Vídeo propagandístico de la Sí.Ai.Ei. Comentemos siempre desde el respeto


Magufista madmaxista
19 Nov 2021
Me he encontrado este vídeo en un hilo de los "raros" de la burbuesfera plana. No sé si habrá salido ya en el foro.
La verdad es que no daba crédito. ¿Hasta dónde se va a llegar? ¿Dónde estaremos en 10 años? Lo abro como tema serio. Abstengámonos de insensateces relativas a la Operación Especial guerra de Ukrania y al acondroplásico genocida del Kremlin. Para eso ya hay otros hilos.
Me ha parecido un esperpento. ¿No pueden mostrar simplemente un oscuro o un latino trabajando en la ayensia sin el discursito patético este por detrás?. O mejor, imágenes donde se vean personas de color, latinos y blancos trabajando juntos como lo llevan haciendo desde hace décadas con total normalidad en el ejército o en cualquiera de las ayensias. ¿De verdad las mujeras se tragan estas telenovelas?

Camiseta de la charo: «You are worth it» = L'Oréal, #PorqueYoLoValgo

Algunos de los comentarios de la gente:
-She’s just soooo damn special.... in her own mind.
-Getting awards for "diversity and inclusion" would make me feel that people are judging me not by the content of my character, but the color of my skin.
-The only people who care about skin color are the people claiming racism exists....they make it everything they see. Its just like the gender frustrated crowd, they make a pointless issue consume their entire perspective and life. These are first world issues caused by lack of real problems for the mind to deal with, so it invents and exaggerates microscopic issues to focus on. Look at how these people grow up (the majority), the grow up in wealthy homes, have all their needs and wants served in spades, and dont have and real responsibilities. We arent meant to live like that.
-Yo lady, don't blame others for your emotional underdevelopment. Makes you look emotionally underdeveloped.
-"My existence is not a box checking exercise": Right after listing all the boxes she just checked. Lol wut?
-Doublethink is a strong motion
-Self-awareness apparently was a box that was missed.
-Just when i thought i couldn't dislike a federal agency any more than I currently do, this video is made
-And I actually liked the CIA...once...years ago
-This video is going to give me an anxiety disorder. Our enemies have to be laughing their asses off at this absurdity.