Olvidaos de elecciones y partidos. si EPSTEIN trabajaba para la CIA como rebela el WSJ. quiere decir que todos los que votais estan chantajeados






Richard Branson is a dirty Crown Agent.

In March 2000, Branson was knighted at Buckingham Palace for "services to entrepreneurship".
For his work in retail, music and transport (with interests in land, air, sea and space travel)


1/13 *Thread* Nueva luz sobre la implicación de JPMorgan en las actividades ilícitas de Epstein.

El consejero delegado Jamie Dimon y otros altos ejecutivos bajo escrutinio por las demandas que afirman que el banco

facilitó el tráfico sensual de Epstein.

3/13 Courtney Wild, otra superviviente, se puso en contacto con ejecutivos de JPMorgan, acusando al banco de ser la mano derecha de Epstein, ayudándole a convertirse en un delincuente sensual sin precedentes.


5/13 Mary Erdoes, CEO of JPMorgan’s asset & wealth management business, admitted to communicating with Epstein and visiting his NY townhouse twice.

Nelson Epega


1/13 *Thread* Nueva luz sobre la implicación de JPMorgan en las actividades ilícitas de Epstein. El CEO Jamie Dimon y otros altos ejecutivos bajo escrutinio por demandas que afirman que el banco facilitó el tráfico sensual de Epstein.

2/13 La víctima Haley Robson escribió una carta a Dimon, cuestionando la complicidad silenciosa del banco en los abusos de Epstein. Dimon aseguró no recordar nada durante su declaración.


3/13 Courtney Wild, otra superviviente, se puso en contacto con ejecutivos de JPMorgan, acusando al banco de ser la mano derecha de Epstein, ayudándole a convertirse en un agresor sensual sin precedentes.

4/13 Wild criticó a JPMorgan por su agresiva respuesta legal a las demandas de las víctimas. Se pregunta: "¿Es que nadie en JPMorgan tiene conciencia?".

5/13 Mary Erdoes, consejera delegada del negocio de gestión de activos y patrimonios de JPMorgan, admitió haberse comunicado con Epstein y haber visitado su adosado de NY en dos ocasiones.

6/13 A pesar del conocimiento de las actividades criminales de Epstein, los funcionarios de JPMorgan decidieron mantener a Epstein como cliente. Las voces de las víctimas no fueron escuchadas.

7/13 Una víctima conocida como Jane Doe y las Islas Vírgenes demandaron a JPMorgan por supuestamente permitir los crímenes de Epstein. El banco niega cualquier delito.

8/13 En su reciente declaración, Dimon afirmó que desconocía la condición de cliente de Epstein en JPMorgan hasta su detención en Nueva York.

9/13 Durante la declaración surgieron pruebas de los intercambios de correos electrónicos de Epstein con Dimon. Dimon niega tener conocimiento de dichas comunicaciones.

13/10 Surgen preguntas de la declaración de Erdoes sobre su conocimiento de las acciones de Epstein y por qué no tomó medidas para revisar sus cuentas.

11/13 Documentos bancarios revelan los grandes retiros rutinarios de efectivo de Epstein. Erdoes afirmó que el efectivo era para combustible de aviación y tasas de aterrizaje.

12/13 Erdoes dio por terminada la relación de Epstein con JPMorgan en 2013 debido a la preocupación por sus retiros de efectivo y la salida de Jes Staley.

13/13 Courtney Wild criticó a JPMorgan por no informar de las retiradas de efectivo sospechosas de Epstein: "Podríais habernos ayudado".​
ZERO EDGE : El Instagram de META facilita una enorme red de PEDERASTAS segun Wall Street Journal y el the Stanford Internet Observatory

Cheese Pizza? Meta's Instagram Facilitated Massive Pedophile Network

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jun 07, 2023 - 09:00 PM
A comprehensive investigation by the Wall Street Journal and the Stanford Internet Observatory reveals that Meta-owned Instagram has been home to an organized and massive network of pedophiles.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg

But what separates this case from most is that Instagram's own algorithms were promoting pedophile content to other pedophiles, while the pedos themselves used coded emojis, such as a picture of a map, or a slice of cheese pizza.
Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems that excel at linking those who share niche interests, the Journal and the academic researchers found.

The pedophilic accounts on Instagram mix brazenness with superficial efforts to veil their activity, researchers found. Certain emojis function as a kind of code, such as an image of a map—shorthand for “minor-attracted person”—or one of “cheese pizza,” which shares its initials with “child pronography,” according to Levine of UMass. Many declare themselves “lovers of the little things in life.” -WSJ
According to the researchers, Instagram allowed pedophiles to search for content with explicit hashtags such as #pedowhore and #preteensex, which were then used to connect them to accounts that advertise child-sex material for sale from users going under names such as "little slut for you."
Sellers of child porn often convey the child's purported age, saying they are "on chapter 14," or "age 31," with an emoji of a reverse arrow.
BREAKING: Instagram algorithm exposed promoting pedophile networks in massive investigation, video sales, ‘preteensex’ menus, in-person meetups with underage boys and girls, using emojis such as a map and cheese pizza - WSJ
— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) June 7, 2023
Meta claims to have taken down 27 pedophile networks over the past two years, and says it plans more removals.
"That a team of three academics with limited access could find such a huge network should set off alarms at Meta," said Alex Stamos, the head of the Stanford Internet Observatory and Meta’s chief security officer until 2018, adding that the company has far more effective tools to 'map' its pedophile network than outsiders do.
"I hope the company reinvests in human investigators," he added.
Researchers investigating the network set up test accounts within the pedophile network, which were immediately inundated with "suggested for you" recommendations of child-sex content, as well as accounts linking to off-platform trading sites.
Underage-sex-content creators and buyers are just a corner of a larger ecosystem devoted to sexualized child content. Other accounts in the pedophile community on Instagram aggregate pro-pedophilia memes, or discuss their access to children. Current and former Meta employees who have worked on Instagram child-safety initiatives estimate the number of accounts that exist primarily to amow such content is in the high hundreds of thousands, if not millions. -WSJ
"Instagram is an on ramp to places on the internet where there’s more explicit child sensual abuse," according to Brian Levine, director of the UMass Rescue Lab. Levine authored a 2022 report for the DOJ's National Institute of Justice on child exploitation over the internet.
What's more, Meta accounted for 85% of child pronography reports filed with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, according to the report. That said, "Meta has struggled with these efforts more than other platforms both because of weak enforcement and design antiestéticatures that promote content discovery of legal as well as illicit material, Stanford found."
Today the WSJ and Stanford Internet Observatory released important research showing pedophiles use Instagram to share material.

We're happy that Stanford and WSJ amowed our steps in working on this critical issue. As an independent researcher with my team, we showed how…
— Andrea Stroppa Claudius Nero's Legion (@andst7) June 7, 2023
"Instagram’s problem comes down to content-discovery antiestéticatures, the ways topics are recommended and how much the platform relies on search and links between accounts," said David Thiel, chief technologist at the Stanford Internet Observatory. "You have to put guardrails in place for something that growth-intensive to still be nominally safe, and Instagram hasn’t."

Sarah Adams, a Canadian mother of two, has built an Instagram audience combatting child exploitation. Photo: Alana Paterson for The Wall Street Journal

Sarah Adams, a Canadian mother of two, has built an Instagram audience discussing child exploitation and the dangers of oversharing on social media. Given her focus, Adams’ amowers sometimes send her disturbing things they’ve encountered on the platform. In February, she said, one messaged her with an account branded with the term “incest toddlers.”
Adams said she accessed the account—a collection of pro-incest memes with more than 10,000 amowers—for only the few seconds that it took to report to Instagram, then tried to forget about it. But over the course of the next few days, she began hearing from horrified parents. When they looked at Adams’ Instagram profile, she said they were being recommended “incest toddlers” as a result of Adams’ contact with the account.
A Meta spokesman said that “incest toddlers” violated its rules and that Instagram had erred on enforcement. The company said it plans to address such inappropriate recommendations as part of its newly formed child safety task force. -WSJ
Meta acknowledged to the Journal that they had received a flood of reports of child sensual exploitation and failed to act on them - blaming a software glitch that prevented a substantial portion of user reports from being processed.
And while Meta is allowing pedophiles to run rampant on its platforms, ZeroHedge is still banned.


150 BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS: Selling children, 3 year old boys, 5, 6, 7 year old girls who are being raped 10 to 15 times a day for many years and after the client does not want them anymore because they are not fresh anymore, they open the children up and sell their body parts. The United States is the number one consumer of child sex in the world and Mexico is the number one provider. Joe Biden and his administration (U.S. Government) are the middle man in a large scale multi billion dollar child trafficking operation. 85,000 unaccompanied children have disappeared recently.

The Producer Eduardo Verastegui spoke with Tim Ballard about the concerns and promised Jim Caviezel that he would have 30 EX Navy Seals protecting him, his wife agreed for him to film the movie. During the filming of the Sound a Freedom 23 child traffickers were arrested and 200 children were rescued from child trafficking. This was Tim Ballard's team who saved 200 children during this filming.

Jeffery Epstein Victim: “I have spend the last 17 years in my own prison for what she,

Jeffery & all the coconspirators did to me. I was raped repeatedly,

I was raped 3x per day sometimes & I was not the only girl on that island.

There was a constant stream of girls being raped over and over and over again” What does our government do?

The FBI safely tucks away that client list and protects the child rapists NOT ONE CHILD RAPIST ON THE EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST HAS BEEN

ARRESTED OR PAID FOR THEIR CRIMES #Epstein #EpsteinClientList #EpsteinIsland

Jeffery Epstein Víctima: "He pasado los últimos 17 años en mi propia prisión por lo que ella,

Jeffery y todos los co-conspiradores me hicieron. Me violaron repetidamente,

A veces me violaban 3 veces al día y no era la única chica en esa isla.

Había un flujo constante de chicas violadas una y otra y otra vez" ¿Qué hace nuestro gobierno?

El FBI guarda con seguridad esa lista de clientes y protege a los violadores de niños NI UN SOLO DE LOS VIOLADORES DE NIÑOS DE LA LISTA DE CLIENTES DE EPSTEIN HA SIDO

ARRESTADO O PAGADO POR SUS CRIMENES #Epstein #EpsteinClientList #EpsteinIsland



The Psychology of Ritual Human Sacrifice The Great Bobby Hemmit explains, "The Luciferian Doctrine can be understood in Part as a Philosophical & Spiritual Extension of Eating & Consuming. When Compassion, empathy & conscience are killed, then Devouring & Consuming can Swell."


cuando uno de los encargados de "debunkear" el pizzagate

acaba condenado por horribles cargos de prono infatil

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Detenido el líder de la secta Juan de Dios por dirigir una granja de esclavos sensuales:

tenía a adolescentes como esclavas sensuales y vendía a sus bebés por hasta 40.000 libras.

Sabrina Bittencourt, se suicida en Barcelona días después de acusar a Juan de Dios de dirigir una "granja de esclavas sensuales".

En la foto aparece con Marina Abramovic.



11:25 AM · Sep 23, 2023

Pedro Sánchez podria estar diciendonos aqui , que :

las jugadoras de la seleccion son semi Mk Ultras reclutadas desde niñas

Hicieron famosos a muchos niños esclavizados.

Hollywood está lleno de ellos.



Encuentran los que estan siempre en palestra

Lavado de cerebro.

¿Quién fue adoptado?

¿Quién nació en ....xxx?

Pensaron que el ganado de borregos, seguiria a las estrellas

Cosas mas raras se han visto

Stranger Things tv show intro gif, moving text - letters arranging to spell Stranger Things

hora 923



Shakira Halftime GIF by ADWEEK


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