Elon Musk anima a la gente a tener más niños para evitar el hundimiento de la civilización.

No en todo occidente, por ejemplo la densidad de población que hay en Holanda, Bélgica o Alemania es mayor que la de Japón, y esta mucho mayor que la de China. En gusanolandia y Canadá si que la densidad es más baja, aunque el consumo es más alto que en Europa.



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glow tron legacy GIF

Musk es un tipo bastante heterodoxo y que no se corta un pelo a la hora de decir lo que piensa. Hace un año ya dijo que las pruebas PCR eran una filfa.
Greta no aprueba este hilo.

The SpaceX and Tesla CEO has encouraged people to have more babies in a bid to ensure the survival of the human race. Speaking at a Monday event hosted by the Wall Street Journal, the South African billionaire claimed "there are not enough people" to keep humanity ticking along.
Mr Musk, who himself has six children, has now claimed declining population rate growth is "one of the biggest risks to civilisation".
He said: "There are not enough people. I can't emphasize this enough, there are not enough people."

Recent years have seen many people opt out of having children, antiestéticaring the impact child-rearing will have on climate change.
Mr Musk, however, claimed this week that "it's completely the opposite" and that more people are needed to prevent the planet from collapsing.

He was quoted by CNBC: "If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble. Mark my words."
Professor Vollset told IFL Science: "If our forecast is correct, it will be the first time population decline is driven by fertility decline, as opposed to events such as a pandemic or famine."

According to the study's forecasts, the population of up to 23 countries could shrink by more than half.

These include Japan, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Portugal and Italy.

Two key factors, Professor Vollset argued, are improved access to contraception and education of women and girls.
Es que si no hay blanquitos no sé quién le va a comprar los coches con motor de lavadora...
No tiene narices a especificarque tipo de natalidad es la necesaria
Hay varios países en fuerte contracción demográfica. Posiblemente se refiera a esto.

¿Me está diciendo ustec que esos países en contracción son los que sostienen la civilización y los otros no?

Qué rasista me ha salido ustec. Rasista, fassista, machista, españolista, estalinista, cubista, anarquista...

Huy, creo que me he hecho un lío con tanto -ista.