Traer extranjeros para aumentar la natalidad es ilógico

Le Truhan

Será en Octubre
14 Dic 2009
Eso se dice en taiwan, claro, porque en España los periodistas traidores son la ley
Importing foreigners to boost birthrate is illogical - The China Post

This letter is in response to the article printed on page 20 in The China Post on Tuesday, Aug. 17, entitled, “Taiwan population growth estimated to stop by 2022.”

The government here never ceases to amaze.

Don't give us foreigners any rights, but try to make attractive incentive packages for more of us to come here to increase your birth rates?

I honestly do not understand the logic of this, at all. As usual, the government talks before thinking.

Perhaps the government in Taiwan should offer a package similar to what the Japanese do.

The government in Japan offers an equivalent of about NT$10,000 a month for each child, every month, until the child turns 15.

What a great incentive to have kids, and NT$10,000 a month would really be a great assistance to people in Taiwan, both foreigners and locals.

Currently, if you have one kid in Taiwan the government will give you ... drum roll please ... absolutely nothing!

I believe the government offers about NT$3000, one time, if you have your third kid.

“What?! Your third kid? I cannot afford one kid as it is!”

I think this statement will resonate with many readers.

The government, although trying to make an effort, still fails to understand the situation.

Next year they will offer NT$20,000 for the first kid, but this is a lump sum, enough for maybe one month. This really does not help encourage us to have kids. And guess what else? This policy is only for those who have lived in Taipei City for at least one year. Therefore, that means the rest of the island does not get to take advantage of this.

Although it does not take a genius to figure out why the rate is dropping, the government seems to be completely oblivious to the facts. The biggest reason for the drop is the fact that people worry they do not have enough money to raise their kids, in close second place by time they have to be with their kids.

The government needs to require companies to offer more benefits as well as enforce work hour laws, and until they do that, nothing is ever going to change. Offering an incentive, like the one offered in Japan, would be a step in the right direction, but I honestly do not see anything like this ever happening in Taiwan because politicians would prefer to bicker about non-essential issues rather than look at the real hard questions which have been plaguing Taiwan for years.

I am still in disbelief after reading such nonsense in Tuesday's paper.

If attracting foreigners to the island is your route, than you had better first change the laws that allow the current foreigners staying here to have more equal rights. Especially those of us who are married, have kids, or have lived here for many years, because the current laws are unfair, unjustified and do not satisfy a majority of us.

In addition, as usual, the government never asks those long timers how they feel or what they need for antiestéticar of what we may actually say. Indeed I know this problem runs much deeper than I have space for in this letter.

The only advice I have is to quickly study the Japanese incentive package if you wish to quickly increase the birthrate in Taiwan. Moreover, make it available for the entire island, not just certain regions