PLATA --- Hilo oficial (III)

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Manteniendo la posición, como los buenos soldados.
Coche oficial del hilo:

(a que mola)
Holaaa, me voy un rato con mi señora a dar una vuelta, porque si me ve un minuto más delante del monitor, o sale la pantalla volando por la ventana o salgo yo, :ouch: y ante el dilema nos hemos ido a dar una vuelta.... :o

Y vengo y el hilo cerrado, encuento el otro nuevo y ya está petado!! :8: jorobar, si me descuido entro en la página 10...

Bueno y volviendo a rebozarme en harina de maquinaciones internacionales, aquí os dejo que pensar, porque los usanos necesitan desviar la atención de su peña moviéndoles a defender la libertad del mundo y tal, con un toque patriótico que une mucho y que dejen de pensar en el marrón que tienen con el techo de la deuda. Necesitan un chivo expiatorio y me parece que ese va a ser: IRÁN con el Amadinejab ese en el punto de mira. Eso de que los iraníes prefieren otras monedas y no quieren dollars for oil, lo van a pagar carito... :pienso:

As the conflict in East Asia regarding the South Asian Sea, seems to have quieted down temporarily, the US – Iran conflict is reemerging. As mentioned before: warfare, politics and resources are inextricably joined and this case is no different. Oil, the Dollar and Iran are completely interconnected.

This weeks Iran launched an Oil Bourse on Kish Island. At the same time, former CIA officer and middle east expert Robert Baer stated that Israel is preparing to possibly attack on Iran in the Fall. Meanwhile, a US Drone was shot down Iran and a senior Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes secret activities taking place right now that make it hard to say with any definitiveness what will happen next in this theatre.

Importantly, readers must understand that the United States is actually in an active war with Iran. Most think the US is not at war with Iran because the US does not have troops inside Iran such as it does in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is not engaging in behind-the-scenes support like in Libya, Yemen, and Somalia. The US is involved in active war with Iran in the form of a Siege:


In the last decade, US military presence surrounding Iran has vastly increased. Starting clockwise around the Iranian Plateau.

The conflict escalated recently with Iran finally deciding to open the Kish Island Oil Bourse. This oil bourse is an oil commodity trading hub that would challenge the world’s biggest oil trading exchange in the US. The sales are currently priced in Dollars, but there have been threats of using Euros, Yen, and Yuan for oil sales.

Every time Iran has threatened to do this in the past, it has been slapped back by US. Completing oil transactions in non-dollar currencies would greatly diminish the power of the US internationally by decreasing demand for the US Dollar. Iran realizes this, but has been afraid to act on bringing it to reality. It is also yet to be seen if oil purchasing countries would buy the oil in their own currencies and challenge US Dollar global hegemony.

Economically, one can see the role oil plays in this, and how it will only push the price up. More war means more oil consumption and rising prices. The supply disruption from Iranian oil not being able to reach the market means more price fluctuations. The Indians have mentioned turning to Arabia their oil needs, but there might not be enough in Arabia to go around. In addition, if Iran chooses to challenge the US in its Oil Bourse, there will be a lot of volatility in oil, probably to up side.

There are other issues that have to be considered. What will happen to China’s energy supply? What will China’s alternative source be? Does this make nuclear energy a more viable alternative source for power? However, this sort of volatility does create great opportunities for investment and speculation.

When will we see an ending to this siege? Timing these things is very difficult. Maybe sooner, maybe later.


Imagen del nuevo hilo de nuestro querido Charles Fox cuando llegue nuestra querida platita a los $50, MUCHAS GRACIAS!!
Quien a buen árbol se arrima...
Última edición:
Holaaaaaaa HILO 3! Aqui la división nocturna reportando, que a este paso caigo en la página 15 lol...
La lateralidad de hoy no me está gustando nada, las últimas dos veces que la plata hizo algo así se escoñó a las pocas horas o dias.

Supongo que tenemos que ir preparándonos mentalmente al hueco de un euro o euro y pico que bajará en 10 minutos cuando los yankees anuncien el acuerdo del techo de deuda. Una pantomima en todos los sentidos, por que está descontadísimo, y aunque el spot baje 2 dólares en media hora, los bullion dealers se harán, como de costumbre, los suecos...

Del newsletter de Warren Bevan, un tipo que escribe ocasionalmente en Kitco:

Silver rose 2.64% this past week even in the face of seeing a blatant massive manipulation attempt. We’ve traded silver in the past with some great successes but it’s been a while now.
I tell subscribers it’s just not worth trying to trade that often since it can drop so quickly that I can hardly put in a sell order let alone send one to subscribers as well before the price is several dollars lower.
This past week we saw a sale of 250 million ounces of silver in 1 minute. This is equivalent to 30% of the worlds yearly production. Even the Comex warehouses only have about 100 million ounces in storage.
If you think someone would dump that much silver on the market at once for any other reason than to knock silver down then good luck to you. Nobody even has that much silver to sell, it was all a paper game which worked for the short-term.
The point is as always. Buy the physical silver and don’t worry about it. It will be much much higher and in the hundreds of dollars before this fiasco is through.
If you want something to trade, trade the high-beta leading momentum stocks as we do with a portion of our wealth. With those you have a much better chance as they behave how they should and aren’t such an important bellwether economically so they’re left alone for the most part.
This past week we saw a sale of 250 million ounces of silver in 1 minute. This is equivalent to 30% of the worlds yearly production. Even the Comex warehouses only have about 100 million ounces in storage.

He leído esto varias veces ya y no sé a qué se refieren, pero en los futuros del COMEX eso no ha pasado. 250 000 000 onzas son 50 000 contratos. Hay veces que en un día entero el volumen no llega a ese número, y como muchísimo en un minuto se mueven 2 000 contratos.
No lo he visto en directo, pero se ha dispardo el tema casi 0.50$ se a parado casi en los 39.85$, intentara volver al lateral de 40-41$:confused:
Lo que no veo noticias que expliquen esta rotura de tendencia bajista que llevaba... podria ser esto de EUR, aunque no me lo creo...

11:00 EUR Índice de Precios al Consumo (Anual) 2.5% prevision 2.7% anterior 2.7%
14:30 USD Producto interior bruto (trimestralmente) aun no salio prevision 1.7% anterior 1.9%

PD:Lo cierto es que habia dibujado un triangulo y a roto para arriba.
Última edición:
No lo he visto en directo, pero se ha dispardo el tema casi 0.50$ se a parado casi en los 39.85$, intentara volver al lateral de 40-41$:confused:
Lo que no veo noticias que expliquen esta rotura de tendencia bajista que llevaba... podria ser esto de EUR, aunque no me lo creo...

11:00 EUR Índice de Precios al Consumo (Anual) 2.5% prevision 2.7% anterior 2.7%
14:30 USD Producto interior bruto (trimestralmente) aun no salio prevision 1.7% anterior 1.9%

PD:Lo cierto es que habia dibujado un triangulo y a roto para arriba.
el macd a 5h sigue negativo yo no entro:no:
Yo abri un largo pero al llegar a 40 me sali y abri un corto que me hizo perder lo ganado... y hace nada a estado bien alto 40.38$

11:00 EUR Índice de Precios al Consumo (Anual) 2.5% 2.7% 2.7%

14:30 USD Producto interior bruto (trimestralmente) 1.3% 1.7% 1.9%

14:30 USD Índice del Coste del Empleo (trimestralmente) 0.70% 0.50% 0.60%

14:30 USD GDP Indice de precio (trimestralmente) 2.3% 2.0% 2.0%
El hostión bíblico del USD frente al franco suizo se está reflejando en la plata y el oro.

¿puedes explicar la relación aud/usd, usd/chf y usd/cad en PMs?

el CAD no va ligado al crudo ¿relación a la inversa o no?

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