*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

No. El milagro del vinagre es desprender el huevo del piojo del pelo, el lavado, el peine y mejor el de tipo liendrera hará el resto.
Hamijo, que lo he visto con estos ojos que se comerá el neumosidra.
Si hasta lo usan en jardinería para apiolar bichos.
La gente ya no quiere ni pilinguis chinas ..

Chinese sex workers hiding their nationality amid cobi19 antiestéticar

Potential clients are avoiding Chinese sex workers like the plague in New Zealand amid the cobi19 outbreak – so the women are claiming to be Korean, Japanese or simply “Asian” in their online ads, according to a report.

“I don’t mention that I am Chinese anymore and I offer a big discount, but clients are avoiding us like we are the bichito,” one Chinese woman in New Zealand told the New Zealand Herald.

The woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said she had edited her nationality to Asian in a couple of online sex directories.

But despite also slashing her rate by half to $90, she told the news outlet that business had fallen by more than 50 percent in the past two weeks.

“Business is way down and it’s never been this bad before,” said the sex worker.

Although she is a New Zealand resident who has not been back to China for the last eight years, she said clients saw her as “no different to someone who has just arrived from Wuhan,” the city where the deadly bichito originated.

Catherine Healy, a sex workers’ rights activist at the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, said these are “extremely worrying times for sex workers.”

“We are concerned about the ability for people to both avoid this bichito and survive financially,” Healy told the Herald.

Lisa Lewis, a high-profile sex worker, told the paper that she has become diligent in taking precautions and screening clients.

“I tell clients they can’t make a booking if they have any cough, sore throat or cold and flu symptoms. All my clients are made to hand-sanitize after dealing with money,” Lewis said.

“I have them shower in front of me where I put the soap I’ve purchased on them to ensure hygiene is maintained, and I don’t kiss clients,” she said, adding that she felt sorry for the Chinese sex workers because many of them were born in New Zealand and may never have even been to China.

Sí, pero un 7.5% de la poblacion con el bichito, con sintomas bastantes graves, colapsando los hospitales, el caos seria muy importante, suficiente para imponer algun tipo de estado de excepcion, cuarentenas etc, no va a ser el mad max, pero como tu dices, un panorama muy malo, nos enfrentamos a algo sin precedentes desde que vivimos en estado de bienestar

Sin duda, es algo sin precedentes para nosotros. Creo que va a ser un año para olvidar, pero espero que se quede en un año y que luego encuentren la banderilla o un tratamiento definitivo.
Sí, pero un 7.5% de la poblacion con el bichito, con sintomas bastantes graves, colapsando los hospitales, el caos seria muy importante, suficiente para imponer algun tipo de estado de excepcion, cuarentenas etc, no va a ser el mad max, pero como tu dices, un panorama muy malo, nos enfrentamos a algo sin precedentes desde que vivimos en estado de bienestar

Ademas, en el crucero fijo que se han contagiado mas del 20%, ¿los primeros negativos los volvian a reanalizar? Y visto como se las gastan los supercontagiadores yo diria que el r0 tiene que ser bastante mayor. No tenemos aun datos pero creo que tus calculos son bastante optimistas, y con eso ya seria un caos
No se, pq mucha gente viendo que en el hospital te meten a Palmar, se quedaría en casa. Si acaso más control como los chinos,
La gente ya no quiere ni pilinguis chinas ..

Chinese sex workers hiding their nationality amid cobi19 antiestéticar

Potential clients are avoiding Chinese sex workers like the plague in New Zealand amid the cobi19 outbreak – so the women are claiming to be Korean, Japanese or simply “Asian” in their online ads, according to a report.

“I don’t mention that I am Chinese anymore and I offer a big discount, but clients are avoiding us like we are the bichito,” one Chinese woman in New Zealand told the New Zealand Herald.

The woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said she had edited her nationality to Asian in a couple of online sex directories.

But despite also slashing her rate by half to $90, she told the news outlet that business had fallen by more than 50 percent in the past two weeks.

“Business is way down and it’s never been this bad before,” said the sex worker.

Although she is a New Zealand resident who has not been back to China for the last eight years, she said clients saw her as “no different to someone who has just arrived from Wuhan,” the city where the deadly bichito originated.

Catherine Healy, a sex workers’ rights activist at the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, said these are “extremely worrying times for sex workers.”

“We are concerned about the ability for people to both avoid this bichito and survive financially,” Healy told the Herald.

Lisa Lewis, a high-profile sex worker, told the paper that she has become diligent in taking precautions and screening clients.

“I tell clients they can’t make a booking if they have any cough, sore throat or cold and flu symptoms. All my clients are made to hand-sanitize after dealing with money,” Lewis said.

“I have them shower in front of me where I put the soap I’ve purchased on them to ensure hygiene is maintained, and I don’t kiss clients,” she said, adding that she felt sorry for the Chinese sex workers because many of them were born in New Zealand and may never have even been to China.

No voy a decir nada,

Oh my goooooooooooood, 50% discount
No se, pq mucha gente viendo que en el hospital te meten a Palmar, se quedaría en casa. Si acaso más control como los chinos,

Eso que dices es muy importante, en mi caso, si mis padres ya mayores se pusieran enfermos creo que tendrian mas opciones de sobrevivir en casa que en el hospital, por no hablar de los efectos negativos de la hospitalizacion de gente de ya cierta edad
Ya van avisando de que los casos de contagio van a aumentar en Italia:

cobi19: la giornata in diretta Donna cinese aggredita a Torino

12.30 - Burioni: casos destinados a aumentar
"En las próximas horas es inevitable que aumente el número de personas que resulten positivas en el test del cobi19". Por dos razones. La primera es que ahora sabemos lo infeccioso que es el SARS-CoV-2. También sabemos lo sutil y eficiente que es el método de contagio, que se produce cuando aquellos que ya tienen la infección no persentan síntomas obvios ". El virólogo Roberto Buriano escribe en Medicalfacts.it. "Sin embargo, hay otra razón, agrega. La principal: si no se busca algo, no se puede encontrar. Si se busca algo, se encuentra ».

¿Cuántas hubiesen dado "+" hace -digamos- 5 años?

Sociedad: - TIMOCORONAVIRUS revelado en PROSPECTO CDC de "test de cobi19"|Preguntas ningún oficialista puede contestar|Argumentos variados TIMOCORONAVIRUS

Tengo casi 40 años, pero no me trates de usted, por dios.

Completamente seguro me he estudiado los manuales a conciencia, 240W a 48V, por cada nodo (antena orientable). Wifi ronda entre los 10W y los 100W. Los radares y satelite 2000W, 15000W...o Más. Depende a la distancia que tengan que emitir. Un satelite en orbita baja van desde 200km a 2.000km, orbita media 2.000km a 35.786km y alta a partir de 35.786km

Especificaciones 5G:

Antenita 5G (sin la tapa):
alcohol con agua al 60%, llevo días pulverizando... y huele bien, en fin