Reivindicaciones Hackers Islamistas


4 Oct 2007
Esto es lo que acabo de encontrar entrando a una web , lo han hackeado y han puesto este mensaje , no se si alguien mas lo habrá visto en otras webs :

( viene en varios idiomas , pero no en castellano asi que copio en ingles )

HACKED By' Silvioo

Our Appealing

Recently, European countries and other countries started a chivvy and accusation campaign against Turkey and Islam. We, as Ayyildiz-Team, see this situation as a reason to use our answer right against these accusations.
Therefore, we declared War especially against European countries, but against other countries too, which supported this campaign.

Appealing against the chivvies and accusations of these countries:

Greece: Active Support of the terror Group PKK and insulting Turkey and Atatürk.

Bulgaria: Nationalist actions against Turkish origin people with considering them as second class in Bulgaria, which are supported and administrated by the rightwing party ATAKA

Nederland: Insulting of Islam, supporting of Armenians and toleration of PKK-Camps in Nederland.

Germany: New draft laws and laws became effective in the past, which shows the Suspension Germanys against Turkish citizens living in Germany.

Denmark: Supporting of the terror Group PKK, as well as the transmission of Roj TV. Furthermore, you have insulted our Prophet (s.a.v).

Sweden: Insulting our Prophet (s.a.v) and supporting of the terror Group PKK.

Switzerland: Supporting of the Terror Group PKK and the approval of the alleged Genocide of Armenians.

France: Big Support on the lie of an alleged Genocide on Armenians and insulting of Islam.

The Countries described on the top know their obligation also without hearing it from us.

Everyday at least one Turkish Citizen became victim of PKK. The Result of this Child murders is extreme:

Forty thousands of innocent people and 5000 Soldiers died. These soldiers, who were on the beginning of their life, became victims of the terror organisation which were supported by you.

Thousands of innocent people were executed by PKK.

We have documents which demonstrate the financial support of your Country for PKK.

The additional Documents will amaze you.

Now we will talk to the countries supporting terrorism.

Me, as AYT-Admin Barbaros, swear to everything which is lovely and holy to me, that you will pay for your actions.
We, AYT, as a Cyber Attacking Army will make it sure.

Read right, what will we do:

The government websites will be inaccessible an all lawsuits will be manipulated
We will infiltrate the server of inland revenues for the manipulation of the data which are there.
At the same time we will insist into the server of banks and will care for chaos
Websites of the press will be extinguished.
If the offence of our prophet (s.a.v.) called your press freedom, we will show you this press freedom
Websites of divers� shops will be hacked. Databank information�s and the dates which are there, for example credit card dates, will be policed in this page. (Don�t worry, we wouldn�t taste one cent of your moneys, we aren�t thieves like you. However we don�t take care of what happens, if other hackers see this dates and empty your account)
Every country will take billion high damages, which we will dedicate, the PKK victims.

We swear that if this mission brings the death, it won�t hold us.

We will lead war for life against everyone who is like you, who as terror-support states the villain�s ruthless support.

The Cyber war today could start it in the real world if it crossed our endurance. We won�t considerate of you and you will pay for everything.

You Insult our Prophet Hz. Mohammed (s.a.v).

Have you ever searched about Islam, with putting back these prejudge?

As it is not the case, you prefer play theatre with Ben Laden. When it will be the time, we will teach you Islam. Us, we don�t offence Jesus or Moïse or any Prophet, because they are also our prophet. You are so unknowing that u don�t know that.

Few Terrorist with Islam word from their mouth kill people (actually, they are your activist you use to perform your attacks plan in the Islamic Geography), and you show them as Jovenlandeses in order to dark Islam and to prepare your ambitions.

Killing innocent people and also use them to reach these vicious goals can only be the act of PROSTITUTED


The Armenians well-called dogs have killed too many people in the 1915�s but in despite you know very well their mass murder, you come to us with an unknowing behaviour. The Terrorists bands of Tachnak and Hintchak have put thousands of people from Anatolia under swords, have killed innocent babies, and have burnt without mercy hundred of unprotected people. Their carnage doesn�t stop here; they have also put out babies from their mother�s belly.
After having made these atrocities, they continue their craziness with accusing Turks of having committed Armenian genocide!

O Vicious peoples;
Have you ever sought that with being in Turkey?
If not, come!
Documents, refutations are here,
Constructions testifying the truth are here, mosques are here,
Slaughtered Turk people�s graves are here!
As you cannot admit these truths, The Truth:

With official documents are here.

France, your Algerian genocide is also here.

Germany, your Holocaust is also here as one of the biggest.

Greeks, the genocide above our congener of the Turkish Republic of North of Cypriot is also here.

Belgium, your recent genocide of Rwanda and Congo is also here.

Italy, remember what genocide you made in Libya, Ethiopia and Yugoslavia.

Denmark, don�t forget what you made for the German refugees during the 2nd World War.

Spain, your inquisitions and your genocide above the red skin are also present.

England, remember your ruse of introducing catching diseases in the Aborigines and indigenes population in Australia.

And you Armenia, after having treated us and joined allies your genocide is also here. In the 1915�s, with the Hintchak and Tachnak terrorist groups, and in 1973 to 1989 with the Terrorist Organisation of ASALA, you have shown your bloody face.

And Me as Turk nation, with the siege of Vienna, the battles of Dardanelles and Sakarya, I have proven to you and to the entire world how I am human.
No matter, you don�t understand this language!
So it is time to speak in a language you will understand.

You as senators, you admit in your mind the genocide.

Particularly France, we will take a so big revenge that it will permit you to pay with billion dollars your debt from us. We will strike you in the virtual and you will pay for your friend Armenia for having killed our people.

President of France, read well that and see well our anger.

As now, we ask forgive for innocent people who will be attempted by websites which we will attack.

We have no problem with the Europeans (people), but your leaders are so manipulated that we have to react with using our right of defence.

O Europe,
We have come to bring you liberty!!!
We will see you what the real sense of liberty.
You will not forget us�


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Aparte de las consideraciones históricas que darían mucho de que hablar ( aunque en ciertos aspectos tengan razón ) , me resulta curiosa esta parte , parece que apenas apuntan alto en sus intenciones .

"Y nos amaremos a vuestros canarios"

Kanaria, kanaria weeeena....