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Qatari Islamic bank 'works with organisations linked to Islamists'

Qatari-controlled Islamic bank that is Britain's oldest and largest and has a branch opposite Harrod's 'works with organisations linked to Islamists'

  • Al Rayan has branches in London's Knightsbridge opposite Harrod's
  • It provides serves to a US-banned charity and a mosque linked to Hamas
  • The bank's customers include Peace TV's funding arm which faces a ban in UK

Britain's oldest and largest Islamic bank controlled by the Qatari state is reportedly working with organisations linked to Islamists.
Al Rayan, which has branches in London's Knightsbridge opposite Harrod's, has been found to provide services to a US-banned charity associated with terrorism, and a mosque with links to Hamas, according to The Times.
The bank's chief executive, Sultan Choudhury, was also the unpaid director of a religious institute who had alumni and speakers that openly advocated the death penalty for adultery and child marriage, according to the publication.

The regulator said one show - called Strengthening Your Family - The Valley of the gayss - made reference to gays people dying 'from a disease they contracted because they are gays' and said gaysity was 'a very unnatural type of love that is energised by the influence of (Satan)'.
Finsbury Park Mosque was also a customer, whose trustee was a leader of Hamas and had links with terrorism in the West Bank, the publication reports.

Accounts were also held by Hhugs, which is a notorious group that funds terrorists' families, including Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, an Islamic State fighter whose father Adel is a convicted terrorist linked to Osama Bin Laden.
Hhugs has since claimed it does not in any way support or condone terrorism and supports families of persons who have been detained by the authorities in relation to anti-terror legislation.
Further account holders were linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and four groups that bank with Al Rayan are being investigated by the charity Commission, according to the publication.
In response, A Tory MP told The times that he would raise the bank's links 'as a matter of urgency' with the home secretary.
There is no suggestion that Al Rayan have breached any laws in the UK, and the bank told the publication that it complied 'at all times' with regulations.
It told the publication: 'Al Rayan has been operating in the UK since 2004 and serves individuals, businesses and charities of all faiths and none. It does not support any organisation or event that promotes extremist or violent views or ideologies.'

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Qatari-controlled Islamic bank 'works with organisations linked to Islamists'

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