*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Yo he hecho algún pedido pequeño a aliexpress, una caja de mascaras y otra de guantes. Espero que no me las paren en la aduana, y si es así, espero que se arregle pagando el iva correspondiente. Aunque ya me creo cualquier cosa.
Es un error. En el mejor de los casos te llegan dentro de un mes cuando aquí ya sobren y "namás que" vendan de eso en los super. En el peor te las requisan en aduanas porque hay orden de requisar mascaras si son necesarias.
A todo esto.

La actuación del Rey parece que va a ser igual que en el caso de las revueltas en Cataluña.

"Discursito" al principio y si te he visto no me acuerdo.
Brigada USA 405 ayuda a montar camillas.

5.41 pm - Ayuda a Lombardía del ejército de los EE. UU.
El ejército de los Estados Unidos "apoya a los aliados italianos en la batalla contra cobi19". Como se indica en el perfil de Twitter de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Italia, "la 405ª Brigada prepara camas, camillas, sillas de ruedas y otros materiales médicos para el Programa de Apoyo Humanitario de la Región de Lombardía".

Los yanquis piden paso, 50.000 infectados confirmados. Como no tomen medidas , va a dejar a los gobierno europeos como tios "eficaces".
No es tan raro. Si has estado expuesto puedes tomar anticiricos como profiláctico.

No he dicho que lo están haciendo. Solo he dicho que se puede hacer. Y ademas recomendaría hacerlo, seria de fulastres no hacerlo.
Hay países en África en dónde la cosa empieza a estar jodida
Llevo encerrado desde el sábado 14, este jueves tendré que salir sí o sí a comprar medicamentos a la farmacia y me está dando ansiedad sólo de pensarlo...
Cuidado con la farmacia, alli es donde van muchos al ser diagnosticados.

Te sugiero ir por la tarde nada más abra la farmacia, el farmacéutico la tendrá limpia y desinfectada, y no sé por qué muchos casos empeoran durante la noche así que acuden por la mañana temprano. Se el primero de la tarde y no tendrás problemas.
Cuarto fallecido en la Región de Murcia. Se trata de un varón de 45 años que permanecía ingresado en la UCI del hospital Rafael Méndez de Lorca desde el pasado 16 de marzo, y por el momento se desconoce si tenía o no patologías previas. Por el momento hay 385 afectados en la región. Informa Virginia Vadillo.
cobi19 BioWeapon – 4. PANDEMIC! As Predicted in Bill Gates forum (video) with ex-CIA. Italy and Iran Massacred in Bio-Warfare for their A.I. Deal

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 4. PANDEMIC! As Predicted in Bill Gates forum (video) with ex-CIA. Italy and Iran Massacred in Bio-Warfare for their A.I. Deal



by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«Nowadays, it is clear to the world people that the mutated and intelligent cobi19 2019 was produced in laboratories, and more clearly put, by the warfare stock house of biologic war belonging to world egemonic powers, and is much more anti-human, destructive and horrible thant the other anti-human weapons such as the nuclear and chemical ones, as well as Harp».

Former Iranian President Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad wrote it in a letter sent to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, referring to the HARP project (High Altitude Research Project), a study by the Defense Departments of the USA and Canada carried out on the upper atmosphere by means of an instrument launched by a cannon.

cobi19 BioWeapon, Hecatomb Italy. Prophecy on Pandemic and NWO by Obama-Biden CIA’s Queen

Meanwhile the World Health Organization has declared the pandemic. The situation doesn’t change for the countries most affected by Corona bichito and already in national quarantine since many days as China, South Corea, Italy, Iran and Japan.

If she were still alive Agatha Christie would have already written her new novel to tell how and why her famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot arrested Bill Gates for the cobi19 pandemic of the century. For the famous literary investigator, a perfect conspiracy expert in unmasking the most unthinkable intrigues, a clue was only a clue but three clues became proof.

cobi19-BioWeapon. Cardinal Blames: “A Rich Country Sowed This Poison. UN must Investigate”

«The next war that will destroy us will not be made of weapons but of viruses and microbes» in March 2015 was the message of Bill Gates during a Ted conference.

«We spend a fortune on nuclear deterrence, and so little on preventing a pandemic, yet a bichito unknown today could kill millions of people in the coming years and cause a financial loss of 3,000 billion worldwide» add the co-founder of Microsoft who just left the Corporation’s board in the last few days, where he will remain a technological consultant, to devote himself more to “philanthropy”.

In this video Bill Gates told a big big lie!! Because Pentagon financed research about bacteriological weapons and opened the Biochemical sector of DARPA in 2014 and DTRA projects since many years. As we wrote in previous reports.

Well the strange “coincidences” that link the name of Microsoft’s tycoon to el bichito-19 are such and many that they now appear as serious, precise and concordant clues.

The pandemic was predicted during an exercise by the Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health in Balrimora at a summit organized in October New York with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have already written various counterinformation sites in recent weeks and authoritative mainstream media from the atlantist have ridiculed conspiracy theory.

cobi19 BioWeapon – 7. TOP SECRET Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan and Modena

If that forum among 15 world players in the world of health, economics and safety, open only to 130 exclusive guests, had been the only element connecting the empire of the IT guru with the Corona bichito emergency would really have it could have been considered a very curious coincidence from the slightly ghostly and apocalyptic shadows as it is called “Event 201”, with a “0” less than the inauspicious year of the catastrophe of 11 September in New York.

The summit, however, also stood out for the authoritative presence of a former secret service official: lawyer Avril Haines, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency and former deputy adviser of National Security of the White House (2013-2017). Avril Haines, CIA director from 2013 to 2017 She was appointed “deputy advisor” in 2013 by choice of Barack Obama and was defended by CIA director John Brennan when the Washington Post called that post “somewhat unusual”.

Avril Haines, former deputy director of Central Intelligence Agency
“Haines knows more about undercover operations than anyone else in the US government outside of the CIA,” replied the new chief of US counterintelligence as New York remarked that she was not an “intelligence professional” though, in her job at the State Department. USA, however, had already dealt with wiretapping and drones.

Biogenetic Weapon Catastrophe. Intel sources: «bichito spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italy

That “prophetic” forum takes on even more relevance after our previous investigation into the intertwining between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Pirbright Institute, the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, leader in vaccines, administered by a director of Microsoft Corporation and partner of the Pentagon of its research agencies on Darpa and Dtra innovative weapons, also specialized in studies on biology and genetic engineering and therefore perfectly capable of preparing a biogenetic bichito with precise ethnic targets.

We have already written about the connections that support the thesis of a biological weapon pandemic in the previous report and therefore we will analyze them later in this article. Now let’s try to understand why after China, where the epidemic is slowly decreasing, Italy, more than 21 thousands el bichito-19 cases with 1.441 deaths, and Iran, over 12 thousands coutagious persons and 611 dead (march, 14), are the most affected countries.

Some doubts come from the Beijing Foreign Minister about the possibility that patient zero is an American soldier. In fact, spokesman Zhao Lijian published some videos on Twitter about the hearing in the House of Representatives in the presence of the director of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CoC), Robert Redfield. China is asking for transparency and clarity from the US.

The suspicion was also raised by the Chinese social media Weibo that the bichito was spread during the World Military Games held in Wuhan in mid-October and in which 300 soldiers of the US army took part.

As reported by Veterans Today, among them there would have been a team of fake athletes specialized instead in a biological war mission that could have been easily spread like wildfire with nano drones as highlighted by Gospa News in a previous reportage thanks to intel sources.


The numbers are alarming both because they are growing exponentially but above all because, after the massacre that took place in China 3,140 died out of 80,924, they represent the highest mortality index in the world: in Iran the deaths are in fact 3 times those of South Korea (60 ) while in Italy there are even 10 times more to represent about 15% of all cobi19 victims on the planet, estimated at 4012 by report no. 50 of the World Health Organization.

In the previous reportage we explained that this could be due to the two different genotypes of the el bichito-19 viral strain, one more aggressive and lethal due to an unidentified human manipulation, the other of high morbidity but not very fatal.

In the hypothesis of the bacteriological weapon, obviously to be proven if it will ever be possible, here is the thesis of the ethnic pandemic from biogenetic bichito is perfectly able to explain these anomalous macroscopic between what happened in China, Iran and Italy compared to the rest of the world.

If it is almost superfluous to explain the long-standing rivalries between two superpowers like China and the US, the cradle of that globalist Deep State of which the CIA itself has admitted the existence recently, strongly conditioned by the Zionist financial Lobby in the weapons market (conventional and non ) which finds expression in formal organizations such as the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) an American pressure group known for its strong support for the State of Israel.

It should be remembered that those between Washington and Tehran have recently become more acute with the exit of the United States from the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Act) treaty on Iran to which Iran has responded by resuming the enrichment of uranium for military use. The climax of the clash occurred when a US Air Force drone launched from Al Udeid base in Qatar killed General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Forces, the special UNIT for foreign missions of the Guards Islamic revolutionaries, or the Iranian Pasdaran.

Before launching a missile attack on American bases in Iraq (which on January 8 caused brain injuries to a hundred soldiers despite the initial denials of serious damage to the White House), Tehran immediately reacted to what I considered a declaration of war with a gesture symbolic and practical: the red flag of revenge was hoisted on the Shi’ite Mosque of Qom, the most important Muslim temple in the country, the centrifuges of the Fordow nuclear power plant were set in full swing, always near Qom, at about 140 km from Tehran.

This plant is not only among the most innovative for the speed of uranium enrichment in order to build nuclear warheads that Iran at the moment should not yet possess or in any case have in limited numbers precisely due to the restrictions of the JCPOA.

Fordow nuclear facility in a 2007 map
But it is also practically unassailable as it is made in an underground binker at 50 meters depth: it is therefore very difficult to scratch even with a powerful missile but it is obviously at risk of contagion from a viral epidemic among its operators, now probably isolated from the world.

Just in Qom the first outbreak of cobi19 was recorded in all of Iran which then quickly spread to the nearby and populous capital. The epidemic erupted with virulence about a month after the mysterious plane crash in Afghanistan where a CIA Commando spy plane crashed, with the Middle East operations chief Mike D’Andrea on board.


Well just in the days when Washington and Tehran were at loggerheads, while Pentagon and Pasdaran did not wait for the order of attack by their respective presidents to start a global war in the Middle East and perhaps not only, to an inexperienced Italian politician of that 5 Star Movement party composed largely of people with little general knowledge and not just geopolitics, came the brilliant idea of starting a strategic collaboration between Italy and Iran.

The guappo della gaffes, the barbarian of the subjunctive, the former steward of the San Paolo Stadium where he sold drinks until a few years ago, Luigi Di Maio, national leader 5S wanted to exercise his power as Foreign Minister who had obtained reward for having helped the left triad made up of the Democratic Party, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella (former PD parliamentar and likely close to the CIA as written in a previous report) and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, disheartened by the Matteo Salvini League, to form the new Conte Bis government .

The Head of State Mattarella, intent on running around the world that counts from Washington to Qatar the Muslim Brothers allies of Turkey of the bloodthirsty Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had chosen Di Maio for the Farnesina precisely to continue to manage first hand the most delicate foreign issues.

But the 5Stelle Member of Parliament is thrilled with youthful instincts and instead of venting them with his beautiful girlfriend, he preferred to focus them on the new horizons of information technology connected to geopolitics: articular intelligence.
