Mujer periodista somalí-canadiense vuelve a Somalia a demostrar que mola mucho y...


Será en Octubre
6 Dic 2010
...muere en atentado terrorista:
Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists

Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists
Tragedy of cultural relativism strikes again.

3 days ago
18 July, 2019
Paul Joseph Watson

A journalist traveled to Ilhan Omar’s homeland of Somalia to challenge stereotypes and prove the country was “beautiful,” only to end up being killed by terrorists.
Before President Trump’s tweetstorm in which he encouraged Omar to go back and fix her own country, Somali-Canadian journalist Hodan Nalayeh was trying to do precisely that.
Nalayeh returned to the country of her birth to tell “uplifting” stories about Somalia, according to the Washington Post.
The journalist became well known for her relentlessly positive tweets about Somalia. Just one week ago, she lauded the “beauty” of the place.

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One respondent praised her for “countering the doom narrative propagated by many about Somalia”.

Hodan Nalayeh


· Jul 2, 2019

Back to #Kismayo enjoying #Hirshabelle tea!
Never knew each region has its own tea. This tea is strong
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Ahmed kafia@ahmedinajadosam

Your are doing amazing work in countering the doom narrative propagated by many about Somalia, one tweet at a time


10:40 AM - Jul 3, 2019
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Another Somali writer praised her portraying an image of the country radically different from the stereotype of “victims trapped in a vicious circle of conflicts”.
During a video tour on her YouTube channel of the town of Kismayo, Nalayeh said she was hopeful the area could be rebuilt and revived, “Because this place is beautiful!”
On Friday last week, Nalayeh was killed in that very same town when al-Shabab militants stormed the Asasey Hotel in Kismayo.

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The total death toll claimed 26 lives and it took around 14 hours for Somali security forces to regain control of the hotel.
“While Nalayeh’s death would seem to underline the harshness of Trump’s remarks, it was also a visceral argument for what many understood to be his central point: that perhaps immigrants should be especially grateful to live in the United States,” reports the Pluralist.
Vaya, tenemos otro caso del "síndrome de Pippa Baca"

Italian 'peace bride' raped, murdered in Turkey

Pippa Bacca - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo (9 de diciembre de 1974 - 31 de marzo de 2008), conocida como Pippa Bacca, fue una artista de perfomances feminista italiana quién, junto a otra compañera artista, se encontraba haciendo autoestop desde Milán a Oriente Próximo para promocionar un mundo en paz y unido bajo el eslogan "Matrimonio entre diferentes gentes y naciones", luciendo a modo simbólico un vestido de novia durante su viaje. Tras llegar a Gebze, Turquía el 31 de marzo de 2008, desapareció. Su cuerpo desnudo y violado fue descubierto cerca de la misma ciudad el 11 de abril de 2008. La policía arrestó al hombre que había colocado su tarjeta SIM en el teléfono móvil de Bacca y este les condujo hasta su cadáver
Pues yo creo que sois todos unos rasistas y que es un caso aislado. Deberíamos mandar a todos esos países a todos los progres occidentales, para que demuestren que Somalia, Nigeria o Eritrea son perfectamente seguras, y que si nos parece lo contrario es porque somos unos xenófagos