*Tema mítico* : Algo pasa con la ofensiva rusa está atascada y sufriendo muchas perdidas. Ofensiva de invierno rusa vs primavera ucra IV

Ukraine support at 'lowest point' as US prioritizes Israel
Israel's influence in the US Congress and Senate is helping Tel Aviv win support at the expense of Kiev

NOV 14, 2023


Support in the US Congress for funding and arming Ukraine is at its lowest point since the start of its war with Russia, as lawmakers prioritize support for Israel in its ongoing war against Gaza, the Washington Post reported on 14 November.

“We are at risk of failing, of handing pilinguin a victory right when he is on the verge of defeat,” Sen. Christopher A. Coons, a Democrat from President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, told his Senate Foreign Relations Committee colleagues.

Coons was speaking in support of President Biden’s request for another $61 billion for the Ukraine war, but he and fellow Democrats are having difficulty convincing their Republican counterparts to approve the aid.

To date, Congress has allotted some $113 billion to assist Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, which many analysts suggest Washington itself sought to provoke.

The US has provided armored vehicles, air defense systems, artillery, drones, munitions and more, which Ukrainian forces have used to destroy a significant amount of Russian weaponry and vehicles and oust the Russians from some key towns, the Biden administration says.

This has led to an arms sales boom benefiting US arms manufacturers but has not allowed Ukraine to make gains against Russia. A widely hyped Ukrainian spring offensive launched earlier this year has not seen Ukraine regain any territory it previously lost to the Russian army, which spent months reinforcing its defensive lines on the east side of the Dnieper River in late 2022 and early 2023.

Russia and Ukraine were near a peace deal during talks in Istanbul after just one month of conflict, but this was vetoed by the US and UK ***owing Boris Johnson’s visit to Kiev in March of that year, and Ukraine is now in an ever worse position, as both US support and manpower are low.

Since the scuttled peace deal, Russia has killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, and almost 10,000 Ukrainian civilians. Ukraine has in turn killed tens of thousands of Russian soldiers.

The president’s request for Ukraine is part of a $106 billion national security package that would also provide emergency funding for Israel as it carries out its ongoing bombing campaign in Gaza. Israeli bombing has killed over 11,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, in just five weeks, in an operation many consider constituting genocide.

But support for Israel, independent of Ukraine, is now the priority for Republicans, as the Israel lobby has long had strong influence on both bodies. The limited resources Washington can allot are therefore being diverted to Tel Aviv instead of Kiev ***owing the outbreak of war in Gaza.

Senator Cynthia Lummis, a Republican from the western state of Wyoming, said in an interview that her Republican constituents are “of the opinion that, right at the moment, Israel is a higher priority and that, if later we needed to revisit some of these other earlier priorities, it would be appropriate to do so.”

Republicans are rejecting Biden’s effort to link Israel aid with Ukraine aid.

“Ukraine funding, I believe, if it’s worth doing, needs to stand on its own,” Congressman Mark Alford, a Republican from Missouri, said in an interview. “It should not be in any way tied to Israel. These should be separate votes to show our districts exactly where we stand.”

In a bid to remain relevant as attention turned to Israel and Gaza after 7 October, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requested to visit Tel Aviv as an act of solidarity. But Israeli officials rebuffed the request, saying the ‘time is not right.’

U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid

U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package
By Matt Spetalnick
September 15, 201611:27 AM GMT+2Updated 7 years ago

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval office of the White House in Washington November 9, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

FACT SHEET: Memorandum of Understanding Reached with Israel
Under President Obama’s leadership, the multifaceted cooperation between the United States and Israel has reached unprecedented levels. This is particularly true with regard to the security of Israel. The new 10-year security assistance Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Israel is the most recent reflection of President Obama’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security.
Under the new MOU with Israel, the Obama Administration has made the largest single pledge of military assistance in U.S. history:
  • The total value of the new MOU, which covers FY2019- FY2028, is $38 billion ($3.8 billion per year). It will succeed the current $30 billion MOU signed in 2007, which will expire at the end of FY2018.
  • This amount represents a significant increase over the current MOU by every measure, and will enable Israel to acquire additional advanced military capabilities from the United States.
  • It includes $33 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds and an unprecedented $5 billion commitment in missile defense assistance. This funding will be disbursed in equal increments of $3.3 billion in FMF and $500 million in missile defense funding each year for the duration of the understanding.
  • In practical terms, the level of funding specified in the MOU will permit Israel to update the lion’s share of its fighter aircraft fleet - including through the acquisition of additional F-35s - increase its missile defense, and acquire other defense capabilities needed to meet its threat environment.
  • The multi-year missile defense commitment in the MOU will greatly facilitate long-term planning rather than missile defense assistance levels continuing to be appropriated year-to-year.
  • The $500 million in annual missile defense funding under the MOU exceeds the average level of non-emergency support the United States has provided to Israel for missile defense over the last five years.
  • Moreover, our decision with Israel to discontinue two anomalies in the defense relationship that no longer serve our mutual interests - Off Shore Procurement (the arrangement under the current MOU through which Israel has been uniquely permitted to spend 26.3 percent of its annual FMF package within Israel on non-U.S. products) and Israel’s use of FMF funds to purchase fuel – means that Israel will spend more funding, as much as $1.2 billion per year, on the advanced military capabilities that only the United States can provide. The acquisition of additional U.S.-produced capabilities and technology provide the best means to ensure Israel preserves its Qualitative Military Edge (QME).
Under President Obama to date, Israel has received a record amount of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds:
  • Israel remains the leading recipient worldwide of U.S. FMF. Since President Obama took office, the United States has provided Israel over $23.5 billion in FMF assistance (from 2009-2016).
  • In FY2016, the United States provided Israel $3.1 billion in FMF assistance to support Israel’s ability to defend against threats. This is in line with assistance provided in FY2014 and FY2015 and represented approximately 51.4% of the U.S. global FMF account in FY2016.
  • For FY2017, which marks the ninth year of the current 10-year, $30 billion MOU between the United States and Israel, the Administration has requested $3.1 billion in FMF for Israel.
  • This amounts to $8.5 million in FMF funding alone provided to Israel each day, helping it bolster its security and maintain its QME.
President Obama has also provided Israel with unprecedented levels of missile defense funding:
  • In addition to FMF funding, under President Obama’s leadership, the United States has provided over $3 billion in missile defense funding for programs and systems for Israel.
  • Since 2011, the United States has provided Israel with over $1.3 billion for the Iron Dome system alone. Iron Dome batteries and interceptors have saved an untold number of Israeli lives, particularly during the conflict with Hamas in 2014.
  • During that conflict, when Israeli civilians were subjected to rocket fire, the President worked with Congress to successfully provide $225 million in short-fuse funding for the Iron Dome system above the $504 million that had already been provided to Israel in FY2014 for missile defense support.
  • In addition to Iron Dome, the United States has invested significantly in the co-development of longer range defense systems such as David’s Sling and Arrow-3.
  • In FY2016 Israel received $487 million in missile defense support, including for David’s Sling. Arrow-3, and Iron Dome.
  • After successful joint tests of David’s Sling and Arrow-3 last year, FY16 is the first year in which missile defense funding for Israel also included funding for coproduction of these systems– further deepening our missile defense cooperation with Israel.
With over $26 billion in total assistance during President Obama’s tenure in office, Israel has been able to acquire new advanced capabilities to bolster its security:
  • The United States provides Israel with unparalleled access to some of the most advanced military equipment in the world, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Using FMF, Israel is scheduled to receive 33 F-35 aircraft, the first two of which will be delivered to Israel in December 2016.
  • Israel will be the first foreign partner to take delivery of this fifth-generation fighter aircraft.
  • The United States has also provided Israel with several C-130 heavy-lift cargo planes; four SAAR 6 Corvettes; ten additional F-15 aircraft; Merkava tanks and Namer Armored Personnel Carriers; Hellfire missiles; the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and other Precision Guided Munitions.
  • In terms of missile defense, the United States has paid for the majority of the production costs for the Iron Dome system since 2011, the centerpiece of Israel’s missile defense architecture.
In addition to FMF and missile defense funds, the United States under President Obama has provided other forms of valuable support to Israel:
  • Signed by President Obama in December 2014, the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act authorizes $3 million to be spent on research pilot programs between Israeli government agencies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
  • The Department of Defense’s chemical-biological defense response units work with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to provide equipment and training.
  • The Department of Defense has sold or provided free of charge millions of dollars’ worth of U.S. excess defense articles to the IDF, supporting their need for spare parts, weapons, and simulators to maintain their current fleets.
  • Since FY14, the United States has allocated more than $47 million on research and development task plans for tunnel detection and mapping technologies.
Tremendo éxito ruso roto2

"NO, GRACIAS. Los sistemas aeroespaciales y de armas estadounidenses dominaron el Salón Aeronáutico de Dubai de la semana pasada. Excluidos del pabellón principal de la exposición, los fabricantes rusos no informaron de ninguna venta. No vendieron NADA de nada."


pilinguin admite que "hay que pensar como detener la tragedia" en Ucrania

El presidente ruso, Vladímir pilinguin, admitió hoy que "hay que pensar cómo detener esta tragedia", en alusión a la guerra en Ucrania durante su intervención en la cumbre virtual de líderes del G20.

"Las acciones militares son siempre una tragedia. Sin lugar a dudas, hay que pensar en cómo detener esta tragedia", dijo pilinguin durante una intervención transmitida por la televisión pública, al tiempo que añadió que Rusia "nunca" se ha negado a entablar negociaciones de paz con Kiev.

A ver, ya lo he pensado: si las acciones militares son una tragedia, ¿qué tal si detienes tus acciones militares? ¿No se le habrá ocurrido al meloncete este? Pues será un me gusta la fruta del quince, pero muy listo no es.
Vladimiro pidiendo la hora. Jajajajaja
Siguen las buenas noticias desde el norte de Oleshky.
Si se cortase la carretera E14 sería un desastre para los rusos que han recibido órdenes de defenderla a toda costa con lo que queda allí de VDV Regimiento 108 de tropas de asalto en la zona de Hola Prystan y más al norte la 61 brigada de Marines. Además de Regimientos Rifle que imagino serán utilizados en avanzadillas.
Los ucranianos mientras tanto tienen sus pontones a punto aunque no creo que los hayan desplegado según han revelado algunas informaciones.
Se desconoce si seguirá el goteo o un transvase más masivo de tropas y blindados.
Y qué harán los rusos este invierno aparte de bombardear civiles? pues seguir con su proyecto de nueva vía férrea de logística aprovechando el invierno y la dificultad de movimiento de tropas.
Por qué se rumorea que pilinguin está buscando "una salida" a la guerra con Ucrania?: Pues porque NO ha logrado ningún éxito clamoroso que lo empuje a una gran popularidad y se han derrumbado sus esperanzas como un castillo de naipes. Ahora busca alguna salida y no descarta una negociación que por cierto para los ucranianos consiste en la retirada total de los rusos de sus legítimas tierras.
El tiempo lo dirá.


pilinguin admite que "hay que pensar como detener la tragedia" en Ucrania

El presidente ruso, Vladímir pilinguin, admitió hoy que "hay que pensar cómo detener esta tragedia", en alusión a la guerra en Ucrania durante su intervención en la cumbre virtual de líderes del G20.

"Las acciones militares son siempre una tragedia. Sin lugar a dudas, hay que pensar en cómo detener esta tragedia", dijo pilinguin durante una intervención transmitida por la televisión pública, al tiempo que añadió que Rusia "nunca" se ha negado a entablar negociaciones de paz con Kiev.

A ver, ya lo he pensado: si las acciones militares son una tragedia, ¿qué tal si detienes tus acciones militares? ¿No se le habrá ocurrido al meloncete este? Pues será un me gusta la fruta del quince, pero muy listo no es.
¿Y si se trata del doble de pilinguin?, que es particularmente menso según grupos de Telegram rusos....
jorobar, si va y dice que todas las acciones militares son una tragedia, y ha sido él mismo el responsable de la acción militar...¿no es una estupidez gigantesca?.
pilinguin no habla así, es un hijomio pero no un estupido.
Es un doble.
El verdadero pilinguin murió el 26 de octubre de un ataque cardiaco según grupos de Telegram rusos....y tal vez haya que creerselo...
Última edición:
Tremendo éxito ruso roto2

"NO, GRACIAS. Los sistemas aeroespaciales y de armas estadounidenses dominaron el Salón Aeronáutico de Dubai de la semana pasada. Excluidos del pabellón principal de la exposición, los fabricantes rusos no informaron de ninguna venta. No vendieron NADA de nada."


No es solo que la propaganda rusa sobre sus "estrellas de la muelte" haya sido contrapriducente y luego en realidad han resultado digamos decepcionantes. Es que si compras armamento a un país en guerra no sabes cuando ni en que condiciones vas a recibir ese material

Vésase España o Suiza con la Alemania nanzy