*Tema mítico* : Hilo sobre revueltas en Libia

¿Cómo será gobernada Libia pasado un año?

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La ultima: suspenden las operaciones en la mayor refineria de petroleo de IRAK debido a atentado terrorista. Esto ya son palabras mayores.
Evidentemente, de si algo estoy seguro es de que la CIA no esta detras. Se admiten teorias. La apuesta de Debka es una celula de Al-Qaeda con el apoyo logistico de las guardias revolucionarias de Iran...

Esa peaso de Freedom Agenda hipotecona que se va al carajo:)):XX:

el lunes reunión de urgencia del Consejo de Ministros y como medida de máximo ahorro energético, se limitará la velocidad máxima en autovias, autopista y via de circunvalación, en valor negativo de -15 kms/h, es decir, habrá que circular marcha atrás, pues esta forma de "recorrido sostenible" hace ahorrar el trayecto de vuelta.
Govt:10, 000 Ghanaians to return from Libya | General News 2011-02-25

10.000 pagapensiones de Ghana serán evacuados de Libia por los crecientes ataques xenófobos:mad:

overnment had earlier said Ghanaians were not in danger since black Africans were not being targeted. But the evacuation became necessary as xenophobic attacks were reported.

There were also reports that Ghanaian soldiers were collaborating with Libyan security forces to suppress the political uprising against Libyan leader Col Muamar Gaddafi, a report that has been denied by the Ghanaian government.
Saudis to offset Libya oil decline
Saudi Arabia increases production by 700,000 barrels per day, but OPEC hasn't formally sanctioned the move.
Saudis to offset Libya oil decline - antiestéticatures - Al Jazeera English

Arabia Saudí incrementa la producción de petróleo por la crisis libia
Confirmación: Omán se levanta:

Oman: demonstrations, strikes and people want to drop corruption

Amman [por Omán, error de traducción] has seen this morning, Saturday, a number of popular protests in different areas, which claims raised political, economic and social.

In the city of Salalah, the capital of Dhofar, turned the demonstration, which started yesterday afternoon to night protest outside the gates of the governor's office and continues to demonstrate sustained.

Demonstrators chanted slogans including "People wanted to drop corruption" and "holding on holding on .. sit-sit," and waved banners demanding freedom of expression and the fight against poverty, unemployment and holding ministers accused of corruption.

They stressed the peaceful protesting, while avoiding contact with the demonstrators and the police cooperated with them, witnesses said that members of the Internal Security Agency tried to sabotage the peaceful sit-in but they did not succeed.

And published on the Internet rumors during the sit-night talk about the burning buildings and vehicles to the police immediately found to be groundless.

The activist said Oman's wall "on demonstrators in all areas of vigilance in the face of such rumors and provocations by the will of the members of the security, and documented them, reporting them."

Demonstrators and prepared a list of political demands, economic and social to be delivered to the governor of Dhofar.

In the eastern city of Tyre, Muscat, hundreds of citizens who gathered on the occasion of the presence of a number of senior officials in the government to open a project, demanding higher wages and to fight corruption and unemployment.

As organizers of the wall yesterday, hundreds of protesting in the meantime, in front of the Ministry of Manpower in the northern city of Sohar, Muscat, demanding jobs and increase wages and improve their careers, and shouting and dropping the Minister of National Economy.

In the education sector, teachers went on strike today in a number of schools in the inner regions (north) and phenomenon (west).

And 125 teachers went on strike in the state of the Wii, which led to the cancellation of the school day in some schools.

He said one striking teachers in the Wii to the wall, "we call for increased salaries and reduced working hours cumbersome, and returns the amount that was deducted from the salary in the system of the new retirement, as well as an apology and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, for her statement which said that the mind of the teacher Oman fossilized."

And, ***owing invitations to demonstrate increased frequency since yesterday, as well as huge demonstrations in Muscat, is being prepared in the predetermined dates during the month of March.

Wall - a mid-day times are GMT

Update: demonstration of Sohar

More than a thousand demonstrators blocked the roundabout in Sohar the meantime,

And chanting "the people want reform of the system" and "hardly a Sultan."

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Muad Gaddafi offers weapons to his supporters to defend Libya


Leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Friday (25/02) supporters who cheered in Tripoli's Green Square to prepare to "defend Libya," and it will open "arsenals to arm all the people "according to state television images.

"We will fight and win," he told hundreds of his supporters, on the eleventh day since the start of the uprising against his regime.

The people "want to Qaddafi," the Libyan leader, who asked his supporters to prepare to "defend Libya."

Gaddafi called on its supporters to crush any attempt to overthrow him as "resisted the Libyan people" to the Italian colonization and American bombings.

"Prepare to defend Libya, prepare to defend oil, prepare to defend the dignity," said Gadhafi in a speech he gave from a wall of the Green Square Tripoli, according to footage broadcast by Libyan television.

"We can defeat them with the armed people," said Gaddafi, wearing a fur hat with ear flaps, with the microphone in his left hand and gesturing constantly with his right fist raised.

They also urged young people "live life with pride, to dance, sing."

"Gaddafi has come to greet you, although Qaddafi is no president or king, and has no prerogative," the Libyan leader to hundreds of supporters waving flags and banners, according to television pictures.

"I'm here among the people, in Tripoli, he added, and the people do not like me does not deserve life."

He said the jovenlandesal of the Libyans "is becoming stronger," compared to Europeans and Americans.

"With these people, with enthusiasm, defeat any external attempt, as we defeated the Italian colonialism and U.S. attacks," he said the Libyan leader.

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Arabia Saudí incrementa la producción de petróleo por la crisis libia

Si los saudíes dicen tener capacidad de aumentar la producción, preparate para lo peor, ya que no exponen publicamente ningún dato de producción. Estos mienten más que hablan.

De lo que tengo conocimiento es, que tienen que inyectar agua a presión para conseguir subir el petroleo existente. además, llevan más de dos años declinando la producción, con eso ya es decir bastante.

PD: Telecomunista tiene más conocimiento sobre este tema.
¿No hay noticias de Trípoli o qué?

Según Telechavez está reunido el hijo de Gadafi con "tribus del este de Libia", aunque no detalla nada y seguramente esté hablando de oídas, porque ningún otro medio lo menciona.

En Aljazeera informan de que se han repartido armas a los partidarios de Gadafi y que Trípoli sigue bajo su control, aunque puede que también hablen de oídas. También dicen que en el este los bancos vuelven a abrir.

Mientras tanto, cada vez se reportan más casos de trabajadores subsaharianos que son confundidos con mercenarios y atacados. Están avisando a la gente de ello.
Los islamistas radicales, aunque pocos y sin papel importante en las actuales revueltas siguen teniendo su agenda. Seguirán a piñón fijo con lo suyo independientemente del resultado de las revueltas. Son como ETA: viven en una "burbuja" y lo que suceda a su alrededor se la pela (en cierto sentido).

Voy allí con frecuencia y te aseguro que no son "pocos" . Ya no te cuento lo que me dice gente de allí , simplemente con ver la calle de cualquier pueblo o ciudad no tiene comparación el número de "barbudos " y mujeres con cara tapada que veo con lo que veía hace 10 o 15 años .
Otro tema interesante es la cantidad de mezquitas nuevas y más grandes que se ven en todas partes .
Discurso de Chávez sobre el tema:

Me ha servido de mucho, es cierto que Chávez apoya a Ghadafi, pero no que apoye sus métodos, como parecen inculcar los medios convencionales. Como dice Chávez, hay que ser prudentes.

De todos modos no nos extrañe que simpatizen: ambos países de la OPEP (business are business) y ambos, en parte uno más que otro, anti-imperialistas.

Viendo los acontecimientos, y salvando las distancias, es cierto que Libia hoy es muy parecida su situacion a Irak antes de la oleada turística estadounidense (Ghadafi y Sadam, ambos socios ocasionales de USA y traicionados por intereses), pero obvio eso no quiere decir que todo esté preparado (aunque les viene bien a EE.UU., pese a perder apoyo en Túnez y Egipto).
Dicen que Trípoli no esta completamente bloqueado, aun hay algunos controles de carretera controlados por mercenarios.
Ha salido en Antena 3 un buen señor libio comentando sobre la situación diciendo algo así:

"Han gobernado 40 años y no han hecho nada por nosotros. No hay futuro ni trabajo, los jóvenes, hombres y mujeres, se dedican a emborracharse..."

Un escalofrío ha recorrido mi espalda. Deja vú lo llaman.

Aquí en Argelia se ponen tibios a cerveza (el otro día conté 12 cajas de 24 a la salida de un bar :p) Pero la verdad es que no pensaba que en Libia hubiese ni tan siquiera puestos de venta...
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