Suecia, OTRO ASESINATO en un centro de REFUGIADOS


28 Ene 2016
Segundo asesinato en un centro de refugiados en solo un mes en Suecia. Esta vez un killerfugee ha asesinado con cuchillos a otro "refugiado" y ha herido gravemente a otros 3 "refugiados". Todos o casi todos son AFGANOS

Police in Sweden arrested a man on Sunday on suspicion of murdering a man during a brawl at an asylum centre, in the latest in a string of serious crimes linked to refugees.

He has also been charged with the attempted murder of three other men, all of whom were seriously injured in the fight.

According to the newspaper, most, if not all of those involved in the fight were of Afghan origin.

Man held in Sweden for new asylum murder - The Local

MORE MIGRANT VIOLENCE: Second person killed at Swedish refugee centre in space of a month

Migrant crisis continues as ANOTHER person is killed at refugee centre | World | News | Daily Express

Person killed at refugee camp in Sweden for second time within one month

ANOTHER person has been killed at a refugee camp in Sweden within the space of one month after a brawl broke out among residents.

Person killed at refugee camp in Sweden for second time within one month | Latest News | Breaking UK News & World News Headlines | Daily Star

Swedish police investigate killing at refugee centre

Incident is second fatality at a Swedish refugee centre in a month

Swedish police investigate killing at refugee centre - Telegraph

Sweden police are investigating a murder at an asylum center after a fight broke out among refugees on Saturday.

Police said the fight occurred in the town of Ljusne, about 149 miles north of Stockholm. It is the second death that has occurred at a refugee center in the last two months. A 22-year-old asylum center employee was stabbed to death by refugees in January.

Sweden police reportedly investigating murder at refugee center | Fox News

Swedish police investigate killing at refugee center

It is the second such incident in a month after a 22-year- old employee at a refugee center for unaccompanied minors was stabbed to death, prompting concerns that authorities were being overwhelmed by the number of asylum seekers in the country.

Swedish police investigate killing at refugee center - Yahoo News
Última edición:
Los medios y los progres fulastres lo van a justificar diciendo que viven hacinados en condiciones infrahumanas, que es lógico que haya roces entre ellos porque tienen un nivel de estrés enorme por haber salido huyendo de una guerra. Además, no están bien atendidos porque claro, con esta tremenda crisis humanitaria que tenemos, los sistemas sociales no son capaces de manejar ese elevado número de peticiones de asilo, y no son capaces de atender las necesidades básicas de los pobres refugiados, y eso claro, genera conflictos entre ellos. Pobre gente que mal lo debe de estar pasando...

...cualquier cosa menos reconocer que son salvajes que simplemente están reproduciendo en suelo europeo lo que es el día a día en los estercoleros de países de donde vienen.
El mundo se ha vuelto loco, al final que te llamen xenofobo o racista va a ser un piropó. De hecho es lo que voy a hacer, dar las gracias a todo el que me llame nancy o racista, para mi significa que estoy todavía cuerdo. :roto2:
Suecia lo considero como un país de la religión del amor, un sitio NOT-TO-GO
Ya se sabe la nacionalidad del killerfugee y de todos o casi todos los protagonistas del suceso: AFGANOS

Police in Sweden arrested a man on Sunday on suspicion of murdering a man during a brawl at an asylum centre, in the latest in a string of serious crimes linked to refugees.

He has also been charged with the attempted murder of three other men, all of whom were seriously injured in the fight.

According to the newspaper, most, if not all of those involved in the fight were of Afghan origin.

Man held in Sweden for new asylum murder - The Local
Última edición:
Pobrecillos, la culpa es de los suecos que los tienen hacinados.

La solución es darles paguitas a todos y cada uno de ellos para que se repartan por todo el país y puedan dedicar todo su tiempo a fornicar blanquitas, que lo están pidiendo a gritos vistiendo como pilinguis andando solas por la calle, las muy guarras.