*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

cobi19 epicenter faces severe test as actual number of infections still unknown

Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly cobi19 in Central China's Hubei Province, still faces a severe test after nearly two weeks of being in lockdown, as a large number of patients have not received timely treatment, causing more pressure and no turning point is in sight yet, officials and experts said.

Hubei has reported 19,665 confirmed cobi19 cases as of Thursday, of which 10,117 are reported in Wuhan, the capital city of the province, according to the local health commission. That number accounts for more than 50 percent of the total number of confirmed cases in the province, which is also the highest nationwide.

Local authorities in Wuhan said there are 20,629 people in quarantine at home. All the districts in the city are required to finish nucleic acid tests on all suspected cases in order to make sure patients can be treated as soon as possible.

Those are highly challenging requests for Wuhan, according to media reports.

The numbers of confirmed cases in Wuhan keep growing every day, which does not, however, reflect the whole picture as analysts do not know the exact number of infections. Medical supplies could not meet the rising demand for treatment, heavily weighing on the battle against the spread of the disease.

Currently, there are 28 novel cobi19-designated hospitals with 8,524 beds in Wuhan. A total of 8,182 patients are in these hospitals, Hu Lishan, deputy Party secretary of Wuhan, said during a press conference.

"To be honest, we did not do well enough in some areas and we need to do better," Hu said.

He noted that there were only 421 beds available in these hospitals on Tuesday so many confirmed or suspected patients could not get a bed in a designated hospital, which Hu said is very heartrending and painful.

To treat as many patients as possible, Wuhan has built "Fang Cang" shelter hospitals, converted from Hongshan Gymnasium and Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center, as well as a cultural building complex dubbed "Wuhan Living room" as quarantine centers to treat patients suffering from mild symptoms of infection.

These hospitals have been gradually put into use starting from Wednesday night.

Besides those, local authorities have been turning more places, including hotels and schools, into areas for quarantine. As of Tuesday, 132 quarantine points have been established across the city, offering 12,571 beds to put more suspected patients into quarantine, Hu noted.

A total of 2,000 medical personnel from 20 provinces have arrived in Wuhan to serve the three hospitals, he said.

People have been classified into different areas according to their symptoms like suspected patients and patients with fever. Their daily demands for medical and living materials are ensured, he said.

Also, local authorities required all designated hospitals in Wuhan to only treat patients in severe and critical conditions, and those suspected of being in critical condition, urging them to enhance treatment and lower death rates.

Wang Chen, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert on respiratory and critical medicine, said in an interview with a state broadcaster on Wednesday night that it is still too early to predict the inflection point of the epidemic as Wuhan still faces a severe situation, and actual numbers of infections are still unknown.

Many people could not be treated in a timely manner, and those who are in quarantine at home can cause further infections in families and communities, Wang said.

cobi19 epicenter faces severe test as actual number of infections still unknown - Global Times

Global Times es el PCCh.

Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades enviarán el miércoles pruebas de cobi19 recién aprobadas a los laboratorios de salud de todo el país para que los estados puedan comenzar sus propias pruebas de cobi19.

Anteriormente, todas las muestras de los pacientes estaban siendo analizadas en el CDC en Atlanta.

Las nuevas pruebas diagnósticas "mejorarán enormemente nuestra capacidad nacional" para analizar el bichito, dijo la Dra. Nancy Messonnier, directora del Centro Nacional de Inmunización y Enfermedades Respiratorias durante una conferencia de prensa el miércoles. La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos aprobó las pruebas para uso de emergencia el martes.

Las pruebas se están enviando a 100 laboratorios aprobados en los Estados Unidos, con 200 kits de prueba inicialmente enviados en los Estados Unidos y otros 200 kits de prueba enviados internacionalmente. Cada kit puede realizar diagnósticos en aproximadamente 700 u 800 muestras de pacientes.

El sistema de salud pública de EE.UU. depende en gran medida de los estados, explicó Messonnier.

"Su capacidad para detectar y confirmar este bichito es crítica".

En la actualidad, 206 personas en los EE.UU. han dado negativo para el cobi19 y 12 han dado positivo. Las pruebas restantes están pendientes

Por otra fuente, Los kits de pruebas de diagnóstico #2019nCoV se enviarán, previa solicitud, a los laboratorios diseñados como cualificados por el CDC, incluyendo laboratorios de salud pública estatales y locales de EE.UU., laboratorios del Departamento de Defensa y laboratorios internacionales selectos.

yo lo que infiero es que los puñeteros gusanos no están ayudando nada a los chinos, son 400 kits para 800 muestras cada uno, 320.000 diagnósticos que vendrían de perlas para atajar la enfermedad en China. Son unos me gusta la fruta.

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is shipping newly approved cobi19 tests to health labs across the country Wednesday so states can begin their own cobi19 testing.

Previously, all samples from patients were being tested at the CDC in Atlanta.
The new diagnostic tests will "greatly enhance our national capacity" to test for the bichito, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said during a news conference Wednesday. The Food and Drug Administration approved the tests for emergency use Tuesday.

The tests are being shipped to 100 approved labs in the United States, with 200 test kits initially mailed out in the United States and another 200 test kits sent internationally. Each kit can perform diagnostics on roughly 700 to 800 patient samples.

The U.S. public health system relies heavily on states, Messonnier explained.

"Their ability to detect and confirm this bichito is critical."

At present, 206 people in the U.S. have tested negative for cobi19 and 12 have tested positive. The remaining tests are pending.
