*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Ojo con los mensajes que se están lanzando desde el Gobierno:
1. No se cumple el confinamiento.
2. Enfermos que escapan de los hospitales (¿?).
3. Recortes del PP.
4. Todas las críticas a su mala gestión son bulos.

La maquinaria se ha puesto en marcha.loser:
De poco les valdrá cuando esto llegue al colapso, que falta poco.

El Gobierno está muerto pero todavía no lo sabe.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
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Veterans Today Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services

Home Investigations el bichito-19 BioWeapon: DEEP STATE-CIA-NWO Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick,...

el bichito-19 BioWeapon: DEEP STATE-CIA-NWO Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena

First research on cobi19 human applications started already on 2007 in US with HHS and in UK with GSK Big Pharma. Dead's cremations now hushed by Italian Army, without autopsies

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisi -
March 24, 2020


It is disturbing to discover that all the most important research on bacteriological weapons financed and coordinated by the Pentagon have developed above all in two countries, Georgia and Ukraine, which have become a colony of the USA thanks to the colored revolutions which the Open Society’s financier George Soros took all credit for.

This happened precisely in the years when the “queen” of the intelligence of the Dems, Avril Haines, was working at the top of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security of the White House, before predicting, with exceptional prophetic talents, the pandemic for pathogen infectious, during a conference in 2018 and then during the suspected exercise on the simulated emergency for cobi19 on October 2019 in New York.

These searches were carried out (but continue because certain Pentagon’s mechanisms once set in motion proceed almost autonomously) in the republic of Kiev especially after the coup openly supported and financed by Washington during the Government of the former Democratic President Barack Obama and his deputy Joe Biden, ended up in the sights for the shady affairs of his son Hunter, implicated together with the “pupil” of the Secretary of State John Kerry in the most important Ukrainian energy company Burisma with licenses for extraction of gas and oil in Donbass, the Russian-speaking region since 2014 cut down from an almost forgotten Civil War.

As we have highlighted in previous reports Obama was also the proponent of the immunization pilot plan “imposed” on Italy by the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), with the vaccines of the British GlaxoSmithKline, participated by the American investment funds of the Weapons’ Lobby and by Bill Gates, first prophet of the pandemic in 2015.

The 10 mandatory vaccines project was implemented in 2017 (Lorenzin Decree) by former Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, ally of Soros and today European Commissioner, in accordance with the wishes of the Democratic Party.

It should be remembered that the PD government was born with Matteo Renzi who, by another arcane coincidence, became premier with the blessing of the former US president on February 22, 2014, exactly the same day on which Viktor Ianukovich, Russian-freindly president of Ukraine, legitimately elected, he was forced to flee from the coup in the warp square even with sniper shots on the crowd that caused 104 deaths.

This happened with a shootout similar to that attributed to a clandestine CIA operation in Caracas in 2002, when the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was later arrested by the American special wards, later released with the mediation of the local cardinal for the massive counter-revolution of the population loyal to him.

Among the victims of the massacre in Maidan square in Ukraine of 20 February 2014 there were 87 demonstrators but also 17 policemen demonstrating that the mysterious assassins were certainly not of the government police, as instead claimed by the revolutionaries.

During the protests the rioters were piloted by CANVAS (the Belgrade center of the closed fist Otpor created by the CIA in Belgrade during the Balkan war) who on their official website openly boast of that coup as well as that in Georgia (Roses’ Revolution, 2003). As ascertained by an Italian war reporter, some of those snipers were actually of Georgian nationality…

There are indeed more and more coincidences that would horrify Leroy Jethro Gibbs, the legendary federal agent of the successful TV series NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) for which “coincidences do not exist”.

What does all this have to do with SARS-Cov-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome as the current pandemic was renamed which in Italy reached a mortality of 8% bringing the dead to over 5,400 in the last few hours?

Firstly, it highlights that the so-called Deep International State, the hidden Masonic, financial, political and military entity, recently unveiled and “lauded” by a former CIA director of Dem extraction, does not pose any major problems to cause “human collateral damage” to pursue its geopolitical goals.

Secondly, perhaps we will never know …

Because a latest military operation conducted with maximum secrecy protocols is erasing the traces of any possible connection between the bacteriological research developed by “contractors” of the Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense in Washington, and the violent pandemic that broke out in Italy…


The latest mysterious operations are the mass cremations of the el bichito-19 deaths managed by the Italian Army for the emergency situation in Lombardy and especially in Bergamo, without first carrying out those autopsies necessary to reveal the viral genomic identity.

In Wuhan, scientists carried out necropsies on some of the deceased and discovered two genotypes of the cobi19: the “S” of intense morbidity but very low mortality and the “L” very aggressive, with very high infectivity and lethality, resulting in a “reshaping” of the previous caused from human intervention: according to the hypothesis of doctors for the consequent therapies, according to those of intelligence analysts for a previous “modeling”.

Abstract of the topic published on National Science Review
En Israel no lo están haciendo mal y parece que siguen la estrategia de inmunidad de grupo. Ayer tenían más de 1,000 casos, sólo 1 fallecido y 30 en estado crítico. A ver como evoluciona.

Todo lo contrario, meten en cuarentena TOTAL a cualquier positivo. Con penas de carcel si te lo saltas. Se lo han tomado en serio, y eso que tiene muy buenos medios en su ejercito para NBQ. Y camas de hostial a mantas por motivos evidentes.
Y encima ninguno dice nada.

Mañana saldrá otra vez la Peggy del Ministerio de Fomento a contarnos que la gente no va en AVE.

Cosa que nos importa entre nada y muy nada.
Y encima lo tienen bien. Los medios apesebrados ya ni siquiera pueden hacer preguntas. No sea que alguno pregunte algo incómodo.

cobi19 BioWeapon – 5. Cardinal Blames: “A Rich Country Sowed This Poison. UN must Investigate”

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 5. Cardinal Blames: “A Rich Country Sowed This Poison. UN must Investigate”



Monsignor Malcom Ranjith
Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
asked a trial for «genocide’s perpetrators»
and also «truth about the Easter 2019 massacres»

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«These types of researches are not carried out for people in poor countries but in laboratories in rich countries. Producing these things is a very serious crime against humanity. I ask the Lord to come to reveal who sowed this poison. I think the United Nations must take action to understand how this whole incident arose and to punish those responsible. These researches should be prohibited».

To confirm the theory that cobi19 is a bacteriological weapon as claimed by Gospa News since February 4, is a Sri Lankan cardinal, the archbishop of Colombo, Malcom Ranjith.

After the former Iranian president, it is now an exponent of the Roman Catholic Church to request the intervention of the United Nations to start an investigation into the pandemic. The words of the high Christian prelate confirm the multiple suspicions highlighted in our reports with hundreds of detailed clues.

cobi19 BioWeapon – 4. PANDEMIC! As Predicted in Bill Gates forum (video) with ex-CIA. Italy and Iran Massacred in Bio-Warfare for their A.I. Deal

The letter sent to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, formerly in charge of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had been ignored by almost all the media: in the West because it was written by a Shiite Muslim, in the Middle East because in Tehran the former Conservative leader in 2018 had even ended up under house arrest as he
