"Victory to the Gods!": Hilo sobre Bronze Age Pervert


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Más sobre Nietzsche, del propio BAP:



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Empezamos la tercera parte: Hombres de Poder, y el Ascenso de la Juventud

Part Three: Men of Power, and the Ascent of Youth


Life appears at its peak not in the grass hut village ruled by nutso mammies, but in the military state
. In Archaic Greece, in Renaissance Italy and in the vast expanse of the heroic Old Stone Age, at the middle of the Bronze Age of high chariotry, lived men of power and magnificence in great numbers. We are in every way their inferiors. Physically, spiritually and in intellect they exceed us in every way.

I give example: our elite athletes, our special forces operators, are nothing compared to them. We find Paleolithic bones, the femur, so robust that nothing from our runners or power-lifters equals. These men were capable of sustained speeds unimaginable today. You know about Marathon, but not the whole story. The real physical antiestéticat wasn’t just the soldier who ran the twenty miles or so back to Athens to warn the people. The entire army ranged on the beach in heavy bronze armor, facing the enemy. After the Persians landed, the Greeks charged them from more than a mile away. The Persians were amazed at the line of gleaming bronze running toward them and their war cry. These men ran a mile in very heavy armor and also carried six-foot-plus ashen spear-spike. They drove the invaders into the sea. And right after this great effort they marched, still in armor, all the way back to Athens without pause, to prevent the Persians from making an opportune landing there. I don’t think any special military units would be able to equal this antiestéticat today, and these were the average citizens of Athens. Still more, they exceeded us the same way in mind and spirit: their sophists were able to remember fifty names, and more, upon hearing them once. Some had the gift of remote vision, that the Rosicrucians pine for, and that the Soviet and American intelligence services have attempted to rediscover in vain. Here we have life at its peak. You know about their great art, science, and literature, or think you do. But these were men of conquest, exploration and adventure first. Aeschylus had on his tombstone engraved that he fought at Marathon, not that he wrote his plays.

The free man is a warrior, and only a man of war is a real man. We must look to their lives and exploits for inspiration and anticipate with great enthusiasm that such life will return. I’m afraid that, in the end, the examples of ancient men of strong hand, ancient men of power, will be very discouraging to many of you. Because you can’t easily replicate their achievements and power in our time, and also, many of you are actually sissies compared to them, in your blood. But I think it’s good for all of us to remember we’re panty-wearers compared to them. Also, while you may not be able to emulate them in every way, because the age we live in is one of total repression, you can still take some inspiration from their examples, and try to live the same in some way...try to live according to a Bronze Age Mindset.

You must not misunderstand this. This is not self-help book and I can’t help you with how to live—no one can. I am concerned with the subjection of life and the suffocation of vitality. I hope to show you that things don’t need to be this way, and that you don’t need to limit yourself to small things. Above all you must reach for the great aim, physical and military independence. Only the warrior is a free man. The only right government is military government, and every other form is both hypocritical and destructive of true freedom. You must aim high! Band with your friends on the way of power and know that nothing has the right to stop you, and nothing can stop you! I say this especially to the military men and those who will become.

Some time ago I spoke with another frog about Generalissimo Alfredo Stroessner. He was dictator of Paraguay for forty years. He went to sleep at one in the morning and got up at 4 AM; aside from this he took a two hour siesta in the afternoon (this is before air conditioning, and siesta is a necessity in tropical places). The entire day he worked relentlessly for his country and to keep down the vicious and Satanic communist sect that would have massacred his people—but he also did this for his own glory! The frog says to me, yes this drive is admirable but you have to be specific: You can’t encourage people to strive like this to succeed at World of Warcraft, or at their career as an interior designer, there’s no honor in that. I agree! But when you look at those ages in which life is ascending, the great vitality of their blood is the same as the great aim for which they reach. And although we live in the most debased of all ages, it’s still possible, as you will see, to break this Babylon and have the eternal fire of youth surge you to the heights of power. In your own life you can break their power and ascend to a chaos of joy and destruction.

And in our future I already see like faint image far on horizon of vast ocean in violet evening—I see the islands of Hyperborea, on the edge of this Leviathan, where we will be able to establish new outposts and subdue this great beast from the outside.

La Vida aparece en su máxima expresión no en el pueblo de chozas de hierba dirigido por las mamás taradas, sino en el estado militar: en la Grecia antigua, en la Italia del Renacimiento, en la Edad de Piedra, en los carros de la Edad del Bronce, vivieron hombres de gran poder y magnificencia. Nosotros somos inferiores a ellos en todo: física, espiritual y mentalmente ellos nos superaban en todo

BAP da diversos ejemplos: hombres del Paleolítico, los héroes de la batalla de Maratón a nivel físico; los sofistas y su memorización de 50 nombres seguidos oyéndolos una sola vez. Pero en cualquier caso eran hombres de conquista, exploración y aventura. Así en la tumba de Esquilo su epitafio decía que luchó en Maratón, no que escribió dramas

El hombre libre es un guerrero, y sólo un hombre de guerra es un hombre de verdad. Debemos mirar en sus vidas y buscar inspiración, y anunciar con gran entusiasmo que tal vida regresará
Es bueno para todos nosotros recordar que somos unos ropa interior tiernas en comparación con ellos. Y también que aunque no podamos emularlos en todo, porque la época en la que vivimos es una de total represión, aún podemos inspirarnos en ellos, y tratar de vivir igual en cierta manera...intentar vivir de acuerdo con una mentalidad de la Edad del Bronce

BAP quiere dejar claro que no ha escrito un libro de autoayuda, y que no puede ayudar a nadie en lo que se refiere a su forma de vivir (nadie puede hacerlo en realidad). Él está preocupado por el sometimiento de la vida, y el ahogamiento de la vitalidad. Espera mostraros que las cosas no tiene que ser necesariamente así, y que no necesitas limitarte a cosas pequeñas. Por encima de todo, debes buscar grandes objetivos, y una independencia física y militar: hacer bandas con tus amigos buscando el poder, y sabiendo que nada tiene el derecho a detenerte, y que nada puede pararte

En tu propia vida puedes quebrar el poder de esta Babilonia moderna, y ascender a un caos de alegría y destrucción!

BAP tiene una visión: un inmenso océano, en una noche de tonalidad violeta; las islas de Hiperbórea, en el filo de este Leviatán, donde podremos establecer puestos avanzados y someter a esta bestia desde el exterior



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014

Imagine a Mitt Romney, but different...
a Romney who actually was capable of acting like he looks, and was worthy of his looks. Imagine a younger Romney who rouses the nation to a new war, against India, through power of charisma and speech alone. Then he leave on ship to head the armies conquering India. But then come rumors that Mitt ran a Black Mass Satanist dinner in New York. Also, people awaken one day and find that someone defaced the Holocaust Museum and the Lincoln Memorial... rumors spread that it is Mitt and his friends, in preparation to overthrow the government. So he is recalled from his command to stand trial. Instead of returning, Mitt runs to Russia where he becomes a major advisor to pilinguin. Soon though, he finally has to leave in a great hurry when it is discovered he’s been banging pilinguin’s wife in secret. He runs to China where, again, he miraculously becomes a major political force and advisor, adopting Chinese customs and language with ease. After some time he leaves China and ends up living in Afghanistan with the tribesmen as one of them, in one of their mud fortresses, where he is finally found by American special forces and he goes out fighting, charging them repeatedly with machine gun in his glorious black-and-gold armor and Dune-like headset.

Exactly such, and more, was the life of the ancient Alcibiades from Athens. How inconceivable! Even as versatile and flashy a man as Trump is very far from this possibility in our time, though he at least makes such a type somehow believable. There’s nothing like it in almost any other era of history. Someone like Talleyrand is famous for switching from the monarchy, to the republic, to Napoleon, and back, being somewhat successful under different forms of government, and that’s rare enough to make him famous. But that was all within one country. Alcibiades’ achievement is made all the more amazing by the fact that different cultures at that time were actually different, their ways of life entirely alien to one another, and yet he excelled everywhere. I believe this is because in Athens, where he grew up, he picked the god of erotic passion as his patron. He was very beautiful youth, admired and pursued by all the men and women. He rejected the advances of the Pelasgian pedo-pervert Socrates, a story that Plato then inverted and twisted like the lying cunt and Phoenician-asskisser that he was. Alcibiades excelled in athletics and at skrewl he refused to play the flute because it made your cheeks look puffed up and ridiculous. Other boys amowed him, considering that the harp is noble, but playing the flute in music is something for slaves and cocksuckers. As he grew in power, his shield had Eros with a thunderbolt on it, and this scandalized the older men. In such way he showed that he was a disciple of the irrepressible life force, a devotee of the young god of sensual passion and total destruction; he showed that no law or word of man would stand in his way!

In the beginning was the word?? NO! In the beginning was the demonic fire that bursts out in men like Alcibiades and lays low the cities of men and exposes all their nonsense! Such men are sent by nature to chastise us and be our Nemesis. They are the great cleansing. His story is told by Thucydides and Plutarch, though you must know the latter is a famous liar. But I think there must be someone as colorful as Alcibiades among you.

BAP habla aquí del gran Alcibíades de Atenas, un héroe de los tiempos de la Guerra del Peloponeso: era excelente en todo, y dominó Atenas, luego se pasó a Esparta tras fracaso en Sicilia y su juicio pendiente por sacrilegio, luego a los persas, hasta que fue asesinado por sicarios
Era bello, y su escudo tenía un Eros con un rayo. Era el discípulo de esa irreprimible fuerza vital, el devoto del joven dios de la pasión sensual y la destrucción total

En el principio, no era el Logos, sino el fuego demonicé que brillaba en hombres como Alcibíades. Enviados por la Naturaleza para castigarnos y ser nuestra Némesis

Leed a Tucídides y a Plutarco (aunque éste último es un notable mentiroso)

Nota de Gurney: Este colega cuenta en buen tono la historia del héroe Alcibíades: Alcibiades — Badass of the Week
Última edición:


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
The mystery of rigor mortis is very revealing! Why is dead flesh rigid? But study was made where they put dead rigid flesh into bath of ATP, the master of energy for cells, and the muscles softened and relaxed. The physiologically energetic state is the relaxed state. Flesh that is either rigid or loose is spent, but energetic biomatter vibrates in a ready repose: you see in the glowing skin of very healthy young people this relaxed suppleness in flesh, like Pietro Boselli. I’ve written letter to him, to ask him to allow dozens of nubile women to touch his soft, glowing, full and rubbery-like vibrating skin, all in public. The modern world exhausts and in doing so it makes everything rigid or turns it into a diffuse blob. Physiologically it promotes the stressors, estrogen, serotonin, hyperventilation, over-excitation, the hallmarks of energetic exhaustion. Loss of structure, form and differentiation amows, which was the intention.

There amows on this also a spiritual and intellectual rigidity, the orientation of the ideologue, of the social activist, but also of all our intellectual class right and left, as of those who work in the corporate world and in most of the military. They’re stiff and constrained because, in short, they live in utter antiestéticar, antiestéticar that they will lose something.

They have very little to lose, but they live in this antiestéticar anyway and this is why when there is a question of potential gain or, worse for them, potential loss, they react with desperation, they freeze in terror and hyperventilate. Our politicians are all like this, and quiver in antiestéticar of the spanking hand. Everyone was already so tired of their robotic platitudes, that they repeat out of timidity and because they’re all owned; which is why a man like Trump, who seems not to care, and to find joy in this flouting and energy in this outrageous loosening—he seduces.

The modern world is a killjoy, in short. But the ancient Greeks were quite different, and different also from the over-serious stuffy men with English accents who play them in period dramas. What they admired was a carelessness and freedom from constraint that would shock us,
and that upsets especially the dour leftist and the conservative role-player. There was a Hippocleides from Athens, said to be one of the most beautiful youths: Herodotus tells this famous story of a man admired by all the world of the time. He went, with dozens of other youths from various Greek cities, to try to marry the daughter of a very important and rich autocrat in Sicily. This man decided to test out the suitors, to find which would be the best husband for his daughter: he put them up for a time, treating them with lavish parties while he tested them in antiestéticats of athletics, wit, conversation, and other abilities. It’s a sign of this people’s greatness that marriages weren’t conceived purely as political or financial alliances, but that their aristocracy paid attention to biological quality in pairings. Very few nations have the freedom from the antiestéticar I speak of; only a few peoples have had the sense to raise their snouts from the ground, look to the stars, and consider something other than the utility of immediate advantage in marriage and children. The way our own elite today marries and pairs off, by the way, is anything but “eugenic”: two over-the-hill spent people in their thirties marrying for “practical” reasons...this doesn’t give rise to strong children. The bodies of middle-aged people nauseate me, and I assure you, they bring nausea to nature as well. In any case, Hippocleides was becoming the favorite of the father, for all his great qualities, his illustrious lineage, his looks and his charm in conversation. At the last party, however, Hippocleides got drunk and decided to start dancing on the table. Then he started to dance upside down, on his arms, moving his legs around! Well, you know that men then didn’t wear the ridiculous constraining clothmo clothes we wear today, such as pants, so the father was offended at the show. He said, “Hippocleides you have just danced yourself out of a marriage” ...but the answer was “Hippocleides doesn’t care.”

In this one phrase you have the whole attitude of this beautiful, reckless piratical aristocracy that colonized and conquered their known world. It’s an attitude that upsets all the jovenlandesalfags of our time, of the left and right. Hippocleides went there to have a good time, to display and use his powers and excellences and biological superiority—but these two things are the same! He didn’t care about the gain or loss of a wife. He didn’t go to act like a meek, beaten male ready to dance to some sclerotic’s tune. He was as careless of his own property as of others’—this is what Tacitus says also about the most noble men among the Germanic tribes, who lived only for the joy of war and battle. This is what the great among the Greeks admired.

Another story shows you the same thing: it is also the attitude of Diogenes the Cynic. When Alexander the Great came before his bathtub and asked him what he would want most of all in the world, Diogenes told him to get out of the way, stop blocking the sun...he was just trying to catch some rays! Now compare that to one of our slavish intellectuals and philosophers, and how their meager spirits would huff and puff at the approach of even a mid-level constipated bureaucrat—how distinguished! The honor! Alexander said that if he had not been Alexander, he would wish to have been Diogenes.

I don’t know if I can recommend for you to be like Diogenes or Hippocleides. It’s hard, maybe you have to be born that way. I can tell you it’s a better thing to aspire to, divine carelessness that comes from embracing the life force, and that this is what this great people loved. Anything truly great must have some of this divine carelessness. Didn’t the Christians also believe in “give us but our daily bread”—implying that this is enough and you shouldn’t worry about anything else, even for the week? Nietzsche say good things about poverty, independence, and being of good cheer. And these were very poor men: but the sons of God need nothing more!

El estado energético a nivel fisiológico es el estado relajado. El mundo moderno agota y con ello convierte a todo en rígido, o en una masa amorfa. Fisiológicamente, ese agortamiento se manifiesta en stress, estrógeno, serotonina, hiperventilación, sobre-excitación...los sellos de calidad de un agotamiento energético. La intención de todo eso es la pérdida de estructura, de forma y de diferenciación que sigue

Y a las cuales siguen la rigidez espiritual e intelectual, propias del ideologizado, del activista social, pero también de toda la clase intelectual de izquierdas y derechas, de todos los que trabajan en el mundo corporativo, y de la mayoría de militares.
Son rígidos y constreñidos, porque, en resumen, viven bajo el miedo, miedo a perder algo

En realidad tienen muy poco que perder, pero viven en ese temor, y por ello reaccionan con desesperación, paralizados por el terror e hiperventilando (así son nuestros políticos, y por eso alguien como Trump, que parece no tener miedo y encuentra alegría en esas burlas, seduce a la gente)

El mundo moderno es un aguafiestas.
Pero los antiguos griegos eran muy diferentes: lo que admiraban era la despreocupación y la libertad de toda restricción, algo que nos impactaría, y especialmente al austero izquierdoso, y al que asume el papel de conservador

BAP relata la historia de Hipóclides de Atenas: uno de los más bellos jóvenes, que fue junto con otros de varias ciudades griegas como aspirante a la mano de la hija de un autócrata de Sicilia (Nota de Gurney: en realidad era del norte del Peloponeso), y que tras imponerse a ellos en diversas pruebas atléticas, de ingenio, de conversación y demás, bailó sobre una mesa de una forma que no le gustó al que iba a ser su suegro, que le dijo "Perdiste, bailando, la boda", a lo cuál él le contestó "A Hipóclides no le importa"

Sólo con esa frase ya tienes toda la actitud de esta bella, temeraria y piratesca aristocracia, que colonizó y conquistó el mundo que conocían

Otra historia emparentada es la de Diógenes el Cínico, que al ofrecimiento de Alejandro Magno de que le pidiera cualquier cosa que deseara, le contestó: "Apártate, me tapas el Sol" (Otra nota de Gurney: es el enésimo ejemplo de heliolatría sana, porque el Sol es Dios). Comparad eso con nuestros "intelectuales" y filósofos, que son unos esclavos ansiosos de atenciones de algún burócrata de medio pelo

BAP confiesa que no sabe si puede deciros que seáis como Diógenes o Hipóclides: es duro, tal vez sea algo para lo que haya que nacer de esa forma. Pero sí dice que debemos aspirar a esa divina despreocupación que viene de abrazar la fuerza de la vida, que es algo que la gente verdaderamente grande ama. El dicho cristiano de "danos el pan de cada día", o Nietzsche...Los hijos de Dios no necesitan nada más



Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014

explains the carelessness and joyful frivolity of women by the fact that they live in and for the genius of the species. Although unconscious of it, they are that reach far beyond the individual, with his petty anxieties and cares: the coming of the next generation is the most serious matter. They live in the species. In them the species rejuvenates itself.

It goes without saying I’m talking of women in the best case, and most specimens are botched. Why are they botched though? They’ve been taught to hate their own natures and instincts, and in some cases these instincts have been warped or BUTTHEXXED into something else: they’ve been as a wit recently put it Bernankefied up the ass. Modern women have given up this great advantage, so they can become neurotic copies of lgtb desk-workers. They’ve abandoned the great power endowed in their blood. If you don’t believe me, remember a carrier pigeon that knows the way...surely he would lose his way if he saw a map and had to think about it. What comes from the blood is best.

But it’s hard to hear this call of instinct today, because you’re taught to distrust it. Abandoning yourself to instinct, once one has a discipline and practice through the body, a man can pass over a chasm on a tightrope with a sure step: the left talks much about letting loose, about no longer being repressed. If they only understood what this really meant!

I will show you men who really didn’t have any hangups, who weren’t repressed at all. One name was Clearchus, and he was a Spartan general. He was sent by Sparta to city of Byzantium by mouth of Black Sea. They had asked for help. He came there as military advisor, but soon no longer answered to Sparta: he used his power and contrived to invite the prominent men, the senators and the rich of the city to a meeting where they were then hung by the neck. He took their property and took the prize of sovereignty in this place! After Sparta sent an army to dislodge him, he put up a great resistance in difficult battle but was defeated. Then Clearchus managed to escape while the city was besieged; by night he sneaked away in a ship with the treasure, from a neighboring city that he had also taken over. Eventually he fled to Persia. But in Persia he didn’t just enjoy his riches, which he had won by the power of his hand. This man was possessed by the passion for war and adventure. He put out a call for many mercenaries from all over the Greek world, and led this army through many bold enterprises in the wilds of Thrace and the middle of the Persian Empire where, however, he died because of treachery—here he was careless...you must be careful and know how to use the fox as well as the lion in you!

I tell you of another man, praised by Machiavelli as a guide for life, a kind of life coach. He talks about a man, Agathocles, from the ancient city Syracuse, a Greek city in Sicily. This man rose from humble beginnings, through the ranks of the army, because of his great bravery in battle and his astute mind planning stratagems and ambush. Eventually he was appointed top general in the city where, again, totally uninhibited and unencumbered, he invited the full senate and all the notables to a meeting, where his soldiers killed them all. He took the prize of power in this city. Then with many struggles he defeated the Carthaginians who were harassing the Greeks in Sicily, by landing in Africa and giving them bloody nose. He ruled securely and in great glory.

I tell you these stories because they show the lives of two men who were similar, who knew how to really let loose, who weren’t held back by petty inhibitions. These are men who really knew how to enjoy their freedom, and who weren’t limited by the opinions of others. What was slogan of last decade in America? Yes you can! This is slogan of last decade in America, at least, and I see no reason why you shouldn’t take this idea to its conclusions—after all, no one of the very jovenlandesal wise men who rule that country saw anything wrong with that slogan. Surely they must want you to have “internalized” it. Please remember that these small people like Bill Gates, Zuckerface, and Bezos are entirely dependent men. They can’t really do with their wealth what you think they can...for example, they could never just kill a man and take his wife, but even the ruler of the smallest African country has this power, this true wealth. When your happiness and wealth depends on the force of arms of another, you’re not really your own man...nor can you enjoy the greatest delights in life. Clearchus and Agathocles knew this: they show you one of the ways out; they’re really authentic men who went their own way!

Yes you can!

BAP cita a Shopenhauer y su explicación sobres descuido de las mujeres y su alegre frivolidad: ellas viven por y para el genio de las especies. Están llenas de objetivos ilimitados que van mucho más allá de lo individual, porque la venida de la siguiente generación es algo muy serio, y en ellas la especie rejuvenece

BAP se refiere a las mejores de las mujeres, porque la mayoría de ellas han sido destruidas. Las han amaestrado para reprobar su propia naturaleza y sus instintos. La mujer moderna ha perdido su gran ventaja, de modo que se ha convertido en una copia neurótica de un oficinista lgtb. Ha abandonado el gran poder que viene de su sangre, porque lo que viene de la sangre es mejor (Nota de Gurney: recordad el Grial)

Pero es duro escuchar hoy esta llamada al instinto, porque (también a vosotros) os han enseñado a desconfiar de él. La izquierda habla mucho sobre el relajarse, sobre no estar reprimido. Si entendieran lo que eso significa realmente!

BAP habla ahora de dos grandes hombres:

El primero es Clearco de Esparta: enviado a Bizancio, ahorcó con una estratagema a los hombres prominentes, senadores y ricos de la ciudad. Se proclamó tirano, y resistió frente a un ejército enviado por sus compatriotas, aunque fue derrotado. Pero consiguió huir con el tesoro de la ciudad, y finalmente llegó a Persia, donde no se limitó a disfrutar de sus riquezas, sino que formó parte de la Expedición de los Diez Mil. Finalmente murió a causa de una traición: aprended pues que debéis ser cuidadosos y usar al astuta, no sólo al león

El segundo es Agatocles de Siracusa. De orígenes modestos, se enroló en el ejército y llegó a ser general. También asesinó a los notables y senadores de su ciudad, de la que se convirtió en tirano, y fue a África a derrotar a los temidos cartagineses

BAP os cuenta estas historias porque
muestran la vida de dos hombres que eran similares, que sabían dejarse ir, que no se contenían por pequeñas inhibiciones. Siguiendo el slogan del 2008-2016 -Yes you can!- hasta sus últimas consecuencias
Recordad que hombrecillos como Bill Gates, Zucker Caralibro y Bezos son hombres completamente dependientes: no pueden hacer con su riqueza tanto como creéis que pueden...por ejemplo, nunca podrían dar de baja de la suscripción de la vida a un hombre y robarle su mujer, cosa que el dictador del país africano más pequeño sí puede
Porque cuando tu felicidad y riqueza depende de la fuerza de las armas de otro, no eres un hombre dueño de ti mismo, ni puedes disfrutar las más grandes delicias de la vida

De modo que recordad: Yes you can!


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
The pirate and the fortress—

“Work was never pleasure for me, nor homekeeping thrift, which feeds good children. But to me oared ships were pleasure, and war, and well-glinted spears and arrow.” So speaks Odysseus, playing the pirate. This is motto and life of the pirate. Do you understand what pirate is? Many times I’m asked, why the Bronze Age? Because it’s the heroic age you see in Iliad and Odyssey, yes, but don’t forget what hero really means.

Thucydides says the men of that time enjoyed piracy, and saw nothing wrong with it, and this is true. And what is the pirate but the original form of the free man and of all ascending life! How pathetic, when you are told now about “living life,” or “having a life”—these people know nothing about what true life means. Compare the intensity of Alcibiades, that super-pirate, or of what I am about to describe here, to the “life” you’re encouraged to “have” today. How worthless the vaunting of these anxious creatures who live on pharmaceuticals, cheap wine, the rancid fart-fumes of status and approval they beg from each other. Schopenhauer says that at some point in the past all animals were herbivores, but then some species decided to take its own life in its jaws, to risk itself, and with great daring become a beast of prey, living off the hunt. The predator is always the more intelligent animal. In every decision to become a hunter or pirate, a man or a people is showing great daring and embarking on great freedom. Hero is not slave to the many, who sacrifices himself for them; the common man is awed by this kind of “sacrifice,” because they would never do this for themselves or others. But this is hero reduced to faithful dog. Wolf seeks not to “sacrifice” anything, but to discharge its powers over territory. We take the wolves and lions and leopards from among us when pups and break them with false ideas, vicious conditioning, and lately, drugs that would have lobotomized a da Vinci, an Alexander, a Frederick the Great out of existence in his youth. Then the energy that remains to them is channeled into mindless work for money. Labor and commerce are the ways to subject you to mere life and its preservation: when the superior are corrupted to a life of work and finance, they slowly move for their own destruction in the long run. I could say leisure is the source of all great things. The preservation of life is tedious; freedom from its demands is needed for all high science, art, and literature as well, and also all beautiful living, all adventures, all development of your body to the heights of beauty. One of the reasons the modern world has no great culture is because the sons of the rich have such bad conscience about not working, they all strive the same as others to climb on top of each other in normie jobs. Just fifty years ago most used to list “sportsman” as their main profession; that was in a recent time with slightly more beauty and more art.

But...but...it is wrong to look at this aspect of life, because it assumes we have more familiarity with it than we do. It’s not just that we don’t “deserve” to have a higher culture, although it’s that as well, but that the purpose of such a thing is completely alien to us. From the point of view of real culture and refinement we’re as barbaric as the most obscure herd of the Khwarezm where the women scratch their pubes in public... we’re just more tame and insipid than they were.
So when I mention leisure, don’t imagine I miccionan by it what you miccionan by it. It’s not just leisure, you don’t need just leisure for higher life, but specifically leisure for preparation for war. To escape the subjection of our time, you can’t really look to science or art any longer: you have forgotten their purpose. They’ve been defanged and almost all participation in these today amounts to a kind of cargo-cultism. Who can even think of a true scientist or artist among us? I think there is maybe a century since one existed. Just see how Cellini crafted his Perseus, in what frame of mind he was, and how foreign this is from our “artist” diddlers. Paglia says the artist is an obsessive, with a mind close to that of a stalker or serial killer, and she is right: look at monomania of Newton, or character of people like Balzac or Baudelaire. Violent spergs and obsessives. Our diddlers are diddlers because they lack all intensity and all faith in themselves and what they do. They’re not even nihilists, they lack all conviction in nihilism too: they just lack intensity, they’re pissed dry. This is why in this book I don’t promote for you the life of the scientist, or artist, or writer, because in our age these degenerate to hobbies and ways to pass the time, and there’s no value in this. People who promote these things, without really having a reason to, are just doing this to make you harmless and to advertise to others in media or elsewhere that, they too, are harmless. What past ages understood by leisure is very different from what we understand. Should robots relieve mankind of labor, there won’t be any flowering of the intellect or the arts or sciences. It’s not enough not be free from work, because the retired and the NEET’s are like this, as well as most academics and many others, but all do nothing that’s worthwhile. They’ve been reduced to a constrained and dependent state, and this is the problem. Constrained and dependent people don’t have real thoughts: for same reason that nations without manufacturing don’t really understand anymore what “innovation” and invention was for in the first place. So our science and technology too is just more diddling. Cervantes completed Don Quixote while in jail, Spinoza was a lens-grinder, Diogenes was homeless, and many other great things were done by people who were poorer or in direr straits materially than people today. And yet one can’t deny that the life of the average American is that of an overworked, over-stressed slave: but the rest that would come from relieving him of that would be just that, simple rest, if it doesn’t also come with manliness and sovereignty.

There is no substitute for freedom and power—not even the feeling of freedom of power is a substitute for the real thing. The pirate, the true warrior—not the modern soldier in subjection to a high brass eunuch—is the only free man, and it is this freedom, the primal freedom of the Bronze Age that some must recapture before anything else can be done. Listen to what Tacitus says of the ancient Germans: they preferred to win through battle the things of life, and considered it miccionan and petty to work the land and sweat and toil rather than to get their living by their spears and by risking their blood. They otherwise spent much of their time in antiestéticasts and idleness. The noblest youths among them, if their tribe was at peace, would go to other tribes to seek out wars, because lack of adventure was odious to their race, and only through risking blood did they win distinction. This was also attitude of the medieval knight, the chevalier, the Rittern, the riders who considered the life of the serf, of the community, to be miccionan and dirty, worthy of slaves and low- castes and women: they were always ready to ride away to new things and new adventures of glory and danger.

So you see, it’s not enough to say “such people were freed from caring for the necessities of life; they had leisure.” It was leisure of a very specific type. The Roman aristocracy, as Nietzsche says, had the motto otium et bellum, leisure and war, these being the only right ways of life for a man of power and freedom. In Celine’s Journey to the End of the Night I think he says at one point that his landlady, otherwise a modest woman, had an aristocratic contempt for labor; this was but an idle vestige and he makes fun of it. By his time, the last flower of the Aryan aristocracy had been extinguished, as Nietzsche says: in French Revolution, a mass revolt of racial slaves that remade Europe and took it on the downward path. Then there was another peripheral aboriginal revolt in 1917, that plunged Europe into a civil war from which it still hasn’t recovered. But in Celine’s book the main character, in his restless seeking in this trash world...he was looking for that hidden key, the true freedom into the expanse of open space that he could conquer.

Where to find the frontier? There are many places, but path is not easy. In the nations, leisure from the slave state must be secured, and this leisure must immediately be used in preparation for war. In Greek city the man of power spent his time in the hunt, at the gymnasium, in the study of military history and strategy, in every way making himself ready for war. Many think of the Greek age, when they think of its spirit, they think of a kind of solidarity and soldierly order quite different from what I talk about here...they think of the line of hoplites, and their discipline. They think of this age as one where the individual subsumed himself to the city and its laws, to the discipline of the ranks: and they connect this seeming egalitarianism to the practice of democracy in our time. In this way they want to flatter themselves. Modern man is then called on to make a similar “sacrifice,” and blamed for his selfishness. This is confused. In beginning the hoplite, the man who fought with heavy round shield, tall spike, and heavy armor, he did not come as a “tool” of the republic or a democracy, the way modern soldiers are tools of the slave state. If you want to see what the spirit of the Bronze Age is, you look to ancient drinking song, at the mess halls of Crete and Sparta: “This is my wealth: my spear and my shield. With this I trample sweet wine from the vine. With this I am called master of serfs. Those who do not dare to have spear and sword, and fine leather shield to protect skin, all cower at my knee and submit, calling me master and great king.” This was real song: a popular drinking song among the ruling men. Such formed small companies of adventurers who, early on, took over the state away from the mounted aristocracy—themselves equally piratical predators. Some time after they took over a state and established themselves as its rulers, they then “submitted” themselves to the rigors and discipline of a strict training program. But only in the sense that an athlete enters training in a team, specifically for making himself strong and ready for a task, and never losing sight of that specific task. When we see the Greek cities at their heights in the classical era for which we know this culture, ruled either by aristocracies or in some cases democracies, we see cities where such men have taken over and built a state for themselves, and for the purposes of training for battle and supremacy in battle. That same haughtiness and lust for physical power that you see in the song, that never left them. In the case of democracy the only difference is that the sailors are added also to the ruling assembly of armed men. And you can understand then the meaning of this ancient “public-spiritedness”, which isn’t that at all, but free men accepting the rigors of training together so they can preserve their freedom by force against equally haughty and hostile outsiders and against racial subordinates at home. Any “racial” unity of the Greeks was therefore only the organic unity of culture or language, but never became political: such people would never tolerate losing the sovereignty in the states they and their recent ancestors had established to protect their freedom and space to move.

But to draw any parallels to our time is absurd: these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people” as some kind of amorphous entity encompassing the inhabitants of the territory or city in general. They would have rightly seen this as pure slavery, which is our condition today: no real man would ever accept the legitimacy of such an entity, which for all practical purposes means you must, for entirely imaginary reasons, defer to the opinion of slaves, aliens, fat childless women, and others who have no share in the actual physical power. How is it possible for all to have an equal share in the state and a full demand on its resources, when they in fact possess no actual physical force: and if you think this question through, you will understand also the nature of our subjection in this time. Because it is not these people who are at fault, but a hidden power that uses them as a pretext. Modern “democracy” is totalitarian and vicious, and tries to subject the best to the rule of the heaps of biological refuse and most especially to the rule of those who can stir them up. The military men who constitute its external defense and its internal police forces should in principle never accept this condition. That they do is a great question mark: how is it possible? To what end, and how did they agree to this? What’s in it for them? The ancient life that I describe here, the Bronze Age mindset, is one of complete freedom and power.

There is a hidden path for you also that remains...behind the marketplace, it begins in the thickets of small woods....it winds up many steep paths toward the high mountain air, to life in the ascent, uncorrupted by the miasma of the yeast man and the toilets in the river valleys....the life on Jason’s Argo can be reclaimed...and by some few in the modern world, it has been....

Muchas veces le han preguntado a BAP: Y porqué la Edad del Bronce? Pues porque, sí, es la época heroica que ves en la Ilíada y en la Odisea, pero no debes olvidar qué significa realmente ser un héroe

Es la frase de Odiseo la que da el lema del pirata: "El trabajo nunca me agradó, ni tampoco la economía doméstica que hacer crecer a hijos fuertes. Para mí el placer eran los barcos a remos, y la guerra, y las relucientes lanzas y la flecha"

Tucídices dice que los hombres de aquel tiempo gozaban con la piratería, y no dijo que fuera algo malo: porque el pirata es la forma original del hombre libre y de toda la vida en ascenso!

Comparadlo con el patético "vivir la vida" o "ganarse la vida" que se dice ahora: esa gente no sabe nada de lo que significa la vida verdadera
Comparad a Alcibíades, ese super-pirata, con los infraseres ansiosos de la postmodernidad, que viven a base de medicamentos, vino barato, y sus apestosos "status" y "aprobación" que suplican unos de otros

Por eso el héroe actual ha sido reducido a la condición de un perro fiel, dispuesto a sacrificarse por los demás. Pero el héroe verdadero, como el lobo, no quiere sacrificar nada, sino ejercer sus poderes sobre un territorio. Y a esos lobos nuestros, hoy los rompen a base de ideas falsas, condicionamientos enfermizos y en último término drojas que habrían lobotomizado a un Leonardo, a un Alejandro o a un Federico el Grande

Después, la poca energía que queda se canaliza hacia algún menso trabajo a cambio de dinero. Porque tened claro que el trabajo y el comercio son las vías para someterte en la vida simple y en su preservación. Y esto afecta también a las clases superiores

Porque una de las razones por las que el mundo moderno no tiene una gran cultura es que los hijos de los ricos tienen una mala conciencia de la vida ociosa, y son compelidos a escalar en trabajos para normies. Hace sólo 50 años, muchos se definían como "deportistas" (Nota de Gurney: la palabra tiene una connotación de "caballero", elitista). Era un tiempo con un poco más de belleza y arte

Y no es sólo que no "merezcamos" tener una cultura superior, sino que además el propósito de algo así es completamente extraño para nosotros. Desde el punto de vista de la cultura y el refinamiento, somos tan bárbaros como la más oscura horda de Corasmia (Nota de Gurney: por el mar del Aral - he tenido que buscarlo, ni idea de su existencia, jajaja) en la que las mujeres se rascaban el shishi en público...simplemente estamos más domesticados y somos más insípidos de lo que eran ellos

Cuando BAP se refiere al tiempo libre, se refiere no sólo al ocio, sino a la preparación para la guerra. Para escapar de la sujeción de nuestro tiempo, no puedes mirar ya a la ciencia o al arte, porque su propósito ha sido olvidado: se los han cargado, y ya no es más que un culto de cargo. Ya no queda ningún artista ni científico entre nosotros. Pensad en Cellini y su Perseo (Nota de Gurney: brutal historia que trataré en este hilo), o Newton, o Balzac o Baudelaire. Básicamente son obsesivos, prácticamente maníacos, como decía Paglia. Lo que tenemos ahora son bromistas, que hacen postureo. Ni siquiera son nihilistas, les falta convicción también para eso, porque no tienen intensidad.

Por eso este libro no te dice que te hagas científico o artista o escritor , porque en nuestro tiempo han poco equilibrado en aficiones y en formas de pasar el tiempo, y no hay valor en eso. Los que promueven estas cosas sin tener realmente una razón para ello, quieren que seas inofensivo, y decirles a todos los demás que también ellos mismos son inofensivos

Y lo de que los robots liberarán a la humanidad del trabajo y habrá un renacimiento...no basta con estar libre del trabajo, porque la langostada y los ninis ya lo están, y también la mayoría de académicos, y muchos otros, y ninguno hace nada relevante. Porque el problema es que han sido reducidos a un estado de rigidez y dependencia, y la gente en esas condiciones no tienen pensamientos de verdad. De modo que el simple descanso, sin hombría y soberanía, no basta

No hay sustitutivos para la libertad y el poder: ni siquiera la sensación de ellos. El pirata, el auténtico guerrero - y no el soldado moderno sometido a un eunuco de hojalata - es el único hombre libre. Y así habla Tácito de los antiguos germanos, y era la actitud de los caballeros medievales: ganar las cosas de la vida a través de la batalla; considerar como mezquinos el labrar la tierra; pasar mucho tiempo en festines y ociosidad; buscar aventuras, gloria y peligro
Otros ejemplos son la aristocracia de la antigua Roma, o en el "Viaje al final de la noche" de Celine

Pero la Revolución Francesa, una revuelta de esclavos raciales, y la guerra civil europea que comenzó en 1917 (Nota de Gurney: BAP se refiere a la Revolución Rusa, pero yo lo situaría con la I Guerra Mundial en 1914) han extinguido las últimas flores de la aristocracia aria

Dónde encontrar entonces la frontera? Hay algunos lugares, pero el camino no es fácil
BAP habla de la Antigua Grecia, de una canción de borrachera que se cantaba en los salones de Creta y Esparta: "Ésta es mi riqueza: mi lanza y mi escudo. Con esto saco dulce vino de la viña. Con esto soy llamado dueño de sirvientes. Los que no se atreven a tener lanza y espada, y un buen escudo de cuero para proteger su piel, doblan sus rodillas y se someten, y me llaman señor y gran rey"

Pero establecer paralelismos con nuestro tiempo es absurdo. Estos hombres nunca se habrían sometido a abstracciones como los derechos humanos, o la "igualdad", o "el pueblo". Lo habrían visto como lo que son: esclavitud pura, que es nuestra condición actual. Ningún hombre de verdad puede aceptar la legitimidad de la opinión de esclavos, tarados, pilinguis obesas y cualquier otro que no tenga fuerza física
La carencia de ese poder físico te permitirá entender la naturaleza de la sujeción de nuestro tiempo: es un poder oculto, que usa a esa caterva como pretexto

Pero hay un camino oculto, detrás de lo público, que comienza en los bosques...la vida de Jasón de Argos


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Greek Friendship—

You think maybe I promote the ruthlessness of a machine politician with tuna-stained brown sportcoat, or a petty office intriguer, or catty interior designer with upward lilting voice who backstabs his colleagues to get contract. Fools, you think I’m here to promote a “way of life” or jovenlandesality!
No principles or ideas are of any use today, all will be retooled and taken over by people like these. Self-help is completely useless, and not what this book is about: rather, I would like most to go toward self-destruction and to be rid of them
. I only care about very few who, being constrained in their predatory nature by this open-air zoo, must look to the past to understand what is possible. I want to give encouragement to some who are a certain way, in their blood, and to encourage them to become the purifying hand of nature.

Among your instincts you will find the longing for strong friendships, that the modern evil tries to snuff out. And they have good reason to try this, because every great thing in the past was done through strong friendships between two men, or brotherhoods of men, and this includes all great political things, all acts of political freedom and power. The modern zoo wants you instead to be a weak and isolated “individual.” In most Greek cities there were the aristocratic clubs or fraternities, which were always places of great plans, great ideas and spiritual ferment. Here were made great political plans, plans of colonization and exploration of new lands and new cities, plans of conquest, actions against the designs of tyrants and plebs. Where is your bulwark today against Babylon, when all this has been made illegal for you? In life of Cellini you see how different is a real free man: when insulted, or when one of his friends or family is hurt, he gathers fifty bravos for a raid on the enemy, something impossible in our states today, not only because of the immense power of the evil that suffocates, but also because you have no such friends who could or would help you. A brotherhood of men in this form is the foundation of all higher life in general: there is a certain madness, an enthusiasm that exists also in a community of true scientists or artists, that amows this same pattern. It is totally forbidden in our time: it’s totally absent in universities, which is where science has been sequestered.

But what fate can science have here? Everything in corporate labs, in universities, as in government labs, and at the military and intelligence facilities that still carry out some scientific tasks...everything militates to crush the spirit of science. The dedication, severity, focus and enthusiasm necessary to sustain true scientific enterprise are forbidden because they make women and weaklings uncomfortable: the presence of “lactation rooms,” and an environment where such rooms could even be built...the suppression of vigorous debate, the promotion of an “unhostile environment” of petty chitchat and chumminess, the subjection of scientists to administrators, human resources cunts with fibromyalgia, to the crushing banality of everydayness, all of this reduces the young scientist to domestic muck again and destroys his aspirations and will. The assault is very heavy in Silicon Valley and other holdouts of research as well where, however, there wasn’t any serious innovation being done in the first place: already technology had been reduced to the development of dick pic apps for adolescents. Science has long ago ceased and been castrated... Will it be born again? The cleansing barbarism that I talk about here must first sweep the world: no science is possible any longer, nor anything else, in a place where all spheres of life have been submerged into the great mother of the Yeast.

But this isn’t really about science or art, I say again, you’re very far from understanding what those are even supposed to do in the first place. Do you know how for Greek all higher aspirations went into strong friendship between two men who together dedicated themselves to a higher task? In Thebes, Epaminondas and Pelopidas reformed the state, and established a democracy based on the Pythagorean sect—that last part not important. They believed in some peculiar things, like reincarnation, the veneration of the “left side” and also of beans and other legumes, which I don’t understand so well. But it was they who established the famous “Sacred Band”, the elite military unit that broke the power of Sparta. This group was formed of close friends, and you will always have too much love and compassion for a real friend to waiver in courage in front of him—but I doubt you understand what such friendship means or that you ever had such friend! In Athens the two friends Harmodius and Aristogeiton put down the tyranny through their schemes and their bravery: this is, you know, why all tyrants and totalitarians are suspicious of strong friendships between men. Most of all this is antiestéticared by the middle-aged lesbos and defectives that are used as guards by our prison-states. And yes, I know the rumors that these friendships were sensual, but I believe this is misunderstanding and exaggeration promoted by the homonerds of our time, for reasons I will explain later. The model for all such friendships was that between Achilles and Patroclus: Homer never hints such friendship was sensual. It is only out of the poverty of our imagination that we think it was, because we can’t conceive of such intense love between friends without some carnal or material benefit in play. It was out of his friendship for Patroclus that Achilles embarked on his great rampage: it was for the sake of his friend that he would not tolerate living a long and inglorious life at home...he chose instead a short and glorious one, and a violent death full of promise and beauty. Friends can spur you to this! How shameful to drag out life like a dog and die overseen by strangers in a hospital, who hate you, rather than to die in the prime of your youth, for the sake of your friend, and to leave behind a beautiful corpse! The original form for all this was the divine pair of charioteers: Castor and Pollux, or for the Aryans it was the Ashvin twins, and for the Saxons it was Horst and Hengist, the pair of the chariot driver and the archer—do you understand this is the real root of all the higher aspirations of Europe? The charioteers who took over Europe around 1500 BC depended on this close bond between two men for its military organization; and probably this people itself had its ultimate origins in friendships of this kind. The Spartan state, in any case, entirely depended in its education of youth on this pairing of two friends, as knight and squire. It was this conquering aristocracy that really made Europe stand out from the jovenlandesass that the rest of the world has always been stuck in... And for the Greeks, and all great men of the Bronze Age and not just the Greeks, friendship wasn’t just a way to “temper” the lust for power and adventure that some of you will surely embrace, but an absolute prerequisite for it. It is most of all not a duty.

Friendship is a social relation of a kind that is beyond all “ethics,” you see, and if you ever think of it in terms of ethics you misunderstand it. It is a great pleasure between two, very different from sensual pleasure between man and woman, but of the same species, in that it is pleasant, and never feels like “ethics,” which is for cows. There have been a few attempts in our age to replenish this form of friendship, for example Montaigne’s famous essay. There have been other attempts as well, you find some nice words on friendship in Nietzsche in Zarathustra, and then most of all there are the modern scouting movements, that come from Germany and from this same spirit. The first movement like this was called the Wandervogel, but there were various others, all based on the experience of nature, the promotion of camaraderie and of nationalism. This included the Jewish youth guard movements that became Zionists, the Boy Scouts and others in America of course. Among the Jews, the promotion of this kind of camaraderie and friendship was a great miracle in the early 20th Century, because it so much went against their culture of the cramped shtetl, of nerds dominated by women and old people and by antiestéticar. It was a great act of self-overcoming for them, and many are right that in some sense the creation of Israel is the most “anti-Semitic” act ever conceived. It is, in any case, a great model for others to show that reestablishment of antiquity is fully possible, although there is no real reason why Americans or Europeans should have any regard for the welfare of this country. In their case too, however, by our time that spirit of piracy is long gone, and they’ve gone so soft that on the streets of Tel Aviv you have Yemeni “Jewish” bluegums with Rasta style feeling up Ashkenazi girls, and in general a feeling of torpor. The condition of other modern nations is worse.

In our time friendship is made illegal between boys in school, real fraternities are for all purposes banned, and the scouting movements are forced to accept women—and women are destructive entirely of any great friendship. In private life, friendship among isolated and defeated modern males is unheard of. Men are deluded into thinking their wife can also be their best friend (and this, of course, also makes their wives lose respect for them). Then also so many are rightly afraid of the way such relations have been sexualized between men and are never sure if a prospective friend has sensual intentions...at the same time as all this goes on, gays act out a domesticized and castrated parody of friendship.

Where to recover true friendship then? In this case though, more than in others, how could they stop you, if you only learned to listen to instinct and amow the pleasure of desires? There’s nothing in principle that the state can do to stop you, if you should give yourself over to real friendship. All of the things I’ve said are a kind of conditioning, a very strong conditioning, but it’s all a form of psychological control that should in principle be easy to break.

All you need to do is give in to desire for great things. The true foundation of the Bronze Age, of the age of great adventures...such a thing is a matter of the blood and spirit and for those few among you who are suited to it, it should be as easy to recover as the carelessness that comes from filling yourself with the fire of the life-force. You must only embrace your own instincts with abandon and understand that in common dedication to a higher cause, a great friend is invaluable because you spur each other on and keep guard on each other in the mission.

BAP insiste: no está aquí para predicar un "estilo de vida" o una jovenlandesalidad. Ningún principio ni idea de ese estilo son útiles hoy, porque serían rediseñados por los bugmen. La autoayuda es totalmente inservible, y este libro no va de eso: es más, BAP prefiere que vayáis hacia la auto-destrucción y que os libréis de todos ellos

Idea central: entre tus instintos se halla el anhelo por amistades fuertes, que la maldad moderna trata de apagar. Y tienen una buena razón para ello, porque todas las grandes cosas del pasado se hicieron a través de esa clase de amistades entre 2 hombres, o de hermandades de hombres, y eso incluye todo tipo de proezas políticas, y actos políticos de libertad y poder. En cambio, el zoo moderno quiere que seas un individuo, débil y aislado
Una hermandad de hombres es la base de toda la vida superior: contiene una cierta locura, un entusiasmo que existe también en comunidades de auténticos científicos o artistas, que siguen ese mismo patrón. Está totalmente prohibido en nuestro tiempo: totalmente ausente en las universidades, donde la ciencia ha sido secuestrada

La ciencia auténtica ha sido destruida por la falta de dedicación severidad, concentración y entusiasmo, la supresión del debate, la cháchara, la sujeción de los científicos a los funcionarios
Renacerá la ciencia? La limpieza barbárica de la que habla BAP debe en primer lugar barrer el mundo: ya no hay ciencia posible, ni nada, en un sitio donde todas las esferas de la Vida se han sumergido en la Gran progenitora de la Masa

BAP vuelve al tema de la amistad, con ejemplos clásicos: Pelópidas y Epaminondas en Tebas, y su Batallón Sagrado y la democracia de corte pitagórico; Harmodio y Arostigitón en Atenas, que asesinaron al tirano Hiparco; Aquiles y Patroclo, en la Ilíada de Homero

La forma original de todo esto es el divino par de aurigas: Cástor y Pólux en el mundo clásico, los también gemelos Ashuin en los Vedas, y Hengist y Horst para los sajones (Nota de Gurney: algo sale en Beowulf)

En todo caso: la amistad no era una vía para "atemperar" los deseos de poder y aventura, sino un absoluto prerrequisito para ello. Sobre todo no es un deber

La amistad una relación social de tal clase que va más allá de toda ética, y que es muy diferente del placer sensual entre un hombre y una mujer
Ha habido unos pocos intentos de restaurar la auténtica amistad: Montaigne y Nietzsche y su Zarathustra en el plano filosófico; y en la práctica los modernos movimientos de exploradores: los Wandervogel (en la Alemania del año 1900), e incluso la Hashomer Hatzair de los judíos, que devino en el sionismo y la creación del Estado de Israel (que para algunos acertadamente es el acto más antisemita que se haya perpetrado nunca), y que es un gran ejemplo de cómo el restablecimiento de la Antigüedad es perfectamente posible, aunque en este caso también se han ablandado y el espíritu de la piratería les abandono hace ya tiempo

En nuestro tiempo la auténtica amistad se ha declarado ilegal. Las fraternidades reales para todo tipo de propósitos están baneadas, y los movimientos de scouts han sido obligados a admitir a mujeres, que son destructivas por completo para cualquier gran amistad. En la vida particular, la amistad entre hombres aislados y derrotados es inusual, y en general se ha sexualizado el concepto, tanto como los que dicen que su mujer es su mejor amiga (lo cual hace que ella les pierda el respeto) como por la perspectiva de que el supuesto amigo en realidad sea un lgtb, y también porque en el mundo lgtb, la amistad es una parodia

Entonces, cómo recuperar la auténtica amistad? En este caso, más que en otros, cómo podrían pararte, si sólo aprendieras a escuchar tu instinto y seguir el placer de los deseos? No hay nada en principio que el estado pueda hacer para pararte, si tú te entregas a la amistad real

Lo único que necesitas es entregarte al deseo de grandes cosas. El auténtico fundamento de la Edad del Bronce, de una edad de grandes aventuras...tal cosa es un asunto de la sangre y del espíritu, y para aquellos pocos de vosotros que sois adecuados, sería algo tan fácil de recuperar como la despreocupación que viene de llenarte con el fuego de la fuerza vital. Tú sólo debes abrazar tus propios instintos con abandono, y entender que en la dedicación común a una causa elevada, un gran amigo es inestimable, porque cada uno puede animar al otro, y proteger al otro en la misión


2 Ene 2016
Yo leí el libro al final, por el bombo que le dabais por aquí.

Gracias por al forero @Gurney por traducirlo y por sus comentarios. Se está pegado un buen curro.

Veo que todas las corrientes filosóficas nos llevan al mismo sitio, tanto el Tao como la Vedanta, el estoicismo o Bronze Age Pervert coinciden en que la presecialidad o el estar presente de una forma u otra es la verdadera libertad para la mente.


Purasangre de la sangre más pura
22 Mar 2014
Superman mindset—

Inside every noble Greek was an unquenchable lust for power
, and this means power to become lord over life and death in your state. It’s hard to understand what this means from looking around today, because there’s nothing like it from the big examples you might have heard. Many of you might think of dictators in North Korea or some public lavatory of the world, or of the great total states of the last century, but you’d be wrong. These men weren’t really free or powerful, in many ways they were hostage to their own security services. Someone like Stalin was trapped in a stream of events where his freedom to operate existed only in the realm of murder, and murder alone, and any small step outside of this would miccionan his doom. Ideology is so tiresome! These are “systems” of control that call on the mobilization of the entire society; and the demands of this control far outweigh the capabilities of a single man. In a monarchy he could delegate these tasks to ministers and concern himself with other projects, but someone like Stalin or Mao can’t really do that. You must understand that all true greatness is parasitic on matter, for example the brain and nervous system are parasitic on the body: for anything good to happen the capacity of the hegemon must exceed the demands made on it for attention, management and control. The analogy here would be a body with the lower organs so large and powerful, their demands for control so overwhelming, that the brain would be barely equal to the task and would remain entirely in their service, although ruling or tyrannizing over them. That is the kind of “modern dictator” you know about. And the types of men that are drawn into this today are also quite different, they are the kind of ideological martinet you meet every day among those who are “public spirited” and into “public service.” It’s a kind of very aggressive schoolmarm type. This is a lower kind of creature. What I’m talking about is entirely different from public service, but seeks to live like a parasite on the state and on the substance of its various factions, to pursue quite different interests and desires. They have interests alien to yours. In the modern world this condition isn’t approached by dictators of totalitarian states, but certain others I will describe soon. In fact the great totalitarian states you know about weren’t that different from our own, or the “liberal democracies”: we live in the same kind of state, only that it is more prosperous and the viciousness of the power is indirect and hidden. But it is no less monstrous. If anyone is free, it certainly isn’t anyone you see or know about. No Greek that I talk about, in any case, would have enjoyed being the gofer of the national security and industrial state and its thousands of demands. Such men saw the prize of sovereignty as a means...a perch from where they could remain watchful over the state and of territory far outside it, and swoop down like eagle for the prize; in one swoop the king of birds catches its bloody prey in fast talons.

They were true artistes: take, for example, Periander of Corinth. This man’s name means literally “superman.” At no point in his life as king of Corinth did he restrain his lust for the darkest paths: it is said he copulated with his mother, that he violated his wife’s corpse, and much worse. He had all the boys on the island Corcyra castrated. And, having done all this, he was memorialized as one of the Sages, or Geniuses of the ancient world. A philosopher and a poet, he wrote an epic on the mysteries of nature... that showed themselves to him alone on afternoons when the long shadows make the blue-green shores of those seas whisper to ears ready to hear. He supported also the art and philosophy of others in the state, but only out of a careless generosity: I was there at his court, I played the harp and he once threw a well-used courtesan in my lap with a gesture of disdain. It is true that he established his city as a great trading outpost, bringing great wealth. He also built the first railroad in history—a kind of way to transport goods across the isthmus of Corinth; at the time a great innovation. He did many other such things...he established colonies abroad, he built temples, he chastised the nobles and raised up the middle classes, but you must forgive these acts, or rather, not misunderstand them. He never did any of this “for the good,” out of duty or necessity, but rather these actions flowed from those we consider vices, as a kind of excess. Everything came from his instincts to conquer and expand the domain of his action. Born to power in his state, he could have chosen a middle course. If he had excessively enjoyed honors...or prestige...or security. These were his to have, and easily. The great danger for a house passes once the son is able to succeed the father in seat of king. But he gave all this up, for really no reason. He chose a path of adventure, but ...he chose even a path of sorrow. In all he did, there was a kind of artistic sorrow and grotesque misfortune, that he seemed to want to bring on himself...to make life interesting, or so he could overcome even this latest outrage. He killed his own wife, and I know why. She was pregnant, and though he had copulated with her, in a dream he received word that during the act a small snake had become attached to his member. And that a monster would be born. Then it’s said that his son was murdered by those same people from Corcyra that Periander had made the subjects of his weird experiments, but that they did so because they loved the youth. But this is absurd. The real reason was that he was trying to impregnate all the women on the island. So Periander dreamt he would become progenitor of a “brood of snakes.” He only ever saw political office as a means to self-overcoming and self-perfection, as a way to turn himself into a living work of art. From this came for the citizens much good and also much bad. It has to be expected that such men will appear as monsters to others. In any case, the things he did were hardly the worst.

One other man I can think of, a tyrant or a king, have it what you will, he married off the women of his state to slaves: through this overturning of values, that he learned from Plato, he secured his infamy and power. Do you understand what Plato’s Republic means? It is a formula for such men to unleash their complete madness on the world. It teaches them certain tricks to expand the domain of their struggle for self-perfection into every area of social life. Plato himself says that the secret desire of every Greek was to become a tyrant, and Nietzsche understands all the greatness of that people, their exploration of the seas and limits of the world, their foundation of the arts and sciences...all of this as just an extension of this secret desire in the heart of every noble Greek. It was the secret desire also in the heart of the great French artists, and it is simply put, the unlearnable desire behind all great things.

If you have it you must by no means restrain it. This is because human nature is feeble and easily led astray, and only when driven by this kind of monstrous and single-minded obsession for the heights of power can it find the motivation to overcome the lying, dirty ape in us. A certain distance too from oneself is necessary. A “clinical” eye in regards to oneself, one’s faults, is required for this mindset. In our time this can be achieved in part by embracing spirit of true science, whereas for man of Bronze Age it was easy to embrace because he saw things that happened to him, including the great motions of the spirit, the feelings that troubled him, as instantiations of various gods, for which he was not responsible, and which he could therefore judge and evaluate externally. His view was, however, correct. For this reason when you see men like Periander you have to understand their special quest wasn’t one where they try to accomplish “the public good,” nor was it some worthless desire to dominate others or exert will for petty satisfaction: they see others instead as tools or objects on a mission of self- overcoming. He was trying to turn himself into a work of art, his life into a replay of the great motions of the stars, or the secret passion plays of the gods. In the same way that the Greek state in general was conceived as a work of art by the citizens. Periander understood his position as king then as just another means: here science, here art could be free from all limits and could rule unhindered and embark on great experiments. And yet from all this you see something very strange...The secret desire of every Greek...the Bronze Age mindset....was to be worshiped as a god! This is the secret target to which that boundless lust for power aims!

There are many other examples
. Among the Spartans you find the great general Lysander. He turned the Spartans from a land power into a great navy, defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War: then he went from city to city as a liberator, on a great tour of self- glorification. He was the first to be worshiped as a god at altars. He had searched for this his entire life, and it was the prize of his victories. There was another such unlikely man, Brasidas, a Spartan general of a generation before Lysander, of very unusual character. He liberated many cities by his force of personality and the magical charisma that emanated from his body. A Spartan and man of battle and the science of war, he nevertheless managed to win by persuasion and speech: only such man, with disdain for words, can really understand what speech is really for. He was type of man who, when his back is against the wall, the strong spirit in him rallies like wild boar who rages in his thick chest when he is cornered by hunters, and charges for the kill. In same way Brasidas performed best when he relieved many cities of siege. He died the most glorious death, in the middle of victorious battle, when he rushed into the thick of the enemy with his elite guard. He was worshiped as a god thereafter in the city of Amphipolis. It’s not a surprise that you see men of this type of man come out of Sparta: the place that made the sternest demands on itself produced also the most brilliant men. They went rogue and easily imposed the intensity of their magic charisma on foreigners. True power needs no effort: it draws all around it like a force-field. Power of character and body attracts others in orbit as if by magic.

Dentro de cada noble griego había un insaciable deseo de poder, un poder de convertirse en señor sobre la vida y la muerte de sus súbditos. Es difícil de entender desde la perspectiva actual, porque no hay nada similar. Dictadores como el de Corea del Norte, o un Stalin, son absolutamente dependientes, incluso rehenes, de sus servicios de seguridad, y además están insertados en un sistema ideológico que exige el control y la movilización de toda la sociedad, algo que excede las capacidades de un sólo hombre. En una monarquía puedes delegar ciertas tareas, y ocuparte de otros proyectos. Pero un Mao no puede hacer eso

BAP hace una analogía entre el cerebro y los órganos inferiores: mientras el hegemon griego sería un cerebro que domina al resto del cuerpo, en los sistemas modernos son los órganos, enormes y poderosos, los que dirigen y aunque el dictador tiranice, es siempre siguiendo esas fuerzas masivas

Además, son hombres muy diferentes: el dictador moderno es una criatura de clase baja, pasivo-agresiva, de corte parasitario y con intereses diferentes a los nuestros

BAP afirma que vivimos en un estado igual que el de una dictadura, sólo que más próspero, y en el que el poder es indirecto y se mantiene oculto. Pero no es menos monstruoso

Tomad por ejemplo la historia de Periandro de Corinto: con una lujuria que se movía por caminos oscuros (se dice que copuló con su propia progenitora, que violó el cadáver de su mujer -a la que ya había asesinado-, que castró a los jóvenes de la isla de Corcira -Nota de Gurney: la actual Corfú) Pero también fue un poeta y un filósofo, un patrón de las artes y las letras, escribió un poema épico sobre la naturaleza (Otra nota de Gurney: así titulaban todos esos locos: "Peri physeos"). BAP mismo vivió en su corte, tocando el arpa. Periandro convirtió su ciudad en un gran lugar de comercio, trayendo mucha riqueza; construyó el primer ferrocarril de la historia, a través del istmo de Corinto; estableció colonias, levantó templos, castigó a los nobles y elevó a la clase media

Pero no debéis entender estos actos como algo que hizo "por el bien común", o por deber, o por necesidad...sino que esas acciones provienen de aquello que hoy se consideran vicios, como una especie de exceso: todo vino de sus instintos de conquista y de expandir el dominio de su acción

Eligió un camino de aventura cuando podía haber optado por una vía intermedia; es más incluso llegó a un camino de dolor y pena, porque en todo lo que hizo, había una especie de desgracia artística y grotesca, que parecía echarse a sí mismo encima, para hacer la vida interesante

En resumen: todo lo que hizo a nivel político fue para superarse y perfeccionarse, como una vía para convertirse en una obra de arte viviente. Y eso le trajo a los ciudadanos de Corinto mucho bien, y también mucho mal, y es inevitable que hombres así parezcan monstruos

Otros tiranos y reyes han sido parecidos. Y la República de Platón es una fórmula para ellos, para desatar su locura sobre el mundo, y anular todos los valores. Nietzsche entendió la grandeza de aquella gente: toda su exploración de los mares y de los límites del mundo, y su fundamento de las artes y de las ciencias, todo era una extensión de ese secreto deseo del corazón de todo noble griego

Si lo tienes, de ninguna manera debes contenerlo. Eso se debe a que la naturaleza humana es débil y se extravía con facilidad, y sólo cuando se deja llevar por esta obsesión monstruosa y centrada únicamente en las alturas del poder, puede encontrar la motivación para superar al mono sucio y perezoso que llevamos dentro

Una cierta distancia de uno mismo es necesaria: un ojo clínico sobre nuestra conducta y faltas es necesaria para esta perspectiva. Y en nuestro tiempo, esto puede alcanzarse en parte, abrazando el espíritu de la verdadera ciencia. Algo que para el hombre de la Edad del Bronce era fácil de abrazar, porque el veía las cosas que le sucedían, incluyendo grandes movimientos de su espíritu y los sentimientos que le inquietaban, como intervenciones de diversos dioses de las que él no era responsable, y que podía por tanto someter a su propio juicio y valorarlas externamente. Su visión era, por tanto, correcta

Y así actuaba Periandro: no por el bien público, ni el indigno deseo de mandar sobre otros, o ejercer su voluntad por una pequeña satisfacción, sino que por el contrario, él veía a los otros como herramientas en una misión personal de auto-superación. Convertirse en una obra de arte, vivir como una recreación del gran movimiento de las estrellas del cielo, actuar como la secreta pasión de los dioses

También el arte es una vía

Porque en el fondo, el deseo secreto de todo Griego...la perspectiva de la Edad del Bronce...era el ser adorado como un dios!

BAP cita otros ejemplos, ambos generales espartanos: Lisandro, en la Guerra del Peloponeso (Nota de Gurney: fue el que derrotó definitivamente a Atenas en Egospótamos, en el año 405 a.C) y Brásidas, en el principio de la misma guerra

Porque el verdadero poder no se esfuerza: se manifiesta como un campo de fuerza. El poder del carácter y del cuerpo atrae a otros a su órbita como por arte de magia