Cuál es tu lenguaje de programación preferido?

Elige opción

  • C / C++

    Votos: 142 22,8%
  • Java

    Votos: 88 14,1%
  • Javascript

    Votos: 40 6,4%
  • PHP

    Votos: 62 10,0%
  • Python

    Votos: 133 21,3%
  • Ruby / Rust / Scala

    Votos: 9 1,4%
  • Fortran

    Votos: 16 2,6%
  • Ensamblador

    Votos: 37 5,9%
  • Perl / Pascal / Ada

    Votos: 13 2,1%
  • Otros (C#, D, F# y etc.)

    Votos: 83 13,3%

  • Total de votantes
Quien sabe programar sabe programar en cualquier lenguaje solo tiene que aprender las diferencias sintanxicas entre uno y otro ,un buen programador hara virgerias en cualquier lenguage y un paquete siempre le echará la culpa a algo o a alguien.

Eso no es asi.

La programacion de un mainframe en COBOL no tiene nada que ver con la programacion para escritorio de Delphi, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una web en C#, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una aplicacion responsive en Meteor, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una app en Ionic, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una app IOS en Objective C.

Lo que dice usted me lo decian mis ex-empleados cuando tenian 6 meses - 1 año de experiencia. Ahora, 10 años despues, me los encuentro por la calle y me cuentan que llevan meses portando una aplicacion de escritorio hecha en C# a ASP MVC en C#. Y eran programadores normales. Ni cracks ni inutiles.

TIOBE Index for March 2017
March Headline: Swift enters the top 10 for the first time

This month Swift enters the TIOBE index top 10 for the first time. About 3 years ago Apple announced that it would replace its "ancient" native mobile app development language Objective-C by its newborn language called Swift. The expectations were high right from the start, but adoptation took off slowly. That is for good reasons by the way because the installed base of Objective-C code is quite large. New applications are written in Swift, whereas old apps that are written in Objective-C are not actively migrated to Swift. This is also what we observe at customer sites. Since Swift is mainly intended to write applications in Apple's ecosystem, it is expected that it won't rise much further.

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

Mar 2017 Mar 2016 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Java 16.384% -4.14%
2 2 C 7.742% -6.86%
3 3 C++ 5.184% -1.54%
4 4 C# 4.409% +0.14%
5 5 Python 3.919% -0.34%
6 7 change Visual Basic .NET 3.174% +0.61%
7 6 change PHP 3.009% +0.24%
8 8 JavaScript 2.667% +0.33%
9 11 change Delphi/Object Pascal 2.544% +0.54%
10 14 change Swift 2.268% +0.68%
11 9 change Perl 2.261% +0.01%
12 10 change Ruby 2.254% +0.02%
13 12 change Assembly language 2.232% +0.39%
14 16 change R 2.016% +0.73%
15 13 change Visual Basic 2.008% +0.33%
16 15 change Objective-C 1.997% +0.54%
17 48 change Go 1.982% +1.78%
18 18 MATLAB 1.854% +0.66%
19 19 PL/SQL 1.672% +0.48%
20 26 change Scratch 1.472% +0.70%
Eso no es asi.

La programacion de un mainframe en COBOL no tiene nada que ver con la programacion para escritorio de Delphi, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una web en C#, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una aplicacion responsive en Meteor, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una app en Ionic, que no tiene nada que ver con programar una app IOS en Objective C.

Lo que dice usted me lo decian mis ex-empleados cuando tenian 6 meses - 1 año de experiencia. Ahora, 10 años despues, me los encuentro por la calle y me cuentan que llevan meses portando una aplicacion de escritorio hecha en C# a ASP MVC en C#. Y eran programadores normales. Ni cracks ni inutiles.
Yo no digo que por arte de magia y de un día para otro vayan a programar con la misma destreza con un nuevo lenguage que con otro con el que llevan tiempo programando, pero que en poco tiempo pueden estar dando resultados , un buen programador lo hace perfectamente, de echo yo mismo la semana pasada empeze un proyecto con frontend en Angular2 y backend en .net y no los había tocada en mi vida, pero al haber programado e varíos Framework y varios lenguajes todo me es familiar y fácil de asimilar.
Última edición:
¿Qué pensáis de Swift? Parece que ha madurado bastante.

Yo aún lo evito en mis apps para iOS, porque cada vez que ha pasado de una versión a otra, cambiaban muchas cosas y te dejaban el código de la app medio inútil.

Lo mismo ahora con la v3 se estabiliza de una vez. En cualquier caso, imagino que llegará un momento donde sea obligatorio utilizarlo para iOS / Mac.

Lo gracioso es que muchas de las empresas de todo el mundo exigían conocimientos de Swift al mes de su salida. La gente es iluso...

TIOBE Index for April 2017
April Headline: Hack programming language enters the top 50

Programming language Hack has entered the TIOBE index top 50 for the first time. Hack is a dialect of PHP that is introduced by Facebook about 3 years. The main drivers behind the release of Hack are that it is faster, more scalable and safer if compared to PHP. The Hack programming language contains modern programming paradigms such as generics, nullable types and collections. The big question is of course: can Hack replace PHP in the future? Deployability is still quite hard (e.g. because it is not available on hosted webservers by default), otherwise it could certainly become PHP's successor. Let's first see whether Hack can keep its place in the top 50 the next few months.

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

Apr 2017 Apr 2016 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Java 15.568% -5.28%
2 2 C 6.966% -6.94%
3 3 C++ 4.554% -1.36%
4 4 C# 3.579% -0.22%
5 5 Python 3.457% +0.13%
6 6 PHP 3.376% +0.38%
7 10 change Visual Basic .NET 3.251% +0.98%
8 7 change JavaScript 2.851% +0.28%
9 11 change Delphi/Object Pascal 2.816% +0.60%
10 8 change Perl 2.413% -0.11%
11 9 change Ruby 2.310% -0.04%
12 15 change Swift 2.287% +0.81%
13 12 change Assembly language 2.168% -0.03%
14 13 change Objective-C 2.163% +0.45%
15 18 change R 2.138% +0.87%
16 14 change Visual Basic 2.058% +0.45%
17 16 change MATLAB 2.045% +0.70%
18 44 change Go 1.974% +1.73%
19 24 change Scratch 1.668% +0.86%
20 17 change PL/SQL 1.619% +0.30%
A estas alturas pensaba ver en la lista unos cuantos lenguajes funcionales..

TIOBE Index for May 2017
May Headline: the pack is closing in on Java and C

Java and C are in a heavy downward trend since the beginning of 2016. Both languages have lost more than 6% if compared to last year. So which programming languages are taking advantage of this drop? Well, actually all the other languages. Since software is adopted by more and more domains nowadays, C (low level software development) and Java (high level software development) apparently don't suffice any more. To illustrate this point, a rating of 0.6% was sufficient to reach the top 20 in 2012. Nowadays this would put you at position 33.

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

May 2017 May 2016 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Java 14.639% -6.32%
2 2 C 7.002% -6.22%
3 3 C++ 4.751% -1.95%
4 5 change Python 3.548% -0.24%
5 4 change C# 3.457% -1.02%
6 10 change Visual Basic .NET 3.391% +1.07%
7 7 JavaScript 3.071% +0.73%
8 12 change Assembly language 2.859% +0.98%
9 6 change PHP 2.693% -0.30%
10 9 change Perl 2.602% +0.28%
11 8 change Ruby 2.429% +0.09%
12 13 change Visual Basic 2.347% +0.52%
13 15 change Swift 2.274% +0.68%
14 16 change R 2.192% +0.86%
15 14 change Objective-C 2.101% +0.50%
16 42 change Go 2.080% +1.83%
17 18 change MATLAB 2.063% +0.78%
18 11 change Delphi/Object Pascal 2.038% +0.03%
19 19 PL/SQL 1.676% +0.47%
20 22 change Scratch 1.668% +0.74%
Hay que modernizarse y cambiar de índice.
Programming language rankings: Which ones matter? | TechBeacon
Rankings inside.


Frequency: Monthly.

Methodology: Based on the number of queries in popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube, and Baidu using the +“<language> programming” search term.


Frequency: Semi-annually.

Methodology: Based on raw lines of code in GitHub repositories and StackOverflow language tags.


Frequency: Annually.

Methodology: Based on the number of opened GitHub pull requests in the past 12 months.

IEEE Spectrum

Frequency: Annually.

Methodology: The rankings are synthesized from 10 sources (Google search of “X programming”; Google Trends; Twitter; GitHub; StackOverflow; Reddit; Hacker News; CareerBuilder; Dice; IEEE Xplore Digital Library).


Frequency: Monthly.

Methodology: Based on Google Trends for the “<language> tutorial” search term.

Eng Language Index

Methodology: An extension of PYPL to include missing languages and correct for Objective-C. Found on my Medium blog. (Note: PYPL have since corrected their list for some missing languages, but their data point for Go language appears to be anomalous and Objective-C is still incorrect. I believe PYPL are using the search term “golang tutorial” for Go. This is why its ranking is anomalous. Golang is not the proper name for the Go language.)


Frequency: Annually.

Methodology: Based on 1,200,000+ CodeEval challenge submissions for the year.


Methodology: Languages employers are proactively seeking based on a study of over 3,000 coding interview challenges.

StackOverflow Developer Survey

Frequency: Annually.

Methodology: 56,033 coders in 173 countries surveyed for 2016.

Trendy Skills

Frequency: Irregular.

Methodology: Languages in demand from “major job advertisement websites (e.g., and similar)” including countries such as the USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Finland, India, and Greece.

Coding Dojo

Methodology: Languages ranked by the number of programming jobs at (The largest job posting aggregator in the US).

New Relic

Methodology: Languages mentioned in the job listings at

Según el Índice elegido, gana: Java, Javascript, C, Python o SQL. Muahahhahaa
¿Qué quieren decir las tremendas bajadas de C, C++ y Java en este gráfico con el resto de lenguajes más o menos estables? ¿Qué cada vez se programa menos?

creo que son porcentajes...deberían sumar 100 siempre.

Por otra parte, están surgiendo lenguajes nuevos y antiguos que reviven. Hay más opciones.

Por ejemplo, yo con Delphi, con un sólo código, hago una aplicación para Wndows, Mac, Android e iOS. Eso ha relanzado a Delphi en los últimos años.
creo que son porcentajes...deberían sumar 100 siempre.

Por otra parte, están surgiendo lenguajes nuevos y antiguos que reviven. Hay más opciones.

Pues si esos tres bajan tan a lo bruto y no aparecen ninguno nuevo en el gráfico no entiendo cómo pueden seguir sumando cien. :S

Por ejemplo, yo con Delphi, con un sólo código, hago una aplicación para Wndows, Mac, Android e iOS. Eso ha relanzado a Delphi en los últimos años.

¿Delphi o Embarcadero? La última vez que había echado una ojeada me llamó la atención ver que ya no era de Borland. ¿Sigue habiendo alguna otra versión de Delphi?
En el 90 hice un curso de "turbo C" antes de abandonar el mundo de la informática (felizmente). ¿Eso sigue existiendo?