Rabazo oriental a los informáticos cualificados


25 Mar 2007
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Chinese and Russian Universities Claim Nine of Top Ten Spots in Association for Computing Machinery International Programming Competition for Top Tech Talent; ACM President Applauds Efforts to Illuminate Role of Computing and Computer Science Education in Driving Innovation in the Global Economy

NEW YORK, Feb. 5 (AScribe Newswire) -- Four Chinese teams and five Russian teams dominated the top ten rankings of the 2010 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC, The ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest Web Site sponsored by IBM ) . Shanghai Jiaotong University took first place ***owed by Moscow State University. Third place went to National Taiwan University, and Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University finished fourth. The only non-Chinese or non-Russian team in the top ten was the University of Warsaw in eighth place.

This international competition, now in its 34th year, has been run by ACM (Welcome — Association for Computing Machinery), a society of more than 96,000 computing educators, researchers, professionals, and students worldwide, since the mid-1970s as the premiere programming competition. Financial and systems support for the competition is provided by IBM. The contest took place in Harbin, China with 103 teams competing in the final round. Earlier rounds of the competition included 22,000 contestants representing 1,931 universities from 82 countries. The top four teams won Gold medals as well as employment or internship offers from IBM. Full results are available at ICPCWiki: Results World Finals 2010 .

ACM President Professor Dame Wendy Hall cited the global nature of the ICPC event as an outstanding example of ACM's recent initiatives to extend its high-quality technical activities, conferences, and services for the computing profession, and to recognize computing achievement in international arenas. "This competition helps to illuminate the role of computing in driving innovation in a global environment, and to recognize achievements in these regions," she said. "By strengthening ACM's ties in multiple regions throughout the world and raising awareness of its many benefits and resources with the public and in-country decision-makers, we can play an active role in the critical technical, educational, and social issues that surround the computing community. "

As part of its initiative to focus on international activities, ACM introduced the ACM Europe Council (http://europe.acm.orghttp://india.acm.org) aimed at Indian ACM members and activities. An ACM China Council with representation from leaders throughout this region is expected to be introduced in the near future.

Dame Wendy also pointed to the importance of computer science education in the competitive global economy. She noted ACM's efforts to help high school students, teachers, and parents better understand the kinds of careers enabled by studying computer science. For example, ACM launched Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek, CSEdWeek.org ) with its partners in December 2009, to raise awareness of the transformative role of computing and the need to bolster computer science at all educational levels. The website created for this effort serves as the interactive and central resource hub for CSEdWeek, engaging supporters to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need for the 21st century.

ABOUT ACM: ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery (Welcome — Association for Computing Machinery), is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting computing educators, researchers, professionals, and students to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

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CONTACTS: Virginia Gold, 212-626-0505, vgold@acm.org

Sara Appleyard, 212-260-3401 x7249, sara.appleyard@widmeyer.com
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Vamos a ver, dejemos algunas cosas claras.

La primera es que en España ni cristo pertenece a la ACM o a la Computer Society del IEEE. Es complicado competir contra gente si ni siquiera sabes que existen.

Lo segundo es que en España, la ACM y el IEEE son el pito del sereno, mientras que en otros paises antes de hacer una ley sobre tecnología se suelen reunir con ambas asociaciones para escuchar lo que tienen que decir.

Lo tercero, el apoyo de las propias universidades a este tipo de concursos es tan escaso que dar verguenza.

Y si quereis comenzamos a hablar ahora sobre esa noticia.

Un saludo.