Solamente de supervivencia inmediata. Lo de Arabia Saudí sería , a largo plazo , pegarse un tiro en el pie pero su situación es desesperada y con Irán ni se les ocurre . Venezuela , tampoco . Yo creo que saldría América entera en su ayuda , excepto Colombia , claro. Lo de Siria lo están intentando pero es evidente que les está saliendo un fiasco completo. Los sirios se han preparado bien para esta circunstancia y los rusos han acudido en su ayuda.

Solamente queda Arabia .


10 Jun 2008
Esto es perfectamente posible. Las arcas del Imperio están vacías y el régimen saudí es inmensamente rico. Los amos del Imperio necesitan guerras rentables para cuadrar el balance y con Arabia Saudí la tienen perfectamente a tiro . La guerra de Libia les ha dado un poco de oxígeno para poder seguir respirando . Es cierto que han sacrificado posiciones para futuras jugadas y que se han metido en otro pantano sin fondo . Pero ya van a pasar el día. No tienen un horizonte más lejano ni llevan a cabo jugadas estratégicas . Solamente de supervivencia inmediata. Lo de Arabia Saudí sería , a largo plazo , pegarse un tiro en el pie pero su situación es desesperada y con Irán ni se les ocurre . Venezuela , tampoco . Yo creo que saldría América entera en su ayuda , excepto Colombia , claro. Lo de Siria lo están intentando pero es evidente que les está saliendo un fiasco completo. Los sirios se han preparado bien para esta circunstancia y los rusos han acudido en su ayuda.

Solamente queda Arabia .

LOL LOL no jorobes hombre. Ya tienen el control de Arabia, cuyo gobierno no aguantaría sin apoyo americano ni diez minutos.
Y los americanos no están "desesperados", ni mucho menos. De hecho, es probablemente el único país del mundo que puede decir "paso de pagar" y salir impune o casi.


Por cierto, ese hilo funciona de querida madre, tan bien como siempre. El número de páginas que tenga no afecta a su rendimiento, como cualquiera que tenga un puñetero mínimo sobre BBDD sabe.

Dejaos de insensateces. El otro hay que cerrarlo y banear al perpetrador por inane y majadero.

ser superior

27 Abr 2009
A ver, pequeña boñiga, cierra el ano al que llamas boca y vete a que te lo rellen de leche un rato. Los hilos pasados un número de posts, se cierran y se abren con nuevo numero, que quieres abrirlo tú? Pues abre hilo nuevo, pero deja de abrir el ano que la peste a leche de cabrá es insoportable.

Alvin Red

El antepenúltimo del floro
17 Ene 2007
No me voy a ponera discutir con vosotros, normalmente se crea un hilo nuevo a los 4000-4500 mensajes, este cumple las condiciones.

Cuando se abre un hilo nuevo se pide consejo a los foreros que participan y se respeta que lo abra el forero que inicialmente abrió el hilo.

Dicho esto, y si no hay una oposición razonada, cerrare dentro de un rato este hilo para que no hayan dos hilos abiertos a la vez sobre el mismo tema.

Un saludo.

Juan Pérez

4 Ago 2011
Por cierto qué paso con Fumador, está de luna de miel, lo secuestraron, su mujer le prohibio volver a accesar burbuja.info, no aguanto la espera y se fue a oriente medio a fabricarse su propia guerra? :D
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