La OTAN, acabando con la hija de Duguin, ha bautizado en sangre las teorías políticas de su padre que ahora recobran una fuerza fecunda e imparable


buscando un poco de paz
11 Jul 2021
pilinguin siempre ha querido tener a Europa como un polo independiente de Estados Unidos y de Rusia. pilinguin, en cierto modo, es europeísta. Su posición es mi posición: soy europeísta, amo los valores de la cultura europea, el arte, la filosofía... pero quiero la Europa tradicional. La Europa eterna. pilinguin está radicalmente en contra del atlantismo de Estados Unidos. No queremos destruir Europa, queremos reconstruirla.

Alejandro Duguin.
My friend Alexander Gellievich Dugin thanks everyone who has expressed condolences on the death of his daughter Dasha. He asked me to publish this text::

“As you all know, as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by the nancy Ukrainian regime, on August 20, when returning from the Tradition festival near Moscow, my daughter Daria Dugina was brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes.

She was a beautiful Orthodox girl, a patriot, a military correspondent, an expert on the central channels, and a philosopher. Her speeches and reporting have always been profound, grounded and restrained. She never called for violence and war.
She was a rising star at the beginning of her journey. The enemies of Russia meanly, stealthily killed her...

But we, our people, cannot be broken even by such unbearable blows. They wanted to crush our will with bloody terror against the best and most vulnerable of us. But they won't get it.

Our hearts yearn for more than just revenge or retribution. It's too petty, not Russian. We only need our Victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on the altar. So win, please!
We wanted to raise her to be smart and a hero.
Let it inspire the sons of our Fatherland to the antiestéticat even now.

Farewell to Daria Dugina (Platonova) - a civil memorial service - will be held on August 23 at the Ostankino Television Center (Moscow) at 10 am."
A mi me recuerda a la lilith vestringe, casta que vive de los logros y privilegios ganados con el padre. En este caso, como hay guerra, con malas consecuencias, algo que quizás en España, también podría ocurrir a la casta política.
No me alegro de su fallecimiento, sin embargo, es otra clase social que no me representa para nada. Lo siento por ella y que descanse en paz.
A mi me recuerda a la lilith vestringe, casta que vive de los logros y privilegios ganados con el padre. En este caso, como hay guerra, con malas consecuencias, algo que quizás en España, también podría ocurrir a la casta política.
No me alegro de su fallecimiento, sin embargo, es otra clase social que no me representa para nada. Lo siento por ella y que descanse en paz.

No entiendo tu comentario. ¿Me he perdido algo? ¿Casta que vive de los logros y privilegios ganados con el padre? ¿Tú también estás en contra de las herencias como los comunistas?

El problema de las castas que se perpetúan en el poder, y este no parece ser uno de esos casos, es que usen su poder para el mal.
My friend Alexander Gellievich Dugin thanks everyone who has expressed condolences on the death of his daughter Dasha. He asked me to publish this text::

“As you all know, as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by the nancy Ukrainian regime, on August 20, when returning from the Tradition festival near Moscow, my daughter Daria Dugina was brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes.

She was a beautiful Orthodox girl, a patriot, a military correspondent, an expert on the central channels, and a philosopher. Her speeches and reporting have always been profound, grounded and restrained. She never called for violence and war.
She was a rising star at the beginning of her journey. The enemies of Russia meanly, stealthily killed her...

But we, our people, cannot be broken even by such unbearable blows. They wanted to crush our will with bloody terror against the best and most vulnerable of us. But they won't get it.

Our hearts yearn for more than just revenge or retribution. It's too petty, not Russian. We only need our Victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on the altar. So win, please!
We wanted to raise her to be smart and a hero.
Let it inspire the sons of our Fatherland to the antiestéticat even now.

Farewell to Daria Dugina (Platonova) - a civil memorial service - will be held on August 23 at the Ostankino Television Center (Moscow) at 10 am."

Pobre hombre.
una nancy menos
Lo más probable es que sea un atentado de los que están en contra del dictador pilinguin o incluso de falsa bandera, como es habitual en Rusia.
Es la Le Pen rusa, se pensaba presentar a las elecciones, logicamente al tito pilinguin no le interesa

Grafeno, grafeno, grafeno, grafeno. Tierra plana grafeno, tierra grafeno, plana plana. El hombre no ha ido nunca a la luna, grafeno grafeno grafeno. Tierra plana y grafeno.