Bill Gates se divorcia tras 27 años

Cygnus Saint

Azote de magufos y fachucillos
23 Ago 2007
valiente tarado de hez tienes que ser para darte cuenta después de 27 años uqe te quieres divorciar. Me sentiría iluso de haber perdido todos esos años.
jo jo jo seguro que la característica que mejor define a Bill Gates es perder el tiempo.
Eso sin contar con que el 80% de los que llevan 27 años casados lo siguen estando por pura conveniencia.


5 Ene 2019
Hay que ser estulto para ser un paco de hez casado con una vieja teniendo 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mil millones de dolares
Divide esa cifra por dos, de salida, y restale varios ceros mas para saber lo que va a quedarle.
Seguira siendo una fruta locura, pero antes era varias pilinguis locuras.


Macatástrofe bicharraca
2 Dic 2018
Este iba mucho a la isla Epstein estaba en las listas.

Se supone que allí hacía las banderillas, él mismo.


10 Abr 2018
El tito Bill se le debe estar pirando la cabeza ya del todo con todo el tema de vacunacion, pandemias y su ansia por sacar brillo las bolas y cumplir la agenda de sus amos.... Tanto que hasta su mujer lo ha abandonado con todo lo que habra aguantado
Giro de guión: en realidad la mega progre es ella y como él la amaba mucho y es bastante calzonazos siempre se plegó a sus deseos. Pero ahora se ha liberado y nos avisará de lo cegado que ha estado por tantos y tantos años.


10 Abr 2018
¿Y qué cachopo tiene que ver Bill Gates con las banderillas?
Esta gente ha estado detrás del asunto de las banderillas, incluyendo la de bicho, desde siempre. Mira lo que dice la página oficial de la fundación

Why has the Gates Foundation invested so much in vaccines over the years?
Vaccines are proven to be one of our most powerful tools in combating infectious diseases. Over the past few decades, vaccines have been responsible for the eradication of smallpox and dramatic reductions in the number of people falling ill from diseases like polio, meningitis, and measles—for some diseases by more than 90%.

Why does the Gates Foundation believe that el bichito-19 vaccines are so important?
Getting safe vaccines out to the whole world will help bring the pandemic to an end.

If a vaccine is developed with Gates Foundation funding, will the foundation make a profit from the vaccine?
As a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, all of the foundation’s assets are used for a charitable purpose. Any vaccines produced with funding from the Gates Foundation must adhere to Global Access guidelines, which require any vaccine created with foundation funding be made widely available at an affordable price, in sufficient volume, at a level of quality, and in a time frame that benefits people in need.
Does the Gates Foundation believe a el bichito-19 vaccine should be mandatory?
That decision is best made by individual governments. Vaccines are a powerful tool to fight disease and save lives. Over the past few decades, vaccines have been responsible for the eradication of smallpox and saving people from getting diseases like polio, meningitis, and measles. In some cases, the rate of disease spread has been reduced by more than 90%.
Getting safe and effective vaccines to everyone in the world in a fair way will end this crisis sooner. Our aim is to speed up research and development for el bichito-19 vaccines and make them accessible and affordable for as many people as possible.

Some activist groups have called for waiving IP protections for el bichito-19 vaccines to help increase vaccine supply. What does the foundation think of this proposal?
IP hasn’t been the biggest barrier to scaling up supply of el bichito-19 vaccines; unfortunately, manufacturing has been underfunded and an every-country-for-itself approach has kept early doses concentrated in a few places. The disparities in access to el bichito-19 vaccines are unacceptable, and we all must do more to solve this challenge. We are focused on solutions that can help us save as many lives as possible, as quickly as possible. You can read more about our view in this piece authored by our CEO, Mark Suzman.

Y ojo a este texto de hace dos meses en donde hablan del rol que están teniendo en la producción, distribución y aplicación de la banderilla en todo el mundo



30 May 2020
Yo tampoco he entendido qué hace un multimillonario casado con una viejuna pudiendo estar soltero follándose a cientos de mujeres por año.