*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Los Ferrocarriles Catalanes tendrán "vagones silencio" desde este lunes para evitar la propagación de la el bichito-19


Yo lo haría una obligación,,,que manía de compartir con los demás sus miserias,,,,a oídos de todos....Callense, escuchen su voz interior,,,,arrancarse la lengua,,pero silencio, por favor. Esos sería maravilloso,,,pero en un sitio donde todos y cada uno tienen la sensación de ser especial,,,como todos los demás,,,,como no contar, chillar, gritar,,,,al otro,,a todos los otros....Es en mi puesto laboral ya fabulo con lo que haría de ser posible a todos esos que vienen hablando de cosas innecesarias,,,de su estupidez que de tanto no soportarla van con ella a la chepa esperando a quien poder arrojarsela para librarse del pesado fardo.

Silencio, es tuyo, no lo quiero, no me lo des,,,,no me hables....
¿Ya se sabe por qué el bichito solo es peligroso en las residencias de ancianos? ¿Lo están investigando las autoridades y los medios de comunicación?
Será porque en las residencias vive el 3% de los ancianos de España pero con un sesgo enorme hacia edades avanzadas y patologías diversas. Los más sanos están en su casa.
Sobre el tema oficinas abiertas. A mi siempre me han parecido un horror.

"Increased risk with open office landscapes"

How safe is it to return to work during and after the pandemic? Not especially - if you sit in an open office landscape
. It is written by Tuija Muhonen, professor of work science and Hanne Berthelsen, associate professor of leadership at Malmö University.

After almost eight months, many are starting to get tired of just working from home. But how safe is it to return to a workplace that is often in an open landscape?

In recent decades, it has become increasingly popular to design offices just like that, sometimes called activity-based, where employees lack their own office space.

But how well do open landscapes rhyme with keeping distance and avoiding crowds?

Infection can move through the open landscape as well as bichito particles can remain on commonly used surfaces ...

Even before the pandemic broke out, most studies showed an increased spread of infection in open office environments, with more self-reported ill health and more sick leave compared to traditional office environments.

Environments where employees do not have fixed places and where the desks sit close to each other simply miccionan great challenges in relation to the spread of infection. Infection can move through the open landscape as well as bichito particles can remain on commonly used surfaces such as keyboards, printers, elevator buttons and kitchenettes.

This places high demands not only on personal hygiene but also on the fact that cleaning and ventilation systems work better than we have previously considered sufficient.

In our research, ventilation has emerged as a problem area even before the pandemic. In many modern buildings there is no possibility to open windows. Previous studies point to employees' dissatisfaction with not being able to control or monitor the ventilation themselves. Not having personal control over ventilation, temperature, lighting or visual and auditory impressions is perceived as stressful and leads to difficulty concentrating.

If we turn our gaze away from the obvious for a moment, research highlights other aspects that may call for reflection from a pandemic perspective.

Our new study in a university environment shows that the introduction of activity-based office spaces meant that many worked more from home and only came to the office for meetings and lectures. Of course, many people enjoy working remotely, but not all. In our research, we saw that increased homework in itself made the psychosocial work environment worse. The participants felt less involved, and job satisfaction also decreased. At the same time, the amount of email increased - a stress factor in itself.

It is difficult to create small talk, which acts as an organizational glue between colleagues.

All of these aspects have become even more relevant during the pandemic. Many of us avoid calling or zooming informally and the meetings we get are of a more formal nature. It is difficult to create small talk, which acts as an organizational glue between colleagues.

And when we are now called upon to persevere and persevere, sustainable solutions are also required at home.

During the pandemic, we have quickly learned to use digital tools to a greater extent, but teleworking cannot replace human encounters. We will need office jobs in the future as well. At the same time, the offices must offer better infection protection than is the case today.

Employers should thus consider the design of the future office and what changes should be made to reduce the risks of increased spread of infection and deteriorating working environment.

This requires efficient ventilation, but also increased opportunities for, for example, individual rooms and rotating office hours.

It is also time to review where, when and how we can best perform our various tasks. Some tasks can be done remotely while others require a physical meeting. Some activities need to take place in "real time", while others do not need to be for everyone at the same time. For example, brainstorming could take place digitally on a common bulletin board. Some activities and tasks could also be done outdoors, as Professor Susanna Toivanen advocates.

Digital platforms also have great development potential. It is not a given to continue with the same forms of work as in the physical environment.

In a future where not everyone can be in place at the same time, employers also need to think about how they ensure that no one is excluded from the social community, especially considering those who belong to a risk group.

In general, managers, together with employees and with the help of various experts, need to make a thorough analysis of the employees' needs in order for them to be able to perform their tasks in a sustainable manner from the point of view of infection risk, efficiency and physical and mental well-being.

How employers act during the pandemic greatly affects future office life.
Será porque en las residencias vive el 3% de los ancianos de España pero con un sesgo enorme hacia edades avanzadas y patologías diversas. Los más sanos están en su casa.
¿Entonces no tiene nada que ver con que les prohibiesen el acceso a los hospitales cuando enfermaban y con que no les dieran una atención médica adecuada?
-Madrid, hostelería abierta: una mejora del 60% que ha ido acelerándose.

-Barcelona, hostelería cerrada: la incidencia está en 2.870 casos tras haberse triplicado en octubre.

¿Da que pensar, no? pensando:


Y con los bares abiertos
El rumano en modo madmaxista total
Es un el milenarismo va a llegarrrrr de libro.

ahora no se los tiempos, que siempre resultan difícil de predecir, sobre todo en el futuro. Pero el resultado de caos si que lo veo. Es el escenario necesario para el reset preparado.

sujétense sus Paco mascaras bien fuertes hamijos
-Madrid, hostelería abierta: una mejora del 60% que ha ido acelerándose.

-Barcelona, hostelería cerrada: la incidencia está en 2.870 casos tras haberse triplicado en octubre.

¿Da que pensar, no? pensando:

Ver archivo adjunto 482129

Y con los bares abiertos
Da que pensar, así es.

Como la tasa de mortalidad por debajo de lo esperado en Suecia o Alemania, tres meses y tres meses y medio después de abrir colegios, respectivamente.
Menos "hisopos" menos positivos, han hecho 40000 pruebas menos y aun así positividad del 17%

Italia ,32,616 infecciones y 331 muertes, números bajando

(ANSA) - ROMA, NOV 08 - Hay 32.616 nuevos casos de positividad de cobi19 en las últimas 24 horas (7.195 menos que ayer). Las víctimas son 331 (94 menos que ayer).

Se realizaron 191.144 nuevos hisopos, unos 40 mil menos. Así lo informaron los datos difundidos por el Ministerio de Salud. Un total de 935,104 están infectados, incluidas las víctimas y los sanados, mientras que el total de muertos es de 41,394.
La relación hisopos / positivos es constante, manteniéndose en torno al 17%, al igual que el aumento de pacientes en cuidados intensivos. El número de positivos actualmente en Italia ha llegado a 558,636 (+26,100). De estos, 26.404 están hospitalizados con síntomas (+1.331), 2.749 están en cuidados intensivos (+115) y 529.447 están en aislamiento domiciliario (+24.654).
Desde el inicio de la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo, 335.074 personas han sido dadas de alta o curadas, con un aumento de +6.183 en las últimas 24 horas.

el bichito: 32.616 i contagi e 331 i decessi, numeri in calo - Ultima Ora