*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Pues yo he estado hablando con un médico del 12 de octubre , y me ha contado también que se piensan dar de baja en cuanto aparezca el bicho .
Yo propongo militarizar el cuerpo , y todo aquel que se niegue pierda de facto la plaza con la imposibilidad de poder ser contratado por la administración pública

Vocación lo llaman
Pues del Diamond Princess, se ve que quieren carpetazo pronto y a partir del 19 de febrero, la fecha que notificaron inicialmente, se cumplirá para todos aquellos que no hayan estado en contacto directo con los nuevos casos que se vayan dando. Hoy, seis más.

Zhengli Shi’s group at the Institute of Virology at Wuhan was successful in isolating two infectious clones of bat SARS-Like CoV: SL-CoV-WIV1 and WIV16 from bats. In their further studies, they found out that these SL-CoV Spike protein (S protein) “[were] unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor; Second, the SL-CoV failed to enter cells expressing the bat ACE2; Third, the chimeric S covering the previously defined receptor-binding domain gained its ability to enter cells via human ACE2, albeit with different efficiencies for different constructs; Fourth, a minimal insert region ( Amino acids 310 to 518 ) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding.”

Therefore, Shi’s group found in a study published in the Journal of Virology in February 2008 that the natural bat cobi19 cannot use the human ACE2 receptor to infect humans. However, when inserted with some amino acids from position 310 to 518 for the bat CoV S protein sequence, the chimeric bat CoV can use the human ACE2 receptor.

Meanwhile, another research group led by Dr. Li published their finding in 2013 that 5 amino acid sites on CoV spike proteins are crucial in making the binding to human ACE2 on SARS bichito (those positions are Y442, L472, N479, D480, T487). These 5 sites just lie in the region that the Shi group noted to be important above.

Later, Li and Shi jointly conducted a gain-of-function study published in the Journal of Virology in September 2015 on the MERS bichito and a bat bichito (strain HKU4) in 2015. Since MERS bichito can enter human cells but HKU4 can not, they introduced 2 single mutations in the HKU4 spike protein and found that the new mutant S protein can enable HKU4 to enter human cells. If they mutated 2 sites in MERS spike, the resulting MERS pseudovirus (experimental bichito) cannot enter human cells anymore.

Furthermore, Shi’s group joined an international group to generate a chimeric bichito with the bat bichito SHC014 they harvested in Yunnan. Since they know SHC014 is unlikely to bind to human ACE2, they “synthesized the SHC014 spike in the context of the replication competent, mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone”. So, that is a lab-engineered bichito with SARS-CoV Mouse adapted backbone (MA15) but with SHC014 spike.

To their surprise, the chimeric bichito (SHC014-MA15) can use SHC014 spike to bind to human ACE2 receptor and enter human cells. SHC014-MA15 can also cause disease in mice and cause death as well. Existing vaccines to SARS cannot protect animals from SHC014-MA15 infection. Therefore, these chimeric bichito studies can lead to the generation of more pathogenic, more deadly CoV strains in mammalian models.

Due to the U.S. government-mandated pause on the gain-of-function (GOF) studies, this international research did not proceed further at that time. However, there is no evidence that Shi’s group in China stopped any further study on the track of introducing GOF mutations on the CoV. And it is clear that Shi’s group already mastered the reverse-engineering technology that is sufficient to introduce mutation in current SARS-CoV or SARS-Like CoV to create mutant infectious cobi19.
Última edición:
Pues yo he estado hablando con un médico del 12 de octubre , y me ha contado también que se piensan dar de baja en cuanto aparezca el bicho .
Yo propongo militarizar el cuerpo , y todo aquel que se niegue pierda de facto la plaza con la imposibilidad de poder ser contratado por la administración pública

Se haría como con los controladores, quedarán militarizados y bajo las órdenes de la autoridad militar. Si no acuden a sus puestos de trabajo pasan a incurrir en un delito de desobediencia con penas de prision.
la "gripe estacional" lleva siendo la H1N1 cerca de 10 años, en un 60-65% de los casos, los otros son del tipo B. Desde que llego para quedarse y desplazo a la anterior que era la H3N2

Como dato anecdotico, la tan afamada gripe española, fue un brote de H1N1 como el 2009

Como dato anecdotico 2, la famosa "gripe aviar" tambien era del tipo A, pero la H5N1.

Ese es el serotipo más dolido, el H5N1. El día que triunfe entonces si que tendremos un problema.

Influenzavirus A subtipo H5N1 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Y me pregunto yo, si estan quemando carbon a saco para generar electricidad, que es organico...

Arab media accuse US, Israel of cobi19 conspiracy against China

Arab media accuse US, Israel of cobi19 conspiracy against China

It also went on to accuse the US and Israel of being behind other outbreaks over the past several years in China and in the Arab world."As soon as Egypt announced, a few years ago, that it would rely on poultry [raised in the country], and that it would even export [poultry] abroad – that is, that it no longer needed poultry from the US, France, and so on – [suddenly] there appeared, from underneath the ground, the avian flu bichito… with the aim of nipping [Egypt's economic] awakening in the bud," the report said.
selecciond de lo mas friki / cool que molaria que he visto en diac

hombre, molaria
pero no creo que tengamos tanta suerte xD

creo que lo habran soltado la teoria esta, pos por no se...

quizas por pequeño sentido de culpabilidad de los sectores evangelicos que quizas pudieran haber sido intrumentalizados para embichar con bitxo a china xD
y ahora les de cosica ver a los chinos quemar cuerpos
y quizas hayan recorrido a pensar esta historia mas bonita de que


TooTallRN⭐⭐⭐ en Twitter "Alibaba sells #Adrenochrome... Hangzhou is a major city in China that is in lockdown ... Reports of “burning bodies” What if they engineered this bichito to target those ingesting adrenochrome and these are the ones dying ? https _t.co_ogBI527jso" _ Twitter

China continues to refuse to release animal sampling testing data

There are significant gaps in the official investigations into the origins of the novel cobi19. In order to contain the bichito, one first needs to understand how a bichito that allegedly originated in animals found its way to humans. For this to happen, the Chinese authorities need to release their animal testing data and samples. Testing results from animal samples collected at epicenters would give important insights into what animals might serve as intermediate hosts for the new cobi19.

This is critical to the containment of the epidemic. For example, if rats are the intermediate hosts for this bichito, it would be futile to shut down the cities to restrict people’s movements while infected rats are still moving freely. Results from animal samples could also guide policy decisions that would reduce the risk of another outbreak.

With this in mind, phylogenetic studies of viral genome sequences need to be supported by animal studies to confirm the origin of the infection, as well as to determine whether there is an intermediate host.

It is not an easy task for a bichito to establish zoonotic transmission, and coronaviruses rarely leap from animal to human infection with high transmissibility.

The Mysterious Origin of the Wuhan cobi19

Quizá no dan esas muestras porque el bichito en realidad ha sido "fabricado" por ellos y se les ha escapado...