Los treintañeros españoles me dan mucha pena


26 Dic 2019
Japón,Corea del Sur,Taiwan,y Singapur el nuncafollismo reina.
China también tiene que ser horroroso, allí tienen el problema de haber más hombres que mujeres por lo del hijo único y las chinas siempre han tenido fama de ser hiperinteresadas. Y a eso hay que añadirle el tema de los micropenes y la obsesión que tienen los asiáticos con los afrodisíacos, deben de estar todos impotentes.


21 Feb 2015
Referencias? Por favor. Gracias.
el primer extracto es el mas interesante, el responsable de Empleo de Germania.
Sueldo para personal cualificado al menos un 40% mayor que España, con un coste de vida sobre un 10% más caro que España. Coste comida similar a España
Hablamos de que les hacen falta cuerpos para ocupar trabajos
Y no, Berlín no cuenta, es un agujero donde van los hippies de fiesta y luego se quejan que no hay empleos

Conozco varios persas, indios, españoles, etc trabajando como programadores, ingenieros, atención al cliente. Incluso conocí a una chiquilla española que limpiaba platos en una pizzería rumana

Ahora, hay que hablar inglés, moverse, ir allí y luego integrarse, hablando alemán y similares. Alemania es racista, pero acepta pagapensiones porque les hace falta (aunque es un país a la deriva)

The Head of the Federal Employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, said that Germany needs 400,000 new workers per year to fill the labour market, which can be possible by admitting more immigrants to the country, meaning that Germany’s economy is currently dependent on immigration.

According to Scheele’s interview for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany needs more skilled workers since it is running out of them. He further explained that the number of workers of typical professional age would drop by almost 150,000 this year, predicting that the situation will worsen in the next few years.

He finds Germany’s ageing population responsible for the situation, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

“We need 400,000 immigrants a year. In other words, significantly more than in previous years. From care and air conditioning to logisticians and academics – there will be a shortage of skilled workers everywhere,” Scheele said for SZ.

A new immigration policy?

On March 29, the German government made a legislative proposal that is meant to reorganize immigration and, in particular, facilitate the immigration of more foreign specialists. Hardege thinks that's very important: "It's good and right that the government has now tackled the issue, which is going in the right direction in many areas."

The two researchers agree on one thing in particular — implementation will be important. New regulations need to work well and quickly says Hardege. Suitable structures must also be created.

Nevertheless, an influx of foreign skilled workers alone cannot solve the problem. It is an important step, but you can't leave German employees behind according to Hardege.

"We have to see that we make better use of the domestic potential — things like women's employment or the employment of older people," he said. Both solutions are needed, more foreign skilled workers and more German employees. "But even that will probably not be enough in view of the demographic development."

version anterior

A new study published today shows that Germany should start taking in several times more non-EU immigrants in order to meet the labor demand. Due to an ageing population, labor shortage in Germany has been increasing, and the study estimates that the country will need 260,000 workers per year to plug the gap, 146,000 of them from non-EU countries.

Javito Putero

Que te joroben
19 Ago 2020
Lo de los zoomers y las zoomettes es digno de mención, en vez de admirarte por lo que tu tienes y ellas no, se limitan a envidiarte.


3 Nov 2011
el primer extracto es el mas interesante, el responsable de Empleo de Germania.
Sueldo para personal cualificado al menos un 40% mayor que España, con un coste de vida sobre un 10% más caro que España. Coste comida similar a España
Hablamos de que les hacen falta cuerpos para ocupar trabajos
Y no, Berlín no cuenta, es un agujero donde van los hippies de fiesta y luego se quejan que no hay empleos

Conozco varios persas, indios, españoles, etc trabajando como programadores, ingenieros, atención al cliente. Incluso conocí a una chiquilla española que limpiaba platos en una pizzería rumana

Ahora, hay que hablar inglés, moverse, ir allí y luego integrarse, hablando alemán y similares. Alemania es racista, pero acepta pagapensiones porque les hace falta (aunque es un país a la deriva)

The Head of the Federal Employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, said that Germany needs 400,000 new workers per year to fill the labour market, which can be possible by admitting more immigrants to the country, meaning that Germany’s economy is currently dependent on immigration.

According to Scheele’s interview for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany needs more skilled workers since it is running out of them. He further explained that the number of workers of typical professional age would drop by almost 150,000 this year, predicting that the situation will worsen in the next few years.

He finds Germany’s ageing population responsible for the situation, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

“We need 400,000 immigrants a year. In other words, significantly more than in previous years. From care and air conditioning to logisticians and academics – there will be a shortage of skilled workers everywhere,” Scheele said for SZ.

A new immigration policy?

On March 29, the German government made a legislative proposal that is meant to reorganize immigration and, in particular, facilitate the immigration of more foreign specialists. Hardege thinks that's very important: "It's good and right that the government has now tackled the issue, which is going in the right direction in many areas."

The two researchers agree on one thing in particular — implementation will be important. New regulations need to work well and quickly says Hardege. Suitable structures must also be created.

Nevertheless, an influx of foreign skilled workers alone cannot solve the problem. It is an important step, but you can't leave German employees behind according to Hardege.

"We have to see that we make better use of the domestic potential — things like women's employment or the employment of older people," he said. Both solutions are needed, more foreign skilled workers and more German employees. "But even that will probably not be enough in view of the demographic development."

version anterior

A new study published today shows that Germany should start taking in several times more non-EU immigrants in order to meet the labor demand. Due to an ageing population, labor shortage in Germany has been increasing, and the study estimates that the country will need 260,000 workers per year to plug the gap, 146,000 of them from non-EU countries.
Vielen Dank, ich bin schon B1 lernen.

Javito Putero

Que te joroben
19 Ago 2020
el primer extracto es el mas interesante, el responsable de Empleo de Germania.
Sueldo para personal cualificado al menos un 40% mayor que España, con un coste de vida sobre un 10% más caro que España. Coste comida similar a España
Hablamos de que les hacen falta cuerpos para ocupar trabajos
Y no, Berlín no cuenta, es un agujero donde van los hippies de fiesta y luego se quejan que no hay empleos

Conozco varios persas, indios, españoles, etc trabajando como programadores, ingenieros, atención al cliente. Incluso conocí a una chiquilla española que limpiaba platos en una pizzería rumana

Ahora, hay que hablar inglés, moverse, ir allí y luego integrarse, hablando alemán y similares. Alemania es racista, pero acepta pagapensiones porque les hace falta (aunque es un país a la deriva)

The Head of the Federal Employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, said that Germany needs 400,000 new workers per year to fill the labour market, which can be possible by admitting more immigrants to the country, meaning that Germany’s economy is currently dependent on immigration.

According to Scheele’s interview for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany needs more skilled workers since it is running out of them. He further explained that the number of workers of typical professional age would drop by almost 150,000 this year, predicting that the situation will worsen in the next few years.

He finds Germany’s ageing population responsible for the situation, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

“We need 400,000 immigrants a year. In other words, significantly more than in previous years. From care and air conditioning to logisticians and academics – there will be a shortage of skilled workers everywhere,” Scheele said for SZ.

A new immigration policy?

On March 29, the German government made a legislative proposal that is meant to reorganize immigration and, in particular, facilitate the immigration of more foreign specialists. Hardege thinks that's very important: "It's good and right that the government has now tackled the issue, which is going in the right direction in many areas."

The two researchers agree on one thing in particular — implementation will be important. New regulations need to work well and quickly says Hardege. Suitable structures must also be created.

Nevertheless, an influx of foreign skilled workers alone cannot solve the problem. It is an important step, but you can't leave German employees behind according to Hardege.

"We have to see that we make better use of the domestic potential — things like women's employment or the employment of older people," he said. Both solutions are needed, more foreign skilled workers and more German employees. "But even that will probably not be enough in view of the demographic development."

version anterior

A new study published today shows that Germany should start taking in several times more non-EU immigrants in order to meet the labor demand. Due to an ageing population, labor shortage in Germany has been increasing, and the study estimates that the country will need 260,000 workers per year to plug the gap, 146,000 of them from non-EU countries.
Pero para que shishi me tengo que ir a bochelandia a que, a pasar frio y comerles los narices, de que, si tengo casa y trabajo aquí.

Y ni con esas.

lo gaiter del besòs

Pobrecito Hablador
12 May 2012
En filipinas ( manila) con español nativo serian del top 10% y chortis detras de ellos

Pero no saldran de su sotano

Ni lo intentaran solo un mes de semi vacaciones para conocer aquello
Ah si? Cuentanos más.
Por qué es tan útil saber castellano en filipinas? Si lo unico para que lo utilizan es para ponerse el nombre, hablan tagalo o inglés

lo gaiter del besòs

Pobrecito Hablador
12 May 2012
China también tiene que ser horroroso, allí tienen el problema de haber más hombres que mujeres por lo del hijo único y las chinas siempre han tenido fama de ser hiperinteresadas. Y a eso hay que añadirle el tema de los micropenes y la obsesión que tienen los asiáticos con los afrodisíacos, deben de estar todos impotentes.
Pues ya está, tema miembro viril los blancos para las chortis chinas debemos ser como senegaleses.


2 Ago 2015
incels top mundial. Naide ama menos que ellos.

Sin vivienda.

Con trabajos de cosa.

Sin ahorros.

Sin hijos.

Muchos viviendo en el sótano de la mami. Abriendo la puerta solo para la bandeja del desayuno y cena.
Creo que coreanos, chinos y japos disienten en lo de amar menos


Lo van a pagar los borricos.
3 Abr 2011
Far Southeast
¿Y? Cada uno tiene lo que se ha buscado/merece. Pena ninguna.

Yo salí con 20 años de casa y estuve una buena temporada compartiendo piso y remando en trabajos de cosa.

Hubiera sido mas cómodo quedarme en casapapi y que mami me trajera las campurrianas a la cama, pero me llenaba mas ganarme mis habichuelas, aunque tuviera que aprender a plancharme yo la ropa.

Cualquier Mena robacarteras le echa muchos mas bemoles a la vida que el españolito medio casapapi llorón.

incels top mundial. Naide ama menos que ellos.

Sin vivienda.

Con trabajos de cosa.

Sin ahorros.

Sin hijos.

Muchos viviendo en el sótano de la mami. Abriendo la puerta solo para la bandeja del desayuno y cena.

Tobias Rieper

Manguito clásico del mango malacatón
7 Sep 2023
Así es, hamijos. Tras una vida de onanismo solitario sin catar chorti seremos macheteados por las bárbaras hordas moronegras y no cobraremos pensión.

Mi padre se descojona de mí porque cobra más jubilado que yo currando roto2
Mi padre también cobra más jubilado que yo currando. El no se ríe, me pide dinero roto2