Capítulo 34 - Igualitarismo

H. Roark

12 Dic 2012
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H. Roark

12 Dic 2012

1. (Hooton, 1939, p. 342). Back

2. (Weaver, R. M., “Ideas Have Consequences,” University of Chicago Press, 1948). Back

3. (Courtois, S., et al., "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression," Harvard University Press, 1999). Back

4. Japan, S. Korea, and China are three market-capitalist countries whose bright lights are easily visible from space. Nearby is a strange dark shape - socialist North Korea. The 38th parallel that divides North and South Korea is the only man-made line that can be seen from space. Back

5. Marxism is based on egalitarianism. “[Communism and socialism] … drew their major nourishment from supposedly unwarranted economic and social inequalities among men. To recognize that many of the inequalities were not unwarranted, that they were instead biologically constituted and consequently inevitable, was to cut to the root of every left-wing doctrine, called by whatever name.” (Putnam, 1967, p. 9). Back

6. On the other hand, “Religious people who insist that ‘all men are equal in the sight of God,’ thereby plainly reveal their conviction that men ought to be treated as equals here and now.” (Earnest A. Hooton, Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University, quoted in Simpson, 2003, p. 290). Back

7. U.S. Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, who also wrote, “In memory they [blacks] are equal to the whites; in reason much inferior, as I think one could scarcely be found capable of tracing and comprehending the investigations of Euclid; and that in imagination they are dull, tasteless, and anomalous.” Back

8. Note that “egalitarianism,” as used in this book, is the dictum that everyone is genetically equal, i.e., “bioegalitarianism”; it does not refer to making people economically equal. An argument can be made that sharing resources, i.e., “economic equality,” is, or at least was, somewhat genetically-induced and adaptive because when people lived in small groups their survival depended upon sharing food and other resources, though the sharing would have been mostly limited to close relatives since almost everyone in the group was a blood relative. Today, the much stronger case is that economic equality, especially when it is coerced, is maladaptive as it punishes those who work and save and rewards those who are lazy and impulsive, thus giving everyone an incentive to not produce. Reproductive success requires consumption, which in turn requires production. Back

9. One can say that some values are harmful (e.g., smoking) and others beneficial (e.g., exercise), but it is not possible to objectively show that one should choose particular values because a “should” cannot be deduced from an “is.” (David Hume’s “Is-Ought” argument, Chap. 36). For that reason, although differences in people can be labeled “trivial,” it is not possible to say that trivial differences should have no effect on one’s choices. (Fuerle, 1986). Back

10. (MacLaren, A., internet post, “When Logic Fails,” Mar. 2, 2006). “Ironically, denial of the reality of race often prefaces a denunciation of race bias, with little explanation given of how people can respond to a trait that no one possesses and no one understands. It should be obvious as well that repudiating race forbids advocacy of racial preferences, although few critics of the race concept have faulted affirmative action on this account.” (Levin, 1997, p. 19). Blacks who blame their failures on the resistance of whites to integration implicitly concede that they are not genetically equal to whites because they are saying that whites can succeed without blacks, but blacks cannot succeed without whites. Back

"Diversity training" also requires a contradiction: "To better treat one another as individuals, we must stop seeing people as individuals, and instead acknowledge their identities as members of a particular group." (Gifford, B., "The Unbearable Whiteness of Being," Washington City Paper, Nov. 12, 1993). It is also illogical to deny the reality of race yet admit the reality of breeds of dogs, as breeds are no different than races. Because diversity destroys the trust needed to function efficiently as a group, it weakens the military. (Hengest, D., “Diversity in the Army,” American Renaissance, Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan., 2008). 11. “Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it.” (Pinker, S., "The Lessons of the Ashkenazim," The New Republic Online, June 26, 2006). Back

12. Larry Summers, just installed as the new president of Harvard University, naively believing that problems at this august institution could be solved rationally and logically in open debate, set out all the possible reasons why not many women enrolled in the sciences and math, one of those reasons being that they were genetically less capable. Nancy Hopkins, a biologist at MIT, could not decide whether to throw up or black out at this shocking display of truth-speaking. Not long afterwards, the leftist professors gave Summers the boot and, not long after that, several papers were published confirming that the female brain is different from the male mind, something already well known to those of us who passed Puberty 101. Back

13. (See Chapter 8). A great deal of racism is actually “cheerleading,” boosting the morale and cohesiveness of one’s own racial group, a practice that is adaptive if it is not unrealistic. Back

14. Some species of great apes can also feel empathy towards others (De Waal, 1997, p. 35). While it is likely that one must possess functioning mirror neurons to feel empathy, it is not yet clear what the connection is, if any, between possessing mirror neurons and passing the "mirror test." (Mirror Test, Wikipedia). Dogs, for example, seem to have some social control feelings, e.g., submissiveness, but cannot pass the mirror test. Back

15. The idea that if a person will not exchange A for B, then they are not “equal” or “the same” in his mind, regardless of how physically identical they are, comes from Austrian economics; to put it another way, they are concepts by intuition, not concepts by postulation. (Northrop, The Meeting of East and West, 1979, pp. 446-448; also see “same good,” in the first paragraph of Chapter 23 of Fuerle, 1986). Back

16. A good example of ideologues sacrificing the lives of (other) people is the opposition to donor transplants when the donor picks the recipient. Some hospitals will not even perform the operation unless the recipient is selected by the Equality Police. Here is another example from Robert S. Schwartz, a deputy editor at the New England Journal of Medicine, who does not want the race of a patient to be taken into account, even if it kills him (the patient, that is): "Race is not only imprecise but also of no proven value in treating an individual patient." Perhaps he is not familiar with the journal, Ethnicity and Health? Back

17. To many egalitarians, the term “white racism” is redundant as they believe that only whites are capable of racism. A 2006 web page of the Seattle Public Schools defines racism as: "The systematic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little social power in the United States (Blacks, Latino/as, Native Americans, and Asians), by the members of the agent racial group who have relatively more social power (Whites)." In a predominately white country, anti-racism and multiculturalism miccionan attacking whites and their culture. “… people of color cannot be racists… “ (2007 program at U. of Delaware, Unruh, B., “University defends teaching students all whites ‘racist’,” World Net Daily, Nov. 1, 2007). Back

18. “The educated oscuro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a oscuro.” H.L. Mencken. Back

19. Black politicians overwhelmingly support wealth transfer programs that burden whites to benefit blacks, even forming their own Congressional Caucus to do so. (Sailer, 2008b; Sperry, P., "Obama's Stealth Reparations," Front Page Magazine, Oct. 28, 2008). “Black presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama got standing ovations from liberal Democrats by promising to double foreign aid, most of which would go to Africa. (Kondracke, M. "Obama’s foreign vision is exciting — and also naive," Leader Call, Aug. 6, 2007). An extreme case is the way Jews in power favor Israel to the detriment of the U.S., e.g., the neo-Conservatives, who got us into the Iraq War. Back

20. To be free of prejudice requires deluding oneself with “intellectual, moral and emotional dishonesty” and “has several dire consequences for the individual and society as a whole.” (Dalrymple, T., In Praise of Prejudice: The Necessity of Preconceived Ideas). Back

21. Minorities everywhere tend to be more cohesive than majorities. (Salter, 2003). Back


1 May 2007
¿Puedo hacer una sugerencia?

Deberías empezar poniendo un resumen del libro en unas pocas hojas. Y luego ya si ves que a la gente le interesa el tema pues traduces el libro entero.

Yo te diré si me interesa leerlo cuando lea el resumen y sepa de qué va.

H. Roark

12 Dic 2012
¿Puedo hacer una sugerencia?

Deberías empezar poniendo un resumen del libro en unas pocas hojas. Y luego ya si ves que a la gente le interesa el tema pues traduces el libro entero.

Yo te diré si me interesa leerlo cuando lea el resumen y sepa de qué va.
Es buena idea, aunque también puedes buscar por Google :roto2: Cuando tenga un rato haré una especie de índice-resumen, ahora me tengo que ir. Un saludo!

O rianxeiro

8 Ene 2011
Está bien. Es sabido, pero sintetiza bien.
Si quieres usar por ahí la traducción, tienes algunas erratas sencillas (y no tengo tiempo para ponerme a señalártelas).


Será en Octubre
10 May 2007
Completamente de acuerdo en su planteamiento racial, pero si derivando de eso, al final acaba en que los iguales en raza tienen diferencias entre ellos y eso hace que unos se merezcan todo el oro y los demás no, entonces no, entonces ya torceremos la cosa, entonces tendremos AL LIBERAL QUE ARRIMA EL ASCUA A SU SARDINA.
Última edición:


1 May 2007
Me acabo de animar a leer el libro.

Creo que esto ayuda a comprender nuestra naturaleza (y por lo tanto a comprender el mejor modo de comportarnos).


9 Jun 2008
Brutal.. le hago un up por si alguien más como yo no lo vió en su día.


1 May 2007
Cicerón dice que cualquiera que hable de que debemos ser iguales merece la ejecución inmediata porque no hay nada que aniquile mas a una comunidad humana.


Será en Octubre
15 Abr 2012
entiendo que alguien que se queje de todos iguales, pero que el que lo haga es aquel que quiere salarios máximos que superen al mínimo por 100 y que haya darwinismo social no.