Los orates

La tontería esta de la psicopatia no es mas que un invento de los progres. Para catalogar y etiquetar lo que no les conviene
"¿Donald Trump??un orate sin lugar a dudas. Y lo peor de todo es que no lo sabe y no hay cura ..."

Una vez lei que un rasgo de los orates es sus ansisas de destacar, su espiritu emprendedor, su arrojo y desprecio al peligro ... vamos, lo que es un tio con un buen par de pelotas de toda la vida como Magallanes y Elcano

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Un amigo mío se leyó un libro sobre psicopatía y tomó una serie de notas. Eran para él pero las compartió conmigo. Viendo que son interesantes las transcribo aquí en el foro. En este primer mensaje en ingles, luego las traduciré en el mensaje 2

Vale la pena leerlas porque nos entramos con esta gente en el día a día. Además, dejo un archivo sobre la ponerología (orates en politica) que tocó el forero @ominae , dejando un archivo recopilatorio casi exclusivamente de aportaciones suyas.

Ambas cosas son de obligada lectura y difusión, porque aunque ahora os suene a chino, el texto que adjunto en el pdf os hará ver la tragedia de la sociedad española a nivel macro, y el texto de las notas que me ha pasado mi amigo, lo mismo pero a nivel micro (relaciones sociales, familiares, amorosas, laborales). A nivel individual os puede salvar la vida, y a nivel colectivo nos la puede salvar a todos

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1. Thoroughly differentiate between words and actions. Mentally flag all obvious disconnects. Award trust only when it is earned.

“When things don't add up, it's because the truth was not included in the equation.”

2. Not all people are inherently good or instinctively know right from wrong. There are people in the world who are secretly filled with envy, who have no redeeming motives, who exist only to hurt others for self-satisfaction and exploitation. Such people will never change.

3. Appearances are deceiving.

4% of the population wears a socially acceptable mask which hides a worldview and code of conduct we can never begin to understand.

With a psychopath, there are no limits; they have no internal control.

Inability to love, no evidence of conscience or remorse, and the lack of any jovenlandesal codes.

Psychopathy is an in-born characteristic. It’s not a product of low self-esteem or poor social upbringing.

All psychopaths view other human beings as objects to be used, manipulated, and discarded.

There’s zero capacity to experience rich emotional nourishment, peace, happiness, contentment, or any connection to higher sources of spiritual fulfillment. This absence of experience could cause what clinical psychologists term perpetual boredom, where the sufferer continually turns to new occupations and activities to escape the sense of emptiness they experience in daily life. Consequently, joy in life comes only in the form of covert and overt domination games, which provide a temporary thrill of ‘winning’.

The psychopath instinctively views any social exchange as an opportunity to ‘feed’ upon another person. They don’t seek an equal relationship, but a dominant relationship. Not being able to empathize, they are incapable of creating equality.

Look for the combination of consistently bad, outrageously inadequate and hurtful behavior, combined with frequent ‘pity plays’ for your sympathy. This is a sign of a conscienceless person.

Interpersonal – How psychopaths present themselves to others.

1. Glib and superficial charm

2. Pathological lying

3. Grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self

4. Need for stimulation

5. Cunning and manipulativeness

Affective – What they feel or do not feel emotionally.

6. Lack of remorse or guilt

7. Lack of empathy

8. Shallow and superficial emotional responsiveness

9. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Lifestyle – How they live in society.

10. Parasitic lifestyle

11. Criminal versatility

12. Lack of realistic long-term goals

13. Impulsivity

14. Irresponsibility

Antisocial – Proclivity for behavior that is violent or harmful to others.

15. Poor behavioral controls

16. Early behavior problems

17. Juvenile delinquency

18. Revocation of conditional release (applicable to criminals that have violated the conditions of prison release)

Other Items

19. sensual promiscuity

20. Many short-term marital relationships

The person in question may also be unusually unfazed by uninterrupted eye contact.

Huge ego; tendency to brag.

Psychopaths sleep differently. First, they consistently need little sleep, at most 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Second, they fall asleep instantly and awake instantly with no fatigue, not the gradual waking process experienced by normal individuals.

No real creative talent – They can copy, but can’t be original.

Unsolicited favors and gestures – This includes flattery, periods of ‘love bombing’ (grooming or influencing a person by lavish demonstrations of attention and affection), and gestures and gifts that seem fake. The flattery is designed to wear down defenses and ingratiate themselves with the target in order to gain trust.

Psychopaths are fascinated with psychology. It enables them to understand how other humans think and act, and gives knowledge for manipulation.

Most experts from all schools of thought agree on one thing – in 99% of cases, a psychopath cannot change.

It has been reported that many psychopaths feel rejection and abandonment keenly, as if they are in physical pain.

Faced with narcisstic injury, psychopaths tend to respond with extreme rage and vindictiveness.

Do they know they are psychopaths? Most do not. A small minority do seem to know. However, they don’t see that there is anything wrong with them and believe their traits make them superior to the rest of the human race.

They use three general interpersonal skills and usually ***ow them in the same stages:

1. Charm and bribery

2. Manipulation and deception

3. antiestéticar and intimidation

For normal people, estrangement in relationships tends to be gradual, with some retention of warmth and cordiality. The psychopath’s discard is dramatic and chilling.

A more insidious example is someone making snide jokes in public so that everyone laughs or reacts – but at your expense. Their attacks appear innocent in intention, all in good fun, and confuse you with hot and cold behavior. Their words are calculated to make you feel unhinged and wanting to explode, while keeping you restrained and silent for antiestéticar of being painted as over-sensitive or over-reacting.

Psychopaths are naturallly impulsive, reckless, and need bigger and bigger domination games to feel a thrill. Eventually, they venture that one step too far and get caught.

Corporate veterans advise that a reputation-ruining scandal may be the best and only way to oust an entrenched psychopath.

When you ask detailed questions, are there holes, discrepancies, or not enough details in their story?

Consider whether the person in question has real long-term friends, people they are truly close to. How do they treat people they consider their close friends?

Practice assuming that everything is a lie and not listening to anything they say; instead, look at what they do.

One way to recognize predatory abusers is that they always push and test boundaries.

To completely repel them, immediately respond to a boundary violation with stricter boundaries.

To repel them, don’t give them any emotion, interest, or energy that will satisfy them. Don't argue with them or show any excitement. Instead, be completely boring and flat-toned, and only talk about the most tedious, boring things in detail.

Never Be In Their Debt. Not Even A Free Drink.

In the short term, you may be able to get psychopathic individuals to play ball by offering a short-term reward that fits into their self-interest.

The most recommended way of dealing with a psychopath is no contact ever again.

Using their tactics against them keeps a psychopath on the defensive, creates confusion, gets their head spinning, and possibly convinces them you are crazier than them and that they may get hurt associating with you.

Most have poor impulse control and short-term mentalities.

The psychopath is a loner with no true social support and no real friends.

Absolutely do not confront the psychopath. They will never change. The only permanent solution is to walk away and refuse any social interaction with them.

The more you attempt to talk through things or work it out, the more you will be drained; the more frustrated, anxious, despairing, depressed, and unhinged you will feel. Manipulative individuals don’t suddenly become genuine – you have to give up that fantasy. What inevitably happens is that a variety of increasingly convoluted tools and tactics will be used to confuse you and get their way.

They will create drama, lie, blame you, make you feel guilty, or talk in circles. They may make grand promises and apologies that won’t be kept.

They may view your independent action and assertion of your needs as an instance of their ‘losing’, or losing control, which will invite revenge and punishment at a later time.

If you reveal your true feelings and how you are hurt, you are exposing your weaknesses. Psychopaths are inherent predators who will exploit any weakness. Instead of changing behaviors like a normal person might, they will push your buttons further and prey on your weaknesses to sadistically hurt, manipulate, or control you.

All psychopaths are gender fluid; they lack a gender identity. What’s important to them is the intoxication of power from conquering other human beings, regardless of the target’s gender.

For a psychopath, appearance is everything. That’s all they have. It’s almost an instinctual behavior to put on a front of success and happiness, no matter what the truth is.

Has definido a los progres a la perfección.