Se abre la veda. Noruega sube los tipos de interés.

Al igual que los chilenos ilusos aprendieron de golpe que había que mantener los beneficios del cobre privatizados a las grandes multinacionales extranjeras, se van a soltar estos p_tos noruegos como no privaticen los beneficios del petroleo a la casta internacional saqueadora, en vez de seguir repartiéndolos entre la población en mayor o menor grado, como hacían tío Sadam, o tío Ahmadin, o tío Muammar, o tío Evo, o tío Correa, o tío Chavez...

New Book: Towards a World War III Scenario
Global Economic Crisis: Finance Is the New Mode of Warfare
by Prof. Michael Hudson
Global Research, July 18, 2011
Guns and Butter (KPFA)

Who put the American Treasury and State Department in a position to demand that Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain and other countries impose economic depression in order to pay their debts and help American casino capitalists win on their bets that the oligarchy will defeat democracy and lead the world down to a race to the bottom?

When I was in Norway earlier this year, one of its politicians sat next to me at a dinner and said: “You know, there’s one good thing that President Obama has done that we never anticipated in Europe. He’s shown the Europeans that we can never depend on America again. No matter how good he sounds, no matter what he promises, we’re never again going to believe the patter talk of an American President. Mr. Obama has cured us. Our problem is what to do about the American people that don’t realize this nightmare that they’ve created, this smooth-talking American Tony Blair in the White House.”

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