Repite el Mantra : Lo peor de la crisis ya ha pasado

falta lo peor pero este mes creo k sera record hhistorico de ventta de videojuegos.
modern warfare2 se convertira en el videoego mmas vendido, assasins crreed 2, dragon age, gta episodes o forza3 haran unas cifras de escandalo
para muchos lo peor de la crisis claro que ha pasado

ayer , sin mas, un vecino fue desgraciadamente atropellado

a ese pobre hombre, la crisis se la pela
Eso es, lo "peor" ya ha pasado: Reconozcámoslo: hasta ahora, esta crisis ha sido un truño y solo ha afectado a unos cuantos eslabones del sistema, por desgracia a muchos de ellos los más débiles y los que menor responsabilidad tenían en la creación de la estafa, mientras que los mayores responsables y beneficiarios han logrado conservar su posición y sus privilegios vendiéndonos "más de lo mismo" y "dentro de poco todo volverá a ser como antes, vosotros seguid remando", intentando que nada cambie, o que cambie lo justo para que a ellos no les afecte...

Ahora viene la parte "buena": Quiebras de bancos y grandes constructoras, fugas, suicidios y encarcelamiento de sus directivos, quiebras de los sistemas básicos que aún hacen al sistema tolerable (sanidad, pensiones, protección por desempleo), lo que tal vez consiga que la gente despierte de una vez por todas, intervención del FMI, dimisiones a nivel de gobierno, disturbios...
Última edición:
Eso es, lo "peor" ya ha pasado: Reconozcámoslo: hasta ahora, esta crisis ha sido un truño y solo ha afectado a unos cuantos eslabones del sistema, por desgracia a muchos de ellos los más débiles y los que menor responsabilidad tenían en la creación de la estafa, mientras que los mayores responsables y beneficiarios han logrado conservar su posición y sus privilegios vendiéndonos "más de lo mismo" y "dentro de poco todo volverá a ser como antes, vosotros seguid remando", intentando que nada cambie, o que cambie lo justo para que a ellos no les afecte...

Ahora viene la parte "buena": Quiebras de bancos y grandes constructoras, fugas, suicidios y encarcelamiento de sus directivos, quiebras de los sistemas básicos que aún hacen al sistema tolerable (sanidad, pensiones, protección por desempleo), lo que tal vez consiga que la gente despierte de una vez por todas, intervención del FMI, dimisiones a nivel de gobierno, disturbios...

Si lo del segundo párrafo no sucede y no desaparece esta neo-aristocracia, no sólo no habremos adelantado nada, sino que además los responsables saldrán fortalecidos.
Tranquilos, oi e hoydo en el arradio, que el paro de dicienvre y el de henero,son el mismo.........ç

Vamos que el paro no ha subido en Enero (hoy es dia 7)
Tranquilos, oi e hoydo en el arradio, que el paro de dicienvre y el de henero,son el mismo.........ç

Vamos que el paro no ha subido en Enero (hoy es dia 7)

:pienso: ¿lo que han dicho es que no ha aumentado en los primeros 7 días de Enero?...
PATOS neցroS para 2010. Observa algunos ejemplos

Greece defaults on its debt: Great problems would result for the parent European Union, sure to fracture. Germany lets it go, does not cover the Greek debt, but employs plausible deniability on minimal offered assistance. A chain reaction begins, to reach the other vulnerable nations. Portugal, Italy, and Spain teeter upon the event, soon to suffer their own defaults, none aided. Even France suffers the ignominy of default, but is aided by Germany in the end, unlike the PIGS nations. The crux of the matter is refinance rollover of debt, which fails. The non-German EuroBonds then rise in yields, enough to force a split in the Euro currency to form the Nordic Core Euro. Default nations revert to their old former currencies and suffer massive devaluations. (chance: 80%)

Food prices soar in the US: The divergence between official crop forecasts would clash with the reality of crop failures and profound shortages this summer. Being the greatest food production source, the US crisis spreads globally. The deCarbonnel threat is realized, as foreign nations sell US$-based assets in order to finance food supply purchases. China enters the fray as a buyer of distressed farm property, amidst accusations of carpetbagger. (chance: 80%)

London metals exchange shuts down: The venerable London Bullion Market Assn would close, unable to fulfill gold orders. The varied stories continue regarding unorthodox practices from the London metals exchange in the month of December, like redemption of gold contracts in cash, like outsized demands for gold delivery mainly by Chinese entities but increasingly by the Swiss, like satisfaction of gold contracts with Street Tracks GLD shares, and much more. Scrutiny with assays upon high volume delivery have been standard since the tungsten gold story emerged, an indirect confirmation often ignored. The supply chain with intermediaries suddenly halts, as they too have no gold bullion to supply the LBMA. Companies shut down. Lawsuits result. Prosecutions begin. Midlevel officials are arrested. Some turn state's evidence. The gold price enters a state of extreme confusion, with vast discrepancies between paper gold price and physical gold price. (chance: 70%)

Hay mááásss.....
PATOS neցroS para 2010. Observa algunos ejemplos

Greece defaults on its debt: Great problems would result for the parent European Union, sure to fracture. Germany lets it go, does not cover the Greek debt, but employs plausible deniability on minimal offered assistance. A chain reaction begins, to reach the other vulnerable nations. Portugal, Italy, and Spain teeter upon the event, soon to suffer their own defaults, none aided. Even France suffers the ignominy of default, but is aided by Germany in the end, unlike the PIGS nations. The crux of the matter is refinance rollover of debt, which fails. The non-German EuroBonds then rise in yields, enough to force a split in the Euro currency to form the Nordic Core Euro. Default nations revert to their old former currencies and suffer massive devaluations. (chance: 80%)

Food prices soar in the US: The divergence between official crop forecasts would clash with the reality of crop failures and profound shortages this summer. Being the greatest food production source, the US crisis spreads globally. The deCarbonnel threat is realized, as foreign nations sell US$-based assets in order to finance food supply purchases. China enters the fray as a buyer of distressed farm property, amidst accusations of carpetbagger. (chance: 80%)

London metals exchange shuts down: The venerable London Bullion Market Assn would close, unable to fulfill gold orders. The varied stories continue regarding unorthodox practices from the London metals exchange in the month of December, like redemption of gold contracts in cash, like outsized demands for gold delivery mainly by Chinese entities but increasingly by the Swiss, like satisfaction of gold contracts with Street Tracks GLD shares, and much more. Scrutiny with assays upon high volume delivery have been standard since the tungsten gold story emerged, an indirect confirmation often ignored. The supply chain with intermediaries suddenly halts, as they too have no gold bullion to supply the LBMA. Companies shut down. Lawsuits result. Prosecutions begin. Midlevel officials are arrested. Some turn state's evidence. The gold price enters a state of extreme confusion, with vast discrepancies between paper gold price and physical gold price. (chance: 70%)

Hay mááásss.....

MMMmmm!!??? ¿SPAMeando?