*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Una cosa que se me ocurre sobre trampear los cuatro datos (positivos, hospitalizaciones, ocupación UCI y fallecimientos).

-Los positivos, jugando con el número de test y el target.

-Las hospitalizaciones, ¿Cuentan quienes se derivan a los ya no tan famosos "Hoteles medicalizados"?

-La ocupación UCI, poniendo camas hasta en la capilla, pero con el mismo personal o reforzado con especialistas no aptos para el trabajo.

-Fallecimientos, por poder se puede, sería a la inversa de aquello de "accidente de moto=fin por el bichito".

¿Alguien sabe algo de la pregunta en negrita?

En teoría, los datos del Gobierno son directamente de los hospitales (y ya están dando más que las comunidades autonomas)

Fuente: Notificación de los hospitales al Ministerio de Sanidad

BRUTAL hoy la imagen de Barcelona: aprovechando el tiempo de primavera, la gente ha salido en masa a pasear. Calles llenas, colas en los sitios con comida para llevar y compras masivas, inédito siendo noviembre que suele ser un mes flojo. Si no fuera por las mascaras pensarías que estamos en temporada alta de un año cualquiera.
Creo que los periodistas que tratan de demonizar / quemar en la hoguera a Tegnell, sufren un problema de escala de números.

Suecia tiene unos 10 millones de habitantes y lograr la inmunidad de rebaño quizás necesitaría 7 millones de infectados que queden inmunes. La primera 'ola' en Suecia duró 2 meses. Crear 7 millones de inmunizados en 60 días requiere 120.000 nuevos positivos por día y durante la primera 'ola' hubo en Suecia 800 positivos al día (que es 150 veces menos de lo necesario)

La inmunidad de rebaño exige muchos, millones, de contagios o de banderillaciones. Y no se puede calificar de fracaso una estrategia de inmunidad porque produce muchos positivos, unas veces, y porque produce poca inmunidad las otras veces.

Si se ha de alcanzar la inmunidad de grupo, y no hay otra forma de erradicar esta epidemia, deben admitirse muchos contagios (o banderillaciones), algo que no ha ocurrido en Suecia.
Si el bichito no produce más inmunidad que unos meses la inmunidad de borregos no existe, en Suecia juegan a ser seres de luz del puro retraso que llevan, como en todo, por eso son un estado fallido que no le quedan ni 30 años antes de ser un califato
Artículo del estudio de EE UU sobre donde se producen las infecciones... Maravilloso, el jueves pasado Tegnell decía que los restaurantes eran un lugar de bajo riesgo. Os daís cuenta en manos de quién está Suecia? Y lo idolatran aquí la gente! Creen que es un dolido genio! Como nuestro pobre amigo @Atanasio Lonchafinista roto2


Restaurants, gyms, cafes and hotels are environments with an extra high risk of spreading infection according to a new study based on data from mobile phones in the USA's ten largest cities. The study also shows that vulnerable groups are particularly hard hit by the pandemic because they cannot reduce their mobility as much as others.

This is how super-distribution works
Super-spreading occasions for the new corona bichito sars-cov2 have taken place in many different environments. Why is this happening, and why is superdistribution so important?

Researchers do not know why some people are so much more contagious than others. Despite this, there are good conditions for preventing super-proliferation opportunities from arising.

- Super-scattering events are dependent on several different factors interacting. One is the biology of the infected individuals. But beyond that, most super-scattering events occur when many people are gathered for a long time in a small area. You could say that the environment itself is a super-spreader, says Serina Chang at the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.

She and her staff have built a computer model for how the infection spread in various places, such as restaurants, hotels, gyms, churches and grocery stores, in major cities in the United States during the spring.

- Ten percent of the places accounted for over 80 percent of the infections in these metropolitan areas between March and May according to our results. It's quite remarkable. The infection is therefore not spread evenly in society, says Serina Chang.

Restaurants with table service had the greatest contagion of the environments in the researchers' model, according to the results published this week in the journal Nature.

- Restaurants are about four times as dangerous as the next category, which is the gym. Then come cafes and hotels, says study leader Jure Leskovec, associate professor of computer science at Stanford.

The researchers used data from mobile phones that show how people move between their residential areas and different public environments.

- We use mobile data to simulate the spread of el bichito-19. We capture the movement pattern of almost one hundred million people in the United States' ten largest metropolitan areas, says Jure Leskovec.

The new model can help decision-makers deal with the pandemic, the researchers hope.

- Eight months into the pandemic, there is still a debate about when we should open society again, which places should be opened and how we should open them. We really believe that a stronger empirical basis is needed to choose the right strategy, says Jure Leskovec.

- According to our results, we should not treat all different environments equally, or open them in the same way, because the risk of spreading infection varies so much, says Serina Chang.

The mobile data the researchers had access to were anonymised, but they could divide it into groups of between 600 and 3,000 people according to the different residential areas the people's daily movements were based on.

- We could model how people moved hour by hour, and predict where and when someone would be infected, says Serina Chang.

The researchers assumed that there was a small proportion of those infected in all groups at the beginning of the pandemic.

- Our simulation begins on March 20. Then we pressed play. Every hour thereafter, some people from the different groups go to one of the environments. All movements in the model are based on real mobile data. Some people are susceptible to viruses, some are infected. How likely it is that someone will be infected in the model depends on the surface of the premises, how long you are there, how many other visitors are there at the same time and how many of them are infected, says Serina Chang.

Even when the people in the model are at home, there is a certain risk of becoming infected.

- To calibrate and check that our model is reliable, we compared our predictions with the actual number of daily cases of el bichito-19, according to the report in the New York Times. We show that our model can predict the number of reported cases in all ten metropolitan areas, says Serina Chang.

During the spring, several model calculations with gloomy predictions for the development of the pandemic in Sweden received much attention. With the results in hand, it turned out that the models had overestimated both the need for intensive care units and the number of deaths large. According to a study recently published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, many such models end up in real trouble because they expect an even spread of infection and do not take into account the dynamics of super-spread events that have been shown to be so characteristic of el bichito-19. The Swedish models were also criticized early on because they were far too complex and contained a large number of unknown parameters.

(COMORRRRR? Sobreestimado las muertes es tener 10 veces más muertos que noruega? Este diario el DN es totalmente prosocialista y pro-Tegnell, colaboracionistas genocidas).

On the contrary, the model Serina Chang and her co-workers have created has very few parameters.

- Mobility is the only parameter that varies with time. During this period, from March to May, people's behaviors changed a lot, with, for example, mouth protection, hand washing, social distance and the like. That our model still succeeds so well in recreating the real infection curve may indicate that mobility in particular plays a crucial role in the spread of infection, she says.

Across the world, the pandemic has hit low-income earners and other vulnerable groups hardest. The researchers' model provides a possible explanation: The vulnerable groups have not been able to afford or have the opportunity to stay at home.

- It is striking that our model makes correct predictions that groups with lower incomes and with a lower proportion of whites are infected with el bichito-19 at a significantly higher rate, only based on mobility. This is probably due to the fact that the groups are overrepresented among people who have jobs that cannot be managed from home. It makes a difference if you work in or only shop in a grocery store, for example, says Serina Chang.

- Grocery stores that low-income earners visit are generally more full of people. According to our model, a visit to the grocery store is twice as dangerous for a low-income earner as for a high-income earner, says Jurek Leskovec.
Casualmente desde finales de septiembre, coincidiendo con la supuesta mejoría, los sanitarios madrileños tienen prohibido hablar con medios de comunicación.

La Comunidad de Madrid prohíbe a periodistas y diputados hablar con sanitarios en hospitales
Si hubiera gran mentira en mandril sería muy difícil de tapar, lo cierto es que la presión hospitalaria está bajando y no creo que sea por las grandes medidas de pizpi ayuso ni por el gobierno, han llegado a la cresta de la segunda ola antes que los demás. Quitando aragon y Cataluña que en puridad estaríamos en la tercera.
Habra que plantearse datos en mano si el estar con verano chungo y restricciones continuas no ha sido a la larga mejor para España que en otros países que están abriendo jrande
Pero llevaríamos meses de mentiras, los sanitarios que tanto odian a Ayuso estarían implicados, el gobierno estaría haciendo la vista subida de peso... Serían muchas cosas al mismo tiempo aceptar la tesis de la Gran Mentira de la Pizpi.
Yo pienso como tú, el bicho allí de momento se ha quedado sin fuel...

Cuando empiecen a bajar los anticuerpos y el bicho tan extendido, vamos a ver de que es capaz este bicho con las reinfecciones.

Enviado desde mi HTC_U-1u mediante Tapatalk
Artículo del estudio de EE UU sobre donde se producen las infecciones... Maravilloso, el jueves pasado Tegnell decía que los restaurantes eran un lugar de bajo riesgo. Os daís cuenta en manos de quién está Suecia? Y lo idolatran aquí la gente! Creen que es un dolido genio! Como nuestro pobre amigo @Atanasio Lonchafinista roto2


Restaurants, gyms, cafes and hotels are environments with an extra high risk of spreading infection according to a new study based on data from mobile phones in the USA's ten largest cities. The study also shows that vulnerable groups are particularly hard hit by the pandemic because they cannot reduce their mobility as much as others.

This is how super-distribution works
Super-spreading occasions for the new corona bichito sars-cov2 have taken place in many different environments. Why is this happening, and why is superdistribution so important?

Researchers do not know why some people are so much more contagious than others. Despite this, there are good conditions for preventing super-proliferation opportunities from arising.

- Super-scattering events are dependent on several different factors interacting. One is the biology of the infected individuals. But beyond that, most super-scattering events occur when many people are gathered for a long time in a small area. You could say that the environment itself is a super-spreader, says Serina Chang at the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.

She and her staff have built a computer model for how the infection spread in various places, such as restaurants, hotels, gyms, churches and grocery stores, in major cities in the United States during the spring.

- Ten percent of the places accounted for over 80 percent of the infections in these metropolitan areas between March and May according to our results. It's quite remarkable. The infection is therefore not spread evenly in society, says Serina Chang.

Restaurants with table service had the greatest contagion of the environments in the researchers' model, according to the results published this week in the journal Nature.

- Restaurants are about four times as dangerous as the next category, which is the gym. Then come cafes and hotels, says study leader Jure Leskovec, associate professor of computer science at Stanford.

The researchers used data from mobile phones that show how people move between their residential areas and different public environments.

- We use mobile data to simulate the spread of el bichito-19. We capture the movement pattern of almost one hundred million people in the United States' ten largest metropolitan areas, says Jure Leskovec.

The new model can help decision-makers deal with the pandemic, the researchers hope.

- Eight months into the pandemic, there is still a debate about when we should open society again, which places should be opened and how we should open them. We really believe that a stronger empirical basis is needed to choose the right strategy, says Jure Leskovec.

- According to our results, we should not treat all different environments equally, or open them in the same way, because the risk of spreading infection varies so much, says Serina Chang.

The mobile data the researchers had access to were anonymised, but they could divide it into groups of between 600 and 3,000 people according to the different residential areas the people's daily movements were based on.

- We could model how people moved hour by hour, and predict where and when someone would be infected, says Serina Chang.

The researchers assumed that there was a small proportion of those infected in all groups at the beginning of the pandemic.

- Our simulation begins on March 20. Then we pressed play. Every hour thereafter, some people from the different groups go to one of the environments. All movements in the model are based on real mobile data. Some people are susceptible to viruses, some are infected. How likely it is that someone will be infected in the model depends on the surface of the premises, how long you are there, how many other visitors are there at the same time and how many of them are infected, says Serina Chang.

Even when the people in the model are at home, there is a certain risk of becoming infected.

- To calibrate and check that our model is reliable, we compared our predictions with the actual number of daily cases of el bichito-19, according to the report in the New York Times. We show that our model can predict the number of reported cases in all ten metropolitan areas, says Serina Chang.

During the spring, several model calculations with gloomy predictions for the development of the pandemic in Sweden received much attention. With the results in hand, it turned out that the models had overestimated both the need for intensive care units and the number of deaths large. According to a study recently published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, many such models end up in real trouble because they expect an even spread of infection and do not take into account the dynamics of super-spread events that have been shown to be so characteristic of el bichito-19. The Swedish models were also criticized early on because they were far too complex and contained a large number of unknown parameters.

(COMORRRRR? Sobreestimado las muertes es tener 10 veces más muertos que noruega? Este diario el DN es totalmente prosocialista y pro-Tegnell, colaboracionistas genocidas).

On the contrary, the model Serina Chang and her co-workers have created has very few parameters.

- Mobility is the only parameter that varies with time. During this period, from March to May, people's behaviors changed a lot, with, for example, mouth protection, hand washing, social distance and the like. That our model still succeeds so well in recreating the real infection curve may indicate that mobility in particular plays a crucial role in the spread of infection, she says.

Across the world, the pandemic has hit low-income earners and other vulnerable groups hardest. The researchers' model provides a possible explanation: The vulnerable groups have not been able to afford or have the opportunity to stay at home.

- It is striking that our model makes correct predictions that groups with lower incomes and with a lower proportion of whites are infected with el bichito-19 at a significantly higher rate, only based on mobility. This is probably due to the fact that the groups are overrepresented among people who have jobs that cannot be managed from home. It makes a difference if you work in or only shop in a grocery store, for example, says Serina Chang.

- Grocery stores that low-income earners visit are generally more full of people. According to our model, a visit to the grocery store is twice as dangerous for a low-income earner as for a high-income earner, says Jurek Leskovec.
El teletrabajo parece el gran factor en esas diferencias entre ricos y pobres que se dan, en Nueva York se vio bastante claro porque el latinital y el negrizal de queens o el bronx abrieron jrande, mientras los blanquitos que trabajaban todos en oficinas guays se quedaron en casa. Con lo cual está claro que remar mata, pero eso no te lo van a decir, faltaría más.

Creo que es así como dices ... yo te hablo de los que se presentan en el hospital con síntomas compatibles , negativo y para casa .
Vamos , que yo me tiré con síntomas compatibles desde noviembre hasta mayo , jorobar no iba a ir todos los días al hospital , es que ya no existe otra cosa que sea la fruta cosa de bichito esta.
Leyendo más en profundidad sobre lo del colegio de médicos pidiendo la destitución de Fernando Simón... MANDA bemoles que justo la única declaración sensata de este tío, criticando a los sanitarios que grababan TikToks moviendo el ojo ciego en pleno pico de la 1ª ola, pueda ser lo que provoque su caída, y no todos sus errores continuados de consecuencias mortales en lo sanitario y lo económico o sus risitas diarias al dar el parte de fallecidos.
Última edición:
Y esque con la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo se podria acabar mañana si nadie hiciera tests, las muertes por el bichito-19 las llamarian ''extraña pulmonia'' y a seguir remando que la economia va muy mal, no hay tiempo para pensar en muertes.
Querrás decir esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo. En el pasado ha habido peores enfermedades que ésta, pero no habían montando este circo.