Guerra en Oriente medio.

Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks
Tyler Durden's Photo
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2024 - 01:10 AM
Starting Friday night into Saturday a series of surreal images and videos have circulated widely showing that whole swathes of northern Israel are literally on fire.
The fires were largely in open field areas, but were very extensive given they were the result of about 35 rockets being fired from Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, targeting the northern city of Kiryat Shmona, which suffered damage.

Los palestinos ya no pintan nada en esa zona del mundo, (Gaza, Cisjordania y refugiados en oriente próximo), deberían aceptar ser enviados a España y otros países.
Gaza como tierra Israelí se convertirá en un Vergel de prosperidad y oportunidades de trabajo bien pagado .