Las tias estan locas


1 May 2007
Ayer mantuve una conversacion chat con una tia que conoci en el meetic (a la que llamare Julie). Esta tia es mitad inglesa, y es como una ballena, mas de 20 Kg por encima del peso de la foto... pero bueno, a mi me van las gordis. La tia me ha estado persiguiendo durante dos meses, y ayer, harto de tanto acoso, le cante por fin las 40.

(Conversation started on 24 Sep 2007 22:03:24)
(22:03:24) Julie : Hi there!
(22:03:39) RedSixLima : Hi rubia
(22:03:46) Julie : How are you doing?
(22:04:02) RedSixLima : i am doing fine... despite i caught a cold...
(22:04:07) RedSixLima : and you?
(22:04:08) Julie : ouch!!
(22:04:18) RedSixLima : been already to Bahrein?
(22:04:33) Julie : I'm ok, I was in Luxembourg today and am going to Rotterdam tomorrow afternoon
(22:04:51) RedSixLima : wow... life in the fast lane
(22:05:01) RedSixLima : i hate travelling for work
(22:05:02) Julie : Nope, and I don't think I'll be going to Bahrain until the end of the year at the earliest
(22:05:26) Julie : Well, I'm off to Paris on Wednesday evening until Thursday evening
(22:05:52) RedSixLima : I hope your employer pays you 1st class
(22:05:59) Julie : yep!
(22:06:10) Julie :
(22:06:27) RedSixLima : yeah, i always said banking was for the smartest guys in the room
(22:07:02) RedSixLima : do you enjoy it? I miccionan, going from here to there and back to the starting point
(22:07:40) Julie : That's not the main part of my job but I'm enjoy my job, yes!
(22:07:56) RedSixLima : lucky you
(22:08:18) Julie : hihi!!
(22:09:14) RedSixLima : I was reading the latest issue of Fortune, and there's the case of this woman whose weekly schedule consists of waking up at 3AM on Monday to catch a 6AM flight to X
(22:09:23) RedSixLima : Tuedsday, X to Y
(22:09:35) RedSixLima : Wednesday Y to Z
(22:09:41) RedSixLima : and Friday back to A
(22:09:46) RedSixLima : AWFUL!!
(22:09:49) Julie : I'm no way near anything like that!!! don't exagerate!!!
(22:10:06) Julie : This week is particularly hectic, that's all!
(22:10:36) RedSixLima : OK... but then you are going on holiday to Egypt...
(22:11:05) Julie : yep!!
(22:11:07) Julie :
(22:11:09) RedSixLima : to ***ow the footsteps of Agatha Christie
(22:11:19) Julie : no, just to lounge in the sun!!
(22:11:48) RedSixLima : Yep... well, this past weekend was really sunny here in Bxl
(22:12:09) RedSixLima : i was amazed, i went to the park to catch some sunshune
(22:12:18) Julie : I know: I WAS there!!!
(22:12:28) RedSixLima : not in the same park though
(22:12:29) Julie : What??? with your skin??
(22:12:34) RedSixLima : yep
(22:12:57) RedSixLima : some sunshine is OK, the sunrays have vitamin D or E or something
(22:13:09) Julie : ...??
(22:13:17) Julie : or something!
(22:13:41) RedSixLima : well, they help to syntethize vitamin somethingm, that's i
(22:13:46) RedSixLima : that's it
(22:14:18) Julie : And apart from catching the rays, how's the rest of your life going?
(22:14:47) RedSixLima : better than yesterday but worse than tomorrow :)
(22:14:57) Julie : ????????????
(22:15:02) Julie : Cheer up!!!
(22:15:05) RedSixLima : no, no real change in the last few weeks
(22:15:12) Julie : tell me
(22:15:22) RedSixLima : I met some girls, but nothing really happened
(22:15:36) Julie : ok, and???
(22:15:51) RedSixLima : well, I keep on searching
(22:16:03) Julie : Some girls?? Wow, you really beat the iron while it is still hot!!!
(22:16:18) RedSixLima : one girl per week LOL
(22:16:26) Julie : jeeezes!!!
(22:16:38) RedSixLima : I felt like I wasted my time with them, but OK, that's life I guess
(22:16:50) Julie : And I thought I was being brave when I met you and another guy in the same week!!!
(22:17:04) Julie : (A)
(22:17:05) RedSixLima : I'd say for chicks is different
(22:17:13) Julie : Why's that???
(22:17:23) RedSixLima : chicks tend to be more reluctant to meet "live"
(22:17:34) Julie : ????
(22:17:39) Julie : Why's that???
(22:18:00) RedSixLima : because they're afraid the guy might turn out to be a violator or something
(22:18:21) RedSixLima : i don't know... it's just my rough guess
(22:18:38) RedSixLima : what women want? Not even Freud could answer that one
(22:18:44) Julie : BS!!!
(22:19:28) RedSixLima : it pretty much depends on the girl... but most of them prefer weeks and weeks of chatting before meeting up
(22:19:38) RedSixLima : whatever
(22:20:24) Julie : yep, I guess you can never be sure of anything
(22:21:10) Julie : I've been thinking about our last discussions by e-mail: was there anything else you wanted to add to your debriefing?
(22:21:24) RedSixLima : Hummm.....
(22:22:32) RedSixLima : Not really. I think I already told you anything. I think we are not compatible and during our date I found you somewhat detached emotionally... I miccionan, I don't know... i don't think there was chemistry or a spark or something...
(22:23:25) Julie : "detached emotionally"... Hmmm... I'm not sure I fully understand what you miccionan
(22:24:04) RedSixLima : it's like you were telling your life to an stranger in a business-like tne and not someone you wanted to seduce...
(22:24:21) RedSixLima : I like sweet girls... girls who smile...
(22:24:35) Julie : And I didn't smile????
(22:24:49) RedSixLima : Not enough ;)
(22:24:55) RedSixLima : just kidding
(22:25:19) Julie : Oh well, that just goes to show: you didn't take the time to get to know me
(22:25:28) RedSixLima : it's really a pity because when it comes to brains and wits, nobody beats you
(22:25:41) Julie : Because that is usually not what people say about me!!
(22:26:12) Julie : The thing is, in a "seducing" situation, I do tend to shy away
(22:26:38) RedSixLima : what can I say? Aside of the physical attraction and the fact that you are very smart, I didn't really notice any complicity between us
(22:26:47) Julie : never mind, I'm rabitting on
(22:27:00) RedSixLima : no problemo... go on
(22:27:24) Julie : no, I miccionan, you seem very intent on your decision
(22:27:44) RedSixLima : i told you we can meet but not for dating
(22:28:36) Julie : I miccionan, I came home, rang a mate and told her I thought I'd met a nice guy who, for once, did not seem like a complete jerk once you mentioned the fact you wanted a house, children and a garden for them to play in ;)
(22:28:58) Julie : like I said, never mind
(22:29:30) RedSixLima : what can I say? I miccionan, there's plenty of fish in the sea
(22:29:47) Julie : exactly!
(22:30:12) RedSixLima : however, if I can be 100% honest with you...
(22:30:27) Julie : go on
(22:31:47) RedSixLima : I think it doesn't come as a surprise that you have a weight problem. For me it's OK, as I am into BBWs... I always like women with some extra pounds... but as a matter of fact, that's a turn off for most guys... that's the first issue you should address...
(22:31:56) RedSixLima : i miccionan, it's not like I'm Dr. Phil...
(22:32:47) RedSixLima : and even for your health, that's something you should carry out for the sake of your own well-being
(22:32:58) Julie : The "first issue" I should address??? How many other are there?
(22:33:08) RedSixLima : LOL...
(22:33:15) RedSixLima : I should have said the foremost
(22:33:46) Julie : And no, it doesn't come as a surprise... not since I've had weight issues for at least the last 20 years!
(22:33:47) RedSixLima : i miccionan, i'm not dr phil, i just try to give you some advice
(22:34:17) Julie : I think the appropriate answer should be "leave that to the professionals"
(22:34:50) RedSixLima : whatever... i don't think you need a psychologist or something... just some focus in your life
(22:35:20) Julie : ...?
(22:35:52) RedSixLima : yeah, for instance, when you told me the way you spend money, that was a MAJOR turnoff for me... i'm just the opposite.. call me stingy
(22:36:09) Julie : what did I say??
(22:36:24) RedSixLima : that you spent money like water...
(22:36:41) Julie : metaphore!!
(22:36:52) RedSixLima : well, i miccionan, i don't want to criticize or trash you out
(22:37:29) Julie : but...
(22:37:42) RedSixLima : well, in any case, the metaphore was the wrong one
(22:38:40) Julie : apparently
(22:38:44) RedSixLima : I am sorry if I hurted you or something, but I'm just trying to be honest
(22:39:24) Julie : Have you noticed how, since we met, you're the only one that feels the need to be so honest about things?
(22:39:46) Julie : You never seem to stop and think how you might actually come over...
(22:40:32) RedSixLima : I think there is no use in trying to hide the truth under the rug
(22:40:42) Julie : what truth?
(22:40:44) RedSixLima : i am not going to lie, that's clear
(22:41:02) Julie : that you think we didn't hit it off? fine, that's not such a big deal
(22:41:32) RedSixLima : well, I am telling you the bottom line of our date, from my point of view... yours might be different...
(22:41:55) Julie : but to seem to want to teach me lessons on how I should lead my life or focus on specific areas
(22:42:28) Julie : You have absolutely no idea what I might have undertaken to tackle my weight issue... Did you ask? No
(22:42:55) RedSixLima : Of course not, but I told you that's not a problem FOR ME... Gosh
(22:43:32) Julie : Or how I manage my diabetes... but you thought I needed to be informed by the fact it kills so many people in the US: yes it does!! It kills people who don't take care of it... I do!!
(22:44:06) Julie : Or that I made some crappy joke about how I spend my money...
(22:44:30) RedSixLima : this is spiraling out of control...
(22:44:56) Julie : I know, it was probably not the best way to crack a joke but hey... I work my arse off for it so I don't see why I can't enjoyt it?!
(22:45:16) Julie : No, it isn't really.
(22:45:29) Julie : I'm not the person you seem to think I am
(22:46:42) Julie : I'm a genuinely cool, light-hearted (admittedly somewhat larger than life) large-busted blue-eyes blonde who enjoys her family, friends, life, job,...
(22:47:28) Julie : And I have dreams and aspirations for the future... and... they are not so disimilar to yours.
(22:48:18) RedSixLima : Great. So what? I still think you are not the right girl for me.
(22:49:37) Julie : Fine, and I'm actually glad we found out sooner than later. Honestly! But that still doesn't give you the right to come out full circle with all your recommendations and tips for the rest of my life...
(22:50:11) Julie : And yes, I'll admit, my reaction is probably due to the fact that some of your comments slightly hurt me.
(22:50:17) Julie : Granted...
(22:51:08) RedSixLima : OK. Whatever. Do what you want with your life. If you can't take some well-intended remarks, it's not my problem. I never tried to hurt you. Good night and Good luck.
(You have closed the window on 24 Sep 2007 22:51:10)

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Es que mira que eres brutito. Primero, que si las tías tienen miedo de conocer a violadores y que está subida de peso. Después, que se gasta la pasta en insensateces... al final la tía se ha sentido herida :(. Bueno... unos polvos menos que vas a echar.

No solo esta subida de peso. Ademas tiene una diabetes de caballo. Le intente aconsejar para que hiciera cambios en su vida. Le dije que antes de encontrar a alguien tenia que poner en orden su vida. Y ahi le dio el ataque. Pues bueno, que la zurzan. Sabado y Domingo ya tengo concertadas citas con otras dos tias. Candidatas para el polvo no van a faltar.
