PLATA --- Hilo oficial (IV)

Yo también creo que el primer trimestre puede ser bajista ya que el euro puede ir hasta 1,20 sin paradas y eso quiere decir que bolsas para abajo y los metales acompañando casi con seguridad.

Por eso mismo quería aprovechar para preguntar a "loj Ejpertos foreros en dinero papel" y es como resuelven el tema de invertir en plata papel en dólares para que no te acribillen a comisiones de cambio euro-dólar-euro. Supongo que tenéis una cuenta en dólares en un broker que opere CFDs, Futuros, etc... y ahí van las preguntas:

1. Sabéis de algún broker que opere CFDs de ETFs referenciados a la plata o simplemente ETFs que tengan cuenta en dólares y no te acribillen a comisiones?
2. Y la otra pregunta es que si conocéis alguno que cumpla la cuestión 1 y que no pida mucha pasta de inicio que no me fío nada del dinero papel. (he visto algunos que piden más de 10000 dólares o euros y tal como está el panorama sería para 2000 o 3000 euros máximo porque no me fío de ninguno)

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Únete al mayor foro de economía de España

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Únete al mayor foro de economía de España

Oro cayendo ligeramente y plata ligeramente en positivo :roto2:

Extracto: Gold Silver Price Market Analysis | Jon Nadler In the Lead
The latest batch of CFTC positioning reports in metals indicates that speculators continue to view gold’s near-term prospects and somewhat clouded. The net-long position continues to erode and the trade continues to watch the euro and the gold charts with a wary eye. While a slight amelioration in positioning was noted in silver last week, we must take note of the 2,287 tonnes of short positions on the books and contrast that situation with last year’s average of 1,140 tonnes. As well, the long positions are a…long way off from 2011’s average of 4,538 tonnes (currently tallied at 2,179 tonnes) indicating bearishness in abundance. For now, keep an eye on index funds rebalancing their portfolios (today is day one) and how they position gold (or not) in their stirring of the investment brew.

Extracto y las imagenes de:Kitco - Commentaries - Przemyslaw Radomski

In the very long term chart for silver (if you’re reading this essay at Sunshine Profits | Tools for Effective GOLD & SILVER INVESTMENTS | Stocks | Charts |, you may click on the above chart to enlarge it), we see that silver has bottomed once again. If the nearest resistance level is broken, a significant rally is possible. RSI levels support the significant rally theory beginning now.

This is in tune with our previous comments on gold, published in our essay on the possible bottom in precious metals:

The fact is that “breakdowns” similar to the one we’re seeing just now have been (…) amowed by the final bottom of the consolidation (…), which was in turn was amowed by a strong rally. In these cases, lower prices were never seen thereafter. Consequently, from both fundamental and technical perspectives, gold remains in a bull market, and what we're seeing right now may be the best buying opportunity that we'll see in the coming years.

On top of that, there is more to read from the very-long term silver charts.


In this second very long-term chart for silver, we see that the cyclical turning point worked perfectly as prices reversed sharply right at that point and then began to rise. These moves further increase the odds that we have seen a major bottom and it could very well be years before silver’s price is as low as it has been recently (or we may never see silver price as low as we just did).

This is by no means a sure bet, but twice previously, when silver bottomed at cyclical turning points in 2004 and 2010, we have seen an ultimate low – lower prices never amowed. The long-term charts suggest that at least a medium-term rally is underway at this time.


Looking at silver’s short-term chart, the situation is a bit less clear. A cyclical turning point is close at hand and it is not yet clear whether we will see a bottom or a top. Neither appears to invalidate the points made previously since long-term implications are more important and carry more weight than those obtained from short-term charts. For example, we could see a small pause (a local top and then a local bottom) within a rally close to the end of the month.

Summing up, the situation in silver appears to be very bullish at this time based on the long-term indicators. Overall, the situation appears to be quite bullish since long-term indicators carry more weight than short-term signals.